CSS Tables and spacing - css

I'm new to CSS tables, it's my first time. So I discovered that when you set display:table to a div, you can forgot all margin and padding (and whatever) you're planning on it's future cause they are ignored. Nice. The only property I've found to make this job is border-spacing but it is a little limited comparing with margin and padding. It have only two ways of styling, horizontal and vertical. You can't set the value of the side you want like border-spacing-left or border-spacing: 0 1px 2px 3px.
In my case, I have a table with one row that lies on the top right corner of the screen. I want it attached on the very top and spaced horizontally, which caused me problems. The top is okay but the right detaches from the border when I use border-spacing: 10px 0.
Smart guys like me don't see this as a problem, cause we can set it margin-right negatively, making it be attached again on the right side of the browser. Wow, whata smart ass I am!
However, I saw an little damn scrollbar on the bottom of the screen like a roach under your cooker at the kitchen. I hate roac.. scrollbars specially horizontals, so I got my inseticide called overflow-x and kil.. set it to hidden. She run desperately and dissapeared, but I know that she's there, somewhere staring at me. And this is driving me crazy.
Seriously now. I think this isn't the right way to do that and I hope somebody can teach me how to do it.
This is my scenario on Fiddle
Thank you in advance(mainly for reading this crap).

There are a few ways of achieving what you're trying to achieve. Most commonly, using display: table, display: table-cell, etc isn't very high on the list.
So, here's how I would do it: http://jsfiddle.net/VKnQZ/1/
Do bear in mind that I don't know the full circumstance of what you're attempting so it may well be that I'm missing a (valid) reason that you're using table display properties in the first place.
You'll notice a few things here:
I've done away with your table display properties. I don't think you need them, and floats do the job just fine (just remember to clear them).
I've removed your display from the cell divs. As someone in the comments above pointed out, divs inherit display: block by default. The additional dimensions set their size as you already had it.
I'm using the + selector to put in the spacing between elements. In this instance div + div is essentially short-hand for 'every div which is beside another div' - so all of them aside from the first.
Hopefully that achieves what you're aiming for and does away with all the nasty hacky overflow/margins/etc.
Here's the code:
HTML (only change is to remove the row div):
<div id="nav">
<div class="red"></div>
<div class="green"></div>
<div class="blue"></div>
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
#nav {
float: right;
#nav div {
float: left;
width: 120px;
height: 40px;
#nav div + div{
margin-left: 10px;
.red { background-color:#f00 }
.green { background-color:#0f0 }
.blue { background-color:#00f }

and can you tell me why are you trying to imitate table behavior when you have "table" tag? it could be styled pretty well also
what you are doing is sometimes called "divitis"
you can position table absolutely http://jsfiddle.net/n83kT/

Not too sure if this the right place to discuss float and display :)
But , flex is on his way, and display is already quiet efficient.
Display + direction and you could kick floats away.
border-spacing version : http://jsfiddle.net/GCyrillus/2EZ3F/
border-left version : http://jsfiddle.net/GCyrillus/2EZ3F/1/
<div id="nav">
<div class="red"></div>
<div class="green"></div>
<div class="blue"></div>
section is to set direction .. or not
unset & reset direction to fake float ,
else use text-align if you dislike this method.
In CSSheet, notice inline-table instead of table so it reacts to text-align and or direction (not all pages are EN or FR :) )
body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
section {
direction:rtl; /* unset regular if you wish, else text-align will do for inline-boxes */
#nav {
direction:ltr;/* reset/set here if you want cells from left to right */
border-spacing: 10px 0 ;
#nav div {
/*direction:ltr; reset here if you want cells from right to left */
display: table-cell;
width: 120px;
height: 40px;
#nav div + div {
margin-left: 10px;
.red {
.green {
.blue {
My 2 (late) cents for a different point of view :)

For completeness, I would like to offer the case for the often overlooked inline-block display type.
Similar to the use of floats, the HTML is as follows:
<div id="nav">
<div class="red"></div>
<div class="green"></div>
<div class="blue"></div>
and the CSS:
#nav {
#nav div {
width: 120px;
height: 40px;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: bottom;
#nav div + div {
margin-left: 10px;
This inline-block approach behaves similarly to the floated-child-div's approach.
In this application, I can't think of a reason to use one over the other.
One minor consideration is that inline-block is not supported in some older browsers.
Otherwise, both approaches use the same mark-up and the CSS rules are similarly simple.
The choice may depend a lot on the content that you use in the #nav div elements.
Demo fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/audetwebdesign/EVJPN/


Flexbox Padding and Border generate an empty pixel after child element

For past hours I've been struggling with the following problem:
I have two div elements wrapped inside a contaier, which itself is wrapped inside multiple other divs.
The container div has display:flex.
I have created a minimal code example hosted on codepen containing the same code listed in here
<div class="samples">
<div class="sample">
<div class="flex-parent">
<div class="div1">
<div>I'm div 1</div>
<div class="div2">I'm div 2</div>
The CSS code is pretty straight forward. I want the first element the be the
size of its content and the second one to grow the remaining width
* {
box-sizing: border-box;
.samples {
background: #2B2B2B;
.samples .sample {
padding: 50px;
.flex-parent {
border: 1px dashed green;
display: flex;
height: 100px;
.flex-parent .div1 {
flex-shrink: 0;
background-color: #D3394C;
.flex-parent .div2 {
flex-grow: 1;
But the surprising problem was that the first element was not extending fully in terms of height and leaving an empty pixel space after him, as you can see in the image below (made from codepen)
Looks like the problem solves itself when you remove this part
.samples .sample {
padding: 50px;
from the code, thus removing the padding of the sample wrapper.
BUT2 it shouldn't have any influence on the elements inside the other container, should it?
It believe it should be related to box-sizing: border-box, but I cannot understand why the child elements behave in such a strange way, given the fact that it should correctly have 198px height and leave no empty space after it.
What is the idea behind this, could somebody please explain?
EDIT1: looks like the issue is only present in latest versions of desktop Chrome (65.0.3325.181) and Edge (41.16299.248.0)
EDIT2: on older versions of Chrome (42), it is working as intended.
The problem was in my display scaling 125%, that generated the gap. Bringing it back to 100% solved it.
There must be some issues inside chrome and edge engines (because it works well in Firefox).
For more information, follow the link https://github.com/electron/electron/issues/8332

CSS navigation absolute/fixed positioning issue?

I've been teaching myself CSS, and decided to try and make a site with the knowledge I have thus far. So I decided to make a fixed navigation bar that follows the position of the web browser, and I ran into an issue. For whatever reason, one of the links I added isn't staying inside the nav bar when I change the browser window size. Can someone look at my code? Please ignore sloppiness, as I'm just trying this for the first time.
Here's my HTML. The "secondnavlinks" div id is the one that won't stay within the nav bar:
<div id="nav">
<div id="secondnavlinks">
<li>Ambient Bookmarklet</li>
<div id="class1">
<div id="header">
<img src="ambientfollowhead.gif" alt="ambientfollow" width="160" height="35" />
And here's the CSS:
#nav {
position: fixed;
border: 1px solid #DDDDDD;
height: 46px;
background-color: white;
z-index: !important 99;
(Skipped over the "class1" div)
#secondnavlinks ul {
position: absolute;
display: inline;
list-style-type: none;
#secondnavlinks ul li {
display: inline;
text-align: center;
float: left;
font-family: klavika-light;
list-style-type: none;
position: absolute;
left: 950px;
white-space: nowrap;
#secondnavlinks ul li > a {
text-decoration: none;
color: inherit;
At first this seemed like it may be the positioning inside of the fixed element. After looking into this a little bit, I think I've found the culprit... It seems like your problem is the 'left: 950px;' - This value won't be browser independant and will vary the results / pop out the element with certain widths.
Like Libin mentioned, you want to be looking into Fluid Layout design using relational values instead of fixed values. So when you rescale your browser everything is set correctly.
Start looking into Media Queries & the use of relational values such as % and Ems.
Here's a useful resource for converting px values to ems etc: http://pxtoem.com/
Also if you want to go through tutorials / courses on the subject, I've included a couple of links below that have helped me in the past:
http://www.codeschool.com/courses/journey-into-mobile ( Check out the free first lesson )
Also, - Here's the proof that using absolute & relative won't pop normally inside the fixed nav bar: http://jsfiddle.net/JQT7u/2/
Good Luck!
If you are trying to make a fixed navigation bar that follows the position of the web browser, you should use % values instead of px values.
Check this demo
In that demo, I had changed the values to %, removed some position absolute etc.
Hope this is what you are trying.
check this link
Do you want like this?
It is not clear from your question how the design should be.
BTW, the links were coming out because you were giving the inside div's position:absolute. So the links were losing relation with the main div Nav.
If you want to know more about working of positioning in CSS then go through this link.

How to make two buttons separate in a div?

This is my code for the two buttons:
<div clas="buttons">
<a class="btn1" href="#">Ture</a>
<a class="btn2" href="#">False</a>
.btn1 {
margin-bottom: 30px;
margin-left: 150px;
.btn2 {
margin-right: 150px;
However, "the margin-bottom:30px" attribute simply doesn't work. It failed to position the button vertically. Even more weirdly, the "margin-right: 150px;" attribute doesn't work for my btn2, and the two buttons are still adjoin to each other. BTW, my div is large enough to have the two buttons positioned seperately.
Margins should only be applied on block level elements. They will give unexpected results if you apply them on inlines, wich the <a> are by default: You could set padding in stead of margin. And indeed reverse them as #Mitz correctly suggested. The more correct way, but perhaps more difficult for beginners, would be to convert the <a> to block and float them left. Personally my css would look something like this:
.buttons {
padding: 30px 150px;
overflow: hidden; /* for clearfix */
.btn1, .btn2 {
display: block;
.btn1 {
float: left;
.btn2 {
float: right;
That is just how I interpret your code and think what you might want to achieve.
This is because naturally <a> is an inline element. You need to apply display: block; to it if you want to apply margins.
The two buttons will be one above the other afterwards. If you still want them to appear next to each other then you should float: left; them. And don't forget to apply some kind of .clearfix.
you should use margin-top and margin-left, instead of margin-bottom and margin-right...
you can use first button's height to push the other button down, like this
.btn1 { height:200px; }
and if you are using margins you should always define some height and width, like
.btn1 { height:20px; width:100px; }
.btn2 { height:20px; width:100px; padding-top:150px; }
about the float comment-
float will get the two buttons sit side by side horizontally,
i think he wanted them aligned vertically
You can try float:left; for buttons.

Floated divs won't expand to fit dynamic content

It seems there are several posts on this topic but none of the solutions have worked for me. Perhaps someone can figure out what I'm missing.
I have three boxes floated next to each other like columns. Due to certain background images etc., each box is composed of two divs. The outer div has the class "calloutbox" and is floated left. Inside of "calloutbox" is another div called "callout-content" that holds the dynamic content (I'm using wordpress).
So far I have not been able to get the boxes to expand to fit their dynamically generated content. They collapse if I set height to 100%. I've tried a dozen combinations of overflow:hidden, clear:both etc. with no luck.
<div id="callout-container">
<div class="calloutbox">
<div class="callout-content">Dynamic content goes here</div>
<div class="calloutbox">
<div class="callout-content"></div>
<div class="calloutbox">
<div class="callout-content"></div>
Here is the css:
.calloutbox {
margin:0 0 0 25px;
background-position:right bottom;
.calloutbox:after {
.callout-content:after {
.calloutbox:nth-child(1) {
/*The content inside the three boxes on the homepage */
.callout-content {
border:1px solid #e6e4e4;
bottom: 8px;
padding: 0 10px 10px 10px;
Here's the code in a jsfiddle if that helps anyone: http://jsfiddle.net/daniec/r8ezY/
Thanks in advance!
They are not floated, they are absolutely-positioned.
Absolutely-positioned elements are no longer part of the layout. They no longer have parents are far as layouts are concerned. Therefore, you need to specify their sizes in pixels rather than percentages. Percentages are relative to the wrappers they no longer have.
Working with floats can be a pain. As an alternative, have you tried using to use inline-block:
display: inline-block;
It behaves like an inline element, but an be styled like a block level element. It does not work in IE6 though.
.calloutbox {
Should do the trick. otherwise try creating a jsfiddle, so we can run your code

Getting three divs to auto resize when the content in the middle one changes

What I'm trying to do is have three divs wrapped in a fixed width container that will auto resize when the content in the middle div expands. As the middle gets larger the two beside it get smaller if that makes sense.
<div id="container">
<div class="one"/>
<div class="middle">...</div>
<div class="two"/>
Not sure if I should be using div or span for this.
Any advice on the CSS?
#thirtydot The two divs at the side of
the middle div will contain nothing,
just a border-top, the middle div will
contain two links. :)
In that case, I'm answering with something simpler that you might be able to use.
See: http://jsfiddle.net/uZ5dn/
<div class="container">
<span class="middle">content con tent the tent of cons content content</span>
.container {
border-top: 5px solid #f0f;
text-align: center;
.middle {
background: #fff;
display: inline-block;
position: relative;
top: -5px; /* same as border-top-width */
It's not awesome, but it might be good enough.
At the very least, I'll get a better idea of what to suggest next.
If I'm reading your question correctly, I suspect that you'll have to do this with JavaScript, and DIVS.
You can get and set the actual size of the DIVs in pixels using the .height() function.
So, you could do something like:
if ($('#div2').height() > 200) {
} else {
