Smooth transition effects using Qt - qt

How to implement smooth transition effects while opening one Window from another using QT.
By smooth transition, I meant effects like we see in Iphones/Windows Metros etc.
Please suggest some libraries or how to implement this.
Thanks in advance.

You can try QPropertyAnimation Class and try animating opacity, size etc.


Where to start to achieve this animation effect

How can i achieve this kind of animation effect (see link below) and where do I need to start learning, is this part of css or html5 or plugins, etc..
I have a startup knowledge in css and html5, but I have no idea how to achieve the effect.
*the effect i'm referring to is the movement of the foreground images while the mouse hovers and still maintaining its background to be static
This effect is called "parallax scrolling"
The basic idea is to layer images on top of each other and move them simultaneously but at different speeds, foreground moving faster than background.
Capturing and utilizing mouse events can be done with javascript/jQuery, and the animation can also be done with those languages or in combination with CSS3 animations.
There are quite a few jQuery plugins out there that can help you quickly achieve this effect.
See parallax.js
Or for more plugins:

Qt animation without interpolation

is it possible to deactivate the interpolation of the QGraphicsItemAnimation? i need a rectangle to "jump" between two positions, but i cannot use a QTimer due to the construction of the other classes, so the only thing that seems to work is an animation.
i got the idea of using this class from here: Smooth animations with QGraphicsScene
now that i know it is deprecated i figured using QPropertyAnimation combined with QSequentialAnimationGroup is doing the trick. by using animation duration of 0 and adding pause to the animation group i get a "jump"

How can I make this effect by using css3?

This is an amazing effect like PPT. Link is here :
I know single part was made by css3-animation effects but I don't know to play all these effects in a timeline? to make position change and local to whole effect?
Where can I find a tutorial like this?
Thanks cordially.
You could actually make the whole thing out of CSS3.
Keyframes is how you'd be able to time the different functions:
You would need something like an entire CSS3 powered page page, and then just place a window over that with overflow hidden. Use keyframe to move the page around but the window will only show a portion of it.
Just realized, that actually happens to be exactly what they did.

realtime effects on a video component

I have a flex 4.5 application that uses a mx:VideoDisplay component to display the webcam.
how can I add realtime effects to that VideoDisplay component ?
for example:
changing colors, particle/grain looks, wave effects, zoom and so on
thank you!
Changing colours can be done using any of the* by applying a blendMode

How to Queue or Pipeline Many Flex Animations?

I have a Flex application where some interactions cause many objects to require visual updates all at once. These updates translate into state changes for many MXML based components which have state based transitions. The transitions look great when just a handful of the components animate at the same time... but when all of them animate at once... the Flash Player just can't keep up.
Any ideas on how to create something of an animation pipeline so that everything can have a chance to keep up? Or maybe some other solution?
Did you try working with suspendBackgroundProcessing property of Effect or disableLayout property of Animate class descendants? You can define them on MXML animation definition nodes.
Personally, I try to stay away from the Adobe effects library as they're slow and not all that good. If you want animation 'groupings', consecutive animations, or even animation timelines, I would suggest you use TweenMax.
