I am trying to setup a simple AMQP publisher/consumer using Symfony2.2 with RabbitMq bundle, I am following the documentation on the bundle page
The publisher works fine, I can see my messages on the web manager of rabbitMq.
When I try to run a consumer using the command
php app/console rabbitmq:consumer my.api
I get the following error:
Call to undefined method My\ApiBundle\Service\ConsumerService::setRoutingKey() in /***/vendor/oldsound/rabbitmq-bundle/OldSound/RabbitMqBundle/Command/BaseConsumerCommand.php on line 91
My setup:
host: %amqp_host%
port: %amqp_port%
user: %amqp_user%
password: %amqp_password%
vhost: %amqp_vhost%
connection: my.api
exchange_options: {name: 'my.api', type: fanout}
connection: my.api
exchange_options: {name: 'my.api', type: fanout}
queue_options: {name: 'my.api'}
callback: my.api
namespace My\ApiBundle\Service;
use OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\ConsumerInterface;
class ConsumerService implements ConsumerInterface
public function execute(\PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage $msg)
return false;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<container xmlns="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services http://symfony.com/schema/dic/services/services-1.0.xsd">
<service id="old_sound_rabbit_mq.my.api_consumer" class="My\ApiBundle\Service\ConsumerService"></service>
My question is: what is wrong with my config or my code?
There is no need to register your handler as a service - removing the My\ApiBundle\Resources\config\services.xml definition completely should solve the problem.
I was dealing with the same issue. The problem was that I forgot to include the RabbitMQ config file.
You can compare your solution with my working repository:
I'm not sure if the documentation is correct.. but I found a workaround by extending from OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\BaseConsumer
So my code looks like:
namespace My\ApiBundle\Service;
use OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\BaseConsumer;
class ConsumerService extends BaseConsumer
I have a working ELK stack connected to Redis.
I also have a working stateless Symfony 4 application and I want to send all the production logs to my Redis.
I know Monolog has a Redis handler, but I don't know how I'm supposed to tweak the config/prod/monolog.yaml file to accomplish this of if there’s another approach.
This is how it looks right now:
type: fingers_crossed
action_level: error
handler: nested
excluded_http_codes: [404]
type: stream
path: "php://stderr"
level: debug
type: console
process_psr_3_messages: false
channels: ["!event", "!doctrine"]
type: stream
path: "php://stderr"
type: filter
handler: deprecation
max_level: info
channels: ["php"]
The approach I took was, first installing the predis client:
composer require predis/predis
Then create a custom service class that extends the RedisHandler class that comes with the Monolog package:
namespace App\Service\Monolog\Handler;
use Monolog\Handler\RedisHandler;
use Monolog\Logger;
use Predis\Client as PredisClient;
class Redis extends RedisHandler
public function __construct( $host, $port = 6379, $level = Logger::DEBUG, $bubble = true, $capSize = false)
$predis = new PredisClient( "tcp://$host:$port" );
$key = 'logstash';
parent::__construct($predis, $key, $level, $bubble, $capSize);
Next, activate the service we just created on the services.yml config file:
class: App\Service\Monolog\Handler\Redis
arguments: [ '%redis.host%' ]
Be sure the parameter redis.host is set and points to your Redis server. In my case, my parameter value is the IP of my Redis server.
I added other parameters to the class like port and log level. You can set it at the moment of instantiating your service like with the host parameter.
Finally, configure your custom log handler service in your monolog.yaml config file. In my case, I need it only the production logs with the config as follow:
type: service
id: monolog.handler.redis
level: debug
channels: ['!event']
Symfony is logging two INFO level statements for every request in my application, inflating an apache log file very rapidly. We're not using Monolog (using an alternate solution), and I've disabled it by removing the bundle in the AppKernel.
[2016-06-23 12:11:04] security.INFO: Populated the TokenStorage with an anonymous Token. [] []
[2016-06-23 12:11:06] request.INFO: Matched route "contact". {"route_parameters":{"_controller": ...
How can I disable this logging?
This happens because Monolog (which symfony will use itself even if you disable it in your app) defaults to std:error:
public function addRecord($level, $message, array $context = array())
if (!$this->handlers) {
$this->pushHandler(new StreamHandler('php://stderr', static::DEBUG));
Adding any handler in app/config/config.yml will make addRecord reject the unwanted info notice instead.
type: syslog
level: error
I'm trying to start sending my logs into elastic search using monolog. (I'm using Symfony2).
I've set up monolog like this:
host: %logger_elastic_host%
port: %logger_elastic_port%
type: elasticsearch
level: info
It worked only few minutes until it broke with this error messages(a fatal error, I removed useless stuff):
create: /monolog/logs/AVQKYsGRPmEhlo7mDfrN caused
MapperParsingException[failed to parse [context.stack.args]]; nested:
ElasticsearchIllegalArgumentException[unknown property [class]];
I've been looking with my collegue how to fix that. What we found out is:
Elastic search receive the first logs and automatically build a mapping
We send new logs with another mapping or slightly different to what was sent before and it breaks.
In this case it's breaking here: context.stack.args.
The problem is that the context will always be very different.
What we would like is:
is anyone out there using Monolog to log to Elasticsearch
How do you guys manage to avoid this issue. (How can we manage to avoid it)?
thanks guys.
This is happening because ES creates a mapping from the first document. If any document that is inserted after has the same property but with other type/format then ES will throw an error.
A solution is to create a custom monolog formatter and register it:
type: elasticsearch
host: elasticsearch
ignore_error: true
formatter: my_elasticsearch_formatter
This line will make Monolog\Handler\ElasticSearchHandler ignore any other errors from Ruflin's Elastica package:
ignore_error: true
Then register a service with this name: my_elasticsearch_formatter:
<service id="my_elasticsearch_formatter" class="AppBundle\Services\MyFormatter">
<argument type="string">monolog</argument>
<argument type="string">logs</argument>
first argument is the index name, second arg is the type.
And the formatter class:
namespace AppBundle\Services;
use function json_encode;
use Monolog\Formatter\ElasticaFormatter;
use function var_dump;
class MyFormatter extends ElasticaFormatter
* #param string $index
* #param string $type
public function __construct($index, $type)
parent::__construct($index, $type);
* #param array $record
* #return array|\Elastica\Document|mixed|string
public function format(array $record)
$record['context'] = json_encode($record['context']);
return parent::format($record);
The downside of this solution is that it will json_encode the context. You will not be able to filter by inner properties of the context in ES but at least you will not lose important information about your logs.
I have a service which extends UserManager, so when I do:
$message = \Swift_Message::newInstance()
->setBody('~', 'text/html');
I get the error:
Fatal error: Call to undefined method My\MyBundle\Service\ServiceClass::get()
I know this is because I need to inject the swiftmailer into here, but how?
(usually the service class extends 'Generic' so the swift mailer is included.)
Depending on what kind of service file you are using you need to inject it into your service directly like you said.
<service id="sample.service" class="%sample.service.class%">
<argument type="service" id="mailer" />
class: %sample.service.class%
arguments: [#mailer]
You can simply grab the service in your constructor like this.
Or if you really want, you can inject the service_container. But that's really dirty, since you can just inject the services you need.
Injection the service_container is only needed if you need a dynamic service call.
In services.yml (symfony 4 example)
class: \Swift_Mailer
class: x\x
- "#mailer"
What is the best way to have an event that fires after a record is inserted in Symfony2 / Doctrine?
First, register a service as a Doctrine event listener:
class: Vendor\FooBundle\BarClass
- { name: doctrine.event_listener, event: postPersist, method: onPostPersist }
Then in your listener class, define an onPostPersist method (or whatever you named the method in the config) that takes a Doctrine\ORM\Event\LifecycleEventArgs argument:
public function onPostPersist(LifecycleEventArgs $eventArgs)
// do stuff with the entity here
Note that you can't pass an instance of EntityManager to the listener class, because $eventArgs contains a reference to it, and doing so will throw a CircularReferenceException.
Doctrine Project documentation here. Symfony Project documentation here (out of date, but included for reference)/
Try injecting the container itself instead of the security context. with FOS_USER, security.context depends on your listener (EM) and your listener requires security.context.
<service id="foo.listener" class="%foo.listener.class%">
<argument type="service" id="service_container"/>
<tag name="doctrine.event_listener" event="postPersist" method="fooMethod" />
By the way, at least in XML, the method name does not seem to be working, by default it call the method 'postPersist' instead and ignore whatever method name you give (fooMethod); Please let me know if that's the case with YAML config, too, or I am just wrong.