Plone 4 EEA Faceted Navigation - How to register a custom view - plone

I have installed eea.facetednavigation and it works fine so far. But I want to register a new result view and don't know how to hook here.
Do I have to use a non-grokked view? Or is there a special interface that could be used for grok.context (This is what I've tried so far with IFacetedNavigable, but no success)
As recommended, I declared my view with faceted:view in my configure.zcml
It does not work at all. I am on Plone4.3. I'm pretty shure that I declared the view as described in the example, but cannot select it in the dropdown. When I construct a request that tries to set my custom view, I get an Invalid view id error.
I can test the view, by appending the view name to a url with a folderish content. It works. Just the registration is not done entirely. I get some kss errors too, when I reinstall the affected addon. There may be a relation.
Update II
After deactivating and activating facetednavigation, the view appeared.

Look in eea.facetednavigation.views there is an example. Basically you'll need to register your view with zcml faceted:view meta directive.

I customized the eea.facetednavigation view only once, but it was really simple by using z3c.jbot (no need of ZCML or grok in this case).


Trying to override templates in FOSUserBundle, but having no effect

I'm trying to modify the skin of the register.html.twig template found in FOSUserBundle/Resources/views/Registration/register.html.twig.
I've basically followed the instructions in the documentation down to a T.
Like it told to do so, I created /app/Resources/views/FOSUserBundle/views/Registration/register.html.twig.
Cleared the cache (and browser cache just to be sure)
NO effect! I've put a blank file in register.html.twig, but no matter what I put there, when I go to /register/, I still see the default template.
Yep, these things happen all the time.
It should be:

How to customize dexterity-through-the-web-content view?

I created a content in my Plone 4.3 site (no grok here) with the very nice Dexterity through-the-web editor. Now I'd like to customize the default view for this content.
I've read Martn Aspelli's book but the problem is that through-the-web content does'nt have a specific interface (so I can't use it to create my specific view).
If you want to do this all through-the-web, then do the following:
Create a template for your view in the "custom" folder of
portal_skins (through the ZMI). You'll probably want to start with a
copy of something like the page template
(portal_skins/plone_content/document_view). Give it a name like
your_content_type_view. Test it by appending /your_content_type_view
to the URL for a sample object.
Edit the Factory Type Information (portal_types/your_content_type/Default
view method) to be your_content_type_view.
What you will have done is create a skin-level view for the type. This is different from the browser views that Martin is discussing, which do indeed require a class. The Dexterity development team is working on a way to provide TTW maintenance of browser views, but that's for a later version of Plone.
Meanwhile, if you later transfer your Dexterity content type to a Python add on, you'll be able to use your template, possibly unmodified for a browser view.

Changing skin layer based on URL

I am creating a site which will have a "desktop" and a "mobile" theme. I've two theme packages for this site: mysite.theme and mysite.mobile_theme. The mobile_theme is a stripped down version of the desktop theme, with new views and a reduced set of viewlets. I want to switch between these two themes based on the URL the site is visited from (i.e., vs.
As the mobile and desktop themes will share a lot of code, mysite.mobile_theme descends from mysite.theme in the following ways:
1) mobile_theme GS skins.xml has a skin path based on the old theme, so the desktop theme's CSS etc. is used:
<skin-path name="mysite.mobile_theme" based-on="mysite.theme">
2) IThemeSpecific marker subclasses the original one, so views which I'm not overriding for the mobile site fallback to the ones in mysite.theme:
from mysite.theme.browser.interfaces import IThemeSpecific as IBaseTheme
class IThemeSpecific(IBaseTheme):
"""Marker interface that defines a Zope 3 browser layer.
3) I have registered various views in mysite.mobile_theme to override the certain ones in mysite.theme.
4) I've used generic setup to have different viewlet registrations for each theme.
At this stage, if I select mysite.mobile_theme in the "Default skin" option portal skins->properties, everything works correctly: my views are used and the viewlets settings from the mobile_theme's GS profile are picked up correctly. So it appears the theme is set up correctly overall.
As mentioned above, however, I would like to swap between these two themes based on URL.
First, I swapped the "Default skin" back to "mysite.theme". I then created an access_rule in the root on my Plone site, roughly following these instructions to select a skin based on URL. It's at plonesite/access_rule and is set up as the access_rule for the plone site:
url = context.REQUEST.get('ACTUAL_URL', '')
if 'mobile' in url:
context.changeSkin('mysite.mobile_theme', context.REQUEST)
context.changeSkin('mysite.theme', context.REQUEST)
I've also tried using context.REQUEST.set('plone_skin', 'mysite.theme') rather than calling context.changeSkin(...).
Using this setup, the viewlets displayed change correctly based on the URL I've used--so it looks like the skin is being changed at some point--but the mysite.mobile_theme's view classes/templates are not being used in preference to mysite.theme's. In summary:
If I call from a URL containing "mobile" I get mysite.theme's views, but mysite.mobile_theme's viewlet registrations.
Otherwise, I get mysite.theme's views and mysite.theme's viewlet registrations.
It looks like I might have to hook into the traversal mechanism to change it so if "mobile" is in the URL, the mysite.mobile_theme's views registered against its IThemeSpecific are chosen rather than the mysite.theme ones, but I'm not sure this is correct nor how I'd go about this.
Can anyone give me some pointers?
UPDATE 3hrs after originally asking
To answer my own question (which I can't do for another 5 hours due to SO's rules):
It would appear that you must patch much lower down in the stack to make this work. I looked at how it was done in plone.gomobile, and they monkeypatch the skin choosing code itself. See:
You could use collective.editskinswitcher. Its main use case is to use the Plone Default theme on say and My Custom Theme on You can probably tweak its property sheet to fit your use case though.
Since the 'mobile theme' use case is fairly common I would accept patches to make that easier; or I may work on that myself some time.
(BTW, note that there is a fix-browser-layers branch that may help when you miss some items that are registered for a specific browser layer; seems ready to merge except that I would like to add some tests first.)
I have done this in some prototypes of mobile themes. Please consider thoses two addons not ready for production:
The related code is:
The patch on browserlayer to mark the request with my theme layer:
The patch on plonetool to add ##mobile on every content page:
The patch on skintool to tell skin layer is this one if browser layer:
If you are using, you also can switch your diazo theme:
Do I understand correctly that at the mobile URL your skins are correct, but your Zope3 Views are not? Which makes sense to me, since the view classes are based on Interfaces. In the same code above, where you use context.changeSkin, add:
from zope.interface import alsoProvides
alsoProvides(context, IMobileView)
and have your view zcml specify for ... IMobileView
[edit: on second thoughts, this really should be what happens when you change the skin - where the additional inteface will be your "IThemeSpecific" - so I'm not sure what's at play here, but it wouldn't hurt to try alsoProvides(context, IThemeSpecific)]

Drupal views add form to add record

I have some view which lists my module table entries.
What is the most elegant way to attach a form below the view to add record?
Waht I am trying to do know is:
I created dedicated form in my module:
function my_module_form_add_record($form_state) {
form fields.....
I added to the view theme file:
$add_form = drupal_get_form('my_module_form_add_record');
print $add_form;
But I do not like this solution for at least 2 reasons:
I does not work ...
2. Even if it worked - it is depended on the theme file! So if I change the theme - functionality is crashed.
I would like to find more elegant solution to attach form from custom module to the view.
I know of the existence of the "Views Attach" module but it has no option of adding custom forms.
I know also of the existence of the Views Embedded form (and I am usig it) but it is only useful if you want to add form to the every row.
Seems the must be some solution to add record from the view page!
Thanks you for help.
you could use hook_views_pre_render:
This hook is called right before the render process. The query has been executed, and the pre_render() phase has already happened for handlers, so all data should be available.
Adding output to the view can be accomplished by placing text on $view->attachment_before and $view->attachment_after. Altering the content can be achieved by editing the items of $view->result.

Sharepoint: Custom SiteMapProvider for custom list

I need to customise the title property for SiteMapNodes.
I am using WSS, and have created a custom document library. While navigating through this library I want to change the names of the nodes in the breadcrumb displayed above the list name.
So far I have:
created a class inheriting from
added my class to the web.config,
changed the sharepoint
default.master page sitemappath (in
PlaceHolderTitleBreadcrumb) to point
to my new site map provider.
I then overwrote the CurrentNode property to edit the CurrentNode.title with the desired name.
My problem is all the previous nodes (parent nodes) revert back to their original names. How do I edit the breadcrumb so that all the nodes navigated through keep their new title?
Any advice or direction would be appreciated.
The way I've done this before isn't by creating a new SiteMapProvider, but by replacing the sealed SharePoint AspMenu control with MossMenu (the same as AspMenu but open sourced by the SharePoint team). I then overrode OnMenuItemDataBound with the behaviour I needed.
If you need/prefer to use SiteMapProvider, have you tried using Reflector or the new .NET Framework debugging support to see how it works? There must be somewhere in the SiteMapProvider code where your overridden changes are, in turn, also being overridden. :-)
