User resize able widgets like 3D modeling programs - qt

I am using qt designer and python. I want to make a layout where a user can drag widgets to control the size while at the same time scaling properly with the window. Basically all 3d modeling programs have this function, usually it has a top left right and perspective view. The user can drag the edges to resize each view and it will maintain that aspect ratio when the main window is resized. My question is similar to this: active resizing of widgets inside mainwindow but I would like to do it in qt designer.
So what I have found is the layout horizontal/vertical splitter. However I am only able to layout two widgets horizontally, and another two widgets horizontally, then grid layout. This makes it look similar to what I want except I want the top and bottom horizontal layouts to also be re-size able.
I have been able to do this with putting both horizontal split views in a group box and then splitting the two group boxes, however that makes each widget independent and does not let the user grab the middle axis to control all 4 views.

You are essentially asking for a splitter than works across two axes - no such standard widget exists. So you will have to create your own.


How can I create multiple custom widgets and display them with their absolute position

So I currently have got a custom widget, and I want to add them to the main window after clicking a button. I would like to add them all to one fixed position first and then I will be able to drag them wherever I like. I am able to create and display these custom widgets with help of QHBoxLayout or QVBoxLayout, but in this case they will not be in the same position after I create them. Any help will be appreciated!
As the names suggest, the QLayout classes manage the position and geometry of the items added to them. You cannot move (eg. drag) an item out of a layout w/out first removing it from the layout (QLayout::removeItem() and derivatives). For example when you drag a toolbar or dock widget out of a QMainWindow it goes through all sorts of machinations to remove it from the MW layout, change the widget's window flags, remember the old position in the layout, and so on. And the reverse to dock it again.
To do what you describe (drag widgets arbitrarily around a window) you would need to not use a QLayout and position the widgets manually by specifying a QWidget::setGeometry() for example. After initial position, and assuming the user has some way to grab the widget (title bar or drag handle you made, etc), you'll probably still need to manage their positions, for example if the main window is resized (if you care about keeping them contained). Essentially you'd have a bunch of separate widgets acting as individual windows and probably need some way to keep track of them.
I don't know what kind of widgets you're talking about, but one option may be a QMdiArea which lets the user drag windowed widgets around, tabify them, save/restore state, and so on.
For more flexibility you could also look into the Qt Graphics Framework. The graphics scene has a lot of features for user-movable items/widgets, keeping track of them, and so on. It is probably the most flexible method overall, and you can also use regular QWidgets inside a graphics scene.
A couple other Q/A about arbitrarily positioning widgets (I'm sure there are more to be found):
QPushButton alignment on top another widget
How to keep Push Buttons constant in relative to change of Label Size in PyQt4

How can i split my mainwindow into 5 areas with QT-Layouts

I want to make a GUI with QT Creator 4.9.1 ,my aim is to split my mainwindow into 5 areas(no multiple window), my question is how can i realize that, or better what is the best Layout solution for that?
I have allready tried to set a datagrid and add inside that grid 5 frames, the problem is that the first frame has the size of my whole datagrid and i can't resize it.
My next try was to add 5 different datagrid on my GUI but i can't set the size of the datagrid's in QT like wpf or forms.
My last try and my current solution is without any layout, i add 5 fame's inside my mainwindow but that isn't a good solution.
Inside visual studio i realize that with datagrids i create for every menu one grid and change the visibility when the user need a other (area 2).
friendly wishes sniffi
The suggestion to using dock windows may be a good one to investigate, particularly if you need to allow the user to resize or move things around. However, to get the layout you want with just layouts, the trick is to use multiple layouts.
Create a vertical layout for the left-hand side and add the four widgets to it. Create a horizontal layout and add the vertical layout in the first column and your tall, fifth widget to the second column. Apply the layout to your main windows, and that should give you roughly what you're looking for.
You'll almost certainly need to play with the row stretches on the vertical layout to get the proportions you want, and with the column stretches on the horizontal layout.
The alternate would be to create a grid layout where the widget on the right side spans four rows, but I think you'll be happier with the mix of the two layouts.

How can I allow user resize on elements within the window using Qt designer?

I want to allow a user using my application to be able to drag a boundary between two widgets in my window which will resize the two (i.e. you drag it down and the top one will get bigger while the bottom gets smaller, and vice-versa).
Is there anything in Qt designer that will allow a user to resize an element in the window, within certain constraints?
Thank you
What you're describing is called a QSplitter widget. In Qt Designer, you can create one by selecting 2 or more widgets, and then clicking the splitter button on the toolbar at the top. It's in the same location as the layout buttons. It will place those widgets inside a QSplitter. You still need to place the splitter widget inside another layout. It will create a handle between them to let you resize the portion that each widget gets.
You're looking for the QDockWidget. It can do all that you described above and more. The user can dock the widget to different sides of the window, changing which widget is on the top or bottom. You can customize the minimum and maximum sizes, as well as default sizes.

Add fixed sized items to grid layout in correct row

I am trying to create a grid layout of images kind of like how google images does it.
I want to add fixed sized images left to right, top to bottom but I am having trouble is figuring out when adding another image to a row would make it not fit and then decide that that images should be placed in a new row.
Also when the window resizes it should move images into/from rows based on how many it can fit in.
Ive got a scroll area with a grid layout in it which is fine if I know what can fit, but I can't figure out how to make it move items if say the window width is shrunk, and say an item needs to be moved down 1 row which moves other etc.
Assuming you are using QWidgets I'd suggest you to use QListView which does the layouting for free, if you want more control on how items are displayed use a QItemDelegate. For QListView the view mode should be set to QListView::IconMode so that you have a grid of items and not a list.
But if you are using QtQuick things are much easier, a GridView with Image delegates would do what you want really quickly and using GPU power to build you UI.

How to using mouse to change size of grid layout cells using Qt?

I use grid layout (horizontal and vertical too). I like the fact that when resizing the window fills the entire window contents. but this extension is poorly managed. I often want to change the size of only one column in grid layout without changing the size of the window. such as in Windows Explorer. there are two columns - the left list of directories and their contents to the left to the right. and i can always press mouse button therebetween and pulling change the mutual sizes of columns in relation to each other.
how can I do this in Qt?
You need to use a QSplitter rather than a QGridLayout in this specific case (where you just want 2 widgets shown together). QSplitters are draggable.
You are looking for QSplitter
(The following is the procedure in the Qt Designer)
Group your widgets, and click Lay Out Horizontally/Vertically in Splitter
Put this group into another layout (QGridLayout, for example) to automatically expand it.
Congrats! Your Layout is now draggable(from step1) and expandable(from step2).
