fpc Pascal Runtime error 216 before execution ends - runtime-error

I was implementing adjacency list in Pascal (by first reading edge end points, and then using dynamic arrays to assign required amount of memory to edgelist of each node). The program executes fine, gives correct outputs but gives runtime error 216 just before exiting.
The code is :
type aptr = array of longint;
var edgebuf:array[1..200000,1..2] of longint;
ptrs:array[1..100000] of longint;
elist:array[1..100000] of aptr;
for i:=1 to m do begin
for i:=1 to n do begin
for i:=1 to m do begin
for i:=1 to n do begin
writeln(i,' begins');
for j:=1 to ptrs[i] do begin
write(j,' ',elist[i][j],' ');
writeln(i,' ends');
When run on file
4 5
1 2
3 2
4 3
2 1
2 3
gives output:
1 begins
1 2
1 ends
2 begins
1 1 2 3
2 ends
3 begins
1 2
3 ends
4 begins
1 3
4 ends
Runtime error 216 at $0000000000416644
Once the program says "bye", what is the program executing that is giving runtime error 216?

RTE 216 is in general fatal exceptions. GPF/SIGSEGV and in some cases SIGILL/SIGBUS, and that probably means that your program corrupts memory somewhere.
Compile with runtime checks on might help you find errors (Free Pascal : -Criot )


Lua: recursive function builts wrong table - pil4

while working on the exercise 2.2 of "programming in Lua 4" I do have to create a function to built all permutations of the numbers 1-8. I decided to use Heaps algorithm und made the following script. I´m testing with numbers 1-3.
In the function I store the permutations as tables {1,2,3} {2,1,3} and so on into local "a" and add them to global "perm". But something runs wrong and at the end of the recursions I get the same permutation on all slots. I can´t figure it out. Please help.
function generateperm (k,a)
if k == 1 then
perm[#perm + 1] = a -- adds recent permutation to table
io.write(table.unpack(a)) -- debug print. it shows last added one
io.write("\n") -- so I can see the algorithm works fine
for i=1,k do
if k % 2 == 0 then -- builts a permutation
a[i],a[k] = a[k],a[i]
a[1],a[k] = a[k],a[1]
perm = {}
generateperm(3,{1,2,3}) -- start
for k,v in ipairs (perm) do -- prints all stored permutations
for k,v in ipairs(perm[k]) do -- but it´s 6 times {1,2,3}
debug print:

Pyomo constraint issue: not returning constrained result

I setup a constraint that does not constraint the solver in pyomo.
The constraint is the following:
def revenue_positive(model,t):
for t in model.T:
return (model.D[t] * model.P[t]) >= 0
model.positive_revenue = Constraint(model.T, rule=revenue_positive)
while the model parameters are:
model = ConcreteModel()
model.T = Set(doc='quarter of year', initialize=df.index.tolist(), ordered=True)
model.P = Param(model.T, initialize=df['price'].to_dict(), within=Any, doc='Price for each quarter')
model.C = Var(model.T, domain=NonNegativeReals)
model.D = Var(model.T, domain=NonNegativeReals)
income = sum(df.loc[t, 'price'] * model.D[t] for t in model.T)
expenses = sum(df.loc[t, 'price'] * model.C[t] for t in model.T)
profit = income - expenses
model.objective = Objective(expr=profit, sense=maximize)
# Solve the model
solver = SolverFactory('cbc')
df dataframe is:
df time_stamp price Status imbalance Difference Situation ... week month hour_of_day day_of_week day_of_year yearly_quarter
quarter ...
0 2021-01-01 00:00:00 64.84 Final 16 -3 Deficit ... 00 1 0 4 1 1
1 2021-01-01 00:15:00 13.96 Final 38 2 Surplus ... 00 1 0 4 1 1
2 2021-01-01 00:30:00 12.40 Final 46 1 Surplus ... 00 1 0 4 1 1
3 2021-01-01 00:45:00 7.70 Final 65 14 Surplus ... 00 1 0 4 1 1
4 2021-01-01 01:00:00 64.25 Final 3 -9 Deficit ... 00 1 1 4 1 1
The objective is to constraint the solver not to accept a negative revenue. As such it does not work as the solver passes 6 negative revenue values through. Looking at the indices with negative revenue, it appears the system chooses to sell at a negative price to buy later at a price even "more" negative, so from an optimization standpoint, it is ok. I would like to check the difference in results if we prohibit the solver to do that. Any input is welcome as after many searches on the web, still not the right way to write it correctly.
I did a pprint() of the constraint that returned:
positive_revenue : Size=35040, Index=T, Active=True
UPDATE following new constraint code:
def revenue_positive(model,t):
return model.D[t] * model.P[t] >= 0
model.positive_revenue = Constraint(model.T, rule=revenue_positive)
Return the following error:
ERROR: Rule failed when generating expression for constraint positive_revenue
with index 283: ValueError: Invalid constraint expression. The constraint
expression resolved to a trivial Boolean (True) instead of a Pyomo object.
Please modify your rule to return Constraint.Feasible instead of True.
Error thrown for Constraint 'positive_revenue[283]'
ERROR: Constructing component 'positive_revenue' from data=None failed:
ValueError: Invalid constraint expression. The constraint expression
resolved to a trivial Boolean (True) instead of a Pyomo object. Please
modify your rule to return Constraint.Feasible instead of True.
Error thrown for Constraint 'positive_revenue[283]'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/olivier/Desktop/Elia - BESS/run_imbalance.py", line 25, in <module>
results_df = optimize_year(df)
File "/home/olivier/Desktop/Elia - BESS/battery_model_imbalance.py", line 122, in optimize_year
model.positive_revenue = Constraint(model.T, rule=revenue_positive)
File "/home/olivier/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyomo/core/base/block.py", line 542, in __setattr__
self.add_component(name, val)
File "/home/olivier/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyomo/core/base/block.py", line 1087, in add_component
File "/home/olivier/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyomo/core/base/constraint.py", line 781, in construct
File "/home/olivier/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyomo/core/base/indexed_component.py", line 778, in _setitem_when_not_present
File "/home/olivier/anaconda3/lib/python3.9/site-packages/pyomo/core/base/constraint.py", line 506, in set_value
raise ValueError(
ValueError: Invalid constraint expression. The constraint expression resolved to a trivial Boolean (True) instead of a Pyomo object. Please modify your rule to return Constraint.Feasible instead of True.
Error thrown for Constraint 'positive_revenue[283]'
So there are 2 issues w/ your constraint. It isn't clear if one is a cut & paste issue or not.
The function call to make the constraint appears to be indented and inside of your function after the return statement, making it unreachable code. Could be just the spacing in your post.
You are incorrectly adding a loop inside of your function. You are passing in the parameter t as a function argument and then you are blowing it away with the for loop, which only executes for the first value of t in T then hits the return statement. Remove the loop. When you use the rule= structure in pyomo it will call the rule for each instance of the set that you are using in the Constraint(xx, rule=) structure.
So I think you should have:
def revenue_positive(model, t):
return model.D[t] * model.P[t] >= 0
model.positive_revenue = Constraint(model.T, rule=revenue_positive)
Updated re: the error you added.
The error cites the 283rd index. My bet is that price[283] is zero, so you are multiplying by a zero and killing your variable.
You could add a check within the function that checks if the price is zero, and in that case, just return pyo.Constraint.Feasible, which is the trivial return that doesn't influence the model (or crash)

How to know if there is a different element in one array in Scilab?

My goal is to check if there are misplaced objects in one array.
for example the array is
I want to know if the first 5 elements, 6 to 13 and 14-17 are the same.
The purpose of this is to identify the misplaced elements in a clustering solution.
I have tried for the first 5 elements
for i=1:ISet
mprintf("Set misp: %i",numMisp)
For the next 6 to 13 elements
for i=ISet+1:IVer+ISet-1
mprintf("%i %i Ver misp: %i\n",FIRSTMIN(i,1,2),FIRSTMIN(i+1,1,2),i)
For the next 14 to 17 elements
for i=IVer+ISet:IVer+IVir-1
mprintf("%i %i Ver misp: %i\n",FIRSTMIN(i,1,2),FIRSTMIN(i+1,1,2),i)
mprintf("Vir misp: %i",i)
You can use unique for that purpose. For example the following test checks if the first five elements are the same
x=[2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 1 1 1];
if length(unique(x(1:5))) == 1
You can do the the same for the other clusters by replacing 1:5 by 6:13 then 14:17.

Error DimensionMismatch in Julia

Learning a bit more about Julia (0.4.0), I am facing an interesting situation, probably with a simple solution that escapes me.
I have an array similar to this one:
17200x11 Array{Any,2}:
1 -16.449 -1.091 -3.6087 -12.6724 -1.5945 -14.7705 -7.2174 -25.2609 -3.7766 -14.3509
1 -16.6168 -5.2032 1.091 -3.8605 1.1749 -11.6653 -6.1264 -16.3651 -2.0142 -14.0991
1 -16.8686 -7.3853 3.8605 6.2103 -0.9232 -6.546 -8.1406 -10.0708 -2.2659 -16.3651
1 -16.5329 -10.4904 -1.7624 8.1406 -10.2386 1.3428 -16.0294 -6.4621 -4.6158 -19.5541
1 -13.8474 -13.5117 -13.6795 1.9302 -18.5471 3.6087 -22.995 -4.2801 -8.2245 -17.9596
1 -9.1476 -13.7634 -20.6451 -1.7624 -18.2953 1.091 -24.0021 -2.7695 -10.4904 -8.3923
1 -4.6997 -8.9798 -14.267 1.6785 -10.7422 1.1749 -19.3024 -2.2659 -11.0779 -2.6016
I have built a function like this one:
function aligner(mat,sc=schord)
ls=#parallel vcat for i=1:Int64(size(mat,1)/sc)
hcat(mat[((i-1)*sc+1),1],reshape(mat[((i-1)*sc+1):(i*sc),2:end],length(mat[((i-1)*sc+1):(i*sc),2:end]))') # reshape to convert array to vector and ' to transpose
return ls
Running this line
I got this error:
ERROR: DimensionMismatch("mismatch in dimension 1 (expected 1 got 100)")
in cat_t at abstractarray.jl:824
in hcat at abstractarray.jl:849
[inlined code] from none:3
in anonymous at no file:1500
in anonymous at multi.jl:684
in run_work_thunk at multi.jl:645
in remotecall_fetch at multi.jl:718
in remotecall_fetch at multi.jl:734
in anonymous at multi.jl:1485
in yieldto at /Applications/Julia-0.4.0.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib
in wait at /Applications/Julia-0.4.0.app/Contents/Resources/julia/lib/julia/sys.dylib (repeats 3 times)
in preduce at multi.jl:1489
[inlined code] from multi.jl:1498
in anonymous at expr.jl:1543
in aligner at none:2
Curiously, if I use only the core of the function (and of course, mat=myArray and sc=100), it works perfectly.
ls=#parallel vcat for i=1:Int64(size(mat,1)/sc)
hcat(mat[((i-1)*sc+1),1],reshape(mat[((i-1)*sc+1):(i*sc),2:end],length(mat[((i-1)*sc+1):(i*sc),2:end]))') # reshape to convert array to vector and ' to transpose
172x1001 Array{Any,2}:
1 -16.449 -16.6168 -16.8686 -16.5329 -13.8474 -9.1476 -4.6997 … 10.3226 3.273 -0.2518 4.364 7.2174 1.3428 -6.2103
1 -21.6522 -14.6866 -15.0223 -19.9738 -21.7361 -22.5754 -23.3307 12.1689 12.1689 8.0566 3.6926 3.0212 3.9444 1.3428
1 -6.6299 -4.6997 3.6926 7.5531 7.3013 4.1962 5.3711 -15.5258 -12.2528 -7.5531 -7.1335 -12.3367 -17.4561 -17.2882
1 9.903 5.9586 3.3569 4.1962 4.8676 4.6997 8.3923 0.9232 -0.5035 -5.9586 -9.9869 -9.6512 -1.7624 4.4479
1 19.1345 14.183 10.1547 10.4904 8.2245 2.4338 -3.6926 -4.8676 -6.7978 -8.8959 -11.5814 -15.0223 -11.0779 -3.1891
1 -3.1052 -0.7553 6.3782 6.2943 0.9232 0.8392 4.0283 … -8.0566 -8.5602 -9.5673 -10.6583 -8.0566 -2.2659 1.2589
I would appreciate any help to understand/solve the problem.
Kind Regards, RN
Well, it seems the solution is really simple:
function aligner(mat::Array,sc::Int=schord)
ls::Array=#parallel vcat for i=1:Int64(size(mat,1)/sc)
hcat(mat[((i-1)*sc+1),1],reshape(mat[((i-1)*sc+1):(i*sc),2:end],length(mat[((i-1)*sc+1):(i*sc),2:end]))') # reshape to convert array to vector and ' to transpose
return ls

Exception importing data into neo4j using batch-import

I am running neo-4j 1.8.2 on a remote unix box. I am using this jar (https://github.com/jexp/batch-import/downloads).
nodes.csv is same as given in example:
name age works_on
Michael 37 neo4j
Selina 14
Rana 6
Selma 4
rels.csv is like this:
start end type since counter:int
1 2 FATHER_OF 1998-07-10 1
1 3 FATHER_OF 2007-09-15 2
1 4 FATHER_OF 2008-05-03 3
3 4 SISTER_OF 2008-05-03 5
2 3 SISTER_OF 2007-09-15 7
But i am getting this exception :
Using Existing Configuration File
Total import time: 0 seconds
Exception in thread "main" java.util.NoSuchElementException
at java.util.StringTokenizer.nextToken(StringTokenizer.java:332)
at org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer$Data.split(Importer.java:156)
at org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer$Data.update(Importer.java:167)
at org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer.importNodes(Importer.java:226)
at org.neo4j.batchimport.Importer.main(Importer.java:83)
I am new to neo4j, was checking if this importer can save some coding effort.
It would be great if someone can point to the probable mistake.
Thanks for help!
My nodes.csv
name dob city state s_id balance desc mgr_primary mgr_secondary mgr_tertiary mgr_name mgr_status
John Von 8/11/1928 Denver CO 1114-010 7.5 RA 0023-0990 0100-0110 Doozman Keith Active
my rels.csv
start end type since status f_type f_num
2 1 address_of
1 3 has_account 5 Active
4 3 f_of Primary 0111-0230
Hi I had some issues in the past with the batch import script.
The formating of your file must be very rigorous, which means :
no extra spaces where not expected, like the ones I see in the first line of your rels.csv before "start"
no multiple spaces in place of the tab. If your files are exactly like what you've copied here, you have 4 spaces instead of on tab, and this is not going to work, as the script uses a tokenizer looking for tabs !!!
I had this issue because I always convert tabs to 4 spaces, and once I understood that, I stopped doing it for my csv !
