Make QR Code to Open Android Application? [duplicate] - qr-code

2 questions about using a QR code in an Android device:
1. Is it possible to launch a native Android application from a QR code? Maybe by some configured URI schema?
2. Another option which might be useful for me is to have a QR code scanner inside my own app. Will it be possible for me to somehow include a different app that scans QR codes inside my app? Or will I have to implement the scanning myself?

To scan barcodes in Android by Intent, see
To trigger an app from a QR code, yes, you need to register the app to handle the particular custom URL scheme. This is how the same app can respond to clicks on the web:
Look at how it registers to handle URLs here: use a configured schema you can check this post
Launch custom android application from android browser
Then the you could QR code this scheme just like market://
2. You could use Bar code scanner app and use below code to launch or you could even integrate the zxing library to scan yourself.
Intent intent = new Intent("");
startActivityForResult(intent, 0);


Google AdMobs Xamarin CrossPlatform

I am working on a cross-platform app and trying to implement google ad mobs, but google and firebase do not include an instructions list for Xamarin, only for Swift. Any ideas of what would be best to add ads?
Thank you!
Following either of these tutorials will work. Just change the iOS code, in AppDelegate to
`MobileAds.Configure("Your App ID");
MobileAds.SharedInstance.RequestConfiguration.TestDeviceIdentifiers = new string[] {"kGADSimulatorID", "Your Device ID" };`
to find your device ID, leave the test device identifiers blank, and the console will spit it out at you.

Send data from Share Extension to Xamatin.Forms app

I work on Share Extension. And it only has a sample project (following link) and a general extension documentation.
Basic project:
Extension documentation:
When I click share with my app on iphone (for example on photos), I want to send this file to my app and upload it remote server. But I couldn't find anyway to send object from share extension. I looked up and probably I need to use "NSUserDefaults" and I tried to use it that:
I did necessary settings (creating group id, app id etc) on my apple developer account.
I did necessary settings on my project Entitlements.plist
I try to send on ShareViewController - DidSelectPost method in the my project's share extension as below:
var default = new NSUserDefaults ("", NSUserDefaultsType.SuiteName);
default.SetString ("Test content", "TestKey");
default.Synchronize ();
4)I try to receive string data on my main project's AppDelegate as below:
var default = new NSUserDefaults ("", NSUserDefaultsType.SuiteName);
var key = default.StringForKey ("TestKey");
string value = key;
But I couldn't do it. And I saw someone did this with OpenUrl function. I tried this and this didn't work.
I started mobile programming with Xamarin forms and I don't know enough native iOS programming (I only learn with Xamarin). I think share extension has insufficient documentation.

how to implement Exif.PCL in xamarin forms?

I am trying to create a project in which picture is taken to upload from mobile camera, but when it is taken with front camera it rotates upside down (especially Android). I have read suggestions to use Exif.PCL nuget package but dont know how to implement the same. Can anybody help me out with this ?
I had the same problem in one of my apps. After trying different approaches I've found several problems with current implementations. Generally I use XLabs, which has media picking capabilities.
First of all it lacked support for scaling and autorotating images after they are taken. That's your question. So, first of all I had to implement some after-processing as soon as the image was picked.
Second, there are problems with Android and Xamarin.Forms due do how Activities are handled in Android. The way it works on Android is you launch CameraActivity or PhotoGalleryActivity which are actually hosted in a different application. Those Activities use substential amount of system memory, and due to this operating system will try to kill non-forground processes, including your app :) Workarround for this was completely implementing photo taking flow inside of my application by creating photo taking activities from scratch. Thus, I will never leave my app, and Android runtime will never kill my application.
Taking account all of this, I've implement my own flow of Image capturing. You can find the source code HERE. The basic architecture is following:
I've created IImageService, which has methods for picking images from camera or library.
public interface IImageService
Task<IImage> GetImageFromLibrary();
Task<IImage> GetImageFromCamera();
Then I've implemented this for iOS and Android separately and used dependency injection. For iOS I use XLabs implementation, cause it works as it should there are no problems with it. For Android I've created several activities to support picking images from Camera and Library: CameraActivity, PhotoGaleryActivity, which basically replace the native image picking activities.
After I pick the image I do scaling and rotating procedure. For iOS I've created UIImageToolbox static class which has GetScaledAndRotatedImage method. For Android it's BitmapToolbox static class which has GetScaledAndRotatedBitmap method.
In my sample application I've created ImageViewModel and ImagePage to demonstrate the usage of IImageService. It should be straightforward.
How to use the sample app?
Let me give a small remark. You can use only XLabs implementation for both iOS and Android and just use BitmapToolbox and UIImageToolbox to implement the scaling and rotation. And this is answer to your question. However, if you want your app to be stable on Android you need to go a little bit dipper.
Install all the necessary nuget packages to your Forms, Droid and iOS projects. You can find the packages that are used by sample application in packages.config file of each project
I use MvvmCross Messenger plugin for broadcast messaging, if you have alternative you can easily replace it. But if you want to use it, don't forget to register dependencies in your AppDelegate and MainActivity
Add necessary classes to your Forms, iOS and Android projects from sample application. You can use Resharper to fix namespaces for you.
For xaml files, if you drug and drop to forms project default build action and Custom Tool are set to wrong values. Thus click the xaml file, select properties set Build Action to Embedded Resource, and Custom Tool to MSBuild:UpdateDesignTimeXaml
For android project add necessary resources from drawable, drawable-xxhdpi, layout and values folders.
In grid_cell_photo_galery_item.axml file fix namespaces. Replace ImageSample.Droid.Views.SquareRelativeLayout by your namespace.
For Android, right click Android project, select properties, go to Android Manifest and add CAMERA, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE and WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permissions.
For Android, right click Android project, select properties, go to Advanced and set Max Heap Size to something like 1G, this is needed because PhotoGalaryActivity uses substantial amount of memory to display images and we need an increased heap size.
For iOS, don't forget to add dependency injection for MediaPicker in AppDelegate - DependencyService.Register<MediaPicker>();
That's all.

flex air mobile sending SMS with native extension ANE

I try to run :
I downloaded the code and imported the project folder (AndroidExtensions_Demo) in Flash Builder 4.6, changed the air version to 3.1, changed the flex compiler to 4.6 as that is what I’m using and ran it on the device.
However, when I clicked on Send button, I got the error below.
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at com.ssd.ane::AndroidExtensions$/get context()[/Users/anto/git/Android-AIR-Extensions/AndroidExtensions/src/com/ssd/ane/]
at com.ssd.ane::AndroidExtensions$/shareText()[/Users/anto/git/Android-AIR-Extensions/AndroidExtensions/src/com/ssd/ane/]
Is there another way to send SMS with Flex Mobile ?
I want to avoid the manual sending SMS process by pressing "Send" or "Ok" button
The reported exception refers to a failure during the context setup of the ANE. It should be mostly related to project configuration in many different ways.
Make sure you're setting the correct path of the ANE in your project and please consider a full rebuild of the ANE, including the native (Android) code in order to avoid further problems.
Unfortunately AIR doesn't provide any native other way to send a SMS save calling the navigateToUrl() using the sms: uri scheme (eg: navigateToUrl("sms:5551234567"); ). This way however the system SMS editor will be shown and you can't specify any body neither.
The only way to send an SMS in a full programmatically way is to write your own ANE and leverage Android APIs in order to get the things done.

QR Code reader for android

i am making a qr code reader, i came across zxing lib. i was able to successfully incorporate it on my project. however, when using the app i noticed that it requires another application (i.e qr droid app) before i can use it, otherwise the application crashes. is there a way that it won't require another app? or is there other lib that i can use? thanks in advance.
in my code i just called the intent:
Intent qr = new Intent("");
qr.putExtra("SCAN_MODE", "QR_CODE_MODE");
startActivityForResult(qr, 0);
First, it really requires the Barcode Scanner application. Not sure if that answers your question. Second your app crashes because you are not catching ActivityNotFoundException. In Barcode Scanners open source project ZXing, you will find a module android-integration which has complete correct source code for this integration. And you will find compete source for Barcode Scanner which you could use to build scanning into your own app. Otherwise you really do want to integrate with Barcode Scanner by Intent. It is much easier.
