Codeigniter Page linking - codeigniter-url

can someone please help me I'm using the codeigniter for my web-application and i'm trying to link to another page using the controller but my efforts have failed:
and the outcome is a 404 page not found error message
could there be something i need to configure first?

Try This
<li><a href='<?php echo $this->config->config['base_url']; ?>index.php/controller_name/function_name'><span>ARCHITECTURE & DESIGN</span></a></li>


ASP.Net Razor Page generates wrong URL

I have this Page '~/Pages/Topic/View.cshtml' that uses a layout '~/Pages/Shared/_Layout.cshtml' in my project. The problem is when this Page is rendered all Anchor tags generates a reference to the page itself ('~/Pages/Topic/View.cshtml')
Please, how do I fix this?
Note: You can connect to my computer using TeamViewer on other related remote App and solve this for me.
Below is _Layout.cshtml using the _Nav.cshtml
Try adding a forward slash in front of the page name:
I just tested this using the same scenario you described and it works. You must have additional code somewhere causing issues, or you are trying to use MVC with Razor Pages and it's causing issues.

html link open directory in MVC and IE

I am Using Asp.Net MVC. I need use a link to open network drive path as well as normal url (html file path).
I have tried by using
" <a href="path" ></a> " but not working.
Please help me.

Redirect 404 Error To Another Directory

I am using Symfony 2 framework and I am trying to re-direct my 404 page to another folder on my website. I am wondering how would I do this?
Currently, my 404 error page is located in app/resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/error404.html.twig. I would like my 404 page to read from src/site/StoreBundle/Resources/views/pages/error404.html.twig.
Note that I only want to re-direct my 404 page. I still want my other errors (500, 503) to remain in app/resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/error404.html.twig.
I'm not sure why you're wanting to do this so it's difficult to advise but why can't you just put an include in app/resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/error404.html.twig which pulls in your other template? Be sure to use the correct namespace for your bundle. Something like the below should be fine (edit where appropriate).
{% include 'StoreBundle:pages:error404.html.twig' %}

hyperlinks not working when hosted from IIS

I have a web site that is designed in and working fine in visual studio. However, when I host it from IIS, none of the links work. There is nothing fancy about the links
this is not cause of hyperlink.
Set <customErrors mode="Off"/> in your web.config to see the full error message. Otherwise, it is hard to get why you are getting an error.
visit this link if you need to know more:
i'd first set up the custom errors tag in web.config to show all the errors
if that didn't work, i'd have a look at the IIS website and see if it is set up to host the correct version of ASP.NET,
if that still didn't work, i'd check
control panel -> administrative tools -> event viewer -> application
to see the warning entry that should show the exception message.
it's unlikely to be what you've posted as that looks like ok html.
Just add runat="server" to your anchor tag.
like this,
<a runat="server" href="Home.aspx">Home</a>

Why one can't download the web page of a tweet through an "http-get" request?

Through a web browser, I can view the tweet page via visiting an url like!/[user-name]/status/[long-integer]
but I can't get the correct page content through the unix command "wget". Instead, I get the welcome page of How does distinguish a command line "get" request and a request through a browser? Thank you.
While I am trying to find the cause of the problem, someone else is trying to find the solution to the problem. => Navigating / scraping hashbang links with javascript (phantomjs)
Because use "hash URIs" is a stupid idea and only works in Javascript-enabled devices.
