CSS first-child not working as expected - css

I am using the following CSS to try and remove the left-border on the first child div of any element with the class called, "tblRow"
.tblRow div:first-child{
border-left: none;
<div class="tbl">
<div class="tblRow">
<div class="tblCell">Lower limit QTY</div>
<div class="tblCell">Upper Limit</div>
<div class="tblCell">Discount</div>
<div class="tblRow">
<div class="tblCell">1</div>
<div class="tblCell">5</div>
<div class="tblCell">25%</div>
This only removes the left-border from the first child div in the first row. It does not remove it in the second row. Any ideas?

I generally only use the :first-child and :nth-child psuedo selectors when I have little or no control over the elements or they are populated dynamically where I cannot rely on an order. Additionally, since :nth-child is CSS3, you can't rely on complete browser compatibility. If you can do without this psuedo selector, my advise is to create a secondary class for this purpose.
border-left: none;
<div class="tbl">
<div class="tblRow">
<div class="tblCell firstCell">Lower limit QTY</div>
<div class="tblCell">Upper Limit</div>
<div class="tblCell">Discount</div>
<div class="tblRow">
<div class="tblCell firstCell">1</div>
<div class="tblCell">5</div>
<div class="tblCell">25%</div>

It seems to work on the fiddle, so you probably have a (hidden) text node somewhere there. Therefore I suggest using .tblRow div:first-of-type { ... }, if possible from browser support point-of-view.


CSS selector, Match element that doesn't match given selector

I'm trying to match element that dose not match given selector using css.
Given the markup below, I'm trying to select only the first ".color"
<div uid="unique-id-1">
<div> <div class="color"></div> </div>
<div uid="unique-id-2">
<div class="color"></div>
I tried [uid="unique-id-1"] .color:not([uid="unique-id-1"] [uid] .color) which did not work obviously, but I think it will help to understand what I am looking for.
Thanks in advance!
If you're only going to apply the selector to this limited combination of elements (i.e. there aren't any other .colors in the page that could potentially be affected by this), then
[uid="unique-id-1"] > div:not([uid]) > .color
Do consider renaming the attribute to data-uid if your application allows, so as to make it clearer that this is an app-specific and non-standard uid attribute.
That seems simple:
[uid="unique-id-1"]>:first-child .color {
color: red;
<div uid="unique-id-1">
<div class="color">A</div>
<div uid="unique-id-2">
<div class="color">B</div>
That being said, uid as an attribute name makes your HTML invalid, so you should rename that to data-uid:
[data-uid="unique-id-1"]>:first-child .color {
color: red;
<div data-uid="unique-id-1">
<div class="color">A</div>
<div data-uid="unique-id-2">
<div class="color">B</div>

How do i style two same class divs differently?

So basically I've got a setup that spits out the code in the following fashion..
<div class="parent">
<div class="subparent">
<div class="TARGETCLASS"></div>
<div class="subparent">
<div class="TARGETCLASS"></div>
</div> //close for the parent class
Now what I'm trying to do is to style "TARGETCLASS" that comes above one way and the "TARGETCLASS" that comes second in another way. I tried n-th child, but unable to achieve the result I'm looking for. There's no way to add additional classes or ID to the existing "TARGETCLASS" class. Otherwise I wouldn't be posting this question :)
Also, the "subparent" class also is same. for both the targetclass classes. That's the issue
Thanks in advance for taking your time to answer this question for me.
Looks like you've got some mal-formed tags in your html. And nth-child should work just fine. Also, make sure you place the nth-child selector on the subparent class, and not TARGETCLASS. It's common to mis-place the child selector. Try this:
<div class="parent">
<div class="subparent">
<div class="TARGETCLASS">
<div class="subparent">
<div class="TARGETCLASS">
.parent .subparent .TARGETCLASS {
.parent .subparent:nth-child(1) .TARGETCLASS {
fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/8ejxokuj/
I would use nth-of-type selector like so:
.parent > .subparent {} //targets both subparents
.parent > .subparent:nth-of-type(2) {} //targets the second subparent
.parent > .subparent:nth-of-type(2) > .TARGETCLASS{} //targets the child of the second subparent
The nth-of-type() selector enables you to style a specific element amongst a series, in this case we targeted the second .subparent then specified the child we needed.
I hope this helps!
It seems, it is working by the nth child.
it is about how childrens are called. Not like "Ask parent to find nth child, but ask child, how far is he from parent"
.parent .subparent:nth-child(1) {background: #FEE; color:RED;}
.parent .subparent:nth-child(2) {background: #EEF; color:blue;}
<div class="parent">
<div class="subparent">
<div class="TARGETCLASS">aaa</div>
<div class="subparent">
<div class="TARGETCLASS">bbb</div>
//close for the parent class

How to get different class selectors using nth-child in css

I have these codes
<div class="test">
<div class="tag1"></div>
<div class="tag1"></div>
<div class="tag1"></div>
<div class="tag2"></div>
<div class="tag2"></div>
<div class="tag2"></div>
Now I want to get second child of .tag2 selector.
I try this code and it's not working, but when I use .tag1 it's working.
.test .tag2:nth-child(2) {
background-color: #000;
How can i fix this?
:nth-child works on elements, not on other selectors. Here your .tag2 element is the 4th element in the list.
When browsers begin to implement the Selectors Level 4 standards we'll be able to achieve this using the :nth-match structural pseudo-class selector, but unfortunately that's quite a way off yet.
A Potential CSS Solution (Markup-dependant)
If your markup will always be that the first .tag2 will only ever follow .tag1 and the second .tag2 will only ever follow .tag2, you can fake it with this:
.tag1 + .tag2 + .tag2 {
background-color: #000;
This selects the .tag2 element which immediately follows a .tag2 element which immediately follows a .tag1 element.
A JavaScript Solution
If you can't do that then you'll have to go for a JavaScript solution instead (or implement something on the back-end which generates the content).
The below example pulls all .tag2 elements within your .test container, then grabs the 2nd one ([1] here, remember the 0 index: [1] = 2nd), then applies the style to that element.
You'll need to add in some checks to ensure this element exists before applying the style.
document.querySelector('.test').querySelectorAll('.tag2')[1].style.background = '#000'
<div class="test">
<div class="tag1">tag1</div>
<div class="tag1">tag1</div>
<div class="tag1">tag1</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2</div>
I know your question isn't tagged with JavaScript, but a good solution with JS is as follows:
var alltagtwos = document.getElementsByClassName("tag2");
alltagtwos[1].className += " secondel";
.tag2.secondel {
background-color: #000;
color: #fff;
<div class="test">
<div class="tag1">tag1 - 1</div>
<div class="tag1">tag1 - 2</div>
<div class="tag1">tag1 - 3</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2 - 1</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2 - 2</div>
<div class="tag2">tag2 - 3</div>
What I've done here is add all elements with the class .tag2 into an array-like object using getElementsByClassName. I then select the second element which has the class .tag2 (index starts at zero, so I've select [1]) and appended another class to it (.secondel) which I've then styled with CSS.

Select an element of his parent that is not immediately after his parent

I have this html code:
<div class="form-group well">
<div class="select-skill">
<div class="select-skill">
<div class="select-skill">
<div class="select-skill">
And i want to set a style using css3 to second child that has select-skill class, but i cant use .select-skill:nth-child(2), It doesn't work.
I know the solution is to remove <p>...</p><h1> or move select-skill to a new parent.
Is there any solution to select this element without adding any code of html?
You can use this:
Or if there are more in different div's, you can do:
.form-group .select-skill:nth-of-type(2){

Alternate colours of a bunch of div elements (without using tables)

Essentially, what I have in mind is a bunch of div elements, and I want to alternate colours. I could do this using IDs, but I want to use classes to minimize the amount of extra (and potentially spaghetti) code needed.
<div id="divs">
<div class="bla">
<div class="bla">
I've already tried nth-child, but it didn't work.
Edit: And I want to keep the hr.
You need to remove the <hr> element, see this fiddle
<div id="divs">
<div class="bla">bla</div>
<div class="bla">bla</div>
div.bla:nth-child(even) {
background-color: #CCC;
div.bla:nth-child(odd) {
background-color: #FFF;
