Creating a ready-to-use symfony 2 application zip - symfony

I have created a symfomy application bundle that can be used to collect crash reports from Android applications (for those interested in Android and ACRA:
People who are ok with that can simply install that application as a regular Symfony 2 bundle, by getting it from GitHub and doing all the command line stuff that is needed BUT I want people to be able to install that application very simply and without:
any knowledge of symfony
requiring access to php composer
requiring to type any php command line
To do that, I have packaged a zip file containing the whole Symfony code + my bundle. Problem: it seems that the CSS and Javascripts are not properly found, I still need to run a command on the server:
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
Question 1: How could I get rid of that last step?
Question 2: Overall, what would you add to my process before making the zip file?
Before making that zip file, here is what I do:
Remove all git folders
Remove my app/config/parameters.yml file (specific to my dev environment)
I also execute the following commands:
php app/console cache:clear --env=dev
php app/console cache:clear --env=prod
php app/console doctrine:schema:create --env=dev --dump-sql > create-schema.sql
php app/console doctrine:schema:update --env=dev --dump-sql > update-schema.sql
php app/console assets:install --env=prod --no-debug
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
Demo is there:
Zip file is there: (17MB)
Instructions to install for those who want to try troubleshooting it:
Upload the zip content on your server
Give permissions 777 to directories app/logs and app/cache
Create file app/config/parameters.yml from sample file app/config/parameters.yml.dist
Create DB tables with help from the file create-schema.sql
Make your (sub-)domain point to the directory acra-server/web
Access the home page:
Edit 12/06/2013
Listing of files and permissions right after unzip
~/acra-server/web$ ls -l css
total 10
-rw-r--r--+ 1 vincentp users 8990 May 23 18:26 d82d504.css
~/acra-server/web$ ls -l js
total 103
-rw-r--r--+ 1 vincentp users 104721 May 23 18:26 7cb568e.js
Listing of files and permissions after the assetic dump command
:~/acra-server$ ls -l web/js
total 281
-rw-r--r--+ 1 vincentp users 205123 May 28 21:48 7cb568e.js
-rw-r--r--+ 1 vincentp users 21767 May 28 21:48 b96fe74.js
We can see that another JS file has been generated (same goes with CSS). I guess Assetic is not looking for the right files out of the unzip. Any idea on how to correct that? Maybe force assetic to use a given filename?

Dumping to a given filename
( assetic's output option )
You are able to configure your asset collection's to dump to a given filename. This can be achieved inside twig with the output option. No more auto-generated filenames like 7cb568e.js.
{% stylesheets
<link href="{{ asset_url }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
{% endstylesheets %}
... or javascripts ...
{% javascripts
<script src="{{ asset_url }}" type="text/javascript"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}
Now assetic will dump your assets to js/javascripts.js and css/stylesheets.css using the given filters.
The base path where assetic will dump these assets can be configured in your config.yml with assetic.write_to and the web/ folder.
pre-configured asset-collections
you can do even better and keep your code more structured.
You can define asset collections inside your config.yml ( or another imported config file ).
The configuration can be found under assetic.assets
# app/config.yml
# ...
- "bundles/mlabsacraserver/js/jquery.min.js"
- "bundles/mlabsacraserver/js/*"
output: js/javascripts.js
- "bundles/mlabsacraserver/stylesheets/*"
- cssrewrite # ...add more if you like
output: css/stylesheets.css
Now you can use these collections inside your twig templates using assetic's asset() function and the #-syntax with the corresponding collection names.
<link href="{{ asset('#css_main') }}" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
... and ...
<script src="{{ asset('#js_main') }}" type="text/javascript"></script>
This way you can configure where assetic shall look for your assets , change the names with a single configuration parameter and keep this logic outside of your templates, making them more readable and easier to maintain.
example resulting output:
<link href="/web/css/stylesheets.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/web/js/javascripts.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
You now have a single configuration point in your application where you add and remove assets using collections and then just use their reference name in your templates.
further improvements for the deployment
You can have your users enter their MySQL host, user and password and let symfony write the parameters file for you.
This is what the symfony standard-edition does using SensioDistributionBundle when you first access your application .
The class performing the actual writing of the parameters.yml is Sensio\DistributionBundle\Configurator\Configurator.
use Sensio\DistributionBundle\Configurator\Configurator;
Now use the configurator in your Installation Controller.
$configurator = new Configurator($this->get('kernel')->getRootDir());
'my_parameter' = 'my_value',
'my_parameter2' = 'my_value2',
The best thing will be looking at the Configurator class itself to understand how it works.
can i haz bounty now? ;-)

If it not critical to you, its possible do not use assetic at all and not combine all assetic files into one. You lose all features like minify, combining and others. Instead you no longer need to run php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug.
To do that - run php app/console assets:install web. It copy all your assets to web/bundles folder. Then in base.html.twig template you can include your assets manually.
{% block stylesheets %}
<link href="{{ asset('bundles/mlabsacraserverbundle/stylesheets/style.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" media="screen">
{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
<script src="{{ asset('bundles/mlabsacraserverbundle/js/jquery.min.js')}}"></script>
{% endblock %}
This is simlpest way to solve your problem.
Other way is to call command from php code like described in documentation here and live example here. You can make an install page, where run this command and install assets.

What is the html saying? are your asset paths generated correctly ?
And I see a:
"php app/console assets:install --env=prod --no-debug"
so actually the css should be there.
Maybe you try the command with your web dir.
wich copies over the css from your Resources/Public folder to your web/bundlename/...
"php app/console assets:install web"
or is it just the same ?

sorry but (again I'll talk about having to execute command lines) how having to type 7 commands (downaload/wget, unzip, chmod, cp, sql, config) is simpler than making
composer create-project marvinlabs/acra-server --prefer-dist acra-server
If you add some post install scripts, you could even auto configure web server / ...
For example, the step of parametere.yml is already handled by a composer script in symfony-standard (
I would strongly suggest to not use a zip file, but if you want so, here are links to fix your problem of assetic:
use a static/fixed output name
distribute prod assets
By default, assetic always generate unique file names, so every dump is another file name.


Include css and js files from vendor library via assets in Twig

I want to include css and js files from a library in my vendor directory into Twig.
I downloaded morrisjs via composer into my vendor directory of symfony. Now I want to include the main css und js files into my Twig Template. But as far as I know the asset function only works with files that are located in Bundles.
The files I want to include are located in the following paths:
I thought about some theoretical code that would look like that:
{% block stylesheets %}
<link href="{{ asset('vendor/morrisjs/morris.js/morris.css') }}" />
{% endblock %}
Is there any possibility to include these files directly from vendor and how when not?
If morrisjs is a frontend javascript library then install it via npm or bower.
Packages installed via composer should have all their public assets in Resources/public so you can publish them using:
$ php bin/console assets:install target [--symlink]
Then in a twig template use just:
<link href="{{ asset('bundles/acmedemo/css/contact.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />
After installing new packages, run:
php app/console assets:install web
'web' being your server's document root(public_html or whatever it is).
You also need to dump your assets:
//for dev
php app/console assetic:dump
//for prod
php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
In your servers public root, you will have directory /bundles/ where all your files will be present, and you can easily include them in Twig with {{ asset('bundles/morri..) }}
Read up on combining assets, something you will need at some point.

Symfony - Assets in dev mode

I am working through symfony tutorials and the documentation, it seems to imply that in dev mode the resources are available without having to install the assets, something like:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset("bundles/yodauser/css/login.css") }}" />
I get a 404 error though in dev mode until I actually run the assets:install command.
What am I doing wrong?
Quoting documentation:
You can also include assets located in your bundles' Resources/public
folder. You will need to run the php bin/console assets:install target
[--symlink] command, which moves (or symlinks) files into the correct
location. (target is by default "web").
<link href="{{ asset('bundles/acmedemo/css/contact.css') }}" rel="stylesheet" />
It should work, in my case sometimes it does sometimes it doeasnt.
Worst case scenario you will have to run command every time you update assets.
404 Error will be trough when the file don't exist on your server!(not found...) (W3 official doc here). The file don't exist in your target folder (or you target the wrong file ^^) ...
have you think to load your ressources in your web/ folder with this command:
# make a hard copy of the assets in web/
$ php app/console assets:install
# if possible, make absolute symlinks in web/ if not, make a hard copy
$ php app/console assets:install --symlink
# if possible, make relative symlinks in web/ if not, make a hard copy
$ php app/console assets:install --symlink --relative
This a new command on SF2.6 and you can find more samples of this command documentation here
you have all the documentation of assetics on the officoal symfony website.
And few idea for the best practise here.
Also, it's better to use the ' character in your asset() function like that :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset('bundles/yodauser/css/login.css') }}" />

Symfony Unable to Generate a URL for Route to Stylesheet

I have two CSS files in the same folder, with identical access rights. When testing in the same Twig file, one CSS file generates a URL to the file and loads perfectly and one gives an error.
An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template
("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "_assetic_a328b4c_0" as
such route does not exist.") in #GutensiteStream/Stream35163.html.twig
at line 19.
Files on Server
ls -al /var/www/core/cms/src/Templates/GutensiteAdminBundle/Resources/public/css
-rw-rw-r-- 1 chadwick developer 17K Feb 7 14:00 dashboard.css
-rw-rw-r-- 1 chadwick developer 49K Feb 6 16:00 site.css
Template with CSS that Loads
{% stylesheets '#TemplatesGutensiteAdminBundle/Resources/public/css/site.css' %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}">
{% endstylesheets %}
Template with CSS that does NOT Load
{% stylesheets '#TemplatesGutensiteAdminBundle/Resources/public/css/dashboard.css' %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}">
{% endstylesheets %}
Linking to the File Directly Works
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/gutensite/v/2/0/bundles/templatesgutensiteadmin/css/dashboard.css">
Steps Taken
I have already cleared cache multiple times, via app/console cache:clear and via rm -rf app/cache/*. I use php app/console assets:install --symlink /var/www/core/web/gutensite/v/2/0/ to symlink the public files to the bundles, and of course they are accessible (as demonstrated via the direct link).
My Config.yml
#don't use dynamic links to assets, use full production paths
use_controller: false
When I ran into this error, the solution was quite simple:
When in doubt:
bin/console cache:clear
Assetic is looked for a cached version which doesn't exist. This could be for any number of reasons, but cache:clear seems like it should be the first stop.
It is not recommended to use the # helper and load css directly from your bundle in production.
The best practice approach is to store the css files in the app/Resources directory and using assets:install requesting them from the web root, but seing as you don't have an AppBundle, the second best thing would be to request them from the web/bundles directory:
{% stylesheets
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}">
{% endstylesheets %}
Make sure you run assets:install beforehand.
This way, your css files will be compressed to one file and they will be loaded with the latest changes from the assets:install command.
Loading css files directly from your bundle using # is not recommended outside of local testing. I suspect your first issue is the usage of muliple stylesheets tags in assetic (stylesheets tag is not a part of Twig), but generally using # for file linking is not a good idea for assets. Use it for things like routing and config in .yml files, but not for assets! :)
One instance where this error will occur is when you try to load such an asset in a child template, that is already being loaded in one of the parent templates.
To fix it, load the asset only once in a template chain.
(Have to post this as answer, as I can't comment, yet.)
bundles: [you bundle name , otherbundlename] #add this

get css in the folders using assetic

I would like to know if it is possible with symfony 2 and Assetics to say that I want to load all of the css files in a specific folder even though this one has some other folders inside.
For example I have :
in assetics I would do that to load :
{% stylesheets 'bundles/my-bundle/css/*' %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{ asset_url }}" media="screen" />
{% endstylesheets %}
this will only load aaa.css and bbb.css
Is there a way to say : 'take everything' in one single line (sure i could add each folder in the stylesheets tag but I want to know if I can avoid doing that)
Thank you
You can't do this thing directly with assetic as is yet but it's possible thanks to everzet and his AsseticPipeline class suite and will probably be brought in next Assetic major version.
So what to do now ?
test previous KnpRadBundle version by cloning it here
get more information about how to implement it in your project : read this discussion
Good luck.
In the app_dev environment, the files are processed for each request, and run through all the filters before they are provided by the Assetic controller. This is useful, because we will see every change directly:
In a production environment, this process is just too slow. In this case, Assetic is able to generate real files, which are static and can be delivered statically:
To generate the final assets, invoke the following script in your console:
$ php app/console assetic:dump --env=prod --no-debug
All the css will combine in the production environment.The above command will generate a css folder and a combined file into that folder.

symfony assetic gives 500 error when requesting files

I am using assetic with symfony2. Each time I try to load a page, on requesting for the JS and CSS files, my browser gets a 500 error. If I type the address of that resource in address bar, I can load its file successfully! Even weirder, the CPU load increases like 30% whenever Symfony boots up!
I tried assets:install and assetic:dump --no-debug, guess what, none of the symfony pages load anymore. They all end in 500 error.
I don't think it is caused by apache. I can load any other static of PHP pages, and I also tried nginx and got a 500 error. I have to cache:clear in order to get them back.
Any idea? I have already updated and reinstalled my web server, CGI, PHP and used a fresh copy of symfony and copied the sources, none of them helped.
This is how I used Assetic with JS. There is a similar block for css:
{% javascripts
<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ asset_url }}"></script>
{% endjavascripts %}
In order to have a better understanding of what is going in, perhaps you could execute the commands related to assets in verbose mode (from your project root directory when using a standard Symfony2 edition) ?
php app/console assets:install --symlink -v
php app/console assetic:dump -v
