Migrating from IBM MQ to javax.jms.* (Weblogic) - oracle11g

I've been looking for days about how one could migrate from using IBM Websphere MQ to rather only using the QueueManager within Weblogic 10.3.x server. This would save cost of licenses for IBM MQ. The closest I came was finiding an external link which stated that IBM examples existed that did something similar(moving away from MQ to standard jms libraries), but when I attempted to follow the link: http://www.developer.ibm.com/isv/tech/sampmq.html
it lead to a dead page :\
More specifically I am interested in
What classes to use in my attempts to replace the following, com.ibm.mq.* classes:
and other classes which don't have an obvious javax.jms.* alternative.
Some of the nuances & work-arounds I may encounter in this migration process.
The database we are forwarding the queue messages to is Oracle 11 Standard (with advanced queuing) if that changes anything, so basically we are looking to "cut out the middle-man", so to speak. Your learned responses will be highly appreciated!

You seem to use the MQI api for MQ, to which there is no replacement at hand. There is no other way than to actually rewrite your MQ application logic to use the JMS API.
A good way might be to first migrate into JMS using the same WebSphere MQ server, since it allows you to verify your results in a reliable way.
You ask for what classes to replace say MQGetOptions with. There are no single 1-to-1 replacement (there are even some aspects of MQI that JMS cannot easily replace). Most of the MQPutOptions and other options are available by setting parameters on sessions and messages in JMS. You really need to understand the JMS api before trying this switch.
Then, when you have jms working with WebSphere MQ, you can do as Beryllium suggests, but swapping the libraries to Weblogic, switch any reference to com.ibm.mq.jms.MQConnectionFactory;, configuring the new parameters and pray to any a available god - press run :)

I have completed an application which supported both JBossMQ and MQSeries/WebSphere MQ.
The MQSeries specific classes I required were
import com.ibm.mq.jms.JMSC;
import com.ibm.mq.jms.MQConnectionFactory;
import com.ibm.mq.jms.MQQueueConnectionFactory;
import com.ibm.mq.jms.MQTopicConnectionFactory;
These were sufficient to create the javax.jms.QueueConnection/TopicConnection.
As for WebSphere MQ, I connected directly.
As for JBossMQ I looked up the factories using JNDI.
So on top of this there is only JMS.
So the first step is to rewrite your application so that only the initializing part uses WebSphere MQ specific classes (the ones I have listed above)
Replace the remaining MQ specific part with a JNDI/directory lookup for a queue connection factory provided by your application server
Remove the MQ series specific parts from your source.
Here is a simple example which shows how to send a message.


Service Fabric: Should I split my API up into multiple little APIs?

I have been building .Net Web API's for years... normally I have one API that has 10 or so different controllers who handle everything from signing users up, handling business logic, payment, etc. Those all talk to class libraries to talk to the database and such. Nothing fancy, but it has been effective.
Fast forward to today... I am building a version 2 for an app that gets a good amount of traffic. I know my app is gonna get hit hard so I am looking for something with a foundation of efficiency and scale.
This has led me to embrace the coolness of Service Fabric and ASP.Net Core Web APIs. I have been reading lots of tutorials, articles, and SO questions and from what I understand, the beauty of Service Fabric is that it will spawn up multiple nodes in a single VM when things get busy.
So, if I maintain my normal pattern and make a single Web API with 10+ controllers, can Service Fabric do what it needs to do? Or am I supposed to create multiple little API's that are more focused so that the Service Fabric can add/remove them as things get busy?
That sounds like the right thing to do, and I have set up my code to do just that by putting my Models and Data classes in their own class libraries so they can be reused by the different API's, but I just wanted to double check before I do something potentially stupid.
If I split up, say each controller into its own Service Fabric service, will the Azure server be more efficient and scale better?
In Service Fabric clusters (on Azure / stand alone) a Node equals a VM. If you increase the amount of machines, more Nodes appear in the cluster. (This is not the case for your local dev cluster.) Scaling in Azure Clusters is simple: just change the VMSS instance count.
Only if you configure Stateless Services with instance count -1, Service Fabric will spawn new instances of it. This is caused by the addition of nodes, not by load itself.
You can configure autoscaling for VMSS'es.
Service Fabric just tries to balance the load of all running SF Services across the available resources. That could be one instance of one service type on every node, or multiple instances of many types. So one service can just use all the resources of the node it's running on, like with IIS. (This is why Container support is coming by the way.)
Web API design isn't directly influenced by Service Fabric. The same rules apply as when running on IIS or elsewhere. It's really your choice.
Your normal pattern will work. But making smaller services from it could help reduce the impact of changes. (At the cost of increased complexity.) Consider creating services that offer common functionality following the Microservices paradigm.
In Microservices, your code changes are scoped to smaller modules, less testing is needed, performance is less degraded during updates. This way, in theory, you can release new features in less time.
It depends.
If you have a natural division in your controllers regarding the resources they use then you may get some benefit if you split your services along that division line. Say service A uses lots of CPU and service B uses mostly HTTP then giving SF the ability to split CPU loads on their own may mean fewer affected HTTP calls.
You can optimize how SF distributes load by reporting load from inside your app but do so in the simplest way possible and don't add numerous dimensions, maybe one per service at most.
If all your controllers use the same type of resources roughly the same then there's no real benefit to splitting them away in separate services, just complications in code management, deployments and potentially inter-service communications.

NevaTech Sentinet

I was reading through Nevatech Sentinet the last week and I'm currently asking myself the following question: "When NevaTech Sentinet exists, with all these named features, why should anyone use BizTalk with ESB Toolkit and extend it with Sentinet?"
Does I see there something wrong, but Sentinet is able to handle everything and more what BizTalk with ESB Toolkit is also able to do?
Essentially you are talking about 2 very different products here.
Sentinet is a very good tool if you are thinking about centralized API management. It is very good in what it does in that niche.
BizTalk on the other hand is a ESB, using a publish/subscribe architecture. BizTalk also has various ways of connecting to non-trivial systems like SAP, DB2, Siebel, MSMQ, etc... It can also do EDI/AS2/X12, flat file parsing and so on.
You can set it up as a ESB and/or message broker/hub/etc...
In your specific case (I'm guessing web services related?) it might seem that BizTalk and Sentinet are similar, yet the two are very different and actuallly complement each other rather nicely.
As you see these are 2 completely diverse products and together they actually might be a perfect match in your case.
Some more clarification after your comment:
Using BizTalk does not necessarily mean you have to use ESB Toolkit. BizTalk can perfectly act as an ESB without the ESB Toolkit.
The benefits of using Sentinet is definitely API management. What you are focusing on when "doing" API management with Sentinet is to form a single layer of API's within Sentinet. Often you would point all your clients (both internal or external) to Sentinet, where you would host all of your services virtually. You gain a lot of control that way and can add security, versioning, load balancing, SLA reporting, etc... to your existing services without any hassle.
Another thing Sentinet is quite good at is low-latency services. This is something BizTalk is not particulary good at, since it will persist everything to it's database to prevent losing messages. (I once used it in a POC and setup a virtual service calling an existing, external service with additional enrichment and easily covered 200+ trx/seconds).
BizTalk on the other hand is middleware. That's a whole other playing field.
It's very good in connecting different systems to each other using different protocols, mapping messages to other formats (xml, flat file or EDI), adding business logic to your flows, integration patters, long running flows, loose coupling, etc... you wouldn't want to use it as a virtual service since it will persist everything to it's message box!
Hopefully now you see they are both quite a different tool set.
They do play along nicely next to each other though: hosting your BizTalk web services in a virtual web service on Sentinet has a lot of advantages, especially in a fast-paced environment.
One addition to #Peter's great answer:
I almost always install the ESB ToolKit, if nothing else for the centralized exception handling (EsbExceptionDb). You may or may not want to use the itinerary and other services in the toolkit, but the exception DB is very handy when trying to debug and potentially resubmit messages.

How to communicate between two applications in Android?

I'm developing a keyboard, so I'm implementing an InputMethodService. I have a requirement to add other features to this keyboard application but to separate it as another application in order to leave the keyboard as a lone keyboard implementation.
So I need to create a keyboard application and another application with all the other features (other features include but not limited to: a News Activity, a Messenger, a Lock Screen implementation and some Widgets).
Those two applications will need to communicate between them, from my research I found that there are several mechanisms I could use:
A Bounded Service
URI implementation
My question is: what would be the best implementation for my needs? Where my needs are to pass data from one application to another as well as starts activities and other components from one app in another.
After I made some research on this topic I found that there are several ways to do this operation:
Using Bounded Services that uses either a Messenger object to pass messages between the local process and the Remote Bounded Service or using AIDL to create an interface that will be passed from the Remote Bounded Service to the local process so that they can communicate.
The second options would be using the good old fashion BroadcastReceivers. That way as always it is possible to fire an Intent from the local process to the remote process and there receive some information.
The different for the usage of those both two would be decided by how strong would you like the connection to be between the two processes and how often should they be communicating. If they need to do one operation once in a while the BroadcastReceivers would be a perfectly good solution. But if you need a more consistent connection the Bounded Service is the way to go.

BizTalk sending message to Webservice without mapping

I am new to BizTalk. I got a requirement as below.
Requirement is below:-
Source: Oracle (table). I created a generated schema in BizTalk.
Target: Webservice which receives "object array" (Table of source records from BizTalk) as an input.
Source and Target systems have same structure. Hence no mapping should be implemented. Logic should be in pipelines or orchestration.
Need info on below two topics:
How to incorporate the logic in pipeline or orchestration to map data from source schema to target WS schema.
This question was posed (now deleted) on the other big BizTalk forum. So I'll share my answer here.
What you're asking is simply not possible. It doesn't matter that the source and destination are logically the same. They are represented by two different schemas in BizTalk. There is no way around this except by developing the Web Service to accept the WCF Oracle message directly.
Because of that, you must transform from the source to the destination. Maps are how that is done. While there are technically other ways, they are harder to write, bug prone and would likely offer a less desirable performance profile.
A ban on Maps is just counter-productive and as a long time BizTalk Developer I could not accept a project with such a requirement.
It's not very clear what you are asking for to be honest. Your requirement states that no mapping is required, but then you go on to ask how to incorporate mapping in pipeline or orchestrations.
A standard approach to delivering this would be;
Setup your input process from Oracle by using "Consume Adapter
Service" from visual studio's "add generated item". Use the oracle
binding, setup connection properties for typed polling along with
your query (see here for an example on MS SQL) change to a
service contract type (for inbound operations) and you'll get a set
of schemas representing your dataset, and a binding for your type
receive port poller.
Use "Consume WCF Service" to point to your "sending" web service and
you'll get the schemas, binding and a helpful orchestration with
port types add to your project
Create a simple map mapping your inbound oracle recordset schema to
your web service schema - this should be pretty straight forward if
they are identical, although I suspect you'll have to deal with
multiple sets of data - depends on your data.
Complete by wiring together your orchestration.
I appreciate this is a high level view of what you need to do, but there are plenty of example you can google to get you started. Hope that helps.

Routing/filtering messages without orchestrations

A lot of our use cases for Biztalk involve simply mapping and routing HL7 2.x messages from one system to another. Implementing maps and associating them to send/recieve ports is generally straightforward, but we also need to do some content based filtering on the sending side.
For example, we may want to only send ADT A04 and ADT A08 messages to system X if the sending facility is any 200 facilities (out of a possible 1000 facilities we have in our organization), but System Y needs ADT A04, A05, A8 for a totally different set of facilities and only for renal patients.
Because we're just routing messages and not really managing business processes here, utilzing orchestrations for the sole purpose to call out to the business rule engine is a little overkill here, especially considering that we'd probably need a seperate orchestration for each ADT type because of how schemas work. Is it possible to implement filter rules like this without using using orchestrations? The filters functionality of send ports looks a little too rudimentary for what we need, but at the same time I'd rather not develop and manage orchestrations.
You might be able to do this with property schemas...
You need to create a property schema and include the properties (from the other schemas) that you want to use for routing. Once you deploy the schema, those properties will be available for use as a filter in the send port. Start from here, you should be able to find examples somewhere...
As others have suggested you can use a custom pipeline component to call the Business Rules Engine.
And rather then trying to create your own, there is already an open source one available called the BizTalk Business Rules Engine Pipeline Framework
By calling BRE from the pipeline you can create complex rules which then set simple context properties on which you can route your messages.
Full disclosure: I've worked with the author of that framework when we were both at the same company.
