Interesting modulo operation result - math

On my Windows desktop I multiply two numbers:
var a:Number = 31.05263157894737;
trace(a * 19) // will print '590'
It's obvious that dividing 590 by a leaves a remainder of 0, right? Well for some reason I get a differend result:
trace(590 % a) // will print '31.05263'
My question is How does this happen? Why does 1 % 0.5 give a correct remainder of 0?

31.05263157894737 * 19 is not exactly 590, it's 590.00000000000003
In other words, 590.00000000000003 % 31.05263157894737 = 0, but since 590 is slightly smaller, it will be just slightly less than required to reach/wrap around to 0.
Either way, even if you used what would in source code look as exact numbers will seldom give you exact results in floating point math, since not all numbers can be represented exactly by single/double types, and even tiny rounding errors can (as in this case) give fairly non obvious results.


How to use recursion for a sub set problem in C

I am a beginner trying to teach myself C and I had a problem the other day which I thought would be cool to try and solve with a short program. I found it a bit more difficult to solve than I initially thought. Basically the problem goes like this.
I want to be able to enter a single int value between 0..255 (never outside this range) into a function, and inside the function there is an array of 8 values (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128), which can be combined by adding together to get reach the single int value. And then return the different combinations possible. i.e.
Target 192
64, 128
From what I have read this is a sub set problem and can be solved with recursion, but I am really struggling to put the theory and examples I've found into practice. If someone could help me out or even put me in the right direction to try and solve.
Hint: try the "bitwise and" operator (&)
First of all, it's a good idea to keep I/O and algorithms separated. So you generally shouldn't design functions which take user input and performs some algorithm at the same time.
Next up "can be solved with recursion" is not a goal of it's own. Recursion is dangerous, inefficient and hard to read. There exists very few cases where it should be used in C programming and no cases where beginners should use it at all. Most of the time, recursion in C simply boils down to: "I could paint this barn while standing on my hands at the same time"... well maybe you could, maybe you could do it without risk breaking your neck, maybe you can even do it as quickly as if you were standing upright (not likely), but why would you do it?
Program design aside, the algorithm you are looking for is closely related to binary numbers. Any number in any base can be formed by:
digitn * basen + digitn-1 * basen-1... + digit0 * base0.
In case of binary (base 2) numbers manually, for example 111 can be manually decoded to decimal as:
1 * 22 + 1 * 21 + 1 * 20 = 4 + 2 + 1 decimal = 7 decimal.
Now if we compare this with your algorithm, the multipliers above for base 2 correspond to 1, 2, 4, 8...
Conveniently, all numbers in C are actually raw binary. They only get translated to other bases when doing user input/output. So what you need for your algorithm is simply a way to check individual digits of a binary number are set or not.
This can be done with the & "bitwise AND" and << "bitwise left shift" operators. The bitwise left shift to shift the value 1 left to get the various multipliers: 0b=0, 1b=1, 10b=2, 100b=4 and so on. And then bitwise AND to mask out an individual bit from the rest, to see if it is set or not. If it isn't set, well then by the above formula we get 0*basen for that digit, so it will be zero and can be ignored.
Writing the actual C code for that is actually quite easy:
for(int i=0; i<8; i++)
unsigned int mask = 1u << i;
if(mask & number)
printf("%u\n", mask);
(This is using unsigned numbers to avoid various common bugs, but that's a topic of its own.)

Why reverse the remainder during decimal to binary conversion?

There is a particular method of converting a decimal (with a decimal point, like xx.xx) to a binary number. It is detailed here:
I can apply this process but am having trouble understanding WHY it works.
Basically, it calculates the left side of the decimal point separately from the right side - this part I have no issue with.
For example, if we have 6.9, it will start by calculating the left side: 6.
6 divided by 2 gives us 3, with a remainder of 0.
3 divided by 2 gives us 1, with a remainder of 1.
1 divided by 2 gives us 0, with a remainder of 1.
For some reason, it now takes the REVERSE of this, which is 110, and this magically becomes 6.
I don't understand why the remainder of the least significant division (1 divided by 2) is now used in the most significant bit of the answer, and this somehow works.
Similarly confused about why the method for the right hand side works.
Does anyone have some intuition they can share about this particular process of converting decimals to binaries? Again, I have no problem performing the calculation as the computation is quite easy. I simply don't understand why this works.
Think of it like this :
A binary representation b_n, b_(n-1), .., b_0 (least significant bit on the right) represents the number
k = b_n*2^n + b_(n-1)*2^(n-1) + ... + b_0*2^0 (remember that 2^0 is just 1).
To get the least significant bit, you want to know whether this number divides evenly into 2's, because if it doesn't then you know that b_0 == 1 because all the other terms surely divide evenly, as they all have some positive power of 2 in front. Thus the remainder from the division by two is b_0. Don't divide just yet, only get the remainder and write it down.
Now we would like to get rid of that last bit and start over again to get the next one. How can we do that? Simply divide k by two. Because then you get:
k/2 = b_n*2^(n-1) + b_(n-1)*2^(n-2) + ... + b_1*2^0 (Divide each term in the sum by 2, thus decreasing the power. The last term disappears because it was either 0 or 1, which both give 0 when divided by 2)
Or written in binary (without the powers of two) : b_n, b_(n-1), .., b_1.
Now we get a new number which is simply the same as before where the least significant bit has been thrown away and everything shifted to the right. So we can start this whole process again with k/2 to get b_1. And then b_2. And so on.
Here I separated getting the remainder and dividing to make it clearer, but you can do them at the same time if you want to, it's the same thing.
I hope you see how, during this process, we get the bits from right to left, which is why you want to flip the whole thing in the end if you have been writing them down from left to right.

is it a bug scaling 0.0-1.0 float to byte by multiplying by 255?

this is something that has always bugged me when I look at code around the web and in so much of the literature: why do we multiply by 255 and not 256?
sometimes you'll see something like this:
float input = some_function(); // returns 0.0 to 1.0
byte output = input * 255.0;
(i'm assuming that there's an implicit floor going on during the type conversion).
am i not correct in thinking that this is clearly wrong?
consider this:
what range of input gives an output of 0 ? (0 -> 1/255], right?
what range of input gives an output of 1 ? (1/255 -> 2/255], great!
what range of input gives an output of 255 ? only 1.0 does. any significantly smaller value of input will return a lower output.
this means that input is not evently mapped onto the output range.
ok. so you might think: ok use a better rounding function:
byte output = round(input * 255.0);
where round() is the usual mathematical rounding to zero decimal places. but this is still wrong. ask the same questions:
what range of input gives an output of 0 ? (0 -> 0.5/255]
what range of input gives an output of 1 ? (0.5/255 -> 1.5/255], twice as much as for 0 !
what range of input gives an output of 255 ? (254.5/255 -> 1.0), again half as much as for 1
so in this case the input range isn't evenly mapped either!
IMHO. the right way to do this mapping is this:
byte output = min(255, input * 256.0);
what range of input gives an output of 0 ? (0 -> 1/256]
what range of input gives an output of 1 ? (1/256 -> 2/256]
what range of input gives an output of 255 ? (255/256 -> 1.0)
all those ranges are the same size and constitute 1/256th of the input.
i guess my question is this: am i right in considering this a bug, and if so, why is this so prevalent in code?
edit: it looks like i need to clarify. i'm not talking about random numbers here or probability. and i'm not talking about colors or hardware at all. i'm talking about converting a float in the range [0,1] evenly to a byte [0,255] so each range in the input that corresponds to each value in the output is the same size.
You are right. Assuming that valueBetween0and1 can take values 0.0 and 1.0, the "correct" way to do it is something like
byteValue = (byte)(min(255, valueBetween0and1 * 256))
Having said that, one could also argue that the desired quality of the software can vary: does it really matter whether you get 16777216 or 16581375 colors in some throw-away plot?
It is one of those "trivial" tasks which is very easy to get wrong by +1/-1. Is it worth it to spend 5 minutes trying to get the 255-th pixel intensity, or can you apply your precious attention elsewhere? It depends on the situation: (byte)(valueBetween0and1 * 255) is a pragmatic solution which is simple, cheap, close enough to the truth, and also immediately, obviously "harmless" in the sense that it definitely won't produce 256 as output. It's not a good solution if you are working on some image manipulation tool like Photoshop or if you are working on some rendering pipeline for a computer game. But it is perfectly acceptable in almost all other contexts. So, whether it is a "bug" or merely a minor improvement proposal depends on the context.
Here is a variant of your problem, which involves random number generators:
Generate random numbers in specified range - various cases (int, float, inclusive, exclusive)
Notice that e.g. Math.random() in Java or Random.NextDouble in C# return values greater or equal to 0, but strictly smaller than 1.0.
You want the case "Integer-B: [min, max)" (inclusive-exclusive) with min = 0 and max = 256.
If you follow the "recipe" Int-B exactly, you obtain the code:
0 + floor(random() * (256 - 0))
If you remove all the zeros, you are left with just
floor(random() * 256)
and you don't need to & with 0xFF, because you never get 256 (as long as your random number generator guarantees to never return 1).
I think your question is misled. It looks like you start assuming that there is some "fairness rule" that enforces the "right way" of translation. Unfortunately in practice this is not the case. If you want just generate a random color, then you may use whatever logic fits you. But if you do actual image processing, there is no rule that says the each integer value has to be mapped on the same interval on the float value. On the contrary what you really want is a mapping between two inclusive intervals [0;1] and [0;255]. And often you don't know how many real discretization steps there will be in the [0;1] range down the line when the color is actually shown. (On modern monitors there are probable all 256 different levels for each color but on other output devices there might be significantly less choices and the total number might be not a power of 2). And the real mapping rule is that if for two colors red component values are R1 and R2 then proportion of the actual colors' red component brightness should be as close to R1:R2 as possible. And this rule automatically implies multiply by 255 when you want to map onto [0;255] and thus this is what everybody does.
Note that what you suggest is most probably introducing a bug rather than fixing a bug. For example the proportion rules actually means that you can calculate a mix of two colors R1 and R2 with mixing coefficients k1 and k2 as
Rmix = (k1*R1 + k2*R2)/(k1+k2)
Now let's try to calculate 3:1 mix of 100% Red with 100% Black (i.e. 0% Red) two ways:
using [0-255] integers Rmix = (255*3+1*0)/(3+1) = 191.25 ≈ 191
using [0;1] floating range and then converting it to [0-255] Rmix_float = (1.0*3 + 1*0.0)/(3+1) = 0.75 so Rmix_converted_256 = 256*0.75 = 192.
It means your "multiply by 256" logic has actually introduced inconsistency of different results depending on which scale you use for image processing. Obviously if you used "multiply by 255" logic as everyone else does, you'd get a consistent answer Rmix_converted_255 = 255*0.75 = 191.25 ≈ 191.

Advantages and disadvantages of single numeric (float) data type [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Why we use various data types in programming languages ? Why not use float everywhere ? I have heard some arguments like
Arithmetic on int is faster ( but why ?)
It takes more memory to store float. ( I get it.)
What are the additional benefits of using various types of numeric data types ?
Arithmetic on integers has traditionally been faster because it's a simpler operation. It can be implemented in logic gates and, if properly designed, the whole thing can happen in a single clock cycle.
On most modern PCs floating-point support is actually quite fast, because loads of time has been invested into making it fast. It's only on lower-end processors (like Arduino, or some versions of the ARM platform) where floating point seriously suffers, or is absent from the CPU altogether.
A floating point number contains a few different pieces of data: there's a sign bit, and the mantissa, and the exponent. To put those three parts together to determine the value they represent, you do something like this:
value = sign * mantissa * 2^exponent
It's a little more complicated than that because floating point numbers optimize how they store the mantissa a bit (for instance the first bit of the mantissa is assumed to be 1, thus the first bit doesn't actually need to be stored... But this also means zero has to be stored a particular way, and there's various "special values" that can be stored in floats like "not a number" and infinity that have to be handled correctly when working with floats)
So to store the number "3" you'd have a mantissa of 0.75 and an exponent of 2. (0.75 * 2^2 = 3).
But then to add two floats together, you first have to align them. For instance, 3 + 10:
m3 = 0.75 (stored as binary (1)1000000... the first (1) implicit and not actually stored)
e3 = 2
m10 = .625 (stored as binary (1)010000...)
e10 = 4 (.625 * 2^4 = 10)
You can't just add m3 and m10 together, 'cause you'd get the wrong answer. You first have to shift m3 over by a couple bits to get e3 and e10 to match, then you can add the mantissas together and reassemble the result into a new floating point number. A CPU with good floating-point implementation will do all that for you, of course, and do it fast.
So why else would you not want to use floating point values for everything? Well, for starters there's the problem of exactness. If you add or multiply two integers to get another integer, as long as you don't exceed the limits of your integer size, the answer you get will be exactly correct. This isn't the case with floating-point. For instance:
x = 1000000000.0
y = .0000000001
for (cc = 0; cc < 1000000000; cc++) { x += y; }
Logically you'd expect the final value of (x) to be 1000000000.1, but that's almost certainly not what you're going to get. When you add (y) to (x), the change to (x)'s mantissa may be so small that it doesn't even fit into the float, and so (x) may not change at all. And even if that's not the case, (y)'s value is not exact. There are no two integers (a, b) such that (a * 2^b = 10^-10). That's true for many common decimal values, actually. Even something simple like 0.3 can't be stored as an exact value in a binary floating-point number.
So (y) isn't exactly 10^-10, it's actually off by some small amount. For a 32-bit floating point number it'll be off by about 10^-26:
y = 10^-10 + error, error is about 10^-26
Then if you add (y) together ten billion times, the error is magnified by about ten billion times as well, so your final error is around 10^-16
A good floating-point implementation will try to minimize these errors, but it can't always get it right. The problem is fundamental to how the numbers are stored, and to some extent unavoidable. As a result, for instance, even though it seems natural to store a money value in a float, it might be preferable to store it as an integer instead, to get that assurance that the value is always exact.
The "exactness" issue also means that when you test the value of a floating point number, generally speaking, you can't use exact comparisons. For instance:
x = 11.0 / 500
if (x * 50 == 1.1) { ... It doesn't!
for (float x = 0.0; x < 1.0; x += 0.01) { print x; }
// prints 101 values instead of 100, the last one being 0.9999999...
The test fails because (x) isn't exactly the value we specified, and 1.1, when encoded as a float, isn't exactly the value we specified either. They're both close but not exact. So you have to do inexact comparisons:
if (abs(x - expected_value) < small_value) {...
Choosing the correct "small_value" is a problem unto itself. It can depend on what you're doing with the values, what kind of behavior you're trying to achieve.
Finally, if you look at the "it takes more memory" issue, you can also turn that around and think of it in terms of what you get for the memory you use.
If you can work with integer math for your problem, a 32-bit unsigned integer lets you work with (exact) values between 0 and around 4 billion.
If you're using 32-bit floats instead of 32-bit integers, you can store larger values than 4 billion, but you're still limited by the representation: of those 32 bits, one is used for the sign bit, and eight for the mantissa, so you get 23 bits (24, effectively) of mantissa. Once (x >= 2^24), you're beyond the range where integers are stored "exactly" in that float, so (x+1 = x). So a loop like this:
float i;
for (i = 1600000; i < 1700000; i += 1);
would never terminate: (i) would reach (2^24 = 16777216), and the least-significant bit of its mantissa would be of a magnitude greater than 1, so adding 1 to (i) would cease to have any effect.

Understanding "randomness"

I can't get my head around this, which is more random?
rand() * rand()
I´m finding it a real brain teaser, could you help me out?
Intuitively I know that the mathematical answer will be that they are equally random, but I can't help but think that if you "run the random number algorithm" twice when you multiply the two together you'll create something more random than just doing it once.
Just a clarification
Although the previous answers are right whenever you try to spot the randomness of a pseudo-random variable or its multiplication, you should be aware that while Random() is usually uniformly distributed, Random() * Random() is not.
This is a uniform random distribution sample simulated through a pseudo-random variable:
BarChart[BinCounts[RandomReal[{0, 1}, 50000], 0.01]]
While this is the distribution you get after multiplying two random variables:
BarChart[BinCounts[Table[RandomReal[{0, 1}, 50000] *
RandomReal[{0, 1}, 50000], {50000}], 0.01]]
So, both are “random”, but their distribution is very different.
Another example
While 2 * Random() is uniformly distributed:
BarChart[BinCounts[2 * RandomReal[{0, 1}, 50000], 0.01]]
Random() + Random() is not!
BarChart[BinCounts[Table[RandomReal[{0, 1}, 50000] +
RandomReal[{0, 1}, 50000], {50000}], 0.01]]
The Central Limit Theorem
The Central Limit Theorem states that the sum of Random() tends to a normal distribution as terms increase.
With just four terms you get:
BarChart[BinCounts[Table[RandomReal[{0, 1}, 50000] + RandomReal[{0, 1}, 50000] +
Table[RandomReal[{0, 1}, 50000] + RandomReal[{0, 1}, 50000],
And here you can see the road from a uniform to a normal distribution by adding up 1, 2, 4, 6, 10 and 20 uniformly distributed random variables:
A few credits
Thanks to Thomas Ahle for pointing out in the comments that the probability distributions shown in the last two images are known as the Irwin-Hall distribution
Thanks to Heike for her wonderful torn[] function
I guess both methods are as random although my gutfeel would say that rand() * rand() is less random because it would seed more zeroes. As soon as one rand() is 0, the total becomes 0
Neither is 'more random'.
rand() generates a predictable set of numbers based on a psuedo-random seed (usually based on the current time, which is always changing). Multiplying two consecutive numbers in the sequence generates a different, but equally predictable, sequence of numbers.
Addressing whether this will reduce collisions, the answer is no. It will actually increase collisions due to the effect of multiplying two numbers where 0 < n < 1. The result will be a smaller fraction, causing a bias in the result towards the lower end of the spectrum.
Some further explanations. In the following, 'unpredictable' and 'random' refer to the ability of someone to guess what the next number will be based on previous numbers, ie. an oracle.
Given seed x which generates the following list of values:
0.3, 0.6, 0.2, 0.4, 0.8, 0.1, 0.7, 0.3, ...
rand() will generate the above list, and rand() * rand() will generate:
0.18, 0.08, 0.08, 0.21, ...
Both methods will always produce the same list of numbers for the same seed, and hence are equally predictable by an oracle. But if you look at the the results for multiplying the two calls, you'll see they are all under 0.3 despite a decent distribution in the original sequence. The numbers are biased because of the effect of multiplying two fractions. The resulting number is always smaller, therefore much more likely to be a collision despite still being just as unpredictable.
Oversimplification to illustrate a point.
Assume your random function only outputs 0 or 1.
random() is one of (0,1), but random()*random() is one of (0,0,0,1)
You can clearly see that the chances to get a 0 in the second case are in no way equal to those to get a 1.
When I first posted this answer I wanted to keep it as short as possible so that a person reading it will understand from a glance the difference between random() and random()*random(), but I can't keep myself from answering the original ad litteram question:
Which is more random?
Being that random(), random()*random(), random()+random(), (random()+1)/2 or any other combination that doesn't lead to a fixed result have the same source of entropy (or the same initial state in the case of pseudorandom generators), the answer would be that they are equally random (The difference is in their distribution). A perfect example we can look at is the game of Craps. The number you get would be random(1,6)+random(1,6) and we all know that getting 7 has the highest chance, but that doesn't mean the outcome of rolling two dice is more or less random than the outcome of rolling one.
Here's a simple answer. Consider Monopoly. You roll two six sided dice (or 2d6 for those of you who prefer gaming notation) and take their sum. The most common result is 7 because there are 6 possible ways you can roll a 7 (1,6 2,5 3,4 4,3 5,2 and 6,1). Whereas a 2 can only be rolled on 1,1. It's easy to see that rolling 2d6 is different than rolling 1d12, even if the range is the same (ignoring that you can get a 1 on a 1d12, the point remains the same). Multiplying your results instead of adding them is going to skew them in a similar fashion, with most of your results coming up in the middle of the range. If you're trying to reduce outliers, this is a good method, but it won't help making an even distribution.
(And oddly enough it will increase low rolls as well. Assuming your randomness starts at 0, you'll see a spike at 0 because it will turn whatever the other roll is into a 0. Consider two random numbers between 0 and 1 (inclusive) and multiplying. If either result is a 0, the whole thing becomes a 0 no matter the other result. The only way to get a 1 out of it is for both rolls to be a 1. In practice this probably wouldn't matter but it makes for a weird graph.)
The obligatory xkcd ...
It might help to think of this in more discrete numbers. Consider want to generate random numbers between 1 and 36, so you decide the easiest way is throwing two fair, 6-sided dice. You get this:
1 2 3 4 5 6
1| 1 2 3 4 5 6
2| 2 4 6 8 10 12
3| 3 6 9 12 15 18
4| 4 8 12 16 20 24
5| 5 10 15 20 25 30
6| 6 12 18 24 30 36
So we have 36 numbers, but not all of them are fairly represented, and some don't occur at all. Numbers near the center diagonal (bottom-left corner to top-right corner) will occur with the highest frequency.
The same principles which describe the unfair distribution between dice apply equally to floating point numbers between 0.0 and 1.0.
Some things about "randomness" are counter-intuitive.
Assuming flat distribution of rand(), the following will get you non-flat distributions:
high bias: sqrt(rand(range^2))
bias peaking in the middle: (rand(range) + rand(range))/2
low:bias: range - sqrt(rand(range^2))
There are lots of other ways to create specific bias curves. I did a quick test of rand() * rand() and it gets you a very non-linear distribution.
Most rand() implementations have some period. I.e. after some enormous number of calls the sequence repeats. The sequence of outputs of rand() * rand() repeats in half the time, so it is "less random" in that sense.
Also, without careful construction, performing arithmetic on random values tends to cause less randomness. A poster above cited "rand() + rand() + rand() ..." (k times, say) which will in fact tend to k times the mean value of the range of values rand() returns. (It's a random walk with steps symmetric about that mean.)
Assume for concreteness that your rand() function returns a uniformly distributed random real number in the range [0,1). (Yes, this example allows infinite precision. This won't change the outcome.) You didn't pick a particular language and different languages may do different things, but the following analysis holds with modifications for any non-perverse implementation of rand(). The product rand() * rand() is also in the range [0,1) but is no longer uniformly distributed. In fact, the product is as likely to be in the interval [0,1/4) as in the interval [1/4,1). More multiplication will skew the result even further toward zero. This makes the outcome more predictable. In broad strokes, more predictable == less random.
Pretty much any sequence of operations on uniformly random input will be nonuniformly random, leading to increased predictability. With care, one can overcome this property, but then it would have been easier to generate a uniformly distributed random number in the range you actually wanted rather than wasting time with arithmetic.
"random" vs. "more random" is a little bit like asking which Zero is more zero'y.
In this case, rand is a PRNG, so not totally random. (in fact, quite predictable if the seed is known). Multiplying it by another value makes it no more or less random.
A true crypto-type RNG will actually be random. And running values through any sort of function cannot add more entropy to it, and may very likely remove entropy, making it no more random.
The concept you're looking for is "entropy," the "degree" of disorder of a string
of bits. The idea is easiest to understand in terms of the concept of "maximum entropy".
An approximate definition of a string of bits with maximum entropy is that it cannot be expressed exactly in terms of a shorter string of bits (ie. using some algorithm to
expand the smaller string back to the original string).
The relevance of maximum entropy to randomness stems from the fact that
if you pick a number "at random", you will almost certainly pick a number
whose bit string is close to having maximum entropy, that is, it can't be compressed.
This is our best understanding of what characterizes a "random" number.
So, if you want to make a random number out of two random samples which is "twice" as
random, you'd concatenate the two bit strings together. Practically, you'd just
stuff the samples into the high and low halves of a double length word.
On a more practical note, if you find yourself saddled with a crappy rand(), it can
sometimes help to xor a couple of samples together --- although, if its truly broken even
that procedure won't help.
The accepted answer is quite lovely, but there's another way to answer your question. PachydermPuncher's answer already takes this alternative approach, and I'm just going to expand it out a little.
The easiest way to think about information theory is in terms of the smallest unit of information, a single bit.
In the C standard library, rand() returns an integer in the range 0 to RAND_MAX, a limit that may be defined differently depending on the platform. Suppose RAND_MAX happens to be defined as 2^n - 1 where n is some integer (this happens to be the case in Microsoft's implementation, where n is 15). Then we would say that a good implementation would return n bits of information.
Imagine that rand() constructs random numbers by flipping a coin to find the value of one bit, and then repeating until it has a batch of 15 bits. Then the bits are independent (the value of any one bit does not influence the likelihood of other bits in the same batch have a certain value). So each bit considered independently is like a random number between 0 and 1 inclusive, and is "evenly distributed" over that range (as likely to be 0 as 1).
The independence of the bits ensures that the numbers represented by batches of bits will also be evenly distributed over their range. This is intuitively obvious: if there are 15 bits, the allowed range is zero to 2^15 - 1 = 32767. Every number in that range is a unique pattern of bits, such as:
and if the bits are independent then no pattern is more likely to occur than any other pattern. So all possible numbers in the range are equally likely. And so the reverse is true: if rand() produces evenly distributed integers, then those numbers are made of independent bits.
So think of rand() as a production line for making bits, which just happens to serve them up in batches of arbitrary size. If you don't like the size, break the batches up into individual bits, and then put them back together in whatever quantities you like (though if you need a particular range that is not a power of 2, you need to shrink your numbers, and by far the easiest way to do that is to convert to floating point).
Returning to your original suggestion, suppose you want to go from batches of 15 to batches of 30, ask rand() for the first number, bit-shift it by 15 places, then add another rand() to it. That is a way to combine two calls to rand() without disturbing an even distribution. It works simply because there is no overlap between the locations where you place the bits of information.
This is very different to "stretching" the range of rand() by multiplying by a constant. For example, if you wanted to double the range of rand() you could multiply by two - but now you'd only ever get even numbers, and never odd numbers! That's not exactly a smooth distribution and might be a serious problem depending on the application, e.g. a roulette-like game supposedly allowing odd/even bets. (By thinking in terms of bits, you'd avoid that mistake intuitively, because you'd realise that multiplying by two is the same as shifting the bits to the left (greater significance) by one place and filling in the gap with zero. So obviously the amount of information is the same - it just moved a little.)
Such gaps in number ranges can't be griped about in floating point number applications, because floating point ranges inherently have gaps in them that simply cannot be represented at all: an infinite number of missing real numbers exist in the gap between each two representable floating point numbers! So we just have to learn to live with gaps anyway.
As others have warned, intuition is risky in this area, especially because mathematicians can't resist the allure of real numbers, which are horribly confusing things full of gnarly infinities and apparent paradoxes.
But at least if you think it terms of bits, your intuition might get you a little further. Bits are really easy - even computers can understand them.
As others have said, the easy short answer is: No, it is not more random, but it does change the distribution.
Suppose you were playing a dice game. You have some completely fair, random dice. Would the die rolls be "more random" if before each die roll, you first put two dice in a bowl, shook it around, picked one of the dice at random, and then rolled that one? Clearly it would make no difference. If both dice give random numbers, then randomly choosing one of the two dice will make no difference. Either way you'll get a random number between 1 and 6 with even distribution over a sufficient number of rolls.
I suppose in real life such a procedure might be useful if you suspected that the dice might NOT be fair. If, say, the dice are slightly unbalanced so one tends to give 1 more often than 1/6 of the time, and another tends to give 6 unusually often, then randomly choosing between the two would tend to obscure the bias. (Though in this case, 1 and 6 would still come up more than 2, 3, 4, and 5. Well, I guess depending on the nature of the imbalance.)
There are many definitions of randomness. One definition of a random series is that it is a series of numbers produced by a random process. By this definition, if I roll a fair die 5 times and get the numbers 2, 4, 3, 2, 5, that is a random series. If I then roll that same fair die 5 more times and get 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, then that is also a random series.
Several posters have pointed out that random functions on a computer are not truly random but rather pseudo-random, and that if you know the algorithm and the seed they are completely predictable. This is true, but most of the time completely irrelevant. If I shuffle a deck of cards and then turn them over one at a time, this should be a random series. If someone peeks at the cards, the result will be completely predictable, but by most definitions of randomness this will not make it less random. If the series passes statistical tests of randomness, the fact that I peeked at the cards will not change that fact. In practice, if we are gambling large sums of money on your ability to guess the next card, then the fact that you peeked at the cards is highly relevant. If we are using the series to simulate the menu picks of visitors to our web site in order to test the performance of the system, then the fact that you peeked will make no difference at all. (As long as you do not modify the program to take advantage of this knowledge.)
I don't think I could my response to the Monty Hall problem into a comment, so I'll update my answer.
For those who didn't read Belisarius link, the gist of it is: A game show contestant is given a choice of 3 doors. Behind one is a valuable prize, behind the others something worthless. He picks door #1. Before revealing whether it is a winner or a loser, the host opens door #3 to reveal that it is a loser. He then gives the contestant the opportunity to switch to door #2. Should the contestant do this or not?
The answer, which offends many people's intuition, is that he should switch. The probability that his original pick was the winner is 1/3, that the other door is the winner is 2/3. My initial intuition, along with that of many other people, is that there would be no gain in switching, that the odds have just been changed to 50:50.
After all, suppose that someone switched on the TV just after the host opened the losing door. That person would see two remaining closed doors. Assuming he knows the nature of the game, he would say that there is a 1/2 chance of each door hiding the prize. How can the odds for the viewer be 1/2 : 1/2 while the odds for the contestant are 1/3 : 2/3 ?
I really had to think about this to beat my intuition into shape. To get a handle on it, understand that when we talk about probabilities in a problem like this, we mean, the probability you assign given the available information. To a member of the crew who put the prize behind, say, door #1, the probability that the prize is behind door #1 is 100% and the probability that it is behind either of the other two doors is zero.
The crew member's odds are different than the contestant's odds because he knows something the contestant doesn't, namely, which door he put the prize behind. Likewise, the contestent's odds are different than the viewer's odds because he knows something that the viewer doesn't, namely, which door he initially picked. This is not irrelevant, because the host's choice of which door to open is not random. He will not open the door the contestant picked, and he will not open the door that hides the prize. If these are the same door, that leaves him two choices. If they are different doors, that leaves only one.
So how do we come up with 1/3 and 2/3 ? When the contestant originally picked a door, he had a 1/3 chance of picking the winner. I think that much is obvious. That means there was a 2/3 chance that one of the other doors is the winner. If the host game him the opportunity to switch without giving any additional information, there would be no gain. Again, this should be obvious. But one way to look at it is to say that there is a 2/3 chance that he would win by switching. But he has 2 alternatives. So each one has only 2/3 divided by 2 = 1/3 chance of being the winner, which is no better than his original pick. Of course we already knew the final result, this just calculates it a different way.
But now the host reveals that one of those two choices is not the winner. So of the 2/3 chance that a door he didn't pick is the winner, he now knows that 1 of the 2 alternatives isn't it. The other might or might not be. So he no longer has 2/3 dividied by 2. He has zero for the open door and 2/3 for the closed door.
Consider you have a simple coin flip problem where even is considered heads and odd is considered tails. The logical implementation is:
rand() mod 2
Over a large enough distribution, the number of even numbers should equal the number of odd numbers.
Now consider a slight tweak:
rand() * rand() mod 2
If one of the results is even, then the entire result should be even. Consider the 4 possible outcomes (even * even = even, even * odd = even, odd * even = even, odd * odd = odd). Now, over a large enough distribution, the answer should be even 75% of the time.
I'd bet heads if I were you.
This comment is really more of an explanation of why you shouldn't implement a custom random function based on your method than a discussion on the mathematical properties of randomness.
When in doubt about what will happen to the combinations of your random numbers, you can use the lessons you learned in statistical theory.
In OP's situation he wants to know what's the outcome of X*X = X^2 where X is a random variable distributed along Uniform[0,1]. We'll use the CDF technique since it's just a one-to-one mapping.
Since X ~ Uniform[0,1] it's cdf is: fX(x) = 1
We want the transformation Y <- X^2 thus y = x^2
Find the inverse x(y): sqrt(y) = x this gives us x as a function of y.
Next, find the derivative dx/dy: d/dy (sqrt(y)) = 1/(2 sqrt(y))
The distribution of Y is given as: fY(y) = fX(x(y)) |dx/dy| = 1/(2 sqrt(y))
We're not done yet, we have to get the domain of Y. since 0 <= x < 1, 0 <= x^2 < 1
so Y is in the range [0, 1).
If you wanna check if the pdf of Y is indeed a pdf, integrate it over the domain: Integrate 1/(2 sqrt(y)) from 0 to 1 and indeed, it pops up as 1. Also, notice the shape of the said function looks like what belisarious posted.
As for things like X1 + X2 + ... + Xn, (where Xi ~ Uniform[0,1]) we can just appeal to the Central Limit Theorem which works for any distribution whose moments exist. This is why the Z-test exists actually.
Other techniques for determining the resulting pdf include the Jacobian transformation (which is the generalized version of the cdf technique) and MGF technique.
EDIT: As a clarification, do note that I'm talking about the distribution of the resulting transformation and not its randomness. That's actually for a separate discussion. Also what I actually derived was for (rand())^2. For rand() * rand() it's much more complicated, which, in any case won't result in a uniform distribution of any sorts.
It's not exactly obvious, but rand() is typically more random than rand()*rand(). What's important is that this isn't actually very important for most uses.
But firstly, they produce different distributions. This is not a problem if that is what you want, but it does matter. If you need a particular distribution, then ignore the whole “which is more random” question. So why is rand() more random?
The core of why rand() is more random (under the assumption that it is producing floating-point random numbers with the range [0..1], which is very common) is that when you multiply two FP numbers together with lots of information in the mantissa, you get some loss of information off the end; there's just not enough bit in an IEEE double-precision float to hold all the information that was in two IEEE double-precision floats uniformly randomly selected from [0..1], and those extra bits of information are lost. Of course, it doesn't matter that much since you (probably) weren't going to use that information, but the loss is real. It also doesn't really matter which distribution you produce (i.e., which operation you use to do the combination). Each of those random numbers has (at best) 52 bits of random information – that's how much an IEEE double can hold – and if you combine two or more into one, you're still limited to having at most 52 bits of random information.
Most uses of random numbers don't use even close to as much randomness as is actually available in the random source. Get a good PRNG and don't worry too much about it. (The level of “goodness” depends on what you're doing with it; you have to be careful when doing Monte Carlo simulation or cryptography, but otherwise you can probably use the standard PRNG as that's usually much quicker.)
Floating randoms are based, in general, on an algorithm that produces an integer between zero and a certain range. As such, by using rand()*rand(), you are essentially saying int_rand()*int_rand()/rand_max^2 - meaning you are excluding any prime number / rand_max^2.
That changes the randomized distribution significantly.
rand() is uniformly distributed on most systems, and difficult to predict if properly seeded. Use that unless you have a particular reason to do math on it (i.e., shaping the distribution to a needed curve).
Multiplying numbers would end up in a smaller solution range depending on your computer architecture.
If the display of your computer shows 16 digits rand() would be say 0.1234567890123
multiplied by a second rand(), 0.1234567890123, would give 0.0152415 something
you'd definitely find fewer solutions if you'd repeat the experiment 10^14 times.
Most of these distributions happen because you have to limit or normalize the random number.
We normalize it to be all positive, fit within a range, and even to fit within the constraints of the memory size for the assigned variable type.
In other words, because we have to limit the random call between 0 and X (X being the size limit of our variable) we will have a group of "random" numbers between 0 and X.
Now when you add the random number to another random number the sum will be somewhere between 0 and 2X...this skews the values away from the edge points (the probability of adding two small numbers together and two big numbers together is very small when you have two random numbers over a large range).
Think of the case where you had a number that is close to zero and you add it with another random number it will certainly get bigger and away from 0 (this will be true of large numbers as well as it is unlikely to have two large numbers (numbers close to X) returned by the Random function twice.
Now if you were to setup the random method with negative numbers and positive numbers (spanning equally across the zero axis) this would no longer be the case.
Say for instance RandomReal({-x, x}, 50000, .01) then you would get an even distribution of numbers on the negative a positive side and if you were to add the random numbers together they would maintain their "randomness".
Now I'm not sure what would happen with the Random() * Random() with the negative to positive span...that would be an interesting graph to see...but I have to get back to writing code now. :-P
There is no such thing as more random. It is either random or not. Random means "hard to predict". It does not mean non-deterministic. Both random() and random() * random() are equally random if random() is random. Distribution is irrelevant as far as randomness goes. If a non-uniform distribution occurs, it just means that some values are more likely than others; they are still unpredictable.
Since pseudo-randomness is involved, the numbers are very much deterministic. However, pseudo-randomness is often sufficient in probability models and simulations. It is pretty well known that making a pseudo-random number generator complicated only makes it difficult to analyze. It is unlikely to improve randomness; it often causes it to fail statistical tests.
The desired properties of the random numbers are important: repeatability and reproducibility, statistical randomness, (usually) uniformly distributed, and a large period are a few.
Concerning transformations on random numbers: As someone said, the sum of two or more uniformly distributed results in a normal distribution. This is the additive central limit theorem. It applies regardless of the source distribution as long as all distributions are independent and identical. The multiplicative central limit theorem says the product of two or more independent and indentically distributed random variables is lognormal. The graph someone else created looks exponential, but it is really lognormal. So random() * random() is lognormally distributed (although it may not be independent since numbers are pulled from the same stream). This may be desirable in some applications. However, it is usually better to generate one random number and transform it to a lognormally-distributed number. Random() * random() may be difficult to analyze.
For more information, consult my book at The book is under construction, but the relevant material is there. Note that chapter and section numbers may change over time. Chapter 8 (probability theory) -- sections 8.3.1 and 8.3.3, chapter 10 (random numbers).
We can compare two arrays of numbers regarding the randomness by using
Kolmogorov complexity
If the sequence of numbers can not be compressed, then it is the most random we can reach at this length...
I know that this type of measurement is more a theoretical option...
Actually, when you think about it rand() * rand() is less random than rand(). Here's why.
Essentially, there are the same number of odd numbers as even numbers. And saying that 0.04325 is odd, and like 0.388 is even, and 0.4 is even, and 0.15 is odd,
That means that rand() has a equal chance of being an even or odd decimal.
On the other hand, rand() * rand() has it's odds stacked a bit differently.
Lets say:
double a = rand();
double b = rand();
double c = a * b;
a and b both have a 50% precent chance of being even or odd. Knowing that
even * even = even
even * odd = even
odd * odd = odd
odd * even = even
means that there a 75% chance that c is even, while only a 25% chance it's odd, making the value of rand() * rand() more predictable than rand(), therefore less random.
Use a linear feedback shift register (LFSR) that implements a primitive polynomial.
The result will be a sequence of 2^n pseudo-random numbers, ie none repeating in the sequence where n is the number of bits in the LFSR .... resulting in a uniform distribution.
Use a "random" seed based on microsecs of your computer clock or maybe a subset of the md5 result on some continuously changing data in your file system.
For example, a 32-bit LFSR will generate 2^32 unique numbers in sequence (no 2 alike) starting with a given seed.
The sequence will always be in the same order, but the starting point will be different (obviously) for a different seeds.
So, if a possibly repeating sequence between seedings is not a problem, this might be a good choice.
I've used 128-bit LFSR's to generate random tests in hardware simulators using a seed which is the md5 results on continuously changing system data.
Assuming that rand() returns a number between [0, 1) it is obvious that rand() * rand() will be biased toward 0. This is because multiplying x by a number between [0, 1) will result in a number smaller than x. Here is the distribution of 10000 more random numbers:
google.charts.load("current", { packages: ["corechart"] });
function drawChart() {
var i;
var randomNumbers = [];
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
randomNumbers.push(Math.random() * Math.random());
var chart = new google.visualization.Histogram(document.getElementById("chart-1"));
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn("number", "Value");
randomNumbers.forEach(function(randomNumber) {
chart.draw(data, {
title: randomNumbers.length + " rand() * rand() values between [0, 1)",
legend: { position: "none" }
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart-1" style="height: 500px">Generating chart...</div>
If rand() returns an integer between [x, y] then you have the following distribution. Notice the number of odd vs even values:
google.charts.load("current", { packages: ["corechart"] });
document.querySelector("#draw-chart").addEventListener("click", drawChart);
function randomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
function drawChart() {
var min = Number(document.querySelector("#rand-min").value);
var max = Number(document.querySelector("#rand-max").value);
if (min >= max) {
var i;
var randomNumbers = [];
for (i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
randomNumbers.push(randomInt(min, max) * randomInt(min, max));
var chart = new google.visualization.Histogram(document.getElementById("chart-1"));
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn("number", "Value");
randomNumbers.forEach(function(randomNumber) {
chart.draw(data, {
title: randomNumbers.length + " rand() * rand() values between [" + min + ", " + max + "]",
legend: { position: "none" },
histogram: { bucketSize: 1 }
<script src=""></script>
<input type="number" id="rand-min" value="0" min="0" max="10">
<input type="number" id="rand-max" value="9" min="0" max="10">
<input type="button" id="draw-chart" value="Apply">
<div id="chart-1" style="height: 500px">Generating chart...</div>
OK, so I will try to add some value to complement others answers by saying that you are creating and using a random number generator.
Random number generators are devices (in a very general sense) that have multiple characteristics which can be modified to fit a purpose. Some of them (from me) are:
Entropy: as in Shannon Entropy
Distribution: statistical distribution (poisson, normal, etc.)
Type: what is the source of the numbers (algorithm, natural event, combination of, etc.) and algorithm applied.
Efficiency: rapidity or complexity of execution.
Patterns: periodicity, sequences, runs, etc.
and probably more...
In most answers here, distribution is the main point of interest, but by mix and matching functions and parameters, you create new ways of generating random numbers which will have different characteristics for some of which the evaluation may not be obvious at first glance.
It's easy to show that the sum of the two random numbers is not necessarily random. Imagine you have a 6 sided die and roll. Each number has a 1/6 chance of appearing. Now say you had 2 dice and summed the result. The distribution of those sums is not 1/12. Why? Because certain numbers appear more than others. There are multiple partitions of them. For example the number 2 is the sum of 1+1 only but 7 can be formed by 3+4 or 4+3 or 5+2 etc... so it has a larger chance of coming up.
Therefore, applying a transform, in this case addition on a random function does not make it more random, or necessarily preserve randomness. In the case of the dice above, the distribution is skewed to 7 and therefore less random.
As others already pointed out, this question is hard to answer since everyone of us has his own picture of randomness in his head.
That is why, I would highly recommend you to take some time and read through this site to get a better idea of randomness:
To get back to the real question.
There is no more or less random in this term:
both only appears random!
In both cases - just rand() or rand() * rand() - the situation is the same:
After a few billion of numbers the sequence will repeat(!).
It appears random to the observer, because he does not know the whole sequence, but the computer has no true random source - so he can not produce randomness either.
e.g.: Is the weather random?
We do not have enough sensors or knowledge to determine if weather is random or not.
The answer would be it depends, hopefully the rand()*rand() would be more random than rand(), but as:
both answers depends on the bit size of your value
that in most of the cases you generate depending on a pseudo-random algorithm (which is mostly a number generator that depends on your computer clock, and not that much random).
make your code more readable (and not invoke some random voodoo god of random with this kind of mantra).
Well, if you check any of these above I suggest you go for the simple "rand()".
Because your code would be more readable (wouldn't ask yourself why you did write this, for ...well... more than 2 sec), easy to maintain (if you want to replace you rand function with a super_rand).
If you want a better random, I would recommend you to stream it from any source that provide enough noise (radio static), and then a simple rand() should be enough.
