How do I determine why a new class isn't running - fluent-migrator

Background: VS 2012
We've split out table migrations into separate classes, so we have
class 1,
class M1306122CreateTableX: Migration
class 2,
class M1306123CreateTableY: Migration
Twice I've created a new class, incrementing the migration number, with (what appears to be fully valid code) the migrate process just doesn't run the new class. There's no error or anything. It just doesn't run.
Right now we're using a batch file to run the migrate.
migrate.exe ^
/connection "Server=(local)\SQLEXPRESS; Database=%2_Aggregated; Integrated Security=True" ^
/db SqlServer2012 ^
/target %1 ^
/namespace DatabaseMigrations.Aggregated ^
Is there some way to debug to find out why the new class isn't being included?

Your migrations need to be public classes.

In my experience, this is nearly always to do with a migration with an incorrect migration id (number). Only migrations that have a larger number than the last run migration will be executed.
For example, if I have executed a migration with id (number) 3 previously and then write a new migration with id 2, when I try to execute my new migration it will be skipped as only migrations with and an id larger than 3 are considered.
You can check this by looking in the VersionInfo table in your database, if the largest number in the Version column is larger than 1306122 or 1306123 then you have found the problem.


Laravel 5.7 testing with RefreshDatabase trait throws ErrorException: Trying to access array offset on value of type int

so as I stated in the title, I am working on Laravel 5.7 project and am making first tests in this application (big system). We did not make any tests in here yet, so this problem is the first time here.
For every test, this is how the controller uses the trait
use RefreshDatabase;
protected function setUp()
As you can see, I am just trying to use the trait to refresh the DB after the tests are done.
The problem arises when I call to execute the tests.
ErrorException: Trying to access array offset on value of type int
This is the whole trace.
Some solutions I found are:
composer update - not an option, because the project is in production
disable telescope package in phpunit.xml - did not work
I also tried installing telescope package - did not work as well
Do you have any idea?
So I have not found an answer to this question, but I have found a workaround.
Instead of using RefreshDatabase trait I decided to use DatabaseTransactions trait.

Added an update operation to InventItemService AIF service and getting exceptions

To my surprise, I didn't find standard update and delete operations on InvenItemService. So in order to fullfill our client's requirements, I ran the AIF update wizard and added these two operations. I thought its easy and found the process of doing that very quick. Before doing that, I set the update property of the AxdItem query to Yes. Later, while debugging the update operations, I figured I had to modify the updateList() and Update() methods on AxdItem class as accordingly to provide method definitions.
public AifResult updateList( AifEntityKeyList _entityKeyList,
AifDocumentXml _xml,
AifEndpointActionPolicyInfo _actionPolicyInfo,
AifConstraintListCollection _constraintListCollection)
//throw error(strFmt("#SYS94920"));
return super(_entityKeyList, _xml, _actionPolicyInfo, _constraintListCollection);
AifResult update( AifEntityKey _entityKey ,
AifDocumentXml _xml,
AifEndpointActionPolicyInfo _actionPolicyInfo,
AifConstraintList _constraintList)
//throw error(strFmt("#SYS94920"));
return super(_entityKey, _xml, _actionPolicyInfo, _constraintList);
Now while trying to update an existing item in AX, I am getting following AIF exception.
Cannot edit a record in Item sales order settings (InventItemSalesSetup).
The operation cannot be completed, since the record was not selected for update. Remember TTSBEGIN/TTSCOMMIT as well as the FORUPDATE clause.
Then I changed the update property of all the child data sources on AxdItem Query and re-ran the wizard. Ran CIL again and getting the following exception now.
Cannot edit a record in Item sales order settings (InventItemSalesSetup).
An update conflict occurred due to another user process deleting the record or changing one or more fields in the record.
Any suggestions/ideas?
I have tried several things and spent too much time but failed.
Seems like you trying update the record that already has been deleted in method removeDefaultItemOrderSetup of AxdItem class
This will give you a hint what happens

How can query nested object in Realm DB with Objective C

I'm researching how to use Realm DB for my new project and I got some issues. Please share your experiences when you worked on Realm DB. Sorry about my long question list.
First, please refer my sample code
Dog class
#interface Dog : RLMObject
#property NSString *name;
#property NSInteger age;
RLM_ARRAY_TYPE(Dog) // define RLMArray<Dog>
And Person class
#interface Person : RLMObject
#property NSString *name;
#property NSInteger age;
// to-many relationship
#property RLMArray<Dog *><Dog> *dogs;
RLM_ARRAY_TYPE(Person) // define RLMArray<Person>
Then, I create data for person and dog (1000000 records) - 1 person will have 1-many dogs. And I got stuck in some cases
How to get people have dog with dog name is "Rex"? I research it but there is no guide for objective C
The performance in deleting an object seems to be slow
I tried to delete person has a name is "Ethan" and performance is slow and crash app when it execute a half list. I guess I used incorrect way to delete object.
RLMResults *people = [Person objectsWhere:#"name == 'Ethan'"];
// Get the default Realm
RLMRealm *realm = [RLMRealm defaultRealm];
[realm beginWriteTransaction];
for (int i=0; i< people.count; i++) {
Person *aPerson = [people objectAtIndex:i];
[realm deleteObject:aPerson];
[realm commitWriteTransaction];
The result is >52000 record with have a name is "Ethan" and app only delete a half of them (26000)
I don't know how to delete record with condition with Realm. I think I will write the code like below for my question #2
[Person deleteWhereObject:#"name = 'Ethan'"];
It is not yet clear on how can rename, delete or add new column to the DB after it is created (apart from using the most simple way which is delete the DB and recreate it again)
The tools (Realm browser) for browsing the data file created on desktop doesn't provide much flexibility in querying data. It only allow browse through the data but not allow querying using a certain condition. Please guide me to query data with this tool if I lost something.
For troubleshooting, may be I have existing DB from client app and I want to import it in my project to troubleshoot client's bugs. So, how can I do it with Realm DB?
After insert 1000000 records for Person and Dog table, DB size is 52.8 MB. But DB size increase to 92.3 MB after I call delete all data
// delete all object
[realm beginWriteTransaction];
[realm deleteAllObjects];
[realm commitWriteTransaction];
Then, I insert data again and file size continue to increase. I don't know what's wrong in my steps.
Hope getting your support soon!
RLMResults *people = [Person objectsWhere:#"ANY == 'Rex'"];
Use deleteObjects: with the retrieved RLMResults instead of deleting every single object yourself. If you enumerate, I'd recommend to use NSFastEnumeration with for (… in …). Note that RLMResults are auto-updated, so if you do concurrent changes, then you can run into surprises.
See my answer for question 2.
Change your schema, bump the schemaVersion of your RLMRealmConfiguration and provide a migration block, if you rename properties or change their type.
This isn't possible yet, but still in the making. This is tracked by issue #28 in the realm-browser-osx repo.
Put the realm file in the app bundle and copy it at runtime into the user data directory (e.g. RLMRealm.defaultConfiguration.path), if you want to be able to write to the file.
The file size blows up, because no compaction is happening. You can enforce that by writing a compacted copy with writeCopyToPath:. You could do this e.g. at app start, because otherwise it can be non-trivially to make sure that all RLMRealm instances are teared down before.

What does a bare line on its own do?

In a .sbt file, I often have copy-pasted lines from readmes, of which I have no idea what I'm actually doing. An example is, after adding sbt-revolver to plugins.sbt, writing the line
My current understanding of what this does is magically adding re-start and re-stop commands to sbt. I have been led to understand that a line in an .sbt file does not, in fact, perform magic, but rather creates a key and associates a value with it.
What keys does such a line set, and to what value? What would be the equivalent statement in a .scala build definition?
*.sbt files can take bare DslEntry which include Setting[T] and Seq[Setting[T]].
An expression like someString := "a" or someSeq += "b" is a Setting for a specific T type.
These settings are values though, they define transformation (change, add, append, etc) of different parts of the build, which get folded into the build state and structure.
In your example Revolver.settings is Seq[Setting[_]] which defines default setup of using sbt-revolver.
If setting it up in a project/*.scala you need to assign it to the root project, which is either:
the sole project in your build
the project that aggregates all other (sub) projects.
Therefore it would look something like:
import sbt._, Keys._
object Build extends Build {
val bippy = project in file(".") settings Revolver.settings

How do you run a batch of SQL statements using the SQLite.NET PCL

In the past I have avoided ORM and always handcrafted parameterised queries etc. This is very time consuming and a real pain when first developing an application. Recently I decided to have another look at ORM specifically the Sqlite.NET ORM.
I would like to use SQLite ORM features but also be able to run a batch of native SQL commands to prepopulate a database.
We are using the SqliteNetExtensions-MvvmCross dll to enable one-to-many relationships etc and this all looks fine. My issues comes to when I want to seed the database with configuration data. I was hoping to simply provide a sql file that contained a series of sql statements that it would run one after another.
I have grabbed the SQlite.NET code from GITHub and run the tests. I have then extended the StringQueryTests class that has a simple [Product] table to do the following:-
public void AlanTest()
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(200);
sb.Append(" DELETE FROM Product;");
sb.Append(" INSERT INTO Product VALUES (1,\"Name1\",1,1);");
sb.Append(" INSERT INTO Product VALUES (2,\"Name2\",2,3);");
When I run this it does not throw an error and in fact the behaviour seems to be that it will only run the first command. If I paste the contents of sb.ToString() into a sqlite database query window it will work just fine.
Is this the expected behaviour? If so, how do I go about overcoming this so that I can use an approach like above. I don’t really want to have to create objects to manage all SQL statements if possible.
I can see that there are a number of approaches that could be adopted to overcome this issue - anyone got a work around or suggestions that they think can solve this issue?
Kind regards
I just ran into this issue too. I found a blog post that explains why.
Here is what the post says in case it goes missing.
All of the code [in sqlite-net] correctly checks the result codes and throws exceptions accordingly.
Although I haven't posted all relevant code here, I did review it, and the real origin of this behavior is elsewhere - in the native sqlite3.dll sqlite3_prepare_v2 method. Here's the relevant part of the documentation:
These routines only compile the first statement in zSql, so *pzTail is left pointing to what remains uncompiled.
Since sqlite-net doesn't do anything with the uncompiled tail, only the first statement in the command is actually executed. The remainder is silently ignored. In most cases you won't notice that when using sqlite-net. You will either use its micro ORM layer or execute individual statements. The only common exception that comes to mind, is trying to execute DDL or migration scripts which are typically multi statement batches.
Can't you do :
public void AlanTest()
var queries = new List<string> ()
" DELETE FROM Product",
" INSERT INTO Product VALUES (1,\"Name1\",1,1)",
" INSERT INTO Product VALUES (2,\"Name2\",2,3)"
db.BeginTransaction ();
queries.ForEach (query => db.Execute (query));
db.Commit ();
You don't really need the transaction, just faster execution / checkpoint rollback...
