Position a background image outside an element using percent [duplicate] - css

This question already has answers here:
Using percentage values with background-position on a linear-gradient
(2 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I don't know if it's the late hour or if I'm just being stupid, but I can't figure this out.
What I'm trying to do is position a background image just outside the element it belongs to using %. The reason I want to do is is so that I can later animate the background-position from this % to 50% having it "slide in".
If I could use pixels it's easy enough to set the background-position to [width-of-element]px 0 but as I want the element's final position to be 50% 0 I can't start with a pixel value. (I'm using the jQuery Background Position plugin btw http://keith-wood.name/backgroundPos.html).
So, my question is, knowing the width of the element and the width of the background image - how can I calculate which %:age is needed to position the image just outside the edge of the element?
Obviously setting the background position to "0 0" makes it render at the top left, "50% 0" makes it centered and "100% 0" positions it from the right edge. If I go above 100% it starts to move away from the right edge, and depending on the width of the image (and I guess, the element) any value from roughly 200 and up is needed to completely shove the background image outside the edge of the element.
If I go the other way around, from 0 and downward the image moves off to the right, again the % needed to hide it varies but is not the same as the positive % needed to push it off the other edge.
Again, maybe I'm just tired but I'm stuck here.
Edit: Another curious thing I noticed is that if the image is smaller than the containing element, increasing its background-position-x above 100% doesn't make it move away from the right instead it makes it move to the right. Adjust the 101% on this updated fiddle and compare with the old fiddle to see what I mean: http://jsfiddle.net/cTeEA/1/
Edit: Ok percentages seemed out of the question, or at least ten times harder than simply using pixels. Here's how I solved it (more or less):
var dir = 'left'; // || 'right' (where to slide in the image from)
var winWidth = $(document).width();
var imgWidth = $('img[src="src-of-already-added-and-loaded-img.png"]').width();
var posOutside = dir == 'right' ? '-' + imgWidth + 'px' : winWidth + 'px';
var posCenter = (imgWidth > winWidth) ? -((imgWidth - winWidth) / 2) : ((winWidth - imgWidth) / 2);
Then I just animated the background-position from posOutside to posCenter.
Thanks to those who helped in the comments as well.

Background position with percentage values is not easy.
You can see an explanation of the math involved here
In your case, the short answer is:
The background size is greater or smaller than the div by a factor of f. Then your percentage is 100 / (1 - f).
That means that:
The backgound size is the same than the div. You are out of luck, it's not posible.
The background is bigger. Say div=100 background=400, then f = 4 and the formula gives -33%. (first example in demo)
The background is narrower. Say div=400 background=100, f=0.25 and the formula gives 133% (second example in the demo)
Notice that in the demo the percentages are a little bit offset to show that the background is really there
div.foo {
width: 100px;
background-size: 400px 100px;
background: red url(http://placekitten.com/400/100) no-repeat 50% 0;
height: 100px;
background-position: -32% 0; /* Disappear to the left */
div.foo2 {
width: 400px;
background-size: 100px 100px;
background: red url(http://placekitten.com/100/100) no-repeat 50% 0;
height: 100px;
background-position: 132% 0; /* Disappear to the left */


How to continue a resize of div(s) horizontally, when browser width is lessened

OK, this is probably very simple, but with the hacks we have in our code, it's not clear.
Step 1 - I have a DIV that contains a Google Map. What's IN the div is unimportant.
Step 2 - The size of the div is determined by the following Angular call:
data-ng-style="{ width: gmMapWidth }
Here's the Angular call that sets this attribute:
$scope.gmMapWidth = '100%';
As I scrunch the browser: sideways, the div, see below:
<div id="profile-map" data-ng-show="mapLoaded && showDemoMap" data-ng-style="{ width: gmMapWidth }" data-ng-class="{'show': gmMapWidth != 0 }" style="background: url(/app/css/images/demo/fake-map.png) no-repeat left top;"></div>
So when I reach a limit of Width: 591px in the Browser (GOOGLE CHROME) debugging console, the div stops and no longer shrinks although there's plenty more room for it to shrink (width-wise).
Any thoughts on how to get this to "be more responsive?"

Floating with css percentages, full-width browsing

Original question:
Okay, this is plain and simple css. But there's a bug on my site and i can't get it out !
I making a site with this design: http://cl.ly/image/1j231y2x3w07
The site i fully responsive and makes use of the css-aspect-ratio-technique:
<div class="post small">Post that is small</div>
<div class="post big">Post that is big</div>
<div class="post tall">Post that is tall</div>
<div class="post wide">Post that is wide</div>
.post {position: relative;}
.post:after {display: block; content: '';}
.post.small {width: calc(1/4 * 100%);}
.post.small:after {padding-top: 70%;}
.post.big {width: calc(1/2 * 100%);}
.post.big:after {padding-top: 70%;}
.post.tall {width: calc(1/4 * 100%);}
.post.tall:after {padding-top: 140%;}
.post.wide {width: calc(1/2 * 100%);}
.post.wide:after {padding-top: 35%;}
You get the gist of it.
I also make use of the excellent plugin Packery.js to keep track of floats and position. I mostly use is as a resize and animation helper.
But being fully responsive gives me a problem. For example when the browser window is 1304px wide, i get some odd height values(ex. 477.4px) due to the technique mentioned above. Because of the odd numbers i am not able to keep my grid, let alone my design.
And if the windows width is not divisible by 4 i get overlapping or 1 pixel white lines.
I've been working on this for quite some time now, and need some fresh eyes.
So, if anybody got inputs to a solution i would be very happy. Thanks :-)
The solution:
A big thanks to #ScottS – great advice !
function frontpageResize() {
// container ... duh.
var container = $('#frontpage-wrapper');
// body width.
var bWidth = window.innerWidth;
// get the pixels missing for making bWidth divisible by 20.
var divisibleBy = bWidth % 20;
// setting an alternative width.
var altWidth = Math.ceil(bWidth - divisibleBy + 20);
// what's missing?
var leftover = altWidth - bWidth;
// if body width is divisible by 20 all is peaches?
if(divisibleBy === 0) {
} else {
// else set the alternative width as body width and set margin-left.
container.width(altWidth).css({ "margin-left" : -leftover / 2 + "px"});
// relayout Packery.js
The Only Way You Will Eliminate All Rounding Issues
To get the quartering division of width's without issues, as you noted, you need a total width that is divisible by 4. To get the height divisions with the percentages you are using you need a total width that is divisible by 20 (35% of 20 = 7, a prime number; there is no other values between 1-19 that can be multiplied by 35% without a fraction being generated).
So that means you need your widths to not shoot for 100% window width, but rather the width value that is the next smallest division by 20 (and then perhaps center your display, so that the 0 to 9.5px left over become side margins through an margin: 0 auto rule).
So your theoretical calculation you need for your width value needs to use a modulus function, something like this:
#width - mod(#width, 20) //in LESS
width - (width%20) //in javascript
As you can see, though, the point is you would need a dynamic action that CSS does not have available natively to make it pixel perfect.

Twitter Bootstrap - Giving thumbnail caption a minimum number of lines

I have a carousel in Bootstrap that displays 4 columns of thumbnails. Here's the carousel in question. If you move to the third page, you can see that the container increases in height in order to accommodate the contents of the thumbnail captions. I've been trying many things such as setting bottom margins, min heights, etc. to get the position of the "View Details" button constant across the entire carousel.
My question is what is the best way to approach this issue? I was thinking somehow making the thumbnail caption height a minimum of 4 or so lines, but I tried that(probably the wrong way) to no avail.
When I add
.caption h4 {
min-height: 2.2em; /* 2 lines as line-height is 1.1 */
I get all "View details" at the same level. However, that obviously doesn't treat the problem of captions being even higher. It only works if no caption is higher in fact. (But it IS ok, if you know for sure nothing is going to be higher than your multiple.)
So, instead I apply this little bit of CSS to put a limit from the other side.
.caption h4 {
max-height: 4.4em; /* 4 lines as line-height is 1.1 */
height: 4.4em; /* making it a multiple allows usage of overflow */
overflow: hidden; /* without cutting a line in the middle */
If you want to set a max-height equal to the height of the highest of captions dynamically, than you would have to use a little bit of JS:
(function(d) {
var captions = d.querySelectorAll('.caption h4'),
height = 0;
for(var i = 0; i < captions.length; i++) {
height = Math.max(height, captions[i].offsetHeight); // or clientHeight depends on you box model
var style = d.createElement('style');
style.type = 'text/css';
style.innerHTML = '.caption h4 { max-height: '+ height +'px; height: '+ height +'px; }'; // they don't need overflow as none of them can overflow;
You add this script at the end of body, so that the DOM is already loaded (or somehow trigger it onload).
Important: this snippet is not supported by older browsers because of the querySelectorAll.
And that does the trick when I run it on your site.

CSS Skew only container, not content

I'm having trouble figuring out how to make the following layout work. I'm not restricted to pure CSS - I know JS will be involved to make it cross-browser - but a CSS solution would be awesome. Here's what I am trying to achieve:
I've tried the following code, skewing the container and then skewing the image in the opposite direction, but it just gives me a square image. Chrome inspector shows me that the container is being skewed properly, but skewing the image back makes it square again. Adding an overflow:hidden to the container kind of works but the edges of the angle become jagged. Here's what I have tried:
Please help! :)
Need to tweak the positioning and the size of the container so you can crop it, and apply the backface-visibility rule:
.skew {
-webkit-backface-visibility : hidden; /* the magic ingredient */
-webkit-transform : skew(16deg, 0);
overflow : hidden;
width : 300px;
height : 260px;
position : relative;
left : 50px;
border : 1px solid #666
.skew img {
-webkit-transform : skew(-16deg, 0);
position : relative;
left : -40px;
http://codepen.io/anon/pen/HLtlG <- before (aliased)
http://codepen.io/anon/pen/wnlpt <- after (anti-aliased)
In lieu of a CSS solution, you could also achieve the effect by using a canvas and some JS; and compositing a series of cropped images onto that canvas. The benefit of the canvas method being that you'll potentially get smoother edges on the crops, and it is potentially a bit better supported.
A canvas element in HTML;
<canvas id="mycanvas"></canvas>
And JS;
var img1 = new Image();
var img2 = new Image();
var img3 = new Image();
img1.src = '../my/image1.jpg';
img2.src = '../my/image2.jpg';
img3.src = '../my/image3.jpg';
var can = document.getElementById("mycanvas");
var ctx = can.getContext('2d');
var imgs = [img1, img2, img3]; //array of JS image objects that you've set up earlier
can.width = 1000;
can.height = 100;
for (var i=0; i < imgs.length; i++) {
ctx.moveTo(0, 0);
ctx.lineTo(800 - (200 * i), 0);
ctx.lineTo(900 - (200 * i), 100);
ctx.lineTo(0, 100);
ctx.drawImage(imgs[i], 0, 0);
The code is just off the top of my head - I haven't tested it. But basically - lets say you have a canvas that is a maximum of 1000px wide and 100px high. What happens above is, you set up a clipping area with a diagonal line across the canvas from point (800,0) to (900,100) and then draw the image into that clipping area... Then set up a new clipping path 200 pixels shorter for each image (note the '200 * i' bit).
Obviously the math needs to be adjusted for an arbitrary number of images and so on... But the idea is there.
A bit trickier than pure CSS maybe - but as I said - possibly a bit better supported cross-browser (IE's notwithstanding...).
Did a quick test - looks like you need to set the canvas dimensions - and also obviously wait for all images to load properly before you can composite them on the canvas.

Have container fit the width of one of its children, and another children using text-overflow

I'm looking for a way to have a HTML container fit the width of one of its children.
OK I know, this is how it already works by design.
But! I also need another children to collapse with a "text-overflow: ellipsis". Problem is: to apply such a property, you need this children to be in "display: block" mode, which makes it enlarge the container width.
Is there any secret time to achieve what I'm looking for.
Here is a JsFiddle in case you don't get it or want to give it a try.
Edit : by the way, and this is important, I'm targetting specifically Internet Explorer 10.
As watson said, there is no "shrink-to-fit" css rule. So, you have two choices:
Set the size of the .overflow elements manually and statically. So, instead of width:100%, you put width:330px.
Use javascript to resize the .overflow elements dynamically. (I'm assuming you have more than one.) You said you wanted to shrink to the biggest internal div. Let's say you have several divs you might want to shrink to, but you want to shrink to the largest of them. First, you set them all to a class like this:
border: solid 2px salmon;
width:auto; /* necessary for some browsers' offsetWidth */
display:inline-block; /* gives it the width of the contents */
And you put javascript something like this at the top of the page:
var goods = document.getElementsByClassName('good-width');
//collect the widest one's width
var maxwidth = 0;
for(var x = 0; x < goods.length; x++) {
if(goods[x].offsetWidth > maxwidth) {
maxwidth = goods[x].offsetWidth;
//set the width of the overflow divs to match
var overflows = document.getElementsByClassName('overflow');
for(var y = 0; y < overflows.length; y++) {
overflows[y].style.width = maxwidth + 'px';
If I misunderstood, and you're trying to match specific overflows to specific good-widths, you should assign each element an id and do things that way:
document.getElementById('overflowID').style.width = document.getElementById('good-widthID').offsetWidth + 'px';
If it were my website, I would actually combine both #1 and #2, in order to have it look at least decent for those who don't have javascript. That is, you set a static width to the overflow things that isn't too far off, then allow the javascript to overwrite it if it can.
