Tail recursion in clojure - recursion

This is a lisp code that uses tail recursion.
(defun factorial (f n)
(if (= n 1)
(factorial (* f n) (- n 1))))
I translate this into clojure code expecting the same tail recursion optimization.
(defn fact [f n]
(if (= n 1)
(fact (* f n) (dec n))))
However I got this integer overflow (not stack overflow) even with small number such as (fact 1 30).
ArithmeticException integer overflow clojure.lang.Numbers.throwIntOverflow (Numbers.java:1374)
I tried with recur, but got the same error.
(defn factorial [f n]
(if (= n 1)
(recur (* f n) (dec n))))
What's wrong with the clojure code?

Nothing, just use BigInts:
(factorial 1N 30N) ;=> 265252859812191058636308480000000N
The arguments may be small, but the result is not!
Note that ticked versions of the arithmetic operators are also available, which support arbitrary precision:
(reduce *' (range 1 31)) ;=> 265252859812191058636308480000000N


How to write this as a recursive Clojure function?

I'll illustrate what I want to do using Python (I want to write this in Clojure). I have this function:
def f(n):
for d in range(1,n+1):
Which is basically looping from d=1 to n inclusive, and summing up the values of d times the floor of n/d.
In Clojure I want to make this a recursive function. Python equivalent:
def f(d, n):
if d == 0: return 0
else: return d*(n//d) + f(d-1, n)
and then I'd call the function with f(n, n).
I am trying this:
(defn f
([n] (f n n))
([d n]
(if (> d 0)
(recur (dec d) n)
But I don't know if this is right so far or where to slip in the sum or how to do it, etc.
If you look at your Clojure f function, the [d n] arity recurs with
d decremented and
n unchanged
... until d is zero, when it returns 0.
If we write this arity as a distinct local function, using letfn, we can drop the unchanging n argument, picking it up from the f argument:
(defn f [n]
(letfn [(g [d]
(if (> d 0)
(recur (dec d))
(g n)))
This produces the wrong answer of course, always returning 0:
(f 10)
=> 0
But we can see where to put the sum in:
(defn f [n]
(letfn [(g [d]
(if (> d 0)
(+ (* d (quot n d)) (g (dec d)))
(g n)))
We have to revert the recur to an explicit recursive call to g, as it is surrounded by the +.
But at least it works:
(f 10)
=> 87
In Clojure I want to make this a recursive function.
Don't. I've done it above just to show you where the calculation fits in.
Explicit recursion is rare in idiomatic Clojure. Better use the functions that encapsulate its common patterns. I won't repeat what Carciginate has given, but once you get used to threading macros, I think you'll find the following clear and concise:
(defn f [n]
(->> (range 1 (inc n))
(map (fn [d] (* d (quot n d))))
(reduce +)))
By the way, a reasonable analogue of your Python code is
(defn f [n]
(loop [s 0, d 1]
(if (> d n)
(recur (+ s (* d (quot n d))) (inc d)))))
I managed to get 3 ways working. Unfortunately, this algorithm doesn't seem to lend itself to nice recursion.
To get safe recursion, I had to introduce a third parameter. I just couldn't get it arranged so the recur was in the tail position. I also decided to count up instead of down. I don't think there's anything left field here, although it did get quite long unfortunately.
(defn f3
([n] (f3 n 1 0))
([n d s]
(if (> d (inc n))
(recur n (inc d)
(+ s (* d (quot n d)))))))
(f3 10)
If unsafe recursion is ok, this can be simplified quite a bit. Instead of adding multiple argument lists, I decided to allow d to be defaultable using & [d?]] and a check later down. I tend to avoid adding multiple argument lists since par-infer has a difficult time handling the indentation required to make it work. This trick isn't possible with the first way due to how recur handles var args. It only works if you're not using recur, or you do use recur, but only destructure 1 var-arg.
(defn f2 [n & [d?]]
(let [d (or d? 1)]
(if (> d (inc n))
(+ (f2 n (inc d)) (* d (quot n d))))))
(f2 10)
Unless you really need recursion though, I'd just write it as a map and reduction:
(defn f1 [n]
(reduce + 0
(map #(* % (quot n %)))
(range 1 (inc n)))))
(f1 10)
Which to me is about as neat as it gets (without using a threading macro. See Thumbnail's answer).
Try this:
(defn f
([n] (f n n))
([d n]
(if (> d 0)
(+ (* d (quot n d)) (recur (dec d) n))

Clojure java.lang.Long cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn error

I trying to write simple factorial function in clojure, but i am getting this error:
java.lang.Long cannot be cast to clojure.lang.IFn
I know this error is usually due to an extra parenthesis, but I am not sure about this case.
First I wrote function in LISP, and it works as it should.
(defun factorial (n)
(if (= n 1)
(* (factorial (1- n)) n )
(factorial 5)
Then I tried it in clojure, where it doesn't work.
Clojure code:
(defn factorial [n]
(if (= n 1)
(* (factorial(n)) n)
(defn -main
[& args]
(println(factorial 5))
You've got an extra set of parens in your recursive call to factorial, probably because you meant to decrement n, it should be
(defn factorial [n]
(if (= n 1)
(* (factorial (dec n)) n) ;; <==
As MarkNFI showed decrementing has its own operator inc.
But to show you the problem in your code:
(defun factorial (n)
(if (= n 1)
(* (factorial (1- n)) n ) ;; (1- n) must be changed to (dec n) or (- n 1)
(factorial 5)
(1- n) is not the way operators in clojure work. You have to place the operator first. So in your case it would be: (- n 1)

Clojure Tail Recursion with Prime Factors

I'm trying to teach myself clojure and I'm using the principles of Prime Factors Kata and TDD to do so.
Via a series of Midje tests like this:
(fact (primefactors 1) => (list))
(fact (primefactors 2) => (list 2))
(fact (primefactors 3) => (list 3))
(fact (primefactors 4) => (list 2 2))
I was able to create the following function:
(defn primefactors
([n] (primefactors n 2))
([n candidate]
(cond (<= n 1) (list)
(= 0 (rem n candidate)) (conj (primefactors (/ n candidate)) candidate)
:else (primefactors n (inc candidate))
This works great until I throw the following edge case test at it:
(fact (primefactors 1000001) => (list 101 9901))
I end up with a stack overflow error. I know I need to turn this into a proper recur loops but all the examples I see seem to be too simplistic and only point to a counter or numerical variable as the focus. How do I make this recursive?
Here's a tail recursive implementation of the primefactors procedure, it should work without throwing a stack overflow error:
(defn primefactors
(primefactors n 2 '()))
([n candidate acc]
(cond (<= n 1) (reverse acc)
(zero? (rem n candidate)) (recur (/ n candidate) candidate (cons candidate acc))
:else (recur n (inc candidate) acc))))
The trick is using an accumulator parameter for storing the result. Notice that the reverse call at the end of the recursion is optional, as long as you don't care if the factors get listed in the reverse order they were found.
Your second recursive call already is in the tail positions, you can just replace it with recur.
(primefactors n (inc candidate))
(recur n (inc candidate))
Any function overload opens an implicit loop block, so you don't need to insert that manually. This should already improve the stack situation somewhat, as this branch will be more commonly taken.
The first recursion
(primefactors (/ n candidate))
isn't in the tail position as its result is passed to conj. To put it in the tail position, you'll need to collect the prime factors in an additional accumulator argument onto which you conj the result from the current recursion level and then pass to recur on each invocation. You'll need to adjust your termination condition to return that accumulator.
The typical way is to include an accumulator as one of the function arguments. Add a 3-arity version to your function definition:
(defn primefactors
([n] (primefactors n 2 '()))
([n candidate acc]
Then modify the (conj ...) form to call (recur ...) and pass (conj acc candidate) as the third argument. Make sure you pass in three arguments to recur, i.e. (recur (/ n candidate) 2 (conj acc candidate)), so that you're calling the 3-arity version of primefactors.
And the (<= n 1) case need to return acc rather than an empty list.
I can go into more detail if you can't figure the solution out for yourself, but I thought I should give you a chance to try to work it out first.
This function really shouldn't be tail-recursive: it should build a lazy sequence instead. After all, wouldn't it be nice to know that 4611686018427387902 is non-prime (it's divisible by two), without having to crunch the numbers and find that its other prime factor is 2305843009213693951?
(defn prime-factors
([n] (prime-factors n 2))
([n candidate]
(cond (<= n 1) ()
(zero? (rem n candidate)) (cons candidate (lazy-seq (prime-factors (/ n candidate)
:else (recur n (inc candidate)))))
The above is a fairly unimaginative translation of the algorithm you posted; of course better algorithms exist, but this gets you correctness and laziness, and fixes the stack overflow.
A tail recursive, accumulator-free, lazy-sequence solution:
(defn prime-factors [n]
(letfn [(step [n div]
(when (< 1 n)
(let [q (quot n div)]
(< q div) (cons n nil)
(zero? (rem n div)) (cons div (lazy-step q div))
:else (recur n (inc div))))))
(lazy-step [n div]
(step n div)))]
(lazy-step n 2)))
Recursive calls embedded in lazy-seq are not evaluated before iteration upon the sequence, eliminating the risks of stack-overflow without resorting to an accumulator.

a recursive Fibonacci function in Clojure

I'm a newcomer to clojure who wanted to see what all the fuss is about. Figuring the best way to get a feel for it is to write some simple code, I thought I'd start with a Fibonacci function.
My first effort was:
(defn fib [x, n]
(if (< (count x) n)
(fib (conj x (+ (last x) (nth x (- (count x) 2)))) n)
To use this I need to seed x with [0 1] when calling the function. My question is, without wrapping it in a separate function, is it possible to write a single function that only takes the number of elements to return?
Doing some reading around led me to some better ways of achieving the same funcionality:
(defn fib2 [n]
(loop [ x [0 1]]
(if (< (count x) n)
(recur (conj x (+ (last x) (nth x (- (count x) 2)))))
(defn fib3 [n]
(take n
(map first (iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0 1]))))
Anyway, more for the sake of the exercise than anything else, can anyone help me with a better version of a purely recursive Fibonacci function? Or perhaps share a better/different function?
To answer you first question:
(defn fib
(fib [0 1] n))
([x, n]
(if (< (count x) n)
(fib (conj x (+ (last x) (nth x (- (count x) 2)))) n)
This type of function definition is called multi-arity function definition. You can learn more about it here: http://clojure.org/functional_programming
As for a better Fib function, I think your fib3 function is quite awesome and shows off a lot of functional programming concepts.
This is fast and cool:
(def fib (lazy-cat [0 1] (map + fib (rest fib))))
In Clojure it's actually advisable to avoid recursion and instead use the loop and recur special forms. This turns what looks like a recursive process into an iterative one, avoiding stack overflows and improving performance.
Here's an example of how you'd implement a Fibonacci sequence with this technique:
(defn fib [n]
(loop [fib-nums [0 1]]
(if (>= (count fib-nums) n)
(subvec fib-nums 0 n)
(let [[n1 n2] (reverse fib-nums)]
(recur (conj fib-nums (+ n1 n2)))))))
The loop construct takes a series of bindings, which provide initial values, and one or more body forms. In any of these body forms, a call to recur will cause the loop to be called recursively with the provided arguments.
You can use the thrush operator to clean up #3 a bit (depending on who you ask; some people love this style, some hate it; I'm just pointing out it's an option):
(defn fib [n]
(->> [0 1]
(iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]))
(map first)
(take n)))
That said, I'd probably extract the (take n) and just have the fib function be a lazy infinite sequence.
(def fib
(->> [0 1]
(iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]))
(map first)))
(take 10 fib)
;;output (0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34)
(nth fib 9)
;; output 34
A good recursive definition is:
(def fib
(fn [x]
(if (< x 2) 1
(+ (fib (dec (dec x))) (fib (dec x)))))))
This will return a specific term. Expanding this to return first n terms is trivial:
(take n (map fib (iterate inc 0)))
Here is the shortest recursive function I've come up with for computing the nth Fibonacci number:
(defn fib-nth [n] (if (< n 2)
(+ (fib-nth (- n 1)) (fib-nth (- n 2)))))
However, the solution with loop/recursion should be faster for all but the first few values of 'n' since Clojure does tail-end optimization on loop/recur.
this is my approach
(defn fibonacci-seq [n]
(= n 0) 0
(= n 1) 1
:else (+ (fibonacci-seq (- n 1)) (fibonacci-seq (- n 2)))
For latecomers. Accepted answer is a slightly complicated expression of this:
(defn fib
(fib [0 1] n))
([x, n]
(if (< (count x) n)
(recur (conj x (apply + (take-last 2 x))) n)
For what it's worth, lo these years hence, here's my solution to 4Closure Problem #26: Fibonacci Sequence
(fn [x]
(loop [i '(1 1)]
(if (= x (count i))
(reverse i)
(conj i (apply + (take 2 i)))))))
I don't, by any means, think this is the optimal or most idiomatic approach. The whole reason I'm going through the exercises at 4Clojure ... and mulling over code examples from Rosetta Code is to learn clojure.
Incidentally I'm well aware that the Fibonacci sequence formally includes 0 ... that this example should loop [i '(1 0)] ... but that wouldn't match their spec. nor pass their unit tests despite how they've labelled this exercise. It is written as an anonymous recursive function in order to conform to the requirements for the 4Clojure exercises ... where you have to "fill in the blank" within a given expression. (I'm finding the whole notion of anonymous recursion to be a bit of a mind bender; I get that the (loop ... (recur ... special form is constrained to tail-recursion ... but it's still a weird syntax to me).
I'll take #[Arthur Ulfeldt]'s comment, regarding fib3 in the original posting, under consideration as well. I've only used Clojure's iterate once, so far.

Non tail-recursive anonymous functions in Clojure

How do I create a recursive anonymous function in Clojure which is not tail recursive?
The following clearly doesn't work, as recur is only for tail recursive functions. I'm also reluctant to drag in a y-combinator..
((fn [n] (if (= 1 n) 1 (* n (recur (dec n))))) 5)
Functions can be given a name to refer to themselves by specifying it between fn and the arglist:
user> ((fn ! [n] (if (= 1 n) 1 (* n (! (dec n))))) 5)
Here's a way that keeps it anonymous, mostly:
(((fn [!] (fn [n] (if (= 1 n) 1 (* n ((! !) (dec n))))))
(fn [!] (fn [n] (if (= 1 n) 1 (* n ((! !) (dec n)))))))
It's not quite the Y combinator, but it does contain the same bit of self-application that allows Y to do its thing. By having a copy of the entire function in scope as ! whenever you need it, you can always make another copy.
