Twitter Bootstrap classes(grids, navs) not rendering - css

So I have twitter bootstrap response in my app assets stylesheets, and it shows in the head of the document from Google Chrome's dev tools like so:
<link href="/assets/bootstrap-responsive.css?body=1" media="all" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Yet when I use classes to try and make bootstrap buttons, use the grid system or the built-in nav, nothing happens. For instance, Here's how I tried to the gride system to work.
%h1 Your Polls
%h1 test
= link_to 'Create New Poll', new_poll_path, remote: true
With this CSS:
margin-top: 50px;
.user-polls {
Any ideas on why it might not be working?

bootstrap-responsive.css is a small file containing responsive (phone/tablet) tweaks for the main bootstrap.css file. Did you include the main bootstrap.css file?


CSS - Boot Strap Disable/Remove Selector All (*)

When I included the Bootstrap style file (bootstrap.min.css), it conflicted with my other styles and menu, which makes the page displays incorrectly. I have found this selector below in the Bootstrap CSS file causes the issue. If I download and store the bootstrap file locally, remove that code block, my page will work correctly. However, I will loss other useful options such as "glyphicon".
If I include the bootstrap files using CDN like this (which will mess up my page styles because of the above selector *{}), is there a way in my page <style></style> that can remove or disable that block of code above when it loads?
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
Thanks in advance,

Bootstrap 3 css override only working on localhost

I am using bootstrap 3 and web2py.
I want to use the panel-primary from Bootstrap but the background colour isn't working and the body has too much padding.
I have my own css file which is loaded after bootstrap to override various things as I customise my app.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{=URL('static','css/bootstrap.min.css')}}"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{=URL('static','css/web2py-bootstrap3.css')}}"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{=URL('static','css/offertool.css')}}"/>
For the panels I have this in the offertool.css file:
.list-group-item {
padding: 5px 5px;
.panel-primary .panel-title {
background-color: #1E90FF;
This works just fine locally and then I upload the app and my css stops working.
Adding !important didn't work and I even tried to hack it by adding these styles as inline styles as a temporary fix but it does nothing.
Why is working on my localhost but not uploaded?
I have had this happen to me a couple times when trying to override bootstrap styles. Often the culprit is found by checking the following:
Clear cache (open page in chrome incognito mode ). If you are using cloudflare, set your site to development mode. If your site has caching scripts clear those as well.
Check css links in header, make sure you uploaded the latest version of your header.
Ensure your uploads are actually updating, check the source table for your css file in the chrome inspector.
Reupload all files, not just your css files, make sure your server
mirrors your localhost.
If its still not showing after you've checked all that, I'm not sure what to tell you. The only reason !important won't override a style is if that style is an inline style.

Using HTML5 CSS in Eclipse

I am beginner in SAPUI5. I am building SAPUI5 application with HTML5 in Eclipse. In index.html page I am creating a html5 page, I have created css folder under WebContent. In index.html I added to refer css file. But properties in css are not affecting in html page. Do I need to add any other code to refer CSS file.
#CHARSET "ISO-8859-1";
body {
background-image: "image/splash-sunrise.jpg";
background-size: 100px 100px;
To use CSS within the SAPUI5 environment you should link your controls to a specific CSS class. You can do it like this:
var myButton = new sap.m.Button();
And your CSS could look like this:
#CHARSET "ISO-8859-1";
.myButtonStyle {
Make sure that you load the CSS file into your application, for example like this in your html file:
<link href="css/style.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
Of course you can use this for your whole page as well. For your needs you could also take a look at the App control which provides some utilities for background images if you´re using mobile controls.

User agent stylesheet overriding my table style? Twitter Bootstrap

I'm using twitter bootstrap. My problem is that font-sizes in tables are wrong. For some reason the User Agent stylesheet is overriding the bootstrap table styles.
On the twitter bootstrap page ( everything is of course working correctly.
In my inspector I see the following difference:
My page:
The twitter bootstrap page:
So definitely the problem is that the user agent stylesheet is overriding the bootstrap styles.
I haven't been able to figure out why this is different on my page and the twitter bootstrap page.
Most of the other CSS is working fine.
My css import:
<link href="/media/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.css" rel= "stylesheet">
CSS import on twitter bootstrap page:
<link href="assets/css/bootstrap.css" rel="stylesheet">
I actually figured this out myself. I had the <!DOCTYPE html> tag wrongly written. So if you have this problem make sure the doctype declaration is correct!
Please import the docs.css into your application as well. If I must say so, you must have realized that the Twitter Bootstrap Docs are using bootstrap.css and a custom docs.css. Try doing, which you can download from the github package. Then, try playing around with the table classes in docs. css without messing with the master css. Or try adding DOCTYPE in headers.
<link href="/media/bootstrap/css/docs.css" rel= "stylesheet">
If declaring <!DOCTYPE html> in the very beginning doesn't work, then it's probably not your user-agent style sheet casuing it. It may be Bootstrap's style sheet overriding your styles (I've had this problem). Make sure your style sheet is linked to after Bootstrap's style sheet in your HTML.
<link href="css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="css/mystylesheet.css" rel="stylesheet"> <!-- Your custom style sheet goes after Bootstrap's -->
I had the same issue as the OP. I wanted lovely small text and some user stylesheet was overiding it and putting:
font-size: medium;
When I wanted:
I placed the following at the top of my HTML page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
All was good then, a bad habit to get into to not declare doctype at the top. All user stylesheets have now gone.
To discover what is overriding what on your CSS it is always a good idea to inspect element (F12) and you can modify and untick attributes on the fly until you get to right, then update your CSS file with it!
However if you do have a user stylesheet issue, these values will be locked.
Check whether your CSS is called or not in browser dev tools (press F12) under network column.
If it is not called, use your style sheets with1 rel="stylesheet" type="text/css".
It worked for me.

CSS not working in stylesheet

I have a set of Styles that were first created inside the style attribute on a page.
I want to move it from being on the page itself into a stylesheet.
however, when I move it to a .css file, the page breaks, move the code back to the html doc and it works fine again.
This makes absolutely no sense, moving styles from a style to a css file shouldnt break the code should it?
Am I missing something? I am not changing any of the code, its simply a copy and paste.
This is just a shot in the dark as (at the time of this post) you haven't provided source code.
Make sure you're linking to your stylesheet using a link tag in the head of the HTML document.
If you had:
<style type="text/css">
/* <![CDATA[ */
margin: 0;
padding: 3px 12px;
/* ]]> */
You'll need to have
margin: 0;
padding: 3px 12px;
in your CSS file with:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="path/to/style.css" />
to link to the stylesheet.
Some common newbie mistakes include:
<style type="text/css" src="path/to/style.css">: because it's a similar syntax to the <script> tag, which would make sense, but is invalid
<link rel="stylesheet" src="path/to/style.css">: but link elements use href not src
placing link elements within the body: although browsers will tend to manage link elements in the body, there are likely going to be some errors, and it's not a defined behavior
not specifying a doctype declaration: allows the browser to go into quirks mode, which is never a good idea.
You should make sure the stylesheet is properly imported.
Sometimes the #import doesn't work well if not used accordingly, so always reference your stylesheet:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="name-of-stylesheet.css" />
Always remember to close the <link> tag as it's a self-close tag. I think #zzzzBov forgot to mention that.
Finally, if that doesn't work, try to override some of the styles by physically writing (above the </head> section) something like:
<style type="text/css">
body { background: blue; }
* { color: red; }
and see if that gives you a blue background and red colored text. It should. After that, try to implement the referencing method and make sure you reference the stylesheet file to the right directory.
Good luck!
I had the same problem, but the cause was not some mistake in the code but the fact that the .css file was loaded with some delay after making the modifications in it. The server needed 5 - 10 minutes to update the changes.
I had this problem as well, and the reason was that the path had to be updated for some url() references since the css file was in another folder than the html file it previously was called from.
So basically
background-image: url('patterns/debut_dark.png');
had to be changed to
background-image: url('../patterns/debut_dark.png');
Don't include <style type="text/css"></style> in your .css file.
I had the same issue and was quite frustrating. I had a css file that was properly referenced, however not all the elements were being loaded from it. As it turns out, it was a cache problem in Chrome. After clearing it and restarting the window, the css elements were working correctly.
Ran across same problem. Found there were lines in my css file that should have been commented out (a block of colour palette information that I had cut and paste to the top of the file for quick reference).
If all your syntax seems fine, then its most likely a browser cache problem that we can easily fix. In your html/php file, reference your new .css style sheet (e.g. styles.css) by adding an extra random parameter. This will force browsers visiting your page to fetch your latest styles.css.
In the of your html/php file, you should have something like this to load your new styles.css file:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css" />
simply change it to be like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="styles.css?ref=v1" />
that extra "?ref=v1" will prevent browsers from re-using the styles.css file they have cached, and will force browsers to get your very latest styles.css file. As you make updates to the styles.css file and upload them to your web server, just change the "v1" to "v2" etc. or whatever naming system you like so that browsers are forced to reload the latest styles.css. Note adding this "?ref=v1" to the link does not need you to change the name of your styles.css file (you can change the file name but i find that gets messy). This is a simple and clean way to force browsers into re-fetching your very latest .css file.
