Max-Width vs. Min-Width - css

Most of the tutorials I'm reading on using Media Queries are demonstrating the use of min-width, but I'm rarely seeing people using max-width.
Is this some sort of design trend, or pattern, why people are using min-width over max-width?
For example, I'm designing a site starting from mobile, working up to the desktop. I am using Foundation 4, but using media queries to remove various elements on the page and re-position the source order.
One thing I am facing is a custom navigation for any device whose width is 360px or less. I want them to have a vertical navigation, rather than an inline horizontal. So my idea was to use max-width to target these devices.
Should I be using min-width instead if I am designing mobile first? I.e. all the default styles are for mobile, and thus using min-width to progressively enhance the layout?

2 Part Answer
Part 1: To answer "why people are using min-width over max-width?":
It has to do with design flow. Typically, with min-width patterns, you're designing mobile-first. With max-width patterns, you're design desktop-first.
Going mobile-first with min-width, the default style is the mobile style. Queries after that then target progressively larger screens.
body {
/* default styles here,
targets mobile first */
#media screen and (min-width:480px) {
/* style changes when the screen gets larger */
#media screen and (min-width:800px) {
/* And even larger */
Conversely, using max-width, is desktop-first then adds queries to make styles mobile-friendly
body {
/* default styles here,
targets desktops first */
#media screen and (max-width:800px) {
/* style changes when the screen gets smaller */
#media screen and (max-width:480px) {
/* And even smaller */
Part 2: For your particular custom navigation for any device who's width is 360px or less:
You could include that as a separate max-width query, IF thats the only exception to the rule. OR use that style as your baseline, then change it for wider screens.
If you do an exception (which isn't really following mobile-first design methods), it'd be something like:
body {
/* default styles here,
targets mobile first
ALSO will cover 361 - 479 width */
#media screen and (max-width:360px) {
/* style ONLY for screens with 360px or less width */
#media screen and (min-width:480px) {
/* style changes when the screen gets larger */

It really depends on how your stylesheet works. For example:
#media screen and (min-width:100px) {
body { font-weight:bold; }
#media screen and (min-width:200px) {
body { color:#555; }
The above two media queries would make the body font bold if the screen is greater than or equal to 100px, but also make the color #555 if it's greater than or equal to 200px;
Another example:
#media screen and (max-width:100px) {
body { font-weight:bold; }
#media screen and (max-width:200px) {
body { color:#555; }
Unlike the first example, this makes the body font bold and color #555 only if the screen width is between 0 and 100px. If it's between 0px and 200px it will be color #555.
The beauty of media queries is that you can combine these statements:
#media screen and (min-width:100px) and (max-width:200px) {
body { font-weight:bold; color:#555; }
In this example you are only targeting devices with a width between 100px and 200px - nothing more, nothing less.
In short, if you want your styles to leak out of media queries you'd use either min-width or max-width, but if you're wanting to affect a very specific criteria you can just combine the two.

In short, min-width is a mobile 1st approach, max-width is a desktop 1st approach.
Min-width is the minimum width at which a style will START to be applied. (Have to be ordered from smallest to largest to work properly, regular styles first). Put another way: If device width is greater than or equal to..., then apply some specific styles. With min-width, styles START and continue forever as long as min-width is met, and no max-width is specified.
Max-width is the maximum width at which a style will continue to be applied. After that, the style will STOP being applied. (Have to be ordered from largest to smallest to work properly, regular styles first). Put another way: If device width is less than or equal to..., then apply specific styles. Styles STOP as soon as width greater than max-width is hit.
Finally, It depends on how you want to implement. There is no ONE RIGHT solution as some may claim. In my opinion min-width works great when starting from scratch, but max-width often makes more sense to me when retrofitting an existing web site.

What are Mobile-first and Desktop-first approaches?
A mobile-first approach to styling means that styles are applied first to mobile devices. Advanced styles and other overrides for larger screens are then added into the stylesheet via media queries.
This approach uses
media queries.
Here’s a quick example:
// This applies from 0px to 600px
body {
background: red;
// This applies from 600px onwards
#media (min-width: 600px) {
body {
background: green;
In the example above, will have a red background below 600px. Its background changes to green at 600px and beyond.
On the flipside, a desktop-first approach to styling means that styles are applied first to desktop devices. Advanced styles and overrides for smaller screens are then added into the stylesheet via media queries.
This approach uses >max-width
media queries.
Here’s a quick example:
// This applies from 600px onwards
body {
background: green;
// This applies from 0px to 600px
#media (max-width: 600px) {
body {
background: red;
will have a background colour of green for all widths. If the screen goes below 600px, the background colour becomes red instead.

Because you're developing a website starting with a mobile design and increasing complexity with resolution, I would advise going with min-width because that follows the same work pattern.
Technically, min-width is "mobile first" in the sense that you generally begin developing for mobile and add more complexity as the resolution increases.
However, the term gained popularity more so over its alternative meaning which has generally come to imply more about an increase of focus on mobile efforts and prioritization (mostly fueled by clients or management that don't understand the technical inference). That is likely why you end up seeing a lot of min-width examples online (trendy bloggers writing about trendy topics).
When I work with complex desktop designs, I personally find it easier to write max-width queries to "simplify the equation" so-to-speak. But using max-width queries does not prevent you from focusing on mobile and can still completely be a part of a "mobile first" strategy.
In either case, the most important thing is consistency. Use one and stick to it for that project. A project can become very confusing if it uses both.
As a final note, using less queries when possible is ideal. This can be achieved through good responsive design.

I had a unresponsive website first, designed for desktops. Then added responsiveness by adding max-width media queries.
My site now has layouts for 320px, 480px, 768px, 960px, and 1024px etc. wide devices, and so I have added media queries that look like max-width: 479px, max-width: 767px, max-width: 959px etc. This works fine - the site behaves as it should.
However, I've recently found that the Chrome Developer Tools "Device Mode" has a Media Queries Tool that is really, really useful to me. It allows me to click to display the website at each media query level that Chrome finds on my page. This is a great help to me when designing the responsive layouts.
The Media Queries Tool uses the numbers it finds in the media queries, i.e. 479, 767, 959, 1023 etc. But this means that, for example, if I want to see what how my layout for a 480px-wide device looks, I have to click the max-width 767px level media query, which to me is quite unintuitive.
This has made me rethink my current desktop-first CSS, and I will be rewriting my CSS using a mobile-first approach.
I think the mobile-first CSS using min-width will be much more readable, because you will see a media query for min-width: 480px and know that will be the CSS for a 480px-wide device.

The majority of sites I've been working on are designed for desktop first and in these cases using max-width queries makes sense. Generally if you are starting small screen first use min-width and then build on top with media queries targeting larger resolutions.
You can of course mix both min and max queries to get specific resolutions
Maybe have a look at using min-device-width for the specific issue you're having with the navigation


Setting CSS media query for overlapping resolutions

I came across a situation in a project were i wanted to write media queries for iPad Air and iPad Mini separately. What i am wondering is how can i target it differently since their resolutions are overlapping. for example
#media only screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 1024px) { //iPad Mini
background-color: grey;
#media only screen and (min-width: 820px) and (max-width: 1180px) { //iPad Air
background-color: blue;
What background-color will be applied to the content class for the screen resolution which is between 820px to 1024px since it applies for both the cases? Please correct me if my understanding is wrong. what is the best way to handle such situations? thanks in advance
For screen sizes between 820px and 1024px, blue will be applied as the background color. Since both styles would validly apply to an element with class "content", and have the same specificity, the browser will apply whichever style comes last in the stylesheet. Read more here:
It is technically possible to detect what device a user is using to browse your website, but only through exploitation of certain bugs, and likely not easily. You certainly can't write a media query that explicitly targets a specific device.
Even if you could easily, I wouldn't recommend it. In general, you should not design for specific devices - you should have a single, responsive design that neatly adapts to many different screen sizes.
If you're just looking for a good set of breakpoints, a common set of non-overlapping breakpoints are the Bootstrap breakpoints. A possibly better thought-out alternative are David Gilbertson's breakpoints.
Unless you have a good reason not to, you should just stick to using only min-width media queries (if your site is designed mobile-first), or just max-width media queries (if your site is designed desktop-first). This way, styles neatly and predictably overwrite each other as screen sizes get larger (in the first case) or larger (in the second case).

Mobile menu css

What's the best way to
achieve going from a menu like this :
to this when screensize reaches a certain width :
So basically change certain texts to icons.
Is the only way pre-defining it and changing the display property in css from none to block ? or is there a better way ?
You got it. I would start by in the correct order list all the elements for mobile and desktop together then display:none the ones you want to be hidden on desktop and go from there. Could do it with JS but that's a lot more work and could look wonky on load.
+1 on what #MPortman said, it'd be better to have a clear idea at the start;
I would use CSS Media Queries to do that.
You can for istance just use the display:none starting from a specific width.
The web inspector is useful to see some "common breakpoints" but you don't have to target #media rules at specific devices, it'd be better narrow to your desktop browser window and observe the natural breakpoints for your content.
Media queries are a good way to make responsive pages, you can hide or show elements from a certain width of the device used (mobile/desktop for example).
You can use them to set a minimum width and a maximum width.
For example:
/* If the screen size is between 768px and 900px (included), hide the element */
#media screen and (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 900px) {
div.example {
Will hide the element on a screen bigger than 768px and 900px.

responsive navbar stops working with "mid-width" media queries - why?

My apologies for writing so much but I wanted to put what I’m doing into context. So I’ll ask my question first:
Why does the HTML and CSS this link to a responsive navbar stop working when I change its “max-width” media queries to “min-width”, pixel-based media queries?
All I need is to understand why I can’t make the HTML and CSS behave exactly the same way with min-width, pixel-based media queries. What do I not get? I’ve been working with Responsive web design and development for a few years. But this clearly proves I don’t understand responsive css the way I need to. I’m coding up a responsive website from scratch for a client of my own without Bootstrap so I can hard-wire my understanding on the principles that Ethan Marcotte sets out in the second edition of Responsive Web Design.
I’m not trying to be lazy by not posting my own code. This is the exact same structure navbar I want to use for the site I’m building, and you can go straight to the relevant HTML and CSS in the above link. I’ve tried making a linked stylesheet of the embedded CSS and HTML in the above link. I’ve injected it into my own site as a separate linked-stylesheet but I’m still running into the same brick wall.
My breakpoints structure in my own stylesheet is:
`/* ====MOBILE FIRST===== */
/* Custom, iPhone Retina */
#media only screen and (min-width: 320 px) {
/* Extra Small Devices, Phones */
#media only screen and (min-width: 480 px) {
/* Small Devices, Tablets */
#media only screen and (min-width: 768 px) {
/* Medium Devices, Desktops */
#media only screen and (min-width: 1024 px) {
/* Desktop */
#media only screen and (min-width: 1280 px) {
I also don’t want to have one big monster stylesheet, so I’m trying to link the navbar stylesheet to the main stylesheet, using:
`#import url('mainstyles.css');`
I know that essential css rules for breakpoints must go into specific media queries. But if all the CSS in the above navbar link have to go into all five “min-width” based media queries - that’s just CSS bloat - isn’t it? And too much unnecessary CSS code?
I’ve spent three days on it and I just can’t get the fundamental reason. How do I make the above nav bar BEHAVE EXACTLY THE SAME WAY after changing the “max-width” media queries to “min-width” pixel-based media queries? I’ve tried changing the “width” and all style rules relevant to display to percentages - but it’s not solving the fundamental reason. Many thanks in advance for all advice.
Keith :)
max-width means the query will work up UNTIL the specified width.
min-width means the query will START working at the specified width.
Your first query will work from 320px to 479px. Your second will work from 480px to 767px, and so on (you have no query for 0-319px).
In order to change max-width to min-width you'd need to bump each query down a level (XS would become min-width: 320px, Desktop would become min-width: 1024, etc.)
I've included a simple answer below, as I found, once you get the basics right with Media Queries, its an easy concept to then apply to more complex ideas...
The example below could be used for firstly, a smartphone, then going up to an iPad, then finally a landscape iPad and a desktop device...
#media screen and (max-width: 600px) {
/* Stylings for all devices with screens with a width of 600px or less.*/
#media screen and (max-width: 992px) {
/* all screens with a max width of 992px or less */
#media screen and (min-width: 992px) {
/* all screens with a width of 992px or higher */

What am I missing about responsive web design?

My concept of "Responsive Web Design" is:
Design a web layout that stretches nicely with any width monitor or media screen.
Design a web layout that squeezes too with any width monitor or media screen.
Design a web layout that viewed nicely on any device.
Design your layout with percentage (%) rather than pixels (px).
After the common concepts I owned some concepts, now at this point, I'm confused of:
Design anything as your layout, scrolling your mouse-wheel see how it looks when stretches or squeezes in different media screen width. Just design anything, and then do CSS for different media screens/device widths. To do so, just use #media screen and (max-width: 800px) { /* do Media CSS here; */ }, and add your NEW CSS for any of the element of your layout.
(So, when you have power to do anything with the media queries, just design with ease. After completing design for computer monitor, put emphasis on the devices or small media screens and play with the CSS)
Suppose in style.css I specified width of header .somediv{ width: 100%; }, in 320px I can specify the width whatever I like to as #media screen and (max-width: 800px) { header .somediv{ width: 50%; } }.
When something is popping out from the layout, just clear the float and put the thing in stack before or after the main container.
Do responsive CSS for images with img{ max-width: 100%; }.
Now for my satisfaction and progress through the responsive world, I want you to criticize me - what am I wrong about responsive CSS if I'm thinking like the above?
Or, I'm completely OK with the concept, then why my site is breaking in 320px while not on 800px, and I can't apply different CSS for 320px solely. Why I have to specify header height in 800px where it's applicable only in 320px?
So it looks as though you are doing everything right, I can see issues with your site but only at say 640px but 320px looks fine for me.
When I first started responsive designs I found this website:
I opened up their CSS stylesheet and studied it and found out how they did it.
For reference sake I would advise looking at the following links on how to do responsive design:
Simple Responsive Images with CSS backgrounds - SmashingMagazine Mobile
Beginner's Guide to Responsive Web Design - blog
Responsive Web Design -
Build Basic Responsive Site CSS -
With regards to getting the Media Queries I would strongly advise looking here:
Media Queries for Standard Devices
There is people I know who still use php scripts to determine the users screen resolution and then load a specific CSS stylesheet which personally I would not recommend but that is also an option.
I personally would try changing your CSS to include the following:
#media only screen
and (max-width : 320px) {
#div1 {
The only way I have managed to get this working though is by either copying my whole CSS over again for that specific media screen or by only specifying the certain div's to change.
Remember you can re-declare the CSS styling for a DIV or CLASS further down the stylesheet
Hope this can be of some help to you.

scaling a web layout with the viewport

I am aware of the CSS 3 units vw, vh and vm, which seem to be useful for making elements that have their box sizes and text sizes relative to the browser's viewport size. However, sadly, these are not well-supported with the current major browsers; only Internet Explorer 9+ does.
What other methods can I use to do things like CSS font-size properties that scale with the viewport? I would like to avoid JavaScript and/or jQuery solutions if possible.
Doing a 100% scalable website is possible. As Rev said, you can do this by using percentage values, but it is tricky.
The better option is to utilize #media queries. These allow you to apply CSS rules to a page only under certain conditions. By using media queries to detect the device width and/or the page width, you can apply fine tune control over how your site looks AT different viewport sizes. For instance:
#media screen and (max-device-width: 960px) {
#media screen and (max-device-width: 480px) {
Now, the above example is rather trivial and contrived. For a deeper understanding of what you can accomplish with media queries, I recommend you view the W3C spec page. Some of the most powerful are the width, min-device-width, max-device-width, portrait|landscape, and print queries.
As a side note, make sure to include these styles at the bottom of your CSS, so that they dont get overwritten by default styles.
