Stack CSS Transitions using multiple classes without overriding - css

I want to use multiple classes to optionally add transitions. Instead of stacking, the previous is getting overridden.
.container { transition: margin .2s; }
.container.t-padding { transition: padding .2s; }
The problem: Property is overridden rather than stacking (The problem)
My temporary solution: Add the previous transition to the rule
.container { transition: margin .2s; }
.container.t-padding { transition: padding .2s, margin .2s; } (My temporary solution)
What's a better solution??
How can I avoid having to create tons of rules to combine these?

JavaScript could be a cleaner solution as you only need to have 1 CSS rule (the original rule).
If you know the position of you're rule you can do the following.
//First Save The Original Rule
var originalRule = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[3].cssText;
//Save also the original Hover Rule
var originalHover = document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[4].cssText;
Now originalRule will contain this:
transition: margin .2s;
And originalHover will contain this:
margin: 10px 0;
to simply add another transition effect, you can do the following.
document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[3].style.transitionProperty += ",background-color";
document.styleSheets[0].cssRules[4].style.transitionDuration += ",1s";
At this stage, both transitions will take effect.
If you want to only have the original transition, you can either add it manually or simply...
//Delete the Rule
//Add the Original Rule Back Again
If you do so, only the original transition (margin) will take effect, don't forget to also replace the originalHover rule to remove any other effects on hover.
For Chrome
For Firefox
For IE
insertRule and deleteRule do not work, there's these ones instead:
addRule , removeRule


Hovering an article to make GatsbyImage scale

I want to scale the GatsbyImage whenever I hover a specific content , I am using this code to fetch multiple articles , and I want to hover them independently .
<Blog to={`article/${}`}>
<GatsbyImage image={} alt='Blog' />
How can I hover each article independently , and make the image scale if so ?
It depends on what kind of styling are you applying but you can simply do:
<GatsbyImage image={} alt='Blog' className="some_fancy_classname" />
.some_fancy_classname:hover {
transition: transform .3s;
Keep in mind that depending on your JSX/HTML structure, you may need to point to another element rather than .some_fancy_classname:hover to scale the image, for example:
.some_fancy_classname:hover img {
transition: transform .3s;

vue v-bind style - smooth changes, not instantly

I use "vuex-module-decorators" and dynamically determine the style in this getter:
<div class="viewport":style="viewportStyleVars">...</div>
get viewportStyleVars() {
const tx = -this.viewportRect.x;
const ty = -this.viewportRect.y;
return {
'--translate-x': `${tx}px`,
'--translate-y': `${ty}px`,
How to make change happen smoothly, not instantly?
I would be grateful for the hints, I am not familiar with the animation.
You just need to add transition in CSS to the div with class .viewport something like:
transition: all 1s linear;
The 1s in the transition, is the time, that the action will take, you can tweak this value to something smaller, like 0.1s, if that suits you better.

How to custom transition for each component?

I have 3 components which I want to show a transition effect when they enter/leave.
There's 1 "main" component and the 2 others show up when you press the associated button. My current sample code is here:
<transition :name="'step_' + currentView" mode="out-in">
<component :is="currentView"></component>
.step_componentA-enter-active {
transition: transform 0.4s;
.step_componentA-leave-active {
transition: transform 0s;
.step_componentA-enter {
transform: translateX(-100%);
.step_mainComponent-leave-active {
transition: transform 0.3s;
.step_mainComponent-leave-to {
transform: translateX(-100%);
.step_componentB-enter-active {
transition: transform 0.4s;
.step_componentB-leave-active {
transition: transform 0s;
.step_componentB-enter {
transform: translateX(100%);
What I am trying to do:
When I click on the "componentA" button, I want that component to slide from the left while "mainComponent" is still visible in the background (not stripped out of elements like now) during the transition.
Same thing for "componentB", except it will slide from the right, and will back to the right when clicking back.
What am I missing?
Edit 2:
Here a working example with the componentA and componentB that are sliding over the mainComponent ->
I changed the transition to mode:in-out, I added a z-index for each component, and put the components in position:absolute and the app in position:relative
Here a working example for your case ->
When you analyse the script step by step, you see that the class when the componentB is leaving is step_mainComponent-leave-active step_mainComponent-leave-to that it makes a classic toggle relative to the mainComponent style.
If you want to use different animations, you should use enter-active-class and leave-active-class etc (see more here) - or put two vars in name, i guess, with a dynamic value relative to the previous view, in the store like currentView is.
It could be like this :
:name="'step_' + currentView + '_from_' + prevView"
In the store (you ll need to update the states, mapState, etc.. as well too) :
SET_CURRENT_VIEW(state, new_currentView) {
state.prevView = state.currentView;
state.currentView = new_currentView;
Hope it ll help you

Hover over an child and change the style(in this case the background) of an parent

on my website there are some hexagon SVG´s with different colors and a normal .content class with some style.
What i want, is if the user :hover over the SVG the background-color of .content should get a "specific" color.
#hexagon4_work:hover .content{
background-color: #6EC5D3;
#hexagon4_work:hover ~ .content{
background-color: #6EC5D3;
#hexagon4_work:hover > .content{
background-color: #6EC5D3;
#hexagon4_work:hover + .content{
background-color: #6EC5D3;
I have already searched about it, but i do not found any solution for this.
What i found was these operators. But these affect only for a child in a parent. / or not?
I´d like to only use CSS, so if it is not possible only in CSS, please tell me that too. (I am a noobie in JS so dont wonder.) :)
Thanks for all following answers.
- MK
There is no CSS-only solution for your Problem. Check the comment from David.
But you could do something with JavaScript.
Add this to your code.
var hex4 = document.getElementById('hexagon4_work');
hex4.addEventListener('mouseover', function(){
.style.backgroundColor = '#6EC5D3';
hex4.addEventListener('mouseout', function(){
.style.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
I tried it on your page and it works. For the other hexagons you should copy this code and modify the selecor in first line and the color in line 4.
My recomendation:
Add the CSS transition: background-color 500ms; to the content div. It would be a nice animation.
While there's no way to do this directly (there are no parent selectors in CSS as of 2017), you can do it by creating a child SPAN, setting z-index and its position to push it behind everything else in the parent, and change its background color (parent background = transparent). Check this out

CSS3 Animations to only start after the page has been created

I have built a website that has lots of animations, using CSS3. The elements that are animated all have the position attribute set to absolute, and the container's position set to relative. Each element initially has a top and left value (set via the style attribute), but when the page loads, all the elements are initially animated to the position defined from top:0px;left:0px. Is there a way for the page to start off with the elements at there desired positions without them initially being animated?
Your CSS animations are ready before your javascript. I usually add a class to the body so I know it's ready for animations...
window.onload = function(){
document.body.className += " animated";
and then in your CSS
.box {
/* usual styles here*/
.animated .box {
-prefix-animation: animationName duration ease;
