Xively call works locally but not from server - xively

I'm unable to make a read call to Xively (for a single feed) from a server. Absolutely nothing is returned. However, the call works without error on localhost.
Settings are as follows:
Feed: public
Key: permissions: READ, UPDATE + private access
I've tried setting the referrer to the website domain, but that was also unsuccessful.
Does Xively filter based on the origin of a request even if a referrer is not set?

Just resolved the issue about a minute after posting this.
It was the difference between 'http' and 'https'. 'https' worked locally but the server did not support that protocol, apparently.


WooCommerce - Auto generating API keys using our Application Authentication Endpoint give 401 Invalid URL error

I'm attempting to use the REST API provided by WooCommerce to generate the Customer Secret and Customer Key values so that it could be used to invoke other WooCommerce REST APIs. I referred the documentation about generating the key values and managed to get it working using a mock endpoint in Postman used for the call_back URL in the API as mentioned in the document.
I created a POST service in my backend server and managed to setup a SSL certificate in the local environment with a domain mapped in hosts file in /etc directory. I ran the backend service and invoked the callback url through Postman and it worked. Then I used that as the call_back URL in the actual WooCommerce Auth endpoint to programatically generate the keys and save it in my DB. But I'm getting
"Access Denied" - Error: A valid URL was not provided..
When I checked the browser through devtools -> network noticed that there is a 401 Unauthorize error.
Here is the sample GET URL that is uesd for WooCommerce API key generation
callback_url = https://foo.bar.dev:44329/api/services/app/woo_commerce_auth/6/callback
When the callback_url is a mock url generated using Postman it works fine
callback_url = https://513ca6ab-db16-4635-8d0b-9159e3b1e187.mock.pstmn.io/api/services/app/woo_commerce_auth/6/callback
Any clue why this happens, I could not find a way to troubleshoot this issue. Appreciate the help.
Hi posting this for future reference, and hope it would help others who face this problem as well.
Things to keep in mind when setting the callback_url,
Non HTTPS URL endpoint are not allowed.
URL should not be a localhost url (e.g localhost/callback would give an invalid URL error)
URL should not contain port number (e.g localhost:4320/callback or foo.bar.dev:4892/callback are invalid)
Callback URL should be a POST url
If an error such as Error: An error occurred in the request and at the time were unable to send the consumer data. is given after checking all the above check the backend service code related to the callback_url (I had a 500 server error which triggered this, it was not a WooCommerce issue)
Also a tool such as ngrok would be really helpful to setup an HTTPS endpoint in your local environment to test this.

event espresso CORS is wrong

I was hired to write a wordpress plugin which involves an ajax request to the website's eventespresso api.
I got it working fine locally (calling the live site's api from my local server), but when I activate the plugin on the live site, it throws:
Failed to load http://example.com/wp-json/ee/v4.8.36/events: The
'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header has a value 'http://opt.local'
that is not equal to the supplied origin. Origin
'http://www.example.com' is therefore not allowed access.
My local domain is "http://opt.local", and the live site is http://example.com.
This error suggests to me that it only wants to allow access from my local setup, and not from the live site, which isn't even cross origin! Maybe I caused it to cache the wrong thing in development?
So a few more tests revealed that the cors settings are correct for everything except the specific route I need.
> curl -I "http://example.com/wp-json"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://example.com
> curl -I "http://example.com/wp-json/ee/v4.8.36"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://example.com
> curl -I "http://example.com/wp-json/ee/v4.8.36/events"
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: http://opt.local
I was able to make it work by using ee/v4.8.35 (a lower api patch version) but hopefully, there is a better solution.
I helped develop the EE4 REST API.
Ya it sounds like some issue where the webserver or a proxy or something is caching the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
There's no code in the EE4 REST API that controls that header, that's actually handled by the WP API (on which the EE4 REST API is built).
The relevant code is in wp-includes/rest-api.php in the function rest_send_cors_headers(). That calls get_http_origin(), whose value can be filtered using the filter http_origin.
So you might want to try adding something like
function my_plugin_force_correct_http_origin($http_origin) {
return 'http://example.com';
add_filter('http_origin', 'my_plugin_force_correct_http_origin');
that will ensure the PHP code is sending the correct Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
If that doesn't resolve the issue, I would verify rest_send_cors_headers() is getting called at all (you could temporarily put a line like echo 'called rest_send_cors_headers!';die; inside that function to check).
If it is getting called, and my suggested filter doesn't help, you could try tagging your question with 'wordpress-rest-api'. Also, I would be curious to see if http://example.com/wp-json/ee/v4.8.36/events?limit=50 has the same problem.

Google OAuth 1.0 - set scope port to 443 (AuthSub Token has wrong scope)

I have been trying to learn OAuth (1.0) and have been testing my code by trying to access my contacts on Google. This is easy because I don't have to set up a friend/consumer relationship (Google just allows anonymous/anonymous for the consumer token) and because Google has the OAuth Playground to help me along.
So I set my code up as follows to go to
Request Token: https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetRequestToken?scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Fm8%2Ffeeds%2F
Authorized Request Token: https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthAuthorizeToken
Access Token: https://www.google.com/accounts/OAuthGetAccessToken
Everything seemed to be going well - I got the request token alright, authorized it fine, and was able to get an access token. I then tried to make a request to https://www.google.com/m8/feeds/contacts/default/full/
Only problem was, I kept getting this error: "401: AuthSub token has wrong scope"
I was confused by this because when I made the same request with the same consumer information in the OAuth Playground ( http://googlecodesamples.com/oauth_playground/index.php ) everything would work out alright.
Eventually, I found the following question: HTTP/1.1 401 Token invalid - AuthSub token has wrong scope
The top answer led me to my solution - there was code in one of the JARs I was using that was written to always set the port to 443 for https or 80 for http. When I stepped through my code and changed the port to -1, my request worked out fine and I was able to get the information I wanted.
Unfortunately, I'm not able to change the code in the JAR file, so I'm going to have to fix things on my end. In the answer to that question, 'Jonathan' said:
Another workaround would be to include the :443 in the token scope; it just has to match
I tried changing my request token query string to ?scope=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com **%3A443** %2Fm8%2Ffeeds%2F and Google just refused to give me a request token - it gave me a 400 error saying Invalid scope: https://www.google.com:443/m8/feeds/. Changing https to http didn't do anything. How would I do what Jonathan (who hasn't been online in almost a year) suggested?
The fact that Google's auth scopes are URLs is basically academic -- they aren't actually serving anything useful (see for yourself), so adding a port just confuses Google. So Jonathan was incorrect in his suggestion.
The only reason they even look like URLs is so that they could be expected to be universally unique (even this is only arguably true).
So don't put the :443 in your auth scope.

Get the final destination after WP_Http redirects (WordPress)

I'm doing some requests to an API via WordPress, and the API uses SSL connections if they're turned on in the API settings. I'd like to determine whether SSL is turned on or off without having to ask the user if SSL is turned on on their account, and the API does a good job at redirecting, meaning
If I access http://api/endpoint and SSL is turned on, I'm redirected to https://api/endpoint
If I access https://api/endpoint and SSL is turned off, I'm redirected to http://api/endpoint
Now what I'd like to do is see whether a redirect happened or not and record that to my options so that the other requests are fired to the correct URL without any redirections.
So my question is: is there a way to determine the final destination after firing a WP_Http->request() when the request is being redirected?
I can't see any info about that in the response arrays, I only get to see the final response but I have no idea what URL that came from. What I can do is set the redirection parameter to 0 and catch the max redirects allowed error, but that's not bullet-proof, since I still don't know whether the redirect happened from http to https or simply another page under http.
I hope this all makes sense, let me know if you have any ideas.
~ K
check $response['headers'] - they may contain 'location' key.
It all depends on the HTTP library you are using.
See class-http.php(wp 3.0.1) file:
line 1393, http_api_curl action - curl handle available directly to catch anything.
check lines 887-888, and $http_response_header variable.
also, try to override processHeaders function as it has an access to raw http headers.
The WP_Http class processes the headers and removes all but the last one. So you could do what jetdog described above. Check the original URL and compare it to the returned $response['headers']['location']. If it is different, than you know it redirected.

Could it be that the google url shortening api key works only on 1 computer?

I'm using the Google URL Shortener from an ASP.NET website. It works
fine from my localhost, but on the test server I get the following
System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403)
at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.GetResponse()
at GoogleUrlShortnerApi.Shorten(String url)
I'm using the exact code that is shown here:
Could it be that the key works only on my local computer, and not any other computer? I have obtained another key (using another Google account), but this one gives me the same error (403) both on my local computer, and on the test server.
I doubt very much the API is linked to a particular PC. You need to check the requests - both the URL and headers - that your program is sending out, they must be different in some way. Is your server behind some kind of proxy - e.g Apache? If not configured right this might also be mangling the request. Also make sure your requests are encoded correctly.
I made a few modifications, according to a tutorial by Scott Mitchell, and I change the following lines of code:
First, Instead of:
string post = "{\"longUrl\": \"" + url + "\"}";
I used:
string post = string.Format(#"{{""longUrl"": ""{0}""}}", url );
Second, I commented out these 2 lines:
request.ServicePoint.Expect100Continue = false;
request.Headers.Add("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
I don't know why, but suddenly it started working. So I wanted to see which of the 3 thins I did made the problem, so I returned each one, and - TADA - it still works, even with all 3 back there! So I really don't know what caused the problem, but since the code work without those 2 commented out lines, and the other modification, I am leaving it that way.
I hope this answer will help someone sometime...
