Getting range of numbers - asp-classic

I was wondering if someone could help me out.
I need to work out a range that a dynamic number sits in.
For example, i have a script like so
<% upperlimit = 50000.0 %>
<% lowerlimit = -30000.0 %>
<%=Int((upperlimit - lowerlimit + 1)*Rnd() + lowerlimit) %>
This spits out the value 30366.
The upperlimit and lowerlimit are dynamic so i dont know what the output would be.
This value is in the range 30001 - 40000 ... How can i get those values dynamically?

I believe this example covers your situation:
Update 1
<% upperlimit = 50000.0 %>
<% lowerlimit = -30000.0 %>
<% range = 10000 %>
<% newValue =Int((upperlimit - lowerlimit + 1)*Rnd() + lowerlimit) %>
<% lowerBand=(newValue\range)*range %>
<% upperBand=lowerBand+range %>

if you wanted to generate 30000-40000
Dim MyNewRandomNum
MyNewRandomNum = Int(Rnd * 10000)+30000
response.write MyNewRandomNum
the value you random
30000 is minimal value
and 10000 is value you wanted to random (1-10000)
i hope this is you want

This works for both negative and positive values of newValue:
dim upperlimit, lowerlimit, newValue, lowerBand, upperBand
upperlimit = 50000.0
lowerlimit = -30000.0
newValue = Int((upperlimit - lowerlimit + 1)*Rnd + lowerlimit)
lowerBand = Fix(newValue/10000) * 10000 + Sgn(newValue)
upperBand = Sgn(lowerBand) * 10000 + lowerBand - Sgn(newValue)
response.write "newValue: " & newValue & "<br>"
response.write "lowerBand: " & lowerBand & "<br>"
response.write "upperBand: " & upperBand & "<br>"
Please see Running example


ASP Elseif code not working correctly

I need assistance with asp code. My TYPEID 3 is not going to the correct link. It is defaulting to the last link. I'm trying to set the standard link for different TYPEID 's information from a database. All the other TYPEID's work with the exception of TYPE 3. Any help would be appreciated.
set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSql = "SELECT * from product_types order by product_types.sortorder;"
objRS.Open strSql, objConn, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
If objRS.EOF then
response.write "There is currently an error with the store.</p>"
While not objRS.EOF
' set objRSrandomimg = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
' strSQLrandomimg = "SELECT products.*, product_pubtype.* FROM products INNER JOIN product_pubtype ON products.pubtype = product_pubtype.PUBTYPEID WHERE (product_pubtype.pubtypeimage = 1) AND (products.instock = 1) AND (products.type = " & objRS("TYPEID") & ")"
' objRSrandomimg.Open strSQLrandomimg, objConn, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
' rndMax = CInt(objRSrandomimg.RecordCount)
' objRSrandomimg.MoveFirst
' Randomize Timer
' rndNumber = Int(RND * rndMax)
' objRSrandomimg.Move rndNumber
If y mod 2 = 1 Then
If objRS("TYPEID")=5 then
< tr>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems2.asp?type=5&prodcat=22">
< /a>
< tr>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems.asp?type=<%=objRS(" TYPEID ")%>">
< /a>
End If
If objRS("TYPEID")=4 then
< tr>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems2.asp?type=<%=objRS(" TYPEID ")%>&prodcat=21">
< /a>
elseif objRS("TYPEID")=3 then
< tr>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems2.asp?type=<%=objRS(" TYPEID ")%>&prodcat=17">
< /a>
elseIf objRS("TYPEID")=2 then
< tr>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems2.asp?type=<%=objRS(" TYPEID ")%>&prodcat=16">
< /a>
< td valign="bottom">
< a href="/store/listitems.asp?type=<%=objRS(" TYPEID ")%>">
< /a>
< /tr>
End If
End If
' objRSrandomimg.Close
' Set objRSrandomimg = Nothing
If y mod 2 = 1 Then
< td> & nbsp;
< /td>
End If
< tr>
< td colspan="2">
< a href="/store/listitems.asp"> Show All
< /a>
< /tr>
< /table>
End If
' response.write randomstoreid()
If your are checking if y is even or odd, you should use
if y mod 2 = 0 Then
Use a function to put it more clear
If IsEven(y) Then
End if
Function IsEven(ByVal numberToCheck)
If numberToCheck Mod 2 = 0 Then
IsEven = True
IsEven = False
End if
End Function
After that, clean your code to search for problems
While not objRS.EOF
If IsEven(y) Then
response.Write "Even and type=" + objRS("TYPEID") + "<br>"
If objRS("TYPEID")=5 then
End If
response.Write "Odd and type=" + objRS("TYPEID") + "<br>"
If objRS("TYPEID")=4 then
elseif objRS("TYPEID")=3 then
response.Write "Success!<br>"
elseIf objRS("TYPEID")=2 then
End If
End If

how to find in between Ou=9999998 Only number

How to find in between Ou=9999998 Only number
For example
suppose this is my string cn=54445sddsfsd, ou=99988855, o=fgfgfdg, u=dfddfgfgg. subject=5454gffdgfg454hg I want to declare only ou=99988855
dim str,strArray,ouStr
str = "cn=54445sddsfsd,ou=99988855,o=fgfgfdg,u=dfddfgfgg.subject=5454gffdgfg454hg"
strArray = split(str,",")
for i=0 to ubound(strArray)
if instr(strArray(i),"ou")>0 then
ouStr = strArray(i)
end if
response.Write ouStr

Print data in table like single row with multiple column in classic asp?

Like the date with would print in column 1 to 30, I need need employee login time and log off time in single days column ...``
I need to print data in table like single row with multiple columns in classic asp
<form name="frm_display" method="post">
Welcome: <%=Session("emp_fname")%>
<br>ID: <%=Session("emp_id")%>
dim con
dim query
dim rs2
set con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs2 = Server.CreateObject( "ADODB.RECORDSET")
con.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=hr;Data Source="
<table align="center">
<select name="selmonth">
<%for i=1 to 12%>
<%if cint(SelectedMonth)=i then%>
<option selected value="<%=i%>">
<option value=< %=i%>>
<%end if%>
<select name="selyear">
<%for i=2000 to year(now)%>
<option select value=<%=i%>>
<input type="Submit" value="Submit" name="btn_submit">
</tr> <!-- <-- missing! -->
dim dt
dt = "1-" & monthname(Request.Form("sel_month")) & "-" & Request.Form("sel_year")
query = "select e.emp_id,e.emp_name,e.CompDepart,e.des_name,U.login_time,U.logoff_time,U.login_date " &_
"from egv_emp_departments e " &_
"inner join login_mast U on U.emp_id=e.emp_id " &_
"where month(login_date)='" & request.form("selmonth") &_
"' AND year(login_date)='" & request.form("selyear") &_
"' AND e.emp_id='" & Session( "emp_id") & "'" query,con
<table border="1" width="100%">
<tr> <!-- added missing tr tag -->
dim intDay
dim daysInMonth
dim strMonth
dim stryear
strMonth = request("selmonth")
stryear = request("selyear")
If strMonth <> "" Then
If stryear <> "" Then
Select Case strMonth
Case 1,3,5,7,8, 10,12 daysInMonth = 31
Case 4, 6, 9, 11 daysInMonth = 30
Case 2
if stryear mod 4 = 0 Then
If stryear mod 100 = 0 AND stryear mod 400 <> 0 Then
daysInMonth = 28
daysInMonth = 29
End if
End if
End Select
Do While intDay <= daysInMonth
Response.Write "<td>" & intDay & "</td>"
intDay = intDay + 1
End if
End if
for each x in rs2.fields ' <-- fixed typo "feilds"
response.write "<th>" & & "<th>"
</tr> <!-- added missing /tr tag -->
<%do until rs2.EOF %>
<%for each x in rs2.Fields%>
<% next %>
<% rs2.MoveNext %>
con.close %>
At first, I thought you wanted what's called a "PivotTable" in Excel, but then I noticed that you're filtering to a single employee. It's still not clear to me what you mean by "single days column" vs. "like single row with multiple column", but I assume you mean something like:
Employee: Smith, John
ID: 123456
Month: March
Day | In | Out
1 | 8 | 5
2 | 8 | 5
3 | - | -
4 | 9 | 5
... | ... | ...
30 | 9 | 4
31 | 8 | 4
In other words, your problem is that there might be days with no data, but you still want to print those rows. The simplest way to handle that is probably a temp table with the numbers 1 through 31 in it, which you then use in an outer join with the rest of your query. If you can't do that (e.g. you're not allowed to create temp tables - don't laugh, it happens), then you can do it in code instead.
The easiest way to do it in code is to put the values from the database into an array, but not by using GetRows. Instead, put each day's value into the corresponding row of the array.
dim listdays(31,1)
Do Until rs2.EOF
dt = Day(rs2("login_date"))
listdays(dt,0) = rs2("login_time")
listdays(dt,1) = rs2("logoff_time")
(I'll pause while the purists finish having conniptions. Trust me, any performance hit from using Movenext on a recordset that contains, at most, 31 rows, is going to be so infinitesimal as to be nonexistent.)
Then you simply write out the contents of the array.
Response.Write "<table><tr><th>Day</th><th>Login</th><th>Logoff</th></tr>"
For i = 1 to DaysInMonth
Response.Write "<tr>"
Response.Write "<th>" & i & "</th>"
Response.Write "<td>" & listdays(i,0) & "</td>"
Response.Write "<td>" & listdays(i,1) & "</td>"
Response.Write "</tr>"
Response.Write "</table>"

Result like a group with Classic ASP

I have a table (MSSQL) with data like:
1 AAA 100
2 BBB 101
3 C 100
4 D 100
I would like to list itens like:
- 1 AAA
- 3 C
- 4 D
- 2 BBB
How can I do this? I have done a While inside a While but the result isn't what I am waiting:
Set Group= TarefasConexaoMSSQL.Execute("SELECT DISTINCT GroupName FROM _NewDummy")
GroupName= Group("GroupName")
<% Response.Write Group("GroupName") %>
Set Itens= TarefasConexaoMSSQL.Execute("SELECT * FROM _NewDummy WHERE GroupName= '"& GroupName &"'")
One= Itens("One")
Two= Itens("Two")
- One: <% Response.Write One %>
- Two: <% Response.Write Two %>
Thanks for any info on this.
You don't need any nested loop here, just sort by the group name and keep track of the previous value vs. the current value. When the value changes (or first value) show the group name.
Set oRS= TarefasConexaoMSSQL.Execute("SELECT * FROM _NewDummy ORDER BY GroupName ASC")
Dim currentGroupName, previousGroupName
currentGroupName = ""
previousGroupName = ""
Do Until oRS.EOF
currentGroupName = oRS("GroupName")
One = oRS("One")
Two = oRS("Two")
If currentGroupName<>previousGroupName Then
Response.Write("" & currentGroupName & "")
End If
Response.Write("- One: " & One & ", Two: " & Two & "<br />")
previousGroupName = currentGroupName

RecordSet, Checking the Last Record

I am using the google chart framework based on a data in database...
I need to generate an output like:
['Year', 'ON', 'OFF', 'X1', 'X2'],
['Jan/12', 2, 5, 10, 9],
['Fev/12', 5, 10, 54, 10],
['Mar/12', 10, 36, 15, 10]
Note that the last line do not have a comma. My code looks like:
['Year', 'ON', 'OF', 'X1', 'X1'],
ON= DB("ON")
X1= DB("X1")
X2= DB("X2")
['<% Response.Write Month %>/<% Response.Write Year %>', <% Response.Write ON %>, <% Response.Write OFF %>, <% Response.Write X1 %>, <% Response.Write X2 %>,
My question: How can I check when the loop come to the last line, instead of put the comma, put just nothing?
AnthonyWJones's answer seems ok for me, but you could also ask inside loop if after move next you're not at EOF then you write ","
['Year', 'ON', 'OFF', 'X1', 'X2']
<% Do While Not DB.EOF %>
'<%= Month %>/<%= Year %>',
<%= DB("ON") %>,
<%= DB("OFF") %>,
<%= DB("X1") %>,
<%= DB("X2") %>
<% If Not DB.EOF Then %>
<% End If %>
<% Loop %>
You get RecordCount = -1 because a forward only recordset does not know how many records are yet to come.
The approach to take here is to insert some content at the top of the loop.
['Year', 'ON', 'OFF', 'X1', 'X2']
Do While Not DB.EOF
Response.Write ", " & vbCrLf
Response.Write " ['" & Month & "/" & Year & "', " & DB("ON") & ", " & DB("OFF") & ", " & DB("X1") & ", " & DB("X2") & "]"
