Durandal: How to route away from current view within that view's activate() function? - single-page-application

I have the following:
function activate(routeData) {
// make dataservice call, evaluate results here. If condition is met, reroute:
if (true){
alert ("should not be shown");
The alert is getting hit however, and then the view changes.
How do I fully navigate away from the current item and prevent any further code in that vm from being hit?
I tried using guardroute but I have to activate the viewModel to call the dataservice that returns the data that determines whether or not I should re-route. Using guardroute totally prevents the dataservice from getting called (since nothing in the activate function will get hit).
I also tried returning from the if block but this still loads the view / viewAttached / etc so the UX is glitchy.

The following worked for me in Durandal 2.0:
canActivate: function() {
return {redirect: 'otherRoute'};
return true;
activate: // Do your stuff
It's mentioned in the documentation: http://durandaljs.com/documentation/Using-The-Router.html

Here's #EisenbergEffect answer to a quite similar discussion in google groups.
Implement canActivate on your view model. Return a promise of false,
then chain with a redirect.
You might want to give #JosepfGabriel's example (discussion) a try in Durandal 1.2. Check the correct router syntax for your Durandal version, you might have to substitute it with something like router.navigateTo("#/YourHash", 'replace').
canActivate: function () {
return system.defer(function (dfd) {
//if step 2 has a problem
.then(function () { router.navigate("wizard/step1", { trigger: true, replace: true }); });
However this is NOT working in Durandal 2.0 and there's a feature request https://github.com/BlueSpire/Durandal/issues/203 for it.

You can't call redirect into the active method.
You can override the guardRoute method from router, to implement redirections.
You can do somehting like that:
router.guardRoute= function(routeInfo, params, instance){
return '#/someRoute'
You can return a promise, true, false, the route to redirect... You can find more information about that in the next link: http://durandaljs.com/documentation/Router/

Rainer's answer was pretty good and works for me adding this small fix.
Inside the then() block simply call the navigation like this
setTimeout(function() { router.navigateTo('#/YOUR DESTINATION'); }, 200);
that should fix your problem. The setTimeout does the trick. Without it the newly navigated page catches the old NavigationCancel from the previous one.

Adding a return in your if (true) block should fix this.
function activate(routeData) {
if (true){
alert ("should not be shown");


MeteorJS - List item Not updating after implementing publish / subscribe and methods / calls

Ok so this is a little weird...
I got these methods on server side ...
Meteor.publish('todos', function () {
return Todos.find({userId: this.userId},{sort:{createdAt:-1}});
editTodo: function(todoId) {
Todos.update(todoId, {$set: {checked: !this.checked}});
And here is the invocation on client side ....
todos: function(){
return Todos.find({});
"click .toggle-check": function(){
The problem is that when the click on ".toggle-check" occurs ... the 'checked' boolean is triggered on but never comes off .... is this.checked (in {checked: !this.checked}) not referring to field immediately read from the collection?
Or maybe I am implementing something wrong when subscribing to the data?
Please help!
I believe the issue relates to the registration of the subscription as you suggested - more specifically that your Meteor.subscribe() is being called from within a Template.helpers function.
Try moving your subscription to an earlier page or template event such as Template.body.onCreated() or Template.list.onCreated() (depending on your requirements).
There is a good example in the Meteor documentation: https://www.meteor.com/tutorials/blaze/publish-and-subscribe (see section 10.3).

Gitkit - popupMode and signInSuccess callback do not work well together

I'm using popupMode: true on my Sign In page, and have a signInSuccess callback function on my Widget page:
var config = {
callbacks: {
signInSuccess: function(tokenString, accountInfo,
opt_signInSuccessUrl) {
return true;
My function gets called, and the user gets signed-in in the original window, but the widget popup window does not close.
Is this a defect or am I missing something?
Yeah this behavior has been changed for popups when signInSuccess is provided. There were problems with the old behavior. The idea here is that when callback is provided, the developer wants to handle that on their own. The page is still closed automatically when no callback is provided. In your case you will need to close manually.
You can add this snippet before you return true:
if (window.opener) {

How to prevent navigating to another page in meteor iron router

I have a form page and I want to alert user if he leaves it without saving the form.
Typically I can achieve this purpose by stating a function window.onBeforeUnload.
window.onBeforeUnload = function(){return 'Please save the form before navigating';}
But it seems doesn't work in my project using Meteor and Iron Router.
Any suggestion?
This is maybe a hacky version, but it works:
isUnsaved = ->
return unless #ready()
unless confirm 'Do you really want to leave the page?'
Router.onStop isUnsaved,
only: [
Old post, but just solved it. Here is my solution :
Router.route('/myPath', {
unload: function (e, obj) {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to navigate away ?")) {
// Go and do some action
// Redirect to itself : nothing happend

Iron Router onBeforeAction isn't being called

I have a /user route set up, which is supposed to render the login template if the current user isn't logged in. The entire router has a waitOn that waits for the currentUser subscription to finish. The problem is that when I go to /user it simply renders the dataNotFound template instead.
Here's the snippets of code that are relevant to this situation. I've been careful to show you them in the order they're defined in my lib/router.js file.
Router.plugin('dataNotFound', {notFoundTemplate: 'notFound'});
Router.onBeforeAction(function () {
if (!Meteor.userId()) this.render('login');
else this.next();
}, { only: ['user'] });
waitOn: function () { return Meteor.subscribe('currentUser'); }
Router.route('/user', {
name: 'user',
template: 'userView',
data: function () { return Meteor.user(); }
That console.log above doesn't even ever fire. It seems to me that since it should be a reactive function that even if initially the dataNotFound is rendered, then soon after that the onBeforeAction should be fired and render the login template, right?
It's very bizarre that your console log doesn't even fire. I have a few ideas, but first want to address the last piece of your question.
The dataNotFound plugin is triggered when the data function fires on your rout. This means it is bypassing your onBeforeAction hook altogether, and not that it isn't getting there.
One thing I can think of that might be worth trying would be wrapping the 'user' route action in a if ( this.ready() ) statement:
Router.route('user', {
// Your other stuff
action: function() {
if this.ready() {
The reason I suggest this is just that you are using a waitOn statement, but I'm not 100% sure how that works if you don't have a this.ready() somewhere in your route, because that's what (again, from my reading of the documentation, have not fiddled around with it) tells the router what to wait before executing. Possibly it's not waiting at all right now.
I had a problem with onBeforeAction hook after upgrading from meteor 0.9.1 to 1.
It didnt get fired when it should. Like after I log out, I enter address manually and instead of login page I can see the actual site waiting for data that never comes. onRun hook solved it, but as docs says it gets fired only once.
Router.onRun(function () {
if (!Meteor.userId()) {
} else {
}, { only: ['user'] });
Try swapping out Meteor.userId() with Meteor.user() in your if statement. See this link for reference on how to handle checking for the user in a before filter: http://www.manuel-schoebel.com/blog/meteorjs-iron-router-filters-before-and-after-hooks.
I found the issue here.
According to this post, thanks to Steeve Cannon. The problem is on waitOn function.
Probably when you logginOut the subscribe to currentUser will fail, and this will make your app in infinite waiting. onBeforeAction runs after waitOn
You will need to check all variables in you Publish to insure waitOn complete successfully.
Put an if statement inside the waitOn function.
waitOn: function () {
return Meteor.subscribe('currentUser');
Refer this comment to know why this is happening: https://github.com/iron-meteor/iron-router/issues/1010#issuecomment-72210587

How to test Meteor router or Iron router with laika

I'm using laika for testing and the meteor-router package for routing. I want to do tests that navigate to some page, fill a form, submit it and check for a success message, but I'm stuck on the navigation part. This was my first attempt:
var assert = require('assert');
suite('Router', function() {
test('navigate', function(done, server, client) {
client.eval(function() {
var title = $('h1').text();
emit('title', title);
.once('title', function(title) {
assert.equal(title, 'Test');
This doesn't work because Meteor.Router.to doesn't have a callback and I don't know how to execute the next line when the new page is loaded.
I tried also with something like this
var page = require('webpage').create();
page.open('http://localhost:3000/test', function () {
but I got the error Error: Cannot find module 'webpage'
I'm moving to iron router, so any answer with that also will be helpful.
I had the same problem. I needed to navigate to some page before running my tests. I'm using iron router as well. I figured you can't just execute Router.go('foo') and that's it. You need to wait until the actual routing took place. Fortunately the router exposes a method Router.current() which is a reactive data source that will change as soon as your page is ready. So, in order to navigate to a specific route before running my tests, I firstly run the following code block:
// route to /some/path
client.evalSync(function() {
// react on route change
Deps.autorun(function() {
if (Router.current().path == '/some/path') {
Since this is within an evalSync()everything that follows this block will be executed after the routing has finished.
Hope this helps.
Laika now includes a waitForDOM() function you can set up to wait for a specific DOM element to appear, which in this case would be an element in the page you're loading.
client.eval(function() {
Router.go( 'test' );
waitForDOM( 'h1', function() {
var title = $('h1').text();
emit( 'title', title );
The first parameter is a jQuery selector.
