Truncate table via web service - dynamics-ax-2012

Hi does anybody know if its possible to truncate a staging table via a web service in AX 2012? There is the delete method, however this is a bit slow for a large number of records.

For anyone who is struggling with this. I created a new method (class and operation) in my web service and exposed this, to delete all records from a table. The following code was used:
public void truncateTable()
TableNameHere tableNameHere;
delete_from tableNameHere;

As I don't have any details about your web service (is that customization of some standard service or you've created custom service?), I'd like to suggest following: create Custom web service with one method which will delete required records.


How to update already inserted data in servlet based web application and java

I Want to make a "Employee Project Management" web application using java and java servlet pages for by which user insert details of employee and assign it a project if not assigned or update the same if already assigned.
I am stuck in a situation where I am not able to update the data in database.
suggestions and solutions will be appreciated.
Thank You.
Just like a normal database query, write in ".java" file:
PreparedStatement stmt=con.prepareStatement
("update emp set name=?,id=?, project=? where id=?");
stmt.setString(1, name);
stmt.setString(2, id);
stmt.setString(3, project);
stmt.setString(4, id);

Microsoft AX Dynamics Process Integration through Outbound Ports

I would like to know the Process Integration steps.
Through Outbound ports
If any of the event occurs at AX Dynamics, we just want to know that events in the form of XML(Process Integration).
Example: Sales Order Creation, Customer Creation, Purchase Order Creation..
Outbound ports are only useful for asynchronous communication.
See AX 2012 Export Data with Outbound ports for an example (using the file system).
The steps to initiate sending data is in the AIF_SendCustomer.
As this is no lightweight operation, you may consider logging the records which needs integration in a custom integration table, then doing the processing in batch.
This is done in the insert and/or update and maybe delete method.
Deletes requires you store the RecId field value in the external system to be used for delete requests. The following does not cover this.
For logged table make the following method:
void syncRecord()
XXXRecordLog log;
log.RefTableId = this.TableId;
log.RefRecId = this.RecId;
Then call this.syncRecord() in the insert and update methods.
In the query to the outbound service be sure to exists join your table and the log table. This way only changed records are exported.
Make a batch job to do the transfer using the AIF_SendCustomer as a template.
After a synchronous (AifSendMode::Sync) transfer of the records, delete the log records (or mark them transferred).
Finally call AIFoutboundProcessingService to flush the file:
new AIFoutboundProcessingService().run();
Try to keeps things simple. It might be simpler to do a comma file export of the changed records!

Programming a Web Portal for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

I'm working on a web portal for customers that will connect to Microsoft Dynamics. I don't want to make Dynamics CRM directly a internet facing deployment (IFD), so I'd like to use a separate database that the web interface interacts with and then use web services to move the data between the web portal database and Dynamics CRM.
I'm just looking for thoughts on whether this is the best way to proceed and whether there are any good code examples, etc. that I can look at for implementing this?
I saw Microsoft has a Customer Portal but it looks like it requires (at a cursory glance) an IFD deployment - which I don't want.
First, after creating your ASP.NET project (WebForms or MVC 3), add the following references:
System.Runtime. Serialization.
In your code-behind Create a class then add the following code:
private IOrganizationService GetCrmService(string userName, string password, string domain, Uri serviceUri)
OrganizationServiceProxy _serviceProxy;
ClientCredentials credentials = new ClientCredentials();
credentials.Windows.ClientCredential = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(userName, password, domain);
//credentials.UserName.UserName = userName; // uncomment in case you want to impersonate
//credentials.UserName.Password = password;
ClientCredentials deviceCredentials = new ClientCredentials();
using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serviceUri,
_serviceProxy.ServiceConfiguration.CurrentServiceEndpoint.Behaviors.Add(new ProxyTypesBehavior());
return (IOrganizationService)_serviceProxy;
If you want to retrieve multiple records:
string fetch = #"My Fetch goes here";
EntityCollection records = getCrmService().RetrieveMultiple(new FetchExpression(fetch));
I highly recommend to download the SDK or check this
You'll find many samples and walkthroughs which will help you to build good portals.
I think it's a good strategy because:
It allows you to asynchronously put the data entered on the website into the CRM. This decoupling ensures neither the CRM nor the Website will become eachother's bottleneck.
Only the intermediate service layer is internet facing, so you'll be in control over what CRM information would be disclosed/open for alteration if this service layer is compromised.
The architecture you're after is reminiscent of the way the CRM Asynchronous Service works (asynchronous plugins and workflows work this way).:
A job is put in a queue (table) in the CRM DB.
A scheduled service awakes every x seconds and fetches the latest y records from the queue table.
The service performs each job and writes the result (success, error message log) back to the queue table's records.
So the thing that is probably hardest is writing a good scheduled service that never throws an exception (but always digests it) and properly logs the results back to the DB.
To learn more about the Dynamics CRM's "Asynchronous Service Architecture", refer to the following:
It looks like a good approach.
It will improve the performance of both the portal and CRM.
The data shown on portal is NEARLY realtime. i.e it is NOT realtime.
Throughout the development, you better keep checking that there is not TOO MUCH async processing to keep the CRM server busy all time.
I don't think, that the accelerators/portals REQUIRE CRM to be an IFD instance, I guess only the portal part needs to be Internate facing (of course to make it usable for the purpose!)
Anwar is right, SDK is a good lauchpad for such research.
Customer Portal Does not require IFD deployment. And if you do not like the Customer Portal you can always use SDK Extension for Portal development (microsoft.xrm.client.dll & microsoft.xrm.portal.dll and portalbase solution) which are all included in SDK.
There is a great resource regarding how to build portal by using SDK Portal Extenstion.
Dynamics CRM 2011 Portal Development

SQL Server load balancing optimizing Hits or Optimize the query

When we developers write data access code what should we really worry about if the application should scale well and handle the load / Hits.
Given this simple problem , how would you solve it in scalable manner.
1.ProjectResource is a Class ( Encapsulating resources assigned to a Project)
2.Each resource assigned to Project is User Class
3.Each User in the Project also has ReportingHead and ProjectManager who are also instance of User
4.Finally there is a Project class containing project details
Legend of classes used
Table Diagram
Class Diagram
ResourceId : String / Guid
Project : Project
User : User
ReportingHead : User
ProjectManager : User
All the user information is stored in the User table
All the Project information is stored in the project table
Here's the Problem
When the application requests for Resource In a Project operations below are followed
First Get the Records for the Project
Get the UserId , make the request(using Users DAL) to get the user instance
Get the ProjectId, make the request(using Projects DAL) to get the project information
Finally assign Users and Project to instance of ProjectResource
clearly you can see 3 Db Calls are made here for populating single ProjectResource but the concerns and who manages the objects are clearly defined. This is the way i have planned to , since there is also connection pooling available in Sql Server &
There is also another way where all the details are retrieved in single hit using Table Inner Joins and then Populating.
Which way should i really be taking and Why?
.NET 2.0, 2.0,C#,Sql Server 2005,DB on same machine hosting application.
For best performance and scalability, you should minimize the number of round-trips to the DB. To prove that to yourself, just run some benchmarks; it becomes clear very quickly.
One approach to a single round-trip is to use joins. Another is to return multiple result sets. The latter can be helpful in eliminating possible duplicate data.

Retrieving Data from the Database ASP.NET MVC + Oracle

I have two tables
Users (Userid, Name, PhoneNumber)
Applications (ApplicationsId,UserId, ApplicationName, ActiveDate)
Every user will have more than 1 application.
In Nhibernate using lazy loading I can get the users data along with all the applications for every user. So, I used to do something like user.applications[i].Applicationname to get all the applications.
But, Now how do i retrieve all the applications along with the users data using oracle commands. I know how to get one application using joins. But, how do i retrieve multiple applications and store it in a IList. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
First you should download the Oracle Data Provider for .NET in
after you make sure that you can open a connection to your oracle database then
define mapping file of your entities in Nhibernate and map table columns of your oracle table to .NET object. after that you can use the following code snippet to get the list of your entity from database
// create the query...
IQuery query = session.CreateQuery( "from Post p where p.Blog.Author = :author" );
// set the parameters...
query.SetString("author", (String) instance);
// fetch the results...
IList results = query.List();
You should define the (Post) entity and (Blog) entity to your mapping file and as you can see (Post) has relation to (Blog) entity which is defined in the mapping file too.
