Ordered Map / Hash Table in R - r

While working with lists i've noticed an issue that i didn't expect.
result5 <- vector("list",length(queryResults[[1]]))
for(i in 1:length(queryResults[[1]])){
id <- queryResults[[1]][i]
result5[[id]] <-getPrices(id)
The problem is that after this code runs instead of the result staying the same size (w/e queryResults[[1]] is) it goes up to the last index creating a bunch of null entries in the middle.
result5 current stores a number of int,double lists so it looks like :
While on it's own it's not too problematic I would rather avoid that simply for easier size calculations later on.
For clarification, id is an integer. And in the given case for loop offers same performance, but greater convenience than the apply functions.

After some testing seems like the easiest way of doing it is :
Using a hash package to convert it using a hash using :
result6 <- hash(queryResults[[1]],lapply(queryResults[[1]],getPrices))
And if it needs to get accessed calling
With the difference in performance being marginal, albeit it's still fairly annoying having to include toString in your code.

It's not clear exactly what your question is, but judging by the structure of the loop, you probably want
result5[[i]] <- getPrices(id)
rather than result5[[id]] <- getPrices(id).


index by name or by position in list / vector, which is faster?

I am currently trying to optimise the speed of a physical model computation. The specificity of this model is that it uses hundreds of input parameters, all stored in a big named vector:
initialize = c("temperature"=100, "airpressure"=150, "friction"=0.46)
The model, while iterating hundreds of times, needs to access the parameters, possibly updates them, etc.:
compute(initialize['temperature'], initialize['airpressure'])
initialize['friction'] <- updateP(initialize['friction'])
This is the logic. However I wonder if this is really efficient to work like this. What happens behind an indexation by name, is it fast? Some ideas to change this logic:
define each parameter as an independent variable in the environment?
(but how to pass a a large number of them as argument of a function?
have a list of parameters instead of a named vector?
access each parameter by its index in the vector, like this:
compute(initialize[1], initialize[2])
If I go with this last solution, of course I will loose the readability of the code (which parameter is actually initialize[1]?). So a way to go could be to define their positions first:
temperature.pos <- 1
airpressure.pos <- 2
compute(initialize[temperature.pos], initialize[airpressure.pos])
Of course, why didn't I try this and tested the speed? Well, it would take me hours to transform every location of parameters call in the script, that's why I ask before doing it.
And maybe there is a even more clever solution?

Yet another apply Questions

I am totally convinced that an efficient R programm should avoid using loops whenever possible and instead should use the big family of the apply functions.
But this cannot happen without pain.
For example I face with a problem whose solution involves a sum in the applied function, as a result the list of results is reduced to a single value, which is not what I want.
To be concrete I will try to simplify my problem
assume N =100
sapply(list(1:N), function(n) (
choose(n,(floor(n/2)+1):n) *
eps^((floor(n/2)+1):n) *
(1- eps)^(n-((floor(n/2)+1):n))))
As you can see the function inside cause length of the built vector to explode
whereas using the sum inside would collapse everything to single value
sapply(list(1:N), function(n) (
choose(n,(floor(n/2)+1):n) *
eps^((floor(n/2)+1):n) *
(1- eps)^(n-((floor(n/2)+1):n))))
What I would like to have is a the list of degree of N.
so what do you think? how can I repair it?
Your question doesn't contain reproducible code (what's "eps"?), but on the general point about for loops and optimising code:
For loops are not incredibly slow. For loops are incredibly slow when used improperly because of how memory is assigned to objects. For primitive objects (like vectors), modifying a value in a field has a tiny cost - but expanding the /length/ of the vector is fairly costly because what you're actually doing is creating an entirely new object, finding space for that object, copying the name over, removing the old object, etc. For non-primitive objects (say, data frames), it's even more costly because every modification, even if it doesn't alter the length of the data.frame, triggers this process.
But: there are ways to optimise a for loop and make them run quickly. The easiest guidelines are:
Do not run a for loop that writes to a data.frame. Use plyr or dplyr, or data.table, depending on your preference.
If you are using a vector and can know the length of the output in advance, it will work a lot faster. Specify the size of the output object before writing to it.
Do not twist yourself into knots avoiding for loops.
So in this case - if you're only producing a single value for each thing in N, you could make that work perfectly nicely with a vector:
#Create output object. We're specifying the length in advance so that writing to
#it is cheap
output <- numeric(length = length(N))
#Start the for loop
for(i in seq_along(output)){
output[i] <- your_computations_go_here(N[i])
This isn't actually particularly slow - because you're writing to a vector and you've specified the length in advance. And since data.frames are actually lists of equally-sized vectors, you can even work around some issues with running for loops over data.frames using this; if you're only writing to a single column in the data.frame, just create it as a vector and then write it to the data.frame via df$new_col <- output. You'll get the same output as if you had looped through the data.frame, but it'll work faster because you'll only have had to modify it once.

Why is using assign bad?

This post (Lazy evaluation in R – is assign affected?) covers some common ground but I am not sure it answers my question.
I stopped using assign when I discovered the apply family quite a while back, albeit, purely for reasons of elegance in situations such as this:
names.foo <- letters
values.foo <- LETTERS
for (i in 1:length(names.foo))
assign(names.foo[i], paste("This is: ", values.foo[i]))
which can be replaced by:
foo <- lapply(X=values.foo, FUN=function (k) paste("This is :", k))
names(foo) <- names.foo
This is also the reason this (http://cran.r-project.org/doc/FAQ/R-FAQ.html#How-can-I-turn-a-string-into-a-variable_003f) R-faq says this should be avoided.
Now, I know that assign is generally frowned upon. But are there other reasons I don't know? I suspect it may mess with the scoping or lazy evaluation but I am not sure? Example code that demonstrates such problems will be great.
Actually those two operations are quite different. The first gives you 26 different objects while the second gives you only one. The second object will be a lot easier to use in analyses. So I guess I would say you have already demonstrated the major downside of assign, namely the necessity of then needing always to use get for corralling or gathering up all the similarly named individual objects that are now "loose" in the global environment. Try imagining how you would serially do anything with those 26 separate objects. A simple lapply(foo, func) will suffice for the second strategy.
That FAQ citation really only says that using assignment and then assigning names is easier, but did not imply it was "bad". I happen to read it as "less functional" since you are not actually returning a value that gets assigned. The effect looks to be a side-effect (and in this case the assign strategy results in 26 separate side-effects). The use of assign seems to be adopted by people that are coming from languages that have global variables as a way of avoiding picking up the "True R Way", i.e. functional programming with data-objects. They really should be learning to use lists rather than littering their workspace with individually-named items.
There is another assignment paradigm that can be used:
foo <- setNames( paste0(letters,1:26), LETTERS)
That creates a named atomic vector rather than a named list, but the access to values in the vector is still done with names given to [.
As the source of fortune(236) I thought I would add a couple examples (also see fortune(174)).
First, a quiz. Consider the following code:
x <- 1
y <- some.function.that.uses.assign(rnorm(100))
After running the above 2 lines of code, what is the value of x?
The assign function is used to commit "Action at a distance" (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Action_at_a_distance_(computer_programming) or google for it). This is often the source of hard to find bugs.
I think the biggest problem with assign is that it tends to lead people down paths of thinking that take them away from better options. A simple example is the 2 sets of code in the question. The lapply solution is more elegant and should be promoted, but the mere fact that people learn about the assign function leads people to the loop option. Then they decide that they need to do the same operation on each object created in the loop (which would be just another simple lapply or sapply if the elegant solution were used) and resort to an even more complicated loop involving both get and apply along with ugly calls to paste. Then those enamored with assign try to do something like:
curname <- paste('myvector[', i, ']')
assign(curname, i)
And that does not do quite what they expected which leads to either complaining about R (which is as fair as complaining that my next door neighbor's house is too far away because I chose to walk the long way around the block) or even worse, delve into using eval and parse to get their constructed string to "work" (which then leads to fortune(106) and fortune(181)).
I'd like to point out that assign is meant to be used with environments.
From that point of view, the "bad" thing in the example above is using a not quite appropriate data structure (the base environment instead of a list or data.frame, vector, ...).
Side note: also for environments, the $ and $<- operators work, so in many cases the explicit assign and get isn't necessary there, neither.

using value of a function & nested function in R

I wrote a function in R - called "filtre": it takes a dataframe, and for each line it says whether it should go in say bin 1 or 2. At the end, we have two data frames that sum up to the original input, and corresponding respectively to all lines thrown in either bin 1 or 2. These two sets of bin 1 and 2 are referred to as filtre1 and filtre2. For convenience the values of filtre1 and filtre2 are calculated but not returned, because it is an intermediary thing in a bigger process (plus they are quite big data frame). I have the following issue:
(i) When I later on want to use filtre1 (or filtre2), they simply don't show up... like if their value was stuck within the function, and would not be recognised elsewhere - which would oblige me to copy the whole function every time I feel like using it - quite painful and heavy.
I suspect this is a rather simple thing, but I did search on the web and did not find the answer really (I was not sure of best key words). Sorry for any inconvenience.
Thxs / g.
It's pretty hard to know the optimum way of achieve what you want as you do not provide proper example, but I'll give it a try. If your variables filtre1 and filtre2 are defined inside of your function and you do not return them, of course they do not show up on your environment. But you could just return the classification and make filtre1 and filtre2 afterwards:
#example data
#example function, this could of course be done by bins<-df$x<10
for(i in 1:nrow(df))

Undo a round in R

This is a curiousity and I highly doubt you can do what I am asking because the concept is, well silly. If I were to round something can it be unrounded?
x <- round(rnorm(10))
You have no idea what the original something is can you get back to the original numbers generated by rnorm?
I ask because when I write functions for users I often put rounding arguments in them to make display better but I always give the user control of the digits and allow independent control of digit rounding for list objects. That makes a function full of digits= arguments really quickly. I would put these arguments in the function internally if I knew the user could somehow magically re-extract the original values. I could leave the digits as are, assign to a class and use a print method but for a list this is a pain at best.
If you round the actual data itself, in general you cannot recover it. Instead you should change the display using a custom print or trying something like option(digits=3). In the very particular case of random number generation, you could recover the original data if you first set the seed (set.seed), remembered it and then re-generated the random data from the same seed.
You could use sprintf to just modify how things get printed.
myfun <- function(){
x <- rnorm(3)
print(sprintf("%.3f", x))
out <- myfun()
#[1] "-0.527" "0.226" "-0.168"
#[1] -0.5266562 0.2262599 -0.1680460
Since I can't resist doing it the hard way...
