selecting path in chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry - filepath

I'm trying to open a file in a Chrome packaged-app using chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry() but I can't manage to make the dialog show a suggested filename (passed through suggestedName). That works ok if the file is in home path, but doesn't if I 'suggest' a file that's inside a folder in that same home folder. I'm on LinuxMint.
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'openFile', suggestedName: "~/log.txt"}, callback) ---> works! but,
chrome.fileSystem.chooseEntry({type: 'openFile', suggestedName: "~/foo/log.txt"}, callback) ---> doesn't! It just opens dialog showing home folder. Both file and folder exist.

This is by design. The file system API strips path information from the suggested name. Put another way, you can suggest a name but not a path.
We do this for security reasons; we want users to always be choosing the file. If your app has a legitimate reason to suggest a path please file a bug at, describe your use case and cc me.


WP File Manager - Cannot view PDF

I am working for a client and cannot seem to find the solution to this issue. When changing the file path for the root directory of the WP File Manager we can "lockdown" and specify that we want the /home/site_name/files folder for the users to see when logged in. The default file path is /home/site_name/ and I can view the PDF's in the files folder by navigating and opening them up.
But once I specify that I want only the contents in the /home/site_name/file to be viewed I can no longer open the PDF's, it will give me a 404 this page cannot be found. If I take this URL and add in the /files/file_name then it loads... there is some disconnect between the link and the file path and I cannot figure it out.
Let me know if anyone has seen this before while using Wordpress File Manager!
Update: After contacting the developers of the plugin there was a known issue with it, now with the new version the bug is fixed

Browse for file window without uploading the file

Is there a way to get the select file dialog box open and putting the location of the file into a textbox without ever uploading the file?
ETA I'm using VB.NET in a web page. By using the asp:fileupload tag I can get the file location
But how do I prevent the file from being uploaded at all. We don't need it, just the file location. (The files are on a shared drive so if it's M:\documents\todayslunch.pdf for person A, it's the same for person B.)
You do not get access to the full filepath in the browser because of security.
If this was possible, one could get the full layout of the computer of anyone going to any website.
System.Web.HttpPostedFile.FileName gets the fully qualified name of the file on the client which includes the directory path.

How do I allow the user to select the path for a file?

In an application I'm working on, the users are prompted for the path of a file. This path will always point to a network drive, which the server has access to.
Currently, we use an asp:FileUpload control to accomplish this, drawing the path from the FileUpload's PostedFile.FileName property.
The problem is that the files the user is selecting from are locked down pretty severely. While the server has full access to them, the user only has permission to view the directory contents... They can't even open the files. This has worked fine up until now... But Windows 7 won't display these files in the file picker generated by FileUpload, so we need an alternative.
Looking for a way to get UI similar to the file open dialog already in place.
The ability to view the client's local files (including the shared network drives) is a bonus, although listing the files through the server is acceptable.
I think the problem is the permissions on these files. If the users can't even open them, how can their terminal possibly upload them to a website?
I'm surprised this has ever worked.
If the user is simply supplying a path and not actually uploading the file you could have the server display the contents of the folder (in a list or whatever) and the user selects from that.
So how about creating a file browser in a window, such that a user clicks "Pick File" which opens a new window showing the root contents of the network drive. The user can then navigate round the directories to the file they want, finally clicking the file to "upload".
Use System.IO Directory.GetFiles to get the files in a directory.
I think you need to separate out the two things. Here's an example prompt to convey the idea:
Select a (file from your computer) OR (file from the server)
Client Files
You can use the standard file-upload control, that is fine.
Server Files
No user should be selecting files from your sever with the upload-file dialog. (Keep in mind that these dialog boxes allow right-click menus delete, copy, properties, etc and locked down or not, the user should not think they have this ability).
I don't think there are any controls that will "do-it-all" for you in this manner. I think your best bet is to make your own interface here.

where does drupal save images when you use cck and imagecache?

I am thinking in moving all JS and images from webserver to another server to mitigate the load on my webserver. then i will use parallel module to get this stuff from the other server.
now, currently i am using cck and imagecache modules. and i dont know where does drupal save the images.
i checked mysql (files table) and found something like this
Mysql>select filepath from files limit 2;
i checked for such files but i didnt find anything like this in this directory!!
i inspected one of the images in one of my articles and found that this image is in one of the cache folders that have been generated automatically by imagecache module. i tried to delete this image from server and refreshed my page, imagecache recreated it.
now where did imagecach get this image from? where does drupal save my images??
Thanks for your help
Imagecache takes source images from whatever path is set in the files table, which is generally sites/default/files, the directory you listed. Your imagecache directory was within that directory, right? I think your files are probably in that directory and you just missed them for some reason. Directory listing cached in your FTP client, maybe?
For myself, it stores everything in the sites/default/files folder.
But, some settings to look at...
The File system path setting, located at ?q=admin/settings/file-system
The path settings for the particular field. Open the settings for the particular field, and look in the File path setting in the Path Settings fieldset.
If those settings are different, your file may be somewhere else. Otherwise, it's going to be in your sites/default/files folder.
Check the following locations
where [...] is the location of the htdocs folder inside your webserver container.
If you are using xampp then it could be C:\xampp183\htdocs............
Hope this helps !
In the drupal database, check the table "file_managed" and the column "uri" (which gives the uri to access the file either local or remote).
You might find a value like below .. (ignore the jpg name , that is only for my setup)
This shows the location of the image.

how can we prevent .exe type file upload in a website?

Suppose we have a example.exe file.
we first put that file in a new folder
and then zip that folder with any zipping software,
Can we prevent that zipped folder upload in a website?
how can we do that?
You cannot prevent it, because you can't tell what the browser is going to submit before it submits it. All you can do is when the file arrives on the server, check the file extension - if it's an exe (or a .zip and you open it up and find an .exe) then reject it.
You can use something like SWFupload to get a handle on the file before it's uploaded, but the best that'll do is tell you the name of the file.
Besides, they could just take "example.exe" change the name to "example.txt" and still upload it...
You check on the server. Checking with javascript in form.onsubmit is dumb because its quite simple to post a form with a file to the same URL and skip your super secure javascript powered page.
