I've been evaluating Delphi XE4 (compiling against win32, but final platform will be iOS) and I need to create SQLite database (no problem with that) and make some queries. This is one query I'd like to use:
select id as _id, name, note as description from notes
And this is my code:
q := TSQLQuery.Create(nil);
q.SQLConnection := MainForm.sqlite1;
q.SQL.Text := sql;
The problem is that query returns original field names (id, name, note), not the one I used (_id, name, description).
q.Fields[0].FieldName = 'id' //it should be _id
q.Fields[2].FieldName = 'note' //it should be description
That makes all sorts of problems. Using
count(*) as myfield
q.Fields[0].FieldName = Column0 //it should be myfield
that is not acceptable.
Anybody had same problems?
In order to get the proper alias names of the fields, you must add the ColumnMetaDataSupported param to the Params property of the TSQLConnectioncomponent with the False value.
I want to leave some fields empty (i.e. Null) when I insert values into table. I don't see why would I want to have a DB full of empty strings in fields.
I use Delphi 10, FireDAC and local SQLite DB.
Edit: Provided code is just an example. In my application values are provided by user input and functions, any many of them are optional. If value is empty, I would like to keep it at Null or default value. Creating multiple variants of ExecSQL and nesting If statements isn't an option too - there are too many optional fields (18, to be exact).
Test table:
CREATE TABLE "Clients" (
"Name" TEXT,
"Notes" TEXT
This is how I tried it:
var someName,someNote: string;
FDConnection1.ExecSQL('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Clients(Name,Notes) VALUES (:nameval,:notesval)',
[someName, IfThen(someNote.isEmpty, Null, somenote)]);
This raises an exception:
could not convert variant of type (Null) into type (OleStr)
I've tried to overload it and specify [ftString,ftString] and it didn't help.
Currently I have to do it like this and I hate this messy code:
FDConnection1.ExecSQL('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Clients(Name,Notes) VALUES ('+
Any recommendations?
Edit2: Currently I see an option of creating new row with "INSERT OR REPLACE" and then use multiple UPDATEs in a row for each non-empty value. But this looks direly ineffective. Like this:
FDConnection1.ExecSQL('INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Clients(Name) VALUES (:nameval)',[SomeName]);
id := FDConnection1.ExecSQLScalar('SELECT FROM Clients VALUES id WHERE Name=:nameval',[SomeName]);
if not SomeString.isEmpty then
FDConnection1.ExecSQL('UPDATE Clients SET Notes=:noteval WHERE id=:idval)',[SomeNote,id]);
According to Embarcadero documentation ( here ):
To set the parameter value to Null, specify the parameter data type,
then call the Clear method:
with FDQuery1.ParamByName('name') do begin
DataType := ftString;
So, you have to use FDQuery to insert Null values, I suppose. Something like this:
//Assign FDConnection1 to FDQuery1's Connection property
FDQuery1.SQL.Text := 'INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Clients(Name,Notes) VALUES (:nameval,:notesval)';
with FDQuery1.ParamByName('nameval') do
DataType := ftString;
Value := someName;
with FDQuery1.ParamByName('notesval') do
DataType := ftString;
if someNote.IsEmpty then
Value := someNote;
if not FDConnection1.Connected then
It's not very good idea to execute query as String without parameters because this code is vulnerable to SQL injections.
Some sources tells that it's not enough and you should do something like this:
with FDQuery1.ParamByName('name') do begin
DataType := ftString;
AsString := '';
but I can't confirm it. You can try it if main example won't work.
I'm having some strange feeling abour sqlite3 parameters that I would like to expose to you.
This is my query and the fail message :
'SELECT id FROM ? WHERE key = ? AND (userid = '0' OR userid = ?) ORDER BY userid DESC LIMIT 1;'
#error message, fails when calling sqlite3_prepare()
error: 'near "?": syntax error'
In my code it looks like:
// Query is a helper class, at creation it does an sqlite3_preprare()
Query q("SELECT id FROM ? WHERE key = ? AND (userid = 0 OR userid = ?) ORDER BY userid DESC LIMIT 1;");
// bind arguments
q.bindString(1, _db_name.c_str() ); // class member, the table name
q.bindString(2, key.c_str()); // function argument (std::string)
q.bindInt (3, currentID); // function argument (int)
I have the feeling that I can't use sqlite parameters for the table name, but I can't find the confirmation in the Sqlite3 C API.
Do you know what's wrong with my query?
Do I have to pre-process my SQL statement to include the table name before preparing the query?
Ooookay, should have looked more thoroughly on SO.
- SQLite Parameters - Not allowing tablename as parameter
- Variable table name in sqlite
They are meant for Python, but I guess the same applies for C++.
You can't pass the table name as a parameter.
If anyone have a link in the SQLite documentation where I have the confirmation of this, I'll gladly accept the answer.
I know this is super old already but since your query is just a string you can always append the table name like this in C++:
std::string queryString = "SELECT id FROM " + std::string(_db_name);
or in objective-C:
[#"SELECT id FROM " stringByAppendingString:_db_name];
I have set my column to int not null default 1... but whenever I save my record, it sets default value for that record to be 0.
I am not setting it anywhere. I don't know where I am making a mistake.
I have debugged my code , and when I am passing new entity object it is setting default value for not null to 0 .May be it is something with LINQ, But I don't know how to handle it.I don't want to explicitly assign value.
For sql-server, you can use SQL Server Profiler to catch all the scripts you run into the DB.
This may show you some details
Try running this query, replacing the 'myTable' and 'myColumn' values with your actual TABLE and COLUMN names, and see what's returned:
OBJECT_NAME(C.object_id) AS [Table Name]
,C.Name AS [Column Name]
,DC.Name AS [Constraint Name]
,DC.Type_Desc AS [Constraint Type]
,DC.Definition AS [Default Value]
FROM sys.default_constraints DC
INNER JOIN sys.Columns C
ON DC.parent_column_id = C.column_id
AND DC.parent_object_id = C.object_id
WHERE OBJECT_NAME(DC.parent_object_id) = 'myTable'
AND COL_NAME(DC.parent_object_id,DC.parent_column_id) = 'myColumn'
Should return something like this:
[Table Name] [Column Name] [Constraint Name] [Constraint Type] [Default Value]
myTable myColumn DF_myTable_myColumn DEFAULT_CONSTRAINT ('0')
If the [Default Value] returned is indeed (1), then it means that you have set the constraint properly and something else is at play here. It might be a trigger, or some other automated DML that you've forgotten/didn't know about, or something else entirely.
I am not the world's biggest fan of using a TRIGGER, but in a case like this, it could be handy. I find that one of the best uses for a TRIGGER is debugging little stuff like this - because it lets you see what values are being passed into a table without having to scroll through mountains of profiler data. You could try something like this (again, switching out the myTable and myColumn values with your actual table and column names):
CREATE TABLE Default_Check
,Inserted_Value INT
CREATE TRIGGER Checking_Default ON myTable
INSERT INTO Default_Check (Inserted_Value)
SELECT I.myColumn
FROM Inserted I
This trigger would simply list the date/time of an update/insert done against your table, as well as the inserted value. After creating this, you could run a single INSERT statement, then check:
SELECT * FROM Default_Check;
If you see one row, only one action (insert/update) was done against the table. If you see two, something you don't expect is happening - you can check to see what. You will also see here when the 0 was inserted/updated.
When you're done, just make sure you DROP the trigger:
DROP TRIGGER Checking_Default;
You'll want to DROP the table, too, once it's become irrelevant:
DROP TABLE Default_Check;
If all of this still didn't help you, let me know.
In VB use
Property VariableName As Integer? = Nothing
In C# use
int? value = 0;
if (value == 0)
value = null;
Please check My Example:
create table emp ( ids int null, [DOJ] datetime NOT null)
1--Not working for Default Values
insert into emp
select '1',''
2 ---working for Default Values
insert into emp(ids) Values(13)
select * From emp
In SQLite I can run the following query to get a list of columns in a table:
PRAGMA table_info(myTable)
This gives me the columns but no information about what the primary keys may be. Additionally, I can run the following two queries for finding indexes and foreign keys:
PRAGMA index_list(myTable)
PRAGMA foreign_key_list(myTable)
But I cannot seem to figure out how to view the primary keys. Does anyone know how I can go about doing this?
Note: I also know that I can do:
select * from sqlite_master where type = 'table' and name ='myTable';
And it will give the the create table statement which shows the primary keys. But I am looking for a way to do this without parsing the create statement.
The table_info DOES give you a column named pk (last one) indicating if it is a primary key (if so the index of it in the key) or not (zero).
To clarify, from the documentation:
The "pk" column in the result set is zero for columns that are not
part of the primary key, and is the index of the column in the primary
key for columns that are part of the primary key.
Hopefully this helps someone:
After some research and pain the command that worked for me to find the primary key column name was:
SELECT l.name FROM pragma_table_info("Table_Name") as l WHERE l.pk = 1;
For the ones trying to retrieve a pk name in android, and while using the ROOM library.
#Oogway101's answer was throwing an error: "no such column [your_table_name] ... etc.. etc...
my way of query submition was:
String pkSearch = "SELECT l.name FROM pragma_table_info(" + tableName + ") as l WHERE l.pk = 1;";
database.query(new SimpleSQLiteQuery(pkSearch)
I tried using the (") quotations and still error.
String pkSearch = "SELECT l.name FROM pragma_table_info(\"" + tableName + "\") as l WHERE l.pk = 1;";
So my solution was this:
String pragmaInfo = "PRAGMA table_info(" + tableName + ");";
Cursor c = database.query(new SimpleSQLiteQuery(pragmaInfo));
String id = null;
do {
if (c.getInt(5) == 1) {
id = c.getString(1);
} while (c.moveToNext() && id == null);
Log.println(Log.ASSERT, TAG, "AbstractDao: pk is: " + id);
The explanation is that:
A) PRAGMA table_info returns a cursor with various indices, the response is atleast of length 6... didnt check more...
B) index 1 has the column name.
C) index 5 has the "pk" value, either 0 if it is not a primary key, or 1 if its a pk.
You can define more than one pk so this will not bring an accurate result if your table has more than one (IMHO more than one is bad design and balloons the complexity of the database beyond human comprehension).
So how will this fit into the #Dao? (you may ask...)
When making the Dao "abstract" you have access to a default constructor which has the database in it:
from the docummentation:
An abstract #Dao class can optionally have a constructor that takes a Database as its only parameter.
this is the constructor that will grant you access to the query.
There is a catch though...
You may use the Dao during a database creation with the .addCallback() method:
instance = Room.databaseBuilder(context.getApplicationContext(),
AppDatabase2.class, "database")
//You may use the Daos here.
If you run a query in the constructor of the Dao, the database will enter a feedback loop of infinite instantiation.
This means that the query MUST be used LAZILY (just at the moment the user needs something), and because the value will never change, it can be stored. and never re-queried.
Is there any function to encode HTML strings in T-SQL? I have a legacy database which contains dodgey characters such as '<', '>' etc. I can write a function to replace the characters but is there a better way?
I have an ASP.Net application and when it returns a string it contains characters which cause an error. The ASP.Net application is reading the data from a database table. It does not write to the table itself.
We have a legacy system that uses a trigger and dbmail to send HTML encoded email when a table is entered, so we require encoding within the email generation. I noticed that Leo's version has a slight bug that encodes the & in < and > I use this version:
#UnEncoded as varchar(500)
RETURNS varchar(500)
DECLARE #Encoded as varchar(500)
--order is important here. Replace the amp first, then the lt and gt.
--otherwise the < will become <
SELECT #Encoded =
'<', '<'),
'>', '>')
RETURN #Encoded
It's a bit late, but anyway, here the proper ways:
HTML-Encode (HTML encoding = XML encoding):
SET #s = '<html>unsafe & safe Utf8CharsDon''tGetEncoded ÄöÜ - "Conex"<html>'
HTML-encode in a query:
SELECT CAST('<root>' + '<root>Test&123' + '</root>' AS XML).value(N'(root)[1]', N'varchar(max)');
If you want to do it properly, you can use a CLR-stored procedure.
However, it gets a bit complicated, because you can't use the System.Web-Assembly in CLR-stored-procedures (so you can't do System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(htmlEncodedStr);). So you have to write your own HttpUtility class, which I wouldn't recommend, especially for decoding.
Fortunately, you can rip System.Web.HttpUtility out of the mono sourcecode (.NET for Linux). Then you can use HttpUtility without referencing system.web.
Then you write this CLR-Stored-Procedure:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using Microsoft.SqlServer.Server;
using System.Data.SqlTypes;
//using Microsoft.SqlServer.Types;
namespace ClrFunctionsLibrary
public class Test
public static SqlString HtmlEncode(SqlString sqlstrTextThatNeedsEncoding)
string strHtmlEncoded = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sqlstrTextThatNeedsEncoding.Value);
SqlString sqlstrReturnValue = new SqlString(strHtmlEncoded);
return sqlstrReturnValue;
public static SqlString HtmlDecode(SqlString sqlstrHtmlEncodedText)
string strHtmlDecoded = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(sqlstrHtmlEncodedText.Value);
SqlString sqlstrReturnValue = new SqlString(strHtmlDecoded);
return sqlstrReturnValue;
// ClrFunctionsLibrary.Test.GetPassword
//public static SqlString GetPassword(SqlString sqlstrEncryptedPassword)
// string strDecryptedPassword = libPortalSecurity.AperturePortal.DecryptPassword(sqlstrEncryptedPassword.Value);
// SqlString sqlstrReturnValue = new SqlString(sqlstrEncryptedPassword.Value + "hello");
// return sqlstrReturnValue;
public const double SALES_TAX = .086;
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w2kae45k(v=vs.80).aspx
public static SqlDouble addTax(SqlDouble originalAmount)
SqlDouble taxAmount = originalAmount * SALES_TAX;
return originalAmount + taxAmount;
} // End Class Test
} // End Namespace ClrFunctionsLibrary
And register it:
-- For unsafe permission
EXEC sp_changedbowner 'sa'
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[HtmlEncode]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[HtmlEncode]
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[HtmlDecode]') AND type in (N'FN', N'IF', N'TF', N'FS', N'FT'))
DROP FUNCTION [dbo].[HtmlDecode]
IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.assemblies asms WHERE asms.name = N'ClrFunctionsLibrary' and is_user_defined = 1)
DROP ASSEMBLY [ClrFunctionsLibrary]
CREATE ASSEMBLY [ClrFunctionsLibrary]
FROM 'D:\username\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\ClrFunctionsLibrary\ClrFunctionsLibrary\bin\Debug\ClrFunctionsLibrary.dll'
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[HtmlDecode](#value [nvarchar](max))
-- [AssemblyName].[Namespace.Class].[FunctionName]
EXTERNAL NAME [ClrFunctionsLibrary].[ClrFunctionsLibrary.Test].[HtmlDecode]
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[HtmlEncode](#value [nvarchar](max))
-- [AssemblyName].[Namespace.Class].[FunctionName]
EXTERNAL NAME [ClrFunctionsLibrary].[ClrFunctionsLibrary.Test].[HtmlEncode]
EXEC sp_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options' , '1';
EXEC sp_CONFIGURE 'clr enabled' , '1'
EXEC sp_CONFIGURE 'show advanced options' , '0';
Afterwards, you can use it like normal functions:
dbo.HtmlEncode('helloäÖühello123') AS Encoded
,dbo.HtmlDecode('helloäÖühello123') AS Decoded
Anybody who just copy-pastes, please note that for efficiency reasons, you would use
public const double SALES_TAX = 1.086;
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/w2kae45k(v=vs.80).aspx
public static SqlDouble addTax(SqlDouble originalAmount)
return originalAmount * SALES_TAX;
if you'd use this function in production.
See here for the edited mono classes:
You need to define NET_2_0 in the build options
You shouldn't fix the string in SQL. A better way is to use a function in ASP.net called HtmlEncode, this will cook the special characters that cause the issues you're seeing see the example below. I hope this helps.
string htmlEncodedStr = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(yourRawStringVariableHere);
string decodedRawStr = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(htmlEncodedStr);
Since you're data binding this from a datatable. Use an inline expression to call HTMLEncode in the markup of the GridView or whatever control your using and this will still satisfy your data binding requirement. See example below. Alternativly you can loop every record in the data table object and update each cell with the html encoded string prior to data binding.
<%# System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Eval("YourColumnNameHere")) %>
I don't think data in a database should know or care about the user interface. Display issues should be handled by the presentation layer. I wouldn't want to see any HTML mingled into the database.
You can simply use 'XML PATH in your query'. For example;
SET #encodedString = 'give your html string you want to encode'
SELECT #encodedString
SELECT (SELECT #encodedString FOR XML PATH(''))
Now as your wish you can you this in your own sql function. Hope this will help.
If you're displaying a string on the web, you can encode it with Server.HTMLEncode().
If you're storing a string in the database, make sure the database field is "nchar", instead of "char". That will allow it to store unicode strings.
If you can't control the database, you can "flatten" the string to ASCII with Encoding.ASCII.GetString.
I haven't tried this solution myself but what I would try is utilise the sql server / .NET CLR integration and actually call the C# HTMLEncode function from the T-SQL.
This may be inefficient but I suspect it would give you the most accurate result.
My starting point for working out how to do this would be http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms254498%28VS.80%29.aspx
I've been trying to do this today in T-SQL, mostly for fun at this point since my requirements changed, but i figured one way out. You can use a table of unicode characters, built from the NCHAR() function or just import it, iterating from 0 to 65535 (or less if you just need the first 512 or something). Then rebuild the string. There are probably better ways to rebuild the string, but this works in a pinch.
---store unicode chars into a table so you can replace those characters withthe decimal value
CREATE TABLE #UnicodeCharacters(
DecimalValue INT,
UnicodeCharacter NCHAR
--loop from 0 to highest unicode value you want and dump to the table you created
WHILE #x <= 65535
INSERT INTO #UnicodeCharacters(DecimalValue, UnicodeCharacter)
SET #x = #x + 1
--index for fast retrieval
CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX CX_UnicodeCharacter_DecimalValue ON #UnicodeCharacters(UnicodeCharacter, DecimalValue);
--this is the string that you want to html-encode...
DECLARE #String NVARCHAR(100) = N'人This is a test - Ñ';
--other vars
DECLARE #NewString NVARCHAR(100) = '';
DECLARE #Word TABLE(Character NCHAR(1));
--run through the string and check each character to see if it is outside the regex expression
WHILE #Pos <= LEN(#String)
DECLARE #Letter NCHAR(1) = SUBSTRING(#String,#Pos,1);
PRINT #Letter;
--rebuild the string replacing each unicode character outside the regex with &#[unicode value];
SELECT #NewString = #NewString +
WHEN #Letter LIKE N'%[0-9abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ-!##$%^&*()_+-= ]%' THEN #Letter
ELSE '&#' + CAST(uc.DecimalValue AS VARCHAR(10)) + ';'
FROM #UnicodeCharacters uc
SET #Pos += 1
--end result
SELECT #NewString
I know typically you would use [0-9A-Za-z], but for some reason, it considered accented characters within the scope of that expression when I did that. So I explicitly used every character that i didn't want to convert to Unicode in the expression.
Last note, I had to use a different collation to do matches on Unicode characters, because the default LATIN collation (CI or otherwise) seemed to incorrectly match on accented characters, much like the regex in the LIKE.
assign it to Text Property of label, it will be auto encoded by .NET
OK here is what I did. I created a simple function to handle it. Its far from complete but at least handles the standard <>& characters. I'll just add to it as I go along.
#UnEncoded as varchar(500)
RETURNS varchar(500)
DECLARE #Encoded as varchar(500)
SELECT #Encoded = Replace(#UnEncoded,'<','<')
SELECT #Encoded = Replace(#Encoded,'>','>')
SELECT #Encoded = Replace(#Encoded,'&','&')
RETURN #Encoded
I can then use:
Select Ref,dbo.HtmlEncode(RecID) from Customers
This gives me a HTML safe Record ID. There is probably a built in function but I can't find it.