Drupal Views overflow - drupal

I have a Drupal 7 / Views question...
I have a site with some data reports displaying in various graphs/ gauges etc. I also have a "Data" page that shows all of the data used so the user can look through it and/or even download it. My problem stems from the views table overflows past the screen on the right with data. This in itself is not a big issue, but I was wondering if there was a way to contain the view inside a fixed size box/container that is scrollable. Much like a text box.
Again, not that it would help the functionality but sure would make it look nice and clean.
Thank you in advance.


How to handle image content display in responsive website?

I'm working in a project of building a responsive website. The painful thing we're having is to deal with the content of the image in different display modes. Please be noted: the image content.
The thing is: in almost pages at PC view, the images are displayed in landscape, with great ratio between width and height. Now when bringing them to mobile view, we have to display it in a different frame. And as you might imagine, now the content of the image was scaled and cropped and then exported to some very weird images on mobile view. Like a wide picture with people are almost in left side, but after being cropped there are only non-sense objects in the picture left.
IMHO, via technical solutions we are only processing the technical attributes of the image (resizing, scaling), we are unable to deal with the image content, that's really a human matter, right?
I'm thinking about 4 solutions:
1 - Despite the customer feelings, we just scale the picture (keep
all content, just resizing it). The output sometimes will be very
ridiculous I guess because of resizing a landscape picture to a
portrait or square one. But that's mostly the easiest way to come up.
2 - Considering to image frame size on mobile view, and auto crop the
picture by picking the center area of the picture. As I said above,
it produced the non-sense picture after all.
3 - Informing customer, whenever they upload a picture, they have to upload 2 copies of it, 1 for desktop view and 1 for mobile view, and they're definitely responsible for the content displaying at front side. Tons of effort need to be spent by customers, but easier for development.
4 - Advanced feature: user can upload only 1 picture, we provide the
different view-ports and a cropper for them to decide how the image
displays on those after being cropped.
I don't have much experience in dealing with these stuff, and not sure how the world out there handling this case. As I see for now Wordpress is only requiring users to upload only 1 picture and it will automatically scale it (my 1st option). Does anyone have experience on this? Can you please share me your solutions and also your thoughts about my above solutions? Thank you.
you can build a simple web application for them to upload the picture and provide your client with a preview of how the pictures with look like for both desktop and mobile. in php, there is the GD library and it is quite easy to use for cropping and resizing.
Apply the 4th and the 1st option so you don't have to deal with it,
Crop and scale with the options you have AND let the customer decide if they want to change it and choose how the image is been displayed.
in case they ask you can say they have the option to fix it, in case they don't want to you already handle the best technological option.

Need suggestion how to solve master page css layout

Can you please point me in the right direction?
What I need is pretty much what these two random pages have:
I need a layout with a header + footer and a left menu.
I am building this in asp.net and in the left sidebar I will have a treeview control.
Maybe use Master page and load user control in the content area or something similar.
I have googled, like: 2 column css layout etc, but it looks like it wont work.
I tried this one: Netrostar
and some other but I cant enter jsfiddler urls for som reason.
The left menu has problem. If I enter a long text, it will show up in the content area.
So the left sidebar must somehow have a dynamic width.
Since the left sidebar can have need for beeing very wide (if we are looking deep in the treeview hierarchy)
it is pretty convenient to use frames as they do in the two examples above.
But that was not recommended even 10 years ago, I guess.
Im no good at css, so I probably need a working example.
How would you have solved this?
Thank you

Arrange fields in a view

Now after searching for 2 weeks afther a module to work on drupal 7.x version whatever, I took another way/module/guide/tutorial and yes finally i got somehow what i want without a error occures.
But now i want to make something very simple but i don't see it.
I have the module view and panel. And i want to list 3 fields in the next way:
**so you need 10 reputation for images, i'll try it to explain it like this:
(where "|" is the thumbnail and "-" are the title and the other "-" is the date.
Now it shows like this:
I see alot on the internet about , display suite, panels, view with rewrite output, ...
But this must be soooo simple and that is getting me crazy. If i know how i just could write it myself in php/html whatever i would do it.
But i can't see the forest for the trees
Please give me something to work with or a link of a tutorial whatever. I need a right direction for this.
Yes my english is bad and i hate drupal, but still , i think drupal can be great, but it is not for me.
You are talking about "theming" which is how your fields are displayed on the screen. By default Views emits some HTML that wraps them in elements like . The exact HTML depends on which type of display you are using.
The quickest way to achieve the layout you describe is not really about Views at all, but using CSS. Make the thumbnail float:left and ensure the other two are displayed inline (without line break).

Load bulk data in HTML table faster

I generate an html table from code behind to display data like a grid (Note: I am not using GridView). I then assign that HTML table to a div. But now when data is large (around 2000 rows), it displays a white page like the application has hung.
How do I resolve this issue? I am thinking of showing only 100 rows at a time while other rows are generated in background but I don’t have any idea of how to implement it.
Can anyone help me? You see the type of functionality that I require in Facebook when you scroll down. Please let me know your ideas.
What you are looking for is called "infinite scrolling." Here's the links to a jQuery plugin that should help you get it going:
Like a lot of other solutions, the specific code will vary depending on your containing HTML and your data source. Post back here if/when you have any specific problems you need a hand with.

creating static frame and changing content pages in flex

I need to create a static frame and a changing content... currently envisaged as frame containing the side panel and header and footer content.
The content panel will call mxml based on the content sought. Two questions
a) how is the frame paradigm- with static frame "containing" other content done. I dont want to repeat the header and footer logic in every 'content section' code?
b) how is the hyperlinking between content sections done- using 'states' seems convoluted
Any guidance around this will be appreciated
I don't know which version of flex you are using, but I'm advising to use latest Flex 4 codename Gumbo, with next features:
read about states
and about containers
and how to build modules too
Hope it will help you, but anyway you should share your ideas more clearly and put some startup code, so we could assist you to get your goals done.
Ok- managed to get this right
I added the 100% height and width to the moduleloader and it fills the container and resizes fine... not sure why but this has resolved the endless animation also
thanks folks
