How extract relations between Named entity? - information-extraction

I've used Opennlp to find named entities, now i'm searching for a technique to extract them and relations between two named etities using MEMM (maximum entropy markov models) .
Can anyone know how to proceed ?
(ps : excuse me for my bad english)


Extract sample of features used to build each tree in H2O

In GBM model, following parameters are used -
I understand how the sampling works and how many variables get considered for splitting at each level for every tree. I am trying to understand how many times each feature gets considered for making a decision. Is there a way to easily extract all sample of features used for making a splitting decision from the model object?
Referring to the explanation provided by H2O,, is there a way to know 60 randomly chosen features for each split?
Thank you for your help!
If you want to see which features were used at a given split in a give tree you can navigate the H2OTree object.
For R see documentation here and here
For Python see documentation here
You can also take a look at this Blog (if this link ever dies just do a google search for H2OTree class)
I don’t know if I would call this easy, but the MOJO tree visualizer spits out a graphviz dot data file which is turned into a visualization. This has the information you are interested in.

Manually Specifying a Topic Model in R

I have a corpus of text with each line in the csv file uniquely specifying a "topic" I am interested in. If I were to run an topic model on this corpus using an LDA or Gibbs method from either the topicmodels package or lda, as expected I would get multiple topics per "document" (a line of text in my CSV which I have a-priori defined to be my unique topic of interest). I get that this is a result of the topic model's algorithm and the bag of words assumption.
What I am curious about however is this
1) Is there a pre-fab'd package in R that is designed for the user to specify the topics using the empirical word distribution? That is, I don't want the topics to be estimated; I want to tell R what the topics are. I suppose I could run a topic model with the correct number of Topics, use that structure of the object and then overwrite its contents. I was just hoping there was an easier or more obvious way that I'm just not seeing at this point.
edit: added -
I just thought about the alpha and beta parameters having control over the topic/term distributions within the LDA modeling algorithm. What settings might I be able to use that would force the model to only find 1 topic per document? Or is there a setting which would allow for that to occur?
If these seem like silly questions I understand - I'm quite new to this particular field and I am finding it fascinating.
What are you trying to accomplish with this approach? If you want to tell R what the topics are so it can predict the topics in other lines or documents, then RTextTools may be a helpful package.

Network Analysis

I have a problem for network.
For one document I am extracting some information. I am drawing nice graphs for them. But in a document information flows. I am trying to depict it in graph like the way one reads a text flowing with text and then important most entity first and then the next important one.
To understand and grasp this problem what are the kinds of things I have to study or which aspect of network theory or graph theory deals with it.
If any one can kindly refer up.
First of all, I'm not an expert in linguistic or study of languages. I think I understand what you're trying to do, and I don't know what's the best way to do it.
If I got it right, you want to determine some centrality measure for your words (that would explain the social network reference), to find those who are the most linked to others, is that it ?
The problem if you try that is that you will certainly find that the most central words are the most inintersting ones (the, if, then, some redundant adjectives...), if you don't apply a tokenization and lemmization procedure beforehand. Thus you could separate only nouns and stemming of verbs used, and then only you could try your approach.
Another problem that you must keep in mind is that words are important both by their presence and by their rarity (see tf-idf weight measure for instance).
To conclude, I did the following search on google :
"n gram graph language centrality word"
and found this paper that seems interesting for what you're asking (I might give it a look myself !) :
LexRank: Graph-based Lexical Centrality as Salience in Text Summarization

decision trees with forced structure

I have been using decision trees (CART) in R using the rpart package to look at the relationship between SST (predictor variables) and climate (predictand variable).
I would like to "force" the tree into a particular structure - i.e. split on predictor variable 1, then on variable 2.
I've been using R for a while so I thought I'd be able to look at the code behind the rpart function and modify it to search for 'best splits' in a particular predictor variable first. However the rpart function calls C routines and not having any experience with C I get lost here...
I could write a function from scratch but would like to avoid it if possible! So my questions are:
Is there another decision tree technique (implemented in R
preferably) in which you can force the structure of the tree?
If not - is there some way I could convert the C code to R?
Any other ideas?
Thanks in advance, and help is much appreciated.
When your data indicates a tree with a known structure, present that structure to R using either a newick or nexus file format. Then you can read in the structure using either read.tree or from Package Phylo.
Maybe you should look at the method formal parameter of rpart
In the documentation :
... ‘method’ can be a list of functions named ‘init’, ‘split’ and ‘eval’. Examples are given in the file ‘tests/usersplits.R’ in the sources.

Rough Set-based Attribute Reduction

I tried RSAR, a free package, but I wonder if there any other good attribute reducers out there. Even packages for R or MATLAB, any resource capable of letting me find the minimal set of attributes which classify data.
For example, having a set with hundreds of examples of mail and different attributes which describe them and classified as spam or not spam, I want to find the minimal set of attributes that describe all the data, to discard useless information.
Considering the type of problem you describe, that is: choosing the right attributes for email classification, the best way might be to use Weka (Weka home). It has several feature-selection algorithms, which could be applied both interactively to visualize their effect, or in conjunction with various classification algorithms, to evaluate their effect on actual classification. (note that choosing attributes for classification without proper validation for a specific classifier might lead to less than optimal results in real life).
Some relevant links:
Weka's manual regarding attribute selection
A (somewhat outdated) hands-on example
you can use RoughSets package of R language. See the description of in R (after installing RoughSets package)
e.g: HIRING2Matrix is a Decision Table with number of attributes. reduct1 is the reduced set of attributes
reduct1<-, greedy = TRUE, power = 1)
