Can't get notify in postgresql trigger function to work - postgresql-9.1

Running Postgresql 9.1 on ubuntu.
I have a database defined and it has a table named pending.
I created a trigger function named ins_notify_function.
The content of this function is
NOTIFY "inspend", 'fired by NOTIFY';
I have a trigger function created:
ON pending
EXECUTE PROCEDURE ins_notify_function();
So, I then run psql and type into it:
LISTEN "inspend";
In psql I type:
NOTIFY "inspend";
and get back the Asynchronous notification ...
Insert a record in the table pending and psql does NOT show Asynchronous notification ...
It shows nothing.
Am I missing a step here?
Any help greatly appreciated.

I had the same issue and I wound out that I was in stransaction. NOTIFY events are not fired while in transaction.


Airflow - backend database to get reports

I am trying to get some useful information from airflow backend. I need to get following details
How many times a particular job failed.
which task has failed over and over.
The problem is all our task has dependency on their upstream, and so when it fails, we fix the issue and mark it as success. This changes status in database as well. Is there a place I can get historical records?
following query shows which task failed. However if I mark it as success from UI, status is updated in database as well. And I have no way to show if this was failed.
select * from dag_run where dag_id='test_spark'
Currently, there is no native way but you can check log table -- it adds a record whenever there is action via CLI or UI.

Can I implement beforeCreate trigger on Firebase Functions

On the Firebase docs they mention 4 types of triggers:
Is there a way to listen to added row in the Cloud Functions and modify fields of an added row before the "child_added" listeners are triggered? Is there a way to implement BeforeCreate?
Desired BeforeCreate cycle (in Cloud Functions):
Request to add a new message
Change the message fields
Add a new message with modified fields
Clients receive a "child_added" event
All events for the Realtime Database in Cloud Functions trigger asynchronously after the write has been committed. For this reason, other users may already have seen the data before your function can change it.
To solve this problem you'll want to ensure the data only gets written to the location everyone sees after it's been validated/modified.
To validate/modify the new data before listeners to that data can see it, you have two options:
Use a HTTP triggered function for writing the data. The application code calls the HTTP function, which does the data manipulation you want, and then writes the result to the database.
Have the applications write to a "moderation queue", which is just a separate location in the database. The Cloud Function triggers fro this queue, validates/modifies the data, writes it to the actual location, and then deletes it from the queue.
With both of these approaches you lose parts of the transparent offline behavior of the Firebase Realtime Database though, so you'll have to choose.
You need to use onWrite for this to work, as you are saving to the database more than once when you are using child_added.
onWrite(handler) returns functions.CloudFunction containing non-null functions.database.DeltaSnapshot
Event handler that fires every time a Firebase Realtime Database write of any kind (creation, update, or delete) occurs.
more info here:
Op wants to do the following:
Request to add a new message
If he wants to request a new message from the end-user then it is better done on the client side.
Change the message fields
Here he wants to change what was written inside the field, which is also usually done on the client side not in cloud functions.
Add a new message with modified fields
Here he wants to add the new message to the database (according to my analysis). Then this can be done in the cloud functions and the message can be added using set()
Clients receive a "child_added" event
then here after adding the new message to the database, he wants the client to receive the database trigger, that will be triggered with the new message. Here he can use cloud functions like onWrite() or onCreate()

Meteor methods - stream/yield data from server

I'm writing a Meteor app which allows clients to execute terminal commands on the server at the click of a button.
I know how to do this with a single command:
Meteor.methods({ exec : cmd => { ... } })
//client'exec', cmd, (err, result) => {
But now I'm trying to implement a more complex protocol and don't quite know what the best way is. I want the client to kick off a series of commands, have the server run them and tell me, step by step, whether they succeeded or failed.
Obviously I could implement this with the above code by writing client-side code that runs exec with the first command, checks the result from the server, runs exec with the next command and so on.
The crux is that in my case the series of commands is always the same, so it would make much more sense to only do one on the client -- the server would know what commands to run. However I would also like to have the results of the individual commands available on the client as they come in -- and this is what I can't do, because only returns once, of course.
What I'm looking for is a sort of stream or iterator through which I can send a number of messages to the client until everything is done. I've seen some outdated packages called meteor-streams and similar that might be able to do something like that, but I'm thinking there must be a smart way in Meteor itself to solve this. Ideas?
A common solution is a Notifications collection. Create the collection with a schema: for: ${userid}, msg: ${msg string}, type: ${err success etc}. Create a Notifications publication, which publishes docs with the users userid.
You can then subscribe to the Notifications collection in some main template page on the client. Use observeChanges to look for changes to the collection and either console.log them, use JavaScript to display them on the page or simply install a package like sAlerts to handle them.
Inside the observe changes callback, a seenNotification method should be called which removes the notification from the db, so it is not shown again.
I'll post code snippets a bit later.
Have a look at this:
I think it will solve your problem easily.

How can I check the status of a stored proc invoked by user in oracle?

I want to know whether a particular stored proc invoked by a user in oracle has succeeded or failed?
In other words, if there is something like session or task log table which could come handy in some edge cases?
Edge cases being:
proc has executed successfully
or has not
the proc gets hung
the proc is being abruptly terminated
or could be anything which I cannot really handle.

Documentum Inbox notification deletion

I need to delete a user inbox notification of particular r_object_id:
I tried to delete using DQL: dm_queue_item where r_object_id ='0000000"
But i think its wrong please let me know what will be the corrects syntax
You first get the object_id, then run the api commands acquire,c,object_id and then complete,c,object_id. It works if thereĀ“s no action to be executed.
