QuickLook - Application UTI overriding QLGenerator UTI - plist

I wrote a .qlgenerator for a particular set of file types and defined a supposedly correct set of "Imported Type UTIs" in the .plist file.
The form of UTIs is "public.archive.xxx.yyy", where "xxx" is a vendor code and "yyy" is a particular file type.
I write "supposedly", because everything seems to work fine until I install the .qlgenerator on another computer running 10.5. There it just doesn't work. Using qlmanage command I found out that the generator plugin gets properly registered for the given UTIs but when I invoke it to show preview of a file it says that my files are of type "public.archive.yyy" "rather than "public.archive.xxx.yyy". I eventually found the reason for that: On that second computer, there is an application installed, which defines those UTIs and registers itself as "Editor". The application does not provide QuickLook plugin but renders mine unusable anyway.
How can I make sure that my plugin will be used, even if someone has this (or similar) application installed?
Thanks in advance.


Imagine library not working in shared hosting

So I was developing a site that needed image resize so I decided to use avalanche123/imagine-bundle which uses the imagine library
In my local everything worked perfectly and then I uploaded the project to a shared hosting
When I go to the url generated by imagine bundle prints a zero
So I tried to find out where the problem is and I found it executes until this line
$image = $this->imagine->open($sourcePath);
$this->imagine is an object with class Imagine\Image\ImagineInterface
So when this line is executed it just returns 0
No exception is thrown and nothing is shown in logs
And I don't really know how imagine works inside and it seems no one else had this problem
So does anyone know what's the cause?
The AvalancheImagineBundle uses the Imagine PHP library to compute images. As stated in the README:
Depending on the chosen Image implementation, you may need one of the
It seems that you can choose the driver with the following configuration:
driver: gd
The value can be gd, imagick or gmagick and gd seems to be the default. Go ahead and see if any of this three is installed on the shared host by outputting phpinfo();. Just search for the particular string and see if it is avaiable.

Cannot customize sfGuardGroup - cached version autosfGuardGroup is always used

I'm using the sfGuardPlugin with Propel on Symfony 1.4.11. I'm overriding some templates in sfGuardUser as well as sfGuardGroup and sfGuardPermission. On my localhost version this works, but on shared hosting the sfGuardGroup and sfGuardPermission modules stubbornly ignore the templates in my app, reverting instead to the cached autoXXX modules. Curiously the sfGuardUser works in this respect on both platforms.
The debug log is identical until the step
Call "sfGuardGroupActions->executeIndex()"
The local version continues correctly with
Render "sf_app_dir/modules/sfGuardGroup/templates/indexSuccess.php"
While the remote server goes on like this:
Render "sf_root_dir/cache/backend/dev/modules/autoSfGuardGroup/templates/indexSuccess.php"
I have never seen any difference in the behavior of my modules before and this really stumps me. The files in both locations are identical, except the ProjectConfiguration.class.php and database.yml. I haven't found any mention of this kind of problem. Do you have any idea what could be causing this?
Of course I cleared the cache on both ends.
Well this is embarrassing!
Notice how autoSfGuardGroup is spelled? When I copied the cached folder I took out the 'auto', leaving a capital 'S' in front of the name. My Mac happily ignored the caps but the hosted server was not so nice.
All is well now.
Maybe I should get new glasses ... 8-}

flex3 autoupdater error

Dear all, I am working on flex3 and want to update my application by flex3 autoupdate. When my installed application runs, my checkUpdate function calls the autoUpdater code. It starts but when it reaches to 100%, it shows this error: "There was an error downloading the update. Error# 16824"
My mxml code is here http://tinypaste.com/92138b and server xml code is here http://tinypaste.com/e3792
Please guide me.
Many Thanks
Google is your friend for this one; it looks like you forgot to update the application descriptor version number in the updated version on the interweb.
I was unable to see your code as our work router blocks tinypaste. That said, however, I can tell you that air updates done via the ApplicationUpdater class are all based upon the updater xml file that you create/copy-out-there, and the xml file used for the compiler that sets the filename, version, application ID, etc. (most of which is used for the exe-compiler/exe-wrapper that facilitates the "bridge" between the OS and your compiled actionscript code). This link, might help: dezeloper.wordpress.com.
All-in-all keep debugging. The ApplicationUpdater class is one that was relatively well-written and is pretty self-explainable... once you get past this bug, there are a couple more that might be a sync-the-xml-text pain-in-the-butt. For example... I can tell you that in AIR 1.0 (and this may still be true in recent releases) if you made a change to your application xml file, and you're compiling from eclipse/flexBuilder/flashBuilder, you had to "project > clean" for those xml options to get picked up.
Best of luck,

Open type shortcut (ctrl+shift+t) does not work in Flash Builder standalone/plugin

I've recently started developing flash and have been getting accustomed to the weirdness of flash builder. Fortunately, I've had exposure to eclipse for java development, so I'm at least familiar with things like the project, preference structure and shortcuts.
One issue that I've run into for both the standalone and plugin client though is that the shortcut for open type (ctrl+shift+t on windows) doesn't seem to work. However, the one for open resource (ctrl+shift+r on windows) works perfectly. I've added my source folder to the source path, so that shouldn't be the problem.
The key binding for this is the default one:
Command: Open Type, Binding: Ctrl+Shift+T, When: Flash Builder Global Scope, Category:Navigation, User: (none)
Has anyone else run into this issue? Any ideas for fixing this? I rely heavily on open type.
I experienced the same error. Here's my solution:
Preference -> General -> Keys. Then type without quotes: Open Type in field where itg states "type filter here". Then select in "When:" In Action Script Mode. And then press "OK".
Its work in MXML and ActionScript.
Customize Perspective -> “Command Groups Availability” -> Unchecked the “Flash Navigation“
This worked for me. Also check after this that the Preferences - keys - are set to defaults.

Setting network options in a RCP Application

We have a RCP application that does sometimes get some data from URLs in the internet. Our customer uses a Proxy-Server, and we can't get to the information we need unless the network-settings are correct (Setting IP of Proxy and the Port-Number).
In Eclipse (the IDE), there is the Preferences->General->Network Connections Dialog to set those settings. I managed to include the Preferences Dialog( menu.add(new OpenPreferencesAction(window));, and even to get an option "Network Connections" (By adding a dependency to org.eclipse.ui.net in the plugin-settings.) But when I open the dialog, it says "The currently displayed page contains invalid values." and I can't set any values there.
the log files says: (thanks to VonC)
!ENTRY org.eclipse.jface 4 2 2009-11-09 21:51:39.798
!MESSAGE Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.jface".
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/core/internal/net/ProxySelector
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.net.ProxyEntriesComposite.initializeValues(ProxyEntriesComposite.java:248)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.net.ProxyEntriesComposite.createWidgets(ProxyEntriesComposite.java:130)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.net.ProxyEntriesComposite.(ProxyEntriesComposite.java:57)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.net.ProxyPreferencePage.createProxyEntriesComposite(ProxyPreferencePage.java:81)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.net.ProxyPreferencePage.createContents(ProxyPreferencePage.java:54)
at org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferencePage.createControl(PreferencePage.java:235)
Does someone know a way to tell an eclipse-RCP application what network settings to use, either by using the preference page, by manual coding, or by using some configuration files?
Looks like I finally got it:
How to make setting the network configuration by the preference page possible in an RCP-Application in windows 32 bit:
Put the packages org.eclipse.ui.net, org.eclipse.core.net and org.eclipse.core.net.win32.x86 into your target plattform and add dependencies to the first two of these in your Manfifest.MF
Make sure you have compatible versions (That was my mistake, I had an old version of org.eclipse.net.win32.x86). For example, get the all three files from your Galileo Eclipse IDE
In your ActionBarAdvisor class, add: menu.add(new OpenPreferencesAction(getActionBarConfigurer().getWindowConfigurer()
Putting some DLL-files somewhere on the harddrive is not nessesary!
Howto use eclipse network options in your own plug-in (tested win32):
add jars: org.eclipse.core.net and org.eclipse.ui.net
add jWinHttp-1.0.0.dll (extraced from org.eclipse.core.net.win32.x86) to a directory
that is on the windows path (e.g. c:\windows).
Maybe it is also possible to pass a system property to search the dll at a specific location.
Now you can use the net api.
