Simian multiple excludes option - simian

I use Simian to analyze the duplicate codes in my c# project.
But I want to exclude two kind of situations.
One is unit test files shouldn't be analyzed, the other is auto-generated file (such as Microsoft.Moles auto produces m.g.cs files)
My arguments are fine as following when I only have one kind of file excludes
-formatter=vs:c:\temp\SimianResult.log -language=cs $(SolutionDir)//*.cs -excludes=/*Test.cs -threshold=15
But when I add the second situtions, I don't know how to put them together, I search it on the web ,but cannot find samples, even the offical site doesn't show it.
I try the following combination but all fails
(1)... -excludes=/*Test.cs,/*m.g.cs -threshold=15
(2)... -excludes=/*Test.cs;/m.g.cs -threshold=15
(3)... -excludes=*/Test.cs */*m.g.cs -threshold=15
Does anybody know how to solve it ?

My co-worker has try the correct syntax for me and it works.
The key is your have to put the keyword "excludes" twice. So the answer of my question is
-formatter=vs:c:\temp\SimianResult.log -language=cs $(SolutionDir)//*.cs -excludes=/Test.cs -excludes=*/m.g.cs -threshold=15


Is there any way to add multiple "Auto Number Prefix" in oracle ucm?

See, I have a requirement in which I am supposed to change the "Auto Number Prefix" for only one profile, I am wondering if there is any way to achieve that?
You should be able to set AutoNumberPrefix in a rule side effect and have it apply only to that rule/profile.
For those who wants the answer for this, I found the method to provide the different prefix for different profile type. Go in Admin Server-> Configuration -> Paste this code;
AutoNumberPrefix=<$if dDocType like 'Profile_name'$>Prefix Name<$else$>another prefix name<$endif$>
Adding the code shown as "correct" is actually the more inflexible way to do this. Any changes require a restart of the Content Server.
Jonathan's answer was really close, but the syntax used ensures that the variable "AutoNumberPrefix" remains in the profile context. It needs to be placed into local data to be used. This is accomplished using the function "dpPromote".

How to hide an item on a report?

I did some changes one of the method on accounting report in OpenERP. My problem now is how can i make some item invisible or delete? In particular, I want to hide the "Liability" and its balance on the report.
I tried something like this on get_lines method:
for report in lines:
if report["name"].lower().replace(" ","") == 'liability':
del report["name"]
del report["balance"]
but when i tried to generate Balance sheet report. It says:
(<type 'exceptions.KeyError'>,KeyError('name',), <traceback object at 0x7f6c4c2903f8>)
Any help is much appreciated.
This is an error that raises when you try to access object key that doesn't exist. In your case "name".
Error you have is "logical" error, simply go into debug and see what you get in report variable inside loop.
Moreover, to change report content (and by report I think you mean pdf output right?) you need to override .rml file. I think you are changing report parser here, which is also ok if you know what you are doing.
Here you can find RML documentation:
So, to sum: to change report output content override or replace parser, to change structure, hide/add fields override existing report (.rml file) or create entirely new report.
Hope it helped :)
This might not be the good (or perhaps the weirdest) solution to the problem but after reading about .rml and i can't still comprehend this is what i did. Instead of trying to delete report["name"] and report["balance"] i just set it's value into a white space. This time it's no longer shown on the report.

how to write syntax for key value fair symfony console

I want to update inventory based on sku.
For example
php magento update_inventory --sku&quantity=array(1001,10) --sku&quantity=array(1002,20) --sku&quantity=array(1003,30)
But I’m not getting how to add options/arguments ?
here user at least need to provide one pair (sku& quantity).
for this i think i have to use ArrayInput class/InputArgument/InputOption.
Can you give some solution or reference to above requirement?
Have you looked at how Magento\Setup\Console\Command\AdminUserCreateCommand uses options? Take a look at how that code uses getOptionsList in the configure method. For your use case you may want to look into using InputOption::VALUE_IS_ARRAY
A good reference will be
You may also want to consider a different input format. For example using arguments instead of options and specifying the format in documentation.
php magento update_inventory 1001:10 1002:20 1003:30

How to setup durandaljs with Areas?

For the life of me I can't make durandaljs work with Areas. I'm developing an application with multiple mini SPAs, but I'm not sure how to set up durandaljs to work with it. I wasn't able to find anything online that can drive me in the right direction. The only similar question I found was this one, which is very vague.
My goal is to separate each SPA within it's own folder like so:
The router doesn't seem to have the concept of areas and no matter how I map the routes I get 404s when I call router.activate('page1'); after mapping with router.mapRoute('page1'); durandal is trying to get /App/viewmodels/page1.js.
Changing it to:
results in another 404 fetching App/viewmodels/areas/area1/viewmodels/page1.js
I've also tried many other combinations which I no longer remember and can't seem to get it to work.
Can someone please post a working example of how to setup durandaljs with the router plugin and multiple mini SPAs (areas)? A link to an article document would also suffice.
You can use viewLocator.useConvention - maybe something like this:
One good thing to realize is that useConvention() works in conjunction with any existing require.config paths setting. In other words, if you set the require.config so that "viewModels" and "views" are mapped to the right folders, then all is well.
For example, the code snippet above is functionally equivalent to:
paths: {
"viewModels": "areas/area1/viewmodels",
"views": "areas/area1/views",
"templates": "areas/area1/templates"
viewLocator.useConvention("viewmodels", "views", "templates");
I a similar structure implemented in my application. I think that you have to put this piece of code, to do the viewLocator works properly.
viewLocator.useConvention(); //You can do that in you main.js
You can see more information here:
Also I recommed you to look the code of viewLocator.js, especially, the code of useConventionMethod.
Other possibility is to override the method convertModuleIdToViewId, to make it works as you want. But I think that using useConvention methos is enought.

I'm having problems with configuring a filter that replicates specific tables only

I am trying to use filters to select specific tables to replicate.
I tried running this with the installer
./tools/tungsten-installer --master-slave -a \
--svc-extractor-filters=replicate \,*.foo"
and got this exception in trepctl status after the master had not installed properly:
Plugin class name property is missing or null: key=replicator.filter.replicate
which file is this properties file? How do I find it? Moreover, in specifying the settings for the filter, how do I know what exactly to put?
I discovered that I am supposed to Modify the configuration template file prior to configuration according to Issue 219 but what changes am I supposed to make in tungsten-replicator-2.0.5-diff that will later on be patched to the extraction?
Issue 254 suggests that If you want to apply a filter out of the box, you can use these options with tungsten-installer:
-a --property=replicator.filter.Replicate.ignoreFilter=schema_x.tablex,schema_x,tabley,schema_y,tablez
However when I try using this for,
but the problem is still the same:
pendingExceptionMessage: Plugin class name property is missing or null: key=replicator.filter.replicate
Your assistance will be greatly appreciated.
I had a look at this file: /root/tungsten/tungsten-replicator/samples/
conf/filters/default/tableignore.tpl .Acoording to this sample, a file is supposed to have something like
this configured, please confirm if this is the correct syntax:
replicator.filter.tabledo=com.continuent.tungsten.replicator.filter.JavaScr iptFilter
However, I did not find tabledo.js (or something similar) in the
directory where tableignore.js exists. Could I please have the
location of this file. If there is an alternative way of specifiying without the use of
this .js file, your suggestions are most welcome.
Download the latest version of tungsten replicator. The missing tpl file was added about a month ago. After installation, the filtered tables should be added to under the section FILTERS.
Locate your replicator configuration file in, e.g.
Make sure the individual dbms properties are set, in particular the setting replicator.applier.dbms:
# Batch applier basic configuration information.
# Timezone and character set.
# Parameters for loading and merging via stage tables.
Depending on the database you are replicating to you may have to omit/modify some of the lines.
For more information see:
I don't know if this problem is still open or not.
I am using this version 2.0.6-xxx and installing the service using the parameters works for me.
I would like to point it out, that as the parameter says "--svc-extractor-filters" defines an extractor filter. Meaning that the parameters will guide the extraction of data in the master server.
If you intend to use it on the slave service, you should use the "--svc-applier-filters".
The parameters
--svc-extractor-filters=replicate \,*.foo"
supposed to create the following in the properties file:
This is the filter set up.
And you should also be able to find the
parameter set.
If you intend to use this filter in the slave, please find the line with:
and change it as
Hope this brief description did help to you!
