how to take the backup of sql compact database -

I have created a C# windows application with vs2010 and I'm using a SQL Server CE database. I'm looking for a way to backup my database programmatically.
Is there a way to export/import my entire database (as a .sdf file) or just copy it to another location and then import it and replace the current one?Could anyone provide me the code in order to do this?
I'm relatively new to this but I'm guessing this is not something as difficult as it sounds. I couldn't find a clear answer anywhere so any help would be appreciated!

For this task we use the SQL Server Management Objects (SMO) objects that have access to backup/restore functions using code.
Base on the article How to: Back Up Databases and Transaction Logs here is a part of the sample that make the backup:
// Create the Backup SMO object to manage the execution
Backup backup = new Backup();
// Add the file to backup to
backup.Devices.Add(new BackupDeviceItem(backupPath, DeviceType.File));
// Set the name of the database to backup
backup.Database = databaseName;
// Tell SMO that we are backing up a database
backup.Action = BackupActionType.Database;
backup.Incremental = false;
// Specify that the log must be truncated after the backup is complete.
backup.LogTruncation = BackupTruncateLogType.Truncate;
// Begin execution of the backup


Open an existing SQLite database in memory with Lua

The code in my project now:
local lsqlite3 = require "lsqlite3complete"
self.db_conn ="cost.db")
function showrow(udata,cols,values,names)
for i=1,cols do
return 0
self.db_conn:exec('select * from cost',showrow,'test_udata')
It is no problem to select the cost records from the code above, but if I change like below and try to open it in memory:
self.db_conn = lsqlite3.open_memory("cost.db")
The code has no error but there is no records or tables inside when I do the query. How can I change my code so that I can open and put my database inside memory? Since I would like to access my data quickly in memory instead of keep connecting to a database.
A memory database is one that exists only in memory. That is, it doesn't get its data from a file. Because of that, open_memory doesn't take any parameters.
If you want to use a database that lives in a file, then that means accessing that file.
You should not need to "keep connecting to a database". You connect to it once at the beginning of the application and keep it open until your application terminates.

Saving SQLite to Documents Folder

I need to pick an underlying method of saving data collected in the field (offline and remote locations). I want to use the HTML5 Database with SQLite but I can I pick the location? So far, I haven't been able to accomplish that. Here is some sample code I was using:
var dbName = "";
var Dir =;
var path = Dir.appDirs.shared.documents.path;
dbName = path + "/" + "databasetest.db";
var db = openDatabase(dbName, '1.0', 'Test', 50 * 1024);
I used an "alert()" to see the file was "supposedly" created, but when I opened the folder in Explorer I cannot find it. Not really sure why and hense my question.
My application is for data entry, without getting into specifics, user may end up collecting a lot or little data. But I want some way of downloading the SQLite database?
Is this the intention of the SQLite database, or will I have to use another solution?
The Web SQL Database specification was designed for browsers where it would not have been appropriate to allow web pages to access arbitrary file paths.
The intended way to download data is to upload it to a web server in the cloud.
If you want to know the file name of your database, try executing the PRAGMA database_list. (Whether your app can access that path is a different question.)

Moving SQL Server from local computer to server

I kind of new to SQL Server, I always used access db for my sites.
I created a SQL Server on my local computer and now I want to take this db and transfer it to the server. In access all I had to do is, take the mdb file and put it on the server and change the connection string. How can I transfer the SQL Server db to the server?
Is there any file to put on the server ?
Also the connection string isn't a folder but a local computer like this:
Data Source=my-PC;Initial Catalog=storeSQL1;User ID='my-PC\com';Password='';Trusted_Connection=YES;
Who can provide me this connection string for the server (the hosting company) ?
The easiest way would probably be to create a backup of the database on your local machine, then restore that backup on the new server.
Roadmap is:
Do simple backup-restore to move user databases to target server.
Create script on source server, that can recover permissions and login-users pairing
Restore the CLR and TRUSTWORTHY security for databases, that using unsafe assemblies, simpliest way is (in proper DB):
exec sp_changedbowner 'sa' --sa just for example
Depending on your version of SQL Server here is a good article that outlines all the ways to move a SQL Server Database.
As for getting the connection string yes the hosting company would provide you with that. Where is the database hosted, you could check their knowledge base articles or if it's an in house data base I'm sure a dba could provide you with that information. It won't change much from what you have but it will change.
I'm not sure what tools your using, but to start you need to do a dump or backup of your current database on your machine. After you do that then you can do and import which should create all the tables and import any data you have.
After the data exists on the server then as far as the connection string, you just need to say the Data Source is the server ip address or host name and change your User ID and Pass to match that server.
If you need more details on any part of this process, post what tools your using and what your environment looks like and I would be more than happy to assist you.
In my opinion the best way to do that is to detach the db from one server(pc), copy the files to the second one and then attach them on the second server/pc.
To detach:
USE master;
EXEC sp_detach_db #dbname = N'AdventureWorks2008R2';
To attach:
USE master;
ON (FILENAME = 'C:\MySQLServer\AdventureWorks2008R2_Data.mdf'),
(FILENAME = 'C:\MySQLServer\AdventureWorks2008R2_Log.ldf')

Replacing SQLite database while accessing it

I am completely new to SQLite and I intend to use it in a M2M / client-server environment where a database is generated on the server, sent to the client as a file and used on the client for data lookup.
The question is: can I replace the whole database file while the client is using it at the same time?
The question may sound silly but the client is a Linux thin client and to replace the database file a temporary file would be renamed to the final file name. In Linux, a program which has still open the older version of the file will still access the older data since the old file is preserved by the OS until all file handles have been closed. Only new open()s will access the new version of the file.
So, in short:
client randomly accesses the SQLite database
a new version of the database is received from the server and written to a temporary file
the temporary file is renamed to the SQLite database file
I know it is a very specific question, but maybe someone can tell me if this would be a problem for SQLite or if there are similar methods to replace a database while the client is running. I do not want to send a bunch of SQL statements from the server to the client to update the database.
No, you cannot just replace an open SQLite3 DB file. SQLite will keep using the same file descriptor (or handle in Windows-speak), unless you close and re-open your database. More specifically:
Deleting and replacing an open file is either useless (Linux) or impossible (Windows). SQLite will never get to see the contents of the new file at all.
Overwriting an SQLite3 DB file is a recipe for data corruption. From the SQLite3 documentation:
Likewise, if a rogue process opens a
database file or journal and writes
malformed data into the middle of it,
then the database will become corrupt.
Arbitrarily overwriting the contents of the DB file can cause a whole pile of issues:
If you are very lucky it will just cause DB errors, forcing you to reopen the database anyway.
Depending on how you use the data, your application might just crash and burn.
Your application may try to apply an existing journal on the new file. Sounds painful? It is!
If you are really unlucky, the user will just get back invalid results from any queries.
The best way to deal with this would be a proper client-server implementation where the client DB file is updated from data coming from the server. In the long run that would allow for far more flexibility, while also reducing the bandwidth requirements by sending updates, rather than the whole file.
If that is not possible, you should update the client DB file in three discrete steps:
Send a message to the client application to close the DB. This allows the application to commit any changes, remove any journal files and clean-up its internal state.
Replace/Overwrite the file.
Send a message to the client application to re-open the DB. You would have to setup all prepared statements again, though.
If you do not want to close the DB file for some reason, then you should have your application - or even a separate process - update the original DB file using the new file as input. The SQLite3 backup API might be of interest to you in that case.

How To Query A Database That's Being Used By Asp.Net

I have a Sql Server 2008 Express database file that's currently being used by an ASP.NET application, and I'm not sure how to query the database without taking the website down.
I'm unable to copy the database files (.mdf and .ldf files) to another directory, since they're in use by the web server. Also, if I attach the databases to an instance of the sql server (using the 'Create Database [DB name] on (filename = '[DB filename.mdf]') for attach;' command at the sqlcmd prompt), then the application pool user becomes unable to access the database (i.e. the webpages start producing http 500 errors. I think this might have to do with the username for the application pool becoming somehow divorced from the login credentials in the sql server database).
Any suggestions? I realize this is probably a newbie question, since it seems like a rather fundamental task. However, due to my inexperience, I really don't know what the answer is, and I'm pretty stumped at this point, since I've tried a couple of different things.
if I attach the databases to an instance of the sql server (using the 'Create Database [DB name] on (filename = '[DB filename.mdf]') for attach;' command at the sqlcmd prompt),
Don't do this to a live database - it's attempting to be setup an MDF to be written to by two different databases...
Use Backup/Restore
As you've found, Attach/ReAttach requires the database to be offline - use the Backup/Restore functionality:
MSDN: Using SSMS to Backup the Database
MSDN: Using SSMs to Restore the Backup
Be aware that the backup/restore doesn't maintain logins (& jobs if you have any associated with the database) - you'll have to recreate & sync if using an account other than those with uber access.
Maybe Linked Server would work?
Another alternative would be to setup another SQL Server Express/etc instance on a different box, and use the Linked Server functionality to create a connection to the live/prod data. Use a different account than the one used for the ASP application...
