Collation urls not followed for Google Webmaster - wordpress

I got lots of not followed page on Google Webmaster. I check them and is because lots of url are like
whe the correct url have to be
Im try to post a title wit many "x" on it and the only that weird %C3%97 when I post for example a new serie episode like this title: Burn Notice 7x02 Sub Español Online. When the x is between number appear %C3%97 and that made my posts duplicate.
So I try to fix changed the database collation from latin1_swedish_ci to utf8_general_ci but is still the same happend. I check as well my wp-config.php and is define('DB_CHARSET', 'utf8');
Please, some body know any good solution to fix all this situation? The database is quite big and supouse if I find a solution I need update the old url.
Thank you on advance

The URL you say Google is using:
is almost the same as the URL:
as the percent encoded characters actually repreesent Unicode Character 'MULTIPLICATION SIGN' aka it's an '×' not an 'x'. Google is just using the percent encoded version to be safe. That means that your database is probably fine, as it is showing URLs as valid UTF8.
The problem probably lies in how you're interpreting the requested URL and trying to match it to the database. PHP should already be decoding the percent encoded value to '×', so either:
Something is breaking the string (e.g. calling a non-multibyte safe function like strtolower() instead of mb_strtolower()).
Your PHP code is connecting to the database in a character set other than UTF8, please check that your my.cnf file contains 'default-character-set=utf8' in the client section.
or there's some other issue. The URL does appear valid though.


LinkedIn sharing SHARE_URL#HASH URL Param

I am faced with a LinkedIn sharing issue.
This issue probably reproducible from March 1st 2019.
I share some url e.g.
Worked before: link in post(href) - SHARE_URL#HASH
Works now: link in post(href) - value of og:url meta tag from SHARE_URL#HASH page
So we lose request parameters in SHARE_URL and #HASH
How we can pass link for LinkedIn post into request?
You need to do URL-encoding with parameters you are feeding to another URL. So, this is what you should want...
Remember, URL's use things like ? and # to indicate a special argument occurring after this character. So, for instance,, how would the browser know that the first ? indicates the GET param and the second ? is a part of the title argument? Easy: URL encoding.
In case you want to know more: Official LinkedIn Share Documentation

Linkedin profile image url giving access denied

I have used Spring social for integration with linkedin.
When the integration completes we save the users profile image which has below url:
But this url is giving access denied error. Is there something I am missing?
This may help, As per,
The new id will be dynamic and can change from time to time. We recommend retrieving at least once every 60 days to update your media-typed URN.
This could be one of the issue which you might be facing.
In order to fix this, I save the image, the moment it is received on to personal storage(AWS S3).
I looked at the URL of my picture of my In Public profile and the one returned from the API.
The picture URL in the XML returned after the ? for params v and t had &amp ; instead of &:
Replacing it with something like:
pictureURL = pictureURL.replaceAll("&amp ;","&");
fixed the issue for me.
Hope this helps
Note that there is an extra space between &amp and ;. It would have formatted otherwise.

Create custom URL for WordPress RSS2 Feed

I wrote an RSS2 feed on WordPress a while back, but for some reason, some of the URLs aren't working anymore. The current version of WP is 4.7.2.
For example, works, but does not.
Note that is a valid page on the site, but that is not, because it is only valid for feeds. The latter results in an "ERROR: This is not a valid feed." message.
Is there a way to make an URL for a RSS2 feed, even without an associated WP page (i.e. without the "/feed/" at the end).
I added a post called "brands", which fixed the problem. The only thing is that the dummy post is viewable by anyone. Any ideas how to block it, but not the feed?
Another problem is that query strings break the feed, for instance:
doesn't work, although it does without the "?name=hoodies".
How would I make that work?
It would appear that the name query string parameter is now causing problems - see:
Is there a way to make it backwards compatible? Otherwise, the existing app that calls the feed will also have to be changed...
I wound up creating dummy pages to fix the invalid feed error.
I had to change the "name" query string parameter to "prod_name" so as to not conflict with reserved terms.

Why won't Google Calendar load my dynamically generated ICS file?

I've been given the task of creating an ICAL feed of conference calls for members of our organization. I created a handler in ASP.NET that loops through our database, gets the call data from the database, and creates output that appears valid to me based on what I've read of the ICAL format, and the examples I've seen/disassembled.
Outlook 2007 reads the resulting output and displays the calendar, no problem (screenshot here shows how it renders).
30 Boxes also has no problem with it. (see test here).
But when I try to load the same output into Google Calendar, I get the message "We could not parse the calendar at the url requested":
What's wrong with my output that's causing Google to reject it? You can see the temporary data I'm testing with at this URL: This is a snapshot of the output from my .ASHX file, unaltered except the phone numbers and passcodes have been sanitized.
Edit with additional Info:
I just tried the following
Created a copy of my test file called "icaltest-1googevent.ics"
Deleted all the VEVENT data from the file
Exported one of my Google calendars to ICS
Copied one VEVENT from Google's exported data into my test file
Attempted to subcribe to icaltest-1googevent.ics in Google Calendar.
I still got an error message. So I'm guessing the issue isn't with my VEVENT data, but with something else about the file. Maybe there's something wrong with my VCALENDAR definition?
the severinghaus ics validator seems to think there is something funny ( a ? ) before the BEGIN CALENDAR
In my testing google was a lot fussier/rigourous/pedantic - once you get it working with the validator and google it should work in most places.
After lots of trial-and-error, and comparing my output with Google's, I got it working. There were a few problems with my ICS file:
Unescaped characters (I didn't know I had to escape commas!)
Inconsistent line return characters. They didn't show up in my text editor, but I had to use .NET's String.remove() to remove "\r" from my output to get Google to recognize it
The file was missing VCALENDAR:END. Apparently Outlook doesn't much care. Google does.
I had not one, but three funny characters before the BEGIN:VCALENDAR, decimal codes 239, 187, 191.
I found them thanks to the link above, thanks!
It turns out they're a prefix called BOM in UTF-8, you can read up on it here:
Google doesn't handle this, but after stripping these three characters from the file and uploading to the server, I was able to susbribe to that calendar in Google Calendar (from URL).
I hope this helps someone passing by this page in the future...
I had similar problem until I realised that opening the generated .ics file in Notepad++ wasn't in UTF-8. I was using a method to convert my string to a byte array, but wasn't using an encoder for this, so no matter what content headers I used, the file would never be generated using UTF-8. This simple fix resolved the UTF-8 generation and Google is now happy with my feed:
var utf8 = Encoding.UTF8;
byte[] utfBytes = utf8.GetBytes(myString);
myString= utf8.GetString(utfBytes, 0, utfBytes.Length);

Ampersands in URLRewriter Query Strings

I have a query string parameter value that contains an ampersand. For example, a valid value for the parameter may be:
a & b
When I generate the URL that contains the parameter, I'm using System.Web.HTTPUtility.UrlEncode() to make each element URL-friendly. It's (correctly) giving me a URL like:
The problem is that ASP.NET's Request object is interpreting the (encoded) ampersand as a Query String parameter delimiter, and is thus splitting my value into 2 parts (the first has "bar" as the parameter name; the second has a null name).
It appears that ASP.NET is URL-decoding the URL first and then using that when parsing the query string.
What's the best way to work around this?
UPDATE: The problem hinges on URLRewriter (a third-party plugin) and not ASP.NET itself. I've changed the title to reflect this, but I'll leave the rest of the question text as-is until I find out more about the problem.
i am with you in the same boat, i have spent like hours and hours trying to figure out what is the problem, and as you said it is a bug in both, as normal links that contain weird characters or UTF-8 code characters are parsed fine by
i think we have to switch to MVC.routing
Update: man you wont believe it, i have found the problem it is so strange, it is with IIS,
try to launch your page from visual studio Dev server and Unicode characters will be parsed just fine, but if you launch the page from IIS 7 it will give you the ???? characters.
hope some body will shade some light here
I would have thought that %26 and '&' mean exactly the same thing to the web server, so its the expected behavior. Urlencode is for encoding URLs, not encoding query strings.
... hang on ...
Try searching for abc&def in google, you'll get:
So your query string is correct, %26 is a literal ampersand. Hmm you're right, sounds like a bug. How do you go with an & instead of the %26 ?
Interesting reading:
Switching to UrlRewritingNet.UrlRewrite did not help, as it apparently has the same bug. I'm thinking it might have something to do with ASP.NET after all.
I think URLRewriter has a problem with nameless parameters (null name).
I had a similar problem. When I gave my nameless parameter a (dummy) name, everything worked as expected.
