Drupal form - Popup - drupal

I would like to show some forms in my Drupal Website in a popup or accordion. I have tried popup module but it shows only for viewing nodes and not adding/editing. How can I do that?
Thanks for your help

This can be done with https://drupal.org/project/popup_forms, but you need to do some programming in order to apply it (i.e. it can't be just configured via admin interface).

maybe this module help you Modal forms

In my personal opinion Popups API is a very good module.You could show the necessary contents that suites your purpose .It is quite easy to use.I think you just need to read the documentation.If you really change this module there are other modules available like Modal forms,Modal Frame API,colorbox, Chaos tool suite etc.You can find a lot of modules needed for your purpose. The following links might help you:


Can I use views_bulk_operations with the Drupal 7 core toolbar module?

I'm building a drupal site right now where I'd prefer to use views_bulk_operations to administer the standard content overview (admin/content) and user overview pages (admin/people). My trouble is that I also want to use the toolbar module (or something like it) to give my site admins the ability to easily browse to the pages generated by views_bulk_operations (admin/content2 and admin/people2). It doesn't seem possible right now. The toolbar module automatically adds pre-defined links based on a users permissions, and there doesn't appear to be a way to make any changes to those links.
Any ideas? Or, perhaps, any alternatives to the core toolbar module? Thanks!
(I asked the same question here, but thought I'd have a better chance here on stackoverflow.)
I just figured out that I can use the quickbar module to accomplish what I want.

asp.net: dynamically extend content

i'm not sure how to call that. i'm looking for some samples guiding me how to implement a automatic page extend. i'm mean something like the friends list on facebook. first only a few friends are loaded. after you scroll down, some others get loaded.
thx in advance
The solution to your problem relies more on AJAX then anything else.
I suggest using jQuery Ajax, and here is a nice article that will get you started with calling ASP.NET web services via client side script.
enter link description here
If you don't have experience using ajax this will probably be a lot for you to grasp. Especially if you're going to dive in with a feature like you described above.
Edit: It may be more practical to use a plugin to achieve this:
scrolling jQuery plugin

Migating from CakePHP to Drupal, functionality question

(I've posted this on the drupal forum too btw)
I'm converting the company websites to use Drupal, or at least trying to check that its going to be the best way forward. I have a background in PHP development, and I'm currently using the CakePHP framwork. I've built this site (not my design) and I can see how to replicate most of the functionality using Drupal, most likely using the CCK module.
As you can see from the homepage:
A user chooses a country.
The country is passed using an ajax call to a script that decides which phone is best based on 'in country' network coverage.
A div is shown recommending the visitor the best phone for that country.
I'm wondering how to go about this in Drupal, I'm definitely not after a step by step guide, I just want to know if this kind of thing is possible with Drupal, and what approach to use.
If someone can help that would be superb. Thanks.
Okay, so you've got a path you're defining in hook_menu, which is where your form is being presented - or else you've got it set up as a webform in a node, that could work too.
Either way, in your form you're going to be using AHAH - check out http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/developer--topics--forms_api_reference.html/6#ahah and http://drupal.org/node/348475 .
Basically, you're going to define another path in hook_menu that's of type MENU_CALLBACK, and which will receive the country as input, and then will return the div that you'll display on the screen.
One core example of AHAH that may be useful to you is where you're entering a password and it lets you know if the password is secure enough - check that out.
Edit: There's also some good examples at http://drupal.org/project/examples.
I would look into using CCK and views. you can set up filters for the views. If filters don't work, you have the ability to include php code. I have also successfully added jquery code in the header of a view through which I was then able to have my view filtered by what is typed in a text box.
Coming from CakePHP using Drupal is a pain in the a** - even more for developers.
It's application structure might be designed to ease extensibility but this only means you have a system to enable your own plugins and themes.
While modules are basically the M+C-part the themes are the V-part of an MVC-application. The problem is that this seperation is not very strict in Drupal - in fact you have to break it sometimes in order to make things work (e.g. you have to include a theme_mymodule_myfunction() into your module as default output which you then can override with your theme using mytheme_mymodule_myfunction() ) And don't even bother looking for classes ( see http://drupal.org/node/547518 ).
Also there is no real link from a module to a theme. On many occations this is a good thing as you can switch modules and themes seperatly without creating a problem. For application builders coming from CakePHP (or any other framework) you often feel a lack of "wholesomeness" - you create parts for a base software and have to live with it's drawbacks.
IMHO I wouldn't recommend this step. Drupal is fine if you have to manage a website and might add a few modules to add neccessary value (image gallery etc.) but I definetly don't recommend it as a base for a customized web-app.

Customizing GraffitiCMS

I downloaded GraffitiCMS the other day(now open source and free), and like a lot of what I see, but what I really want to use it for, is to add CMS capabilities to an existing asp.net database/application.
Without getting bogged down with all the details of my app, can someone give me the basic 'approach' that should be taken to add custom content to Graffiti; content that won't be a 'post'?
I've seen for example, how to add custom-widgets to Graffiti - basically inherit from the widget class, compile your dll and plop it into the correct directory and it becomes part of the system. Is there a way to do something similar for the main content areas?
For simplicity sake, pretend I have a non-graffiti database with gig's of data that I want to display on the website using standard asp.net grid's and forms. I realize I could just go in and hack apart the source code to integrate my existing app, but that is likely not the correct approach.
Not looking for a complete solution her, just a pointer and what areas to investigate...thanks.
If you check out the latest source of Graffiti (or the 1.3 branch that was recently created), support was added to put widgets anywhere you want on any page. There is a new chalk function - $macros.Widget - that provides you with this ability. Dan Hounshell wrote a blog post on how you can use this new functionality:
If you're looking for something different than that, just let me know - we're working to make Graffiti even better for situations just like you are currently in.
What we have done to be able to integrate Graffiti CMS with our current ASP.NET projects is to create a post in Graffiti called "hidden" and then with our standard .ASPX pages we call a class in our Render Override that pulls the "hidden" post (ie: site.com/hidden/) and uses the header and footer to wrap the Graffiti theme around our custom .ASPX page. We use some HTML comments in the "hidden" post to be able to parse the header and the footer. It is kind of a hack, but has worked out really well for us.
I think you're trying to put the cart before the horse - depending on the size and amount of functionality, I would be looking to rebuild it after learning the development platform of my CMS system of choice.
I'm pretty much in the same boat right now. I have avoided Graffiti because I have to learn "Chalk" (whatever that is) and Umbraco (using XSLT for layouts is retarded). So far, this leaves me with Sitefinity at the top of my list and Telerik have just pulled the free version!
I may end up grabbing a very basic CMS which is easier to customize. I know this doesn't directly answer your question, but it may give you some food for thought :-)

Displaying pictures/photographs in asp.net website

I want a really nice way to load in pictures onto a webpage, like a portfolio of my work (let's say it's pottery that I sell on the web) - various fade effects and the like - what can you recommend? Is there something in JQuery?
The most popular are probably:
thickbox jquery plugin
There are plenty of jQuery plugins that will do this for you. One that I like is the Cycle plugin. There is also Cycle Lite if you don't need as many effects. For more you can search the jQuery plugin database for slideshow or carousel -- and perhaps other keywords.
I really love fancy
I'm using the LightBox on my website and have not found anything easier to work with. Best of all it is free. Here is an example of the implementation on my website.
Italy Pictures
You can download the Lightbox code here...
Lightbox 2 may be worth a look. Nice way of loading images from thumbnail links. Very simple to implement too.
Besides what has already been mentioned, I have used slideshowpro and really like it. A very inexpensive download (like $20 or something like that), its free to try, and widely used. It is a flash plugin however, so you need to be OK with that (you don't need to know flash to use it)
Its use xml files to define the gallery/pictures and has a lot of easily configurable options. Also has an add-in for Picasa that will automatically generate the XML for you from a list of files.
