Background Image appears to overflow container - css

I'm using Firebug to work on my CSS.
It shows the HTML, Body, and inner container all at 620px height. I assume my window is around 640px high.
Using firebug I can clearly see that all the elements end just short of the full height of the window, however the body bg-image appears to take up the whole window height, which is beyond the size of it's relative container.
How/Why is this?
Note: It is a Drupal site using normalize.css as a reset. When I talk about height there is no padding or margins on the content.
I've pushed to test, see here -

Ok, looking at your page, I'm as annoyed as you. But I think I have found why this is happening.
In this fiddle, you can see that the background properties (color, image...) extends all over the page IF it's specifically ON the body tag. It doesn't matter how big the body is (It's a 1x1 box in the fiddle).
It must be a browser behaviour. This doesn't change the actual size of the body. It will follow the normal rules (size is the same than content, a specific size if it's set or the same as the parent if inherit is set).
But in this other one (setting the background-color to an inner div with fixed dimensions) the background color doesn't extend all over the page.
Try to create a wrapper as a children of your body and place body styles on it.
<div class="all your body classes here">

if you use firefox browser you can press
and paly withe resoltion you need


CSS, getting a Div to Expand the height of the page

I am doing my first React-Redux project and I am working on styling.
The issue I am having is with background colors.
If I set a background color on a div containing the main content of a page, the bottom of the page is left white.
My solution was to set a default background color in my reset file, on the body and html. This fixed the problem.
However, I want to have different background colors/images on different pages and if I have the body and html set to a default color that color will be the color below the div on any page.
Any help would be appreciated. This again is using React and Redux, I am brand new to this material and from my understanding , all the components will be nested under a parent element (body in my case) so changing that will affect every page. That said is there a way to make a div fill all the space between a header and eventually footer element?
If you are sure that your main content element needs to be 100% of the height of the page, you can use
This will give the element a height which is equal to 100% of the view height. This is supported in all current browsers except opera mini.
Beware of margins or padding on parent elements as these could make your container overflow the page slightly - see how i have dealt with the margin on the body in this example

HTML background-size:cover with floating objects

I have a trivial page with body having an image background, with background-size:cover. I set html { height:100% } to fill up the entire page regardless of the content amount. Up to this point everything worked as expected.
I've added a div and set position:absolute; right:0; width:200px; This, again, worked as expected, until I added content.
When this div is populated so much that the contents take up more space than the height of the page, the scroll bar appears. Scrolling down reveals that the background image does not actually cover the entire page.
This is due to the fact that my div is taller than 100% of the HTML height.
How can I address this?
You could add background-attachment:fixed; to your body element.
The caveat with this approach is that the background is now fixed in the viewport and does not scroll with the document.
Do it like i did in this codepen, and it should work fine.
Update: (using some JS)
see this codepen for more complete solution.
Instead of positioning any items via position:absolute I utilized float as much as possible.
I also added a <div> wrapper to the entirety of contents inside of <body> this helps the proper formatting and stretches the containing <div> accordingly. The body tag and its background properties now behave properly!

Centered background centered to window, not element

I've attached a repeat-y background to my body element, and while everything else works fine, I noticed that when the window width is less than the min-width of the body, the background is in fact centered to the window instead of the body element.
I checked from the element inspector in Chrome (and it's also obvious from the horizontal scrollbar) that the min-width attribute works; the background just isn't centered accordingly.
I'm running the latest consumer Chrome. Is this a browser bug (sure smells to me like it)? How can I circumvent it?
I've made a Fiddle; — Make the Result window's width smaller than 250 pixels and you'll see.
The body element is a special case, and will not work the way you want it to.
"The background of the root element becomes the background of the canvas and its background painting area extends to cover the entire canvas,"
Your best bet is probably to place another layer within the body to behave the way you're expecting the body to behave.
This: is a partial solution. You'll see that the wrapper doesn't paint all the way down to the bottom of the viewport as I expect you would desire.

text fit inside the box in my web page

I have one big image as a background to my webpage. The image contains a box inside the image itself. How would I place text on that background image such that it should fit in the box, and shrink or resize accordingly (in other resolutions when the background resizes)?
If you're looking to resize the "box" containing the text, you should be able to set the dimensions of the element to percentage-based width and height values with CSS.
If you want to resize the text inside the element, then you might want to consider using JavaScript (perhaps jQuery) to poll the size of the window at set intervals and adjust the text size based on the new window dimensions.
Edit: To clarify, you should be able to set the dimensions of the text box (probably a div) to be a percentage of the page. For example, the div containing the text could be 80% of the window width and 80% of its height. You can then set the margin to be "auto". This should cause the margin around the box and the dimensions to be proportional to the window width.
<style type="text/css">
div#box {
height: 80%;
width: 80%;
margin: auto;
<div id="box">Text goes here.</div>
This will cause the "box" div to be centered horizontally on the page, but vertical centering is a bit trickier. You'll probably want to look at this page to figure out how to center it vertically to stay within the box in the background.
As suggested by the other individual, you could also make the box background just the background of the text's container and not the entire page background. This might be a bit easier, but I think you will still need to use the percentage-based width and height attributes and auto margin to center it nicely.
For starters, you can't resize a background image. Also, resizing text will need Javascript or a page refresh.
Try making an example at so people better see what you're describing.
Your question is still unclear and I strongly recommend jsfiddle. But if I've interpreted're using FancyBox, which suggests you've got some Javascript running your page. Javascript can be used to find if your text is overflowing the container, and can resize it accordingly.
To do this, get your <div> (or container element) and check its .scrollHeight and .clientHeight properties. If the scroll is less than the client, the text doesn't need to be resized. If scroll is larger than the client, you can resize with the .style.fontSize property.
An untested example of what I'm describing is like this:
myDiv = $('containerElement'); // Get container object using its ID
size = 50; // Start with 50px font size
while(myDiv.scrollHeight > myDiv.clientHeight) {
// Decrement font size until scroll is less than client = (size - 1) + 'px';
You'll have to do a little legwork on this to get it to work how you like. Things to note:
I used the dollar function to get an object, you can google it for more info
Your container must have defined dimensions for .clientHeight to find
You may need to try .offsetHeight instead of .clientHeight
If you're just looking to control overflow, you can use CSS:
overflow-x:hidden or scroll or auto, overflow-y is the same
white-space:nowrap will prevent auto text wrapping
But, once again, my answer is vague since it's not clear (with code) what you're asking.
The problem with your solution is that it is very unscalable, not friendly to different browsers and will cause more problems as your website expands.
Try separating the box from the other bg image and use the box image as a background for the div you have the text in.

Css header problem

I have a header class which has a background and a header-center class which provides the nav content for the header. My problem is that if the window is smaller than the header-center width, the header background doesn't span the entire top when you scroll over. Stackoverflow seems to have the same problem, try resizing it and you'll see what I mean - they gray background doesn't expand over to the search box. How would I go about fixing this?
if the background is inside a container with a width of 100% and any parent container, including the <body> or <html> don't have a width set in the CSS then you will experience this behaviour. as 100% will be 100% of the browser viewport. Change this to a fixed width and it should stretch to fill the fixed width.
What you need to do is set a display: inline-block on your body tag. If you do this to stack-overflow's site. It fixes the problem.
This method is called "shrink-to-fit".
Here's a fiddle with the problem. DEMO
As you can see when you scroll the div doesn't expand the width of the whole screen anymore.
and here's a fiddle without the problem. DEMO
This has been answered similarly elsewhere by user473598 here How to make div not larger than its contents? you don't technically need the element to be a span though. buti-oxa's answer is worth noting as well as it notes that using this method is some what costly as it means formatting the element at least twice. Since it's being applied to the body it doesn't seem like that bad of a deal in your situation.
