Issue with JuiceUI slider control after postback -

I am using the DynamicControlsPlaceholder by Denis Bauer to save the viewstate of dynamic controls after postback.
I used DynamicControlsPlaceholder before in an earlier part of my project and it worked flawlessly.
However, today I have run into difficulty. I have created a page where there are a number of text labels, slider bars and textboxes (defined by how many elements there are on a database) as shown below. The slider bars are JuiceUI slider controls and the text boxes are normal ASP.NET textboxes.
After postback the text labels (literal controls) and pie chart disappear, the textboxes reduce in size (text inside remains) and the sliderbars are reset to the lowest value without the ability to move the slider (the sliders cannot move at all).
I am quite new to ASP.NET and I am completely stumped as to why this is happening. Do you think it is a problem with the dynamic control placeholder, JuiceUI slider or my code (see below)?
SqlCeCommand cmdb = new SqlCeCommand();
cmdb.CommandText = "SELECT CriteriaName,CriteriaDesc FROM tblCriteria WHERE (DecisionID = #DID)";
cmdb.Parameters.AddWithValue("#DID", DID.Text.Trim());
cmdb.Connection = sqlConnection1;
reader = cmdb.ExecuteReader();
string[] criterianames = new string[critno];
string[] criteriadescs = new string[critno];
int i = 0;
while (reader.Read())
criterianames[i] = reader["CriteriaName"].ToString().Trim();
criteriadescs[i] = reader["CriteriaDesc"].ToString().Trim();
Cont2.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<h3>Thank you for contributing to the following decision.<h4>Decision Goal: " + dgoal + "</h4><br><br><center>"));
Series weights = new Series();
weights.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Pie;
double[] yBar = new double[critno];
string[] xBar = new string[critno];
xBar = criterianames;
for (i = 0; i < critno; i++)
yBar[i] = 1;
ChartArea ca = new ChartArea();
ca.Position = new ElementPosition(0, 0, 100, 100);
ca.InnerPlotPosition = new ElementPosition(0, 0, 100, 100);
ca.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
Chart piechart = new Chart();
piechart.RenderType = RenderType.ImageTag;
piechart.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
piechart.Palette= ChartColorPalette.BrightPastel;
piechart.BorderColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black;
piechart.BorderSkin.PageColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
piechart.BorderSkin.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Transparent;
piechart.Width = 800;
piechart.ImageStorageMode = ImageStorageMode.UseImageLocation;
piechart.ImageLocation = "~/TempImages/ChartPic_#SEQ(300,3)";
piechart.Series[0].Points.DataBindXY(xBar, yBar);
Cont2.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</center><h3>Please provide a weighting for each criterion.</h3><p>Please provide a weighting for each criterion along with a description of why you made this choice. </p>"));
for (i = 0; i < critno; i++)
Cont3.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<h3>" + criterianames[i] + "</h3><p><strong>Description: </strong>" + criteriadescs[i] + "</p><center>"));
Juice.Slider weightslider = new Juice.Slider();
weightslider.ID = "w" + i.ToString();
weightslider.Min = 1;
weightslider.Value = 50;
weightslider.Max = 100;
weightslider.AutoPostBack = true;
weightslider.ValueChanged += (o, a) =>
ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "myalert", "alert('" + weightslider.Value.ToString() + "');", true);
TextBox wdesc = new TextBox();
wdesc.ID = "wd" + Convert.ToString(i);
wdesc.Rows = 3;
wdesc.Width = 900;
wdesc.TextMode = TextBoxMode.MultiLine;
Cont3.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</center>"));
Cont3.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<p align='right'>"));
Button continue1 = new Button();
continue1.Text = "Continue";
Cont3.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</p>"));
// Database Disconnect
Many thanks for any help you can provide,
Kind regards,

You could eliminate or confirm the problem exists with Juice UI by creating a page containing nothing more than a Juice UI slider, one of these dynamic placeholders and a label. That'd be the first stop.
If you do run into problems with Juice UI, you can use it's cousin Brew


Linechart show info on point tapped

I'm implementing a little app with Xamarin Forms for a web page, the thing is that in this web is a linear chart with multiple entries and if the user clicks on a point of the line shows info about that point, as you can see in the picture:
Web Line Chart
After some work, I could create a more or less similar line chart using the OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms plugin with multiple entries which shows the points
My App Line Chart
This is my code:
var model = new PlotModel
LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside,
LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter,
LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal,
LegendBorderThickness = 0
model.PlotType = PlotType.XY;
Dictionary<string, List<Prices>> values = HistoricData[Selected.ProductId];
int colorIndex = 0;
List<string> x_names = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in values.Keys)
if (item.ToUpper() == Selected.ProductName) { SelectedIndex = colorIndex; }
var lineSeries = new LineSeries()
Title = item,
MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle,
lineSeries.MarkerResolution = 3;
lineSeries.MarkerFill = OxyPlot.OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
lineSeries.MarkerStroke = OxyPlot.OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
lineSeries.MarkerSize = 3;
var points = new List<DataPoint>();
lineSeries.Color = OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
foreach (var price in values[item])
points.Add(new DataPoint(price.Week+price.Year, price.Price));
if (ButtonsVisibility.Count == 0)
lineSeries.IsVisible = (Selected.ProductName == item.ToUpper()) ? true : false;
lineSeries.IsVisible = ButtonsVisibility[colorIndex];
lineSeries.ItemsSource = points;
lineSeries.MarkerType = OxyPlot.MarkerType.Circle;
NumButtons = colorIndex;
LinearAxis yaxis = new LinearAxis();
yaxis.Position = AxisPosition.Left;
yaxis.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot;
LineChart = model;
return LineChart;
My doubt is which property I should work with and show at least the value of a concrete point, I have seen the property OnTouchStarted but is only for all the LineSeries and not for a single point. I read in some articles that OxyPlot.Xamarin.Forms include a tracker. I added this line in my code:
lineSeries.TrackerFormatString = "X={2},\nY={4}";
Is supposed to show the x and y values on click but doesn't show anything, any suggestion?
Should show something like that: Tracker info on point
From the following example: Tracker Example
Updated Code
public PlotModel GetLineChart()
var model = new PlotModel
LegendPlacement = LegendPlacement.Outside,
LegendPosition = LegendPosition.BottomCenter,
LegendOrientation = LegendOrientation.Horizontal,
LegendBorderThickness = 0
model.PlotType = PlotType.XY;
Dictionary<string, List<Prices>> values = HistoricData[Selected.ProductId];
int colorIndex = 0;
List<string> x_names = new List<string>();
foreach (var item in values.Keys)
if (item.ToUpper() == Selected.ProductName) { SelectedIndex = colorIndex; }
var lineSeries = new LineSeries()
Title = item,
MarkerType = MarkerType.Circle,
CanTrackerInterpolatePoints = false
lineSeries.MarkerResolution = 3;
lineSeries.MarkerFill = OxyPlot.OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
lineSeries.MarkerStroke = OxyPlot.OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
lineSeries.MarkerSize = 3;
var points = new List<DataPoint>();
lineSeries.Color = OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
foreach (var price in values[item])
points.Add(new DataPoint(price.Week+price.Year, price.Price));
if (ButtonsVisibility.Count == 0)
lineSeries.IsVisible = (Selected.ProductName == item.ToUpper()) ? true : false;
lineSeries.IsVisible = ButtonsVisibility[colorIndex];
lineSeries.ItemsSource = points;
lineSeries.MarkerType = OxyPlot.MarkerType.Circle;
lineSeries.TrackerFormatString = "X={2},\nY={4}";
lineSeries.TextColor = OxyPlot.OxyColor.Parse(SubCategoriesViewModel.AvailableColors[colorIndex]);
NumButtons = colorIndex;
LinearAxis yaxis = new LinearAxis();
yaxis.Position = AxisPosition.Left;
//yaxis.StringFormat = "X={2},\nY={4}";
yaxis.MajorGridlineStyle = LineStyle.Dot;
LineChart = model;
return LineChart;
protected async override void OnAppearing()
await _viewModel.LinearViewModel.GetSubCategoryHistoricWeekPrices(App.ViewModel.LoginViewModel.SesionToken, FROM_DATE, TO_DATE);
Plot.Model = _viewModel.LinearViewModel.GetLineChart();
PlotController controller = new PlotController();
Plot.Controller = controller;
Xaml Declaration for plot view:
x:Name="Plot" />
Your problem lies with following line.
lineSeries.TrackerKey = "X={2},\nY={4}";
When you use series.TrackerKey, you are specifying that you are using a CustomTracker, which in this case you are not. Custom trackers would be useful if you need to use different trackers for each series in the model.
In you case, you should remove that line and use only TrackerFormatString.
lineSeries.TrackerFormatString = "X={2},\nY={4}";
This would show the tooltip using the format string parameters, where {2} signifies X Value and {4} signifies Y. For your information, following are place holders.
{0} = Title of Series
{1} = Title of X-Axis
{2} = X Value
{3} = Title of Y-Axis
{4} = Y Value
If you need to include additional/custom information in your tool, your Data Point needs to be include that information. This where IDataPointProvider interface becomes handy. You could create a Custom DataPoint by implementing the interface and then you could include the same information in your tooltip as well.
Update Based On Comments
Additionally, to include "Touch", you can specify TouchDown in the PlotController. You can do so by defining the PlotController in your viewModel as following.
public PlotController CustomPlotController{get;set;}
You can define the property as follows.
CustomPlotController = new PlotController();
And in your Xaml
<oxy:Plot Controller="{Binding CustomPlotController}"......

Create and fill gridcontrol at runtime

I have a project in winform with various forms within a form I need to create a popup for clicking a button appears the popup and within this create at runtime one GridControl and fill a datatable previously created. When I do this the GridControl appears empty, what can I do?
here I leave the code
ToolStripDropDown popup = new ToolStripDropDown();
popup.Margin = Padding.Empty;
popup.Padding = Padding.Empty;
Inventario_MediosDataSet.MedioDataTable m = new Inventario_MediosDataSet.MedioDataTable();
DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl ki = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl();
DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView grid = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView(ki);
ki.DataSource = m;
ToolStripControlHost host = new ToolStripControlHost(ki);
host.Margin = Padding.Empty;
host.Padding = Padding.Empty;
popup.Show(this, simpleButton7.Location);
ToolStripControlHost does not provide BindingContext for the Grid. You can see the same behavior with DataGridView as well. To resolve the issue, set GridControl.BindingContext to your form BindingContext.
ToolStripDropDown popup = new ToolStripDropDown();
popup.Margin = Padding.Empty;
popup.Padding = Padding.Empty;
Inventario_MediosDataSet.MedioDataTable m = new Inventario_MediosDataSet.MedioDataTable();
DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl ki = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.GridControl();
DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView grid = new DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Grid.GridView(ki);
ki.MainView = grid;
// --------------------
ki.BindingContext = this.BindingContext;
// --------------------
ki.DataSource = m;
ToolStripControlHost host = new ToolStripControlHost(ki);
host.Margin = Padding.Empty;
host.Padding = Padding.Empty;
popup.Show(this, simpleButton1.Location);

How can I set the column properties(DisplayFormatString to be precise) of a aspx(devExpress) grid from code behind?

I have an aspx(devexpress) grid. Using which I generate columns dynamically from code behind.Below is the code from my grid_databinding event.
GridViewDataTextColumn bfield = new GridViewDataTextColumn();
if (TestString.YearSelectedNames.ToString().Length > 4)
{ string colName = string.Empty;
if (iCount % 2 == 0)
colName = TestString.YearSelectedNames.ToString().Substring(5, 4) + "-" + dtFreezing.Columns[iCount].ColumnName.ToString();
bfield.HeaderTemplate = new DevxGridViewTemplate(ListItemType.Header, typeof(Label), colName, iCount);
colName = TestString.YearSelectedNames.ToString().Substring(0, 4) + "-" + dtFreezing.Columns[iCount].ColumnName.ToString().Replace('1', ' ');
bfield.HeaderTemplate = new DevxGridViewTemplate(ListItemType.Header, typeof(Label), colName, iCount);
bfield.HeaderTemplate = new DevxGridViewTemplate(ListItemType.Header, typeof(Label), dtFreezing.Columns[iCount].ColumnName.Trim(), iCount);
bfield.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center;
bfield.HeaderStyle.Wrap = DevExpress.Utils.DefaultBoolean.True;
bfield.Name = dtFreezing.Columns[iCount].ColumnName.Trim();
bfield.Width = Unit.Pixel(120);
bfield.VisibleIndex = iCount;
bfield.DataItemTemplate = new DevxGridViewTemplate(ListItemType.Item, typeof(Label), dtFreezing.Columns[iCount].ColumnName.Trim(), iCount);
bfield.CellStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Right;
bfield.PropertiesTextEdit.DisplayFormatString = "N2";
Here the line of code
bfield.PropertiesTextEdit.DisplayFormatString = "N2";
is where I am trying to set the property of the grids' column to display only two decimals after the decimal point.
This line of code doesn't seem to work in the first place.
I have even tried using "{0:0.00}" and "{0:N2}" but in vain
Possible reason being that I am writing this line of code in the grid's databinding event. But how else can I set the column properties from code behind
Try to change this code
bfield.PropertiesTextEdit.DisplayFormatString = "N2";
this.PropertiesTextEdit.DisplayFormatString = "N2";
i think this happen coz u loop the object(make a new object) and the properties would be overwrite.

In DevExpress xtra reports, I would like to increase height of table dynamically

In devexpress report, I have two tables. Based on content T2 table height increases, based on T1 height should be set.
I tried to set height in BeforePrint, AfterPrint, SizeChanged, TextChanged events of T2 and also DataSourceChanged event of report, as follows, added image for reference.
T1.HeightF = T2.HeightF;
T1.SizeF = new SizeF(T1.WidthF, T2.HeightF);
But above ways didn't work out.
Any idea how to set height of table dynamically?
You can set XRControl.AnchorVertical property of your table to VerticalAnchorStyles.Both value, so your table will be always attached to sides of its container.
xrTable1.AnchorVertical = VerticalAnchorStyles.Both;
Here is example:
var source = new List<Tuple<string>>()
new Tuple<string>("Text"),
new Tuple<string>("Some\ntext"),
new Tuple<string>("Some long long\nlong long long\nlong long long text.")
var cell = new XRTableCell();
cell.Text = "Just table";
var someCell = new XRTableCell();
someCell.Text = "Some text";
var anotherCell = new XRTableCell();
anotherCell.Text = "Another cell text";
var contentCell = new XRTableCell();
contentCell.DataBindings.Add(new XRBinding("Text", null, "Item1"));
contentCell.Multiline = true;
var anotherContentCell = new XRTableCell();
anotherContentCell.Text = "Content table";
var row = new XRTableRow();
row.Cells.AddRange(new[] { cell, someCell, anotherCell });
var contentRow = new XRTableRow();
contentRow.Cells.AddRange(new[] { contentCell, anotherContentCell });
var table = new XRTable();
table.Borders = DevExpress.XtraPrinting.BorderSide.All;
table.AnchorVertical = VerticalAnchorStyles.Both;
var contentTable = new XRTable();
contentTable.Borders = DevExpress.XtraPrinting.BorderSide.All;
contentTable.LeftF = 350F;
var panel = new XRPanel();
panel.HeightF = contentTable.HeightF = table.HeightF = 15F;
panel.WidthF = 650F;
panel.Controls.AddRange(new[] { table, contentTable });
var detail = new DetailBand();
detail.HeightF = 30F;
var report = new XtraReport();
report.DataSource = source;
Here is result of example:

Get Selected index Change Event for Each row from grid view

I had tried binding dynamically created drop down list inside grid view and also added the selected index change event for it but it is giving me output when i had change value of first row drop down. i want individual rows selected index change event what can i do?
I had taken grid view in update panel and added dynamically drop down list in grid view and also bind it for each i want to add selected index change event for each rows drop down list . my code is as follows:-
for (int i = 0; i < gv_details.Rows.Count; i++)
DropDownList ddl_Hotel = new DropDownList();
ddl_Hotel.ID = "ddl_Hotel_" + i;
//add TextBox to the first column
string loc = gv_details.Rows[i].Cells[3].Text.ToString();
string selecctloc = "select locid from loc_master where location='" + loc + "'";
SqlDataReader dr = cdf.Execute_SelectForDR(selecctloc);
string loc_id = dr["locid"].ToString();
string bind_hotelList = "SELECT Hotel_Id,Hotel_Name FROM Mast_Hotel WHERE LocId ='" + loc_id + "'";
cdf.Bind_DropDownList(ddl_Hotel, bind_hotelList, "Hotel_Name", "Hotel_Id");
//ddl_Hotel.Items.Add(new ListItem("Select", "0"));
ddl_Hotel.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("---Select---", "0"));
ddl_Hotel.SelectedValue = "0";
gv_details.Columns[5].Visible = true;
ddl_Hotel.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(ddl_Hotel_SelectedIndexChanged);
AsyncPostBackTrigger trigger = new AsyncPostBackTrigger();
trigger.ControlID = ddl_Hotel.ID;
trigger.EventName = "SelectedIndexChanged";
ddl_Hotel.AutoPostBack = true;
// ddl_Hotel.Attributes.Add("onchange", "retun destination_name()");
please suggest me the answer.
