Setting default TWAIN data source without using API UI menu - twain

Using the twaindotnet library in C#, I'm wondering if there's a way to set the default datasource using the library.
As a feeble attempt, I've tried adding a SetDefault method to the DataSource class of twaindonet, like this
public static void SetDefault(Identity applicationId, IWindowsMessageHook messageHook, DataSource newDataSource)
var defaultSourceId = newDataSource.SourceId;
// Attempt to get information about the system default source
var result = Twain32Native.DsmIdentity(
if (result != TwainResult.Success)
var status = DataSourceManager.GetConditionCode(applicationId, null);
throw new TwainException("Error getting information about the default source: " + result, result, status);
which is called from the DataSourceManage class like this
public void SelectSource(DataSource dataSource)
DataSource.SetDefault(ApplicationId, _messageHook, dataSource);
But when I try to use SetDefault, Twain32Native.DsmIdentity always results in Failure being returned.
I basically copied from SetDefault the setDefaultDataSource method from TWAIN sample Data Source and Application
pTW_IDENTITY TwainApp::setDefaultDataSource(unsigned int _index)
if(m_DSMState < 3)
cout << "You need to open the DSM first." << endl;
return NULL;
else if(m_DSMState > 3)
PrintCMDMessage("A source has already been opened, please close it first\n");
return NULL;
if(_index >= 0 && _index < m_DataSources.size())
m_pDataSource = &(m_DataSources[_index]);
// set the specific data source
TW_UINT16 twrc;
twrc = _DSM_Entry(
(TW_MEMREF) m_pDataSource);
switch (twrc)
printError(0, "Failed to get the data source info!");
return NULL;
return m_pDataSource;
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The possible cause is that the version of your TWAIN DSM is too low. Only DSM 2.0 or above supports setting default TWAIN data source.


What is the necessary call to send data over COM port using OpenNETCF Port class?

I am trying to retrieve a value from a Zebra printer by interrogating it with this code:
public static string GetSettingFromPrinter(string cmd)
string setting = string.Empty;
BasicPortSettings bps = new BasicPortSettings();
bps.BaudRate = BaudRates.CBR_19200;
bps.Parity = OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.Parity.none;
bps.StopBits =;
Port serialPort = new Port("COM1:", bps);
byte[] sendBytes = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(cmd);
MessageBox.Show(Encoding.ASCII.GetString(sendBytes, 0, sendBytes.Length));
serialPort.Output = sendBytes;
serialPort.Query(); // <= this is new
byte[] responseBytes = serialPort.Input;
setting = GetString(responseBytes);
return setting;
catch (Exception x)
return setting;
However, I don't see where the Output is actually sent, or how to do that. My best guess was calling the Port.Query() method, but that doesn't work, either - at least there is nothing in setting / the Port.Input value after doing so.
I have successfully passed commands to the printer using the older SerialPort class:
public static bool SendCommandToPrinter(string cmd)
bool success; // init'd to false by default
SerialPort serialPort = new SerialPort();
serialPort.BaudRate = 19200;
serialPort.Handshake = Handshake.XOnXOff;
success = true;
catch // may not need a try/catch block, as success defaults to false
success = false;
return success;
...but was advised not to use that due to its longness of tooth.
I would revert back to this snaggletooth if I knew how to read from the old SerialPort class. Does anybody know what I need to do to send sendBytes (and receive responseBytes)?
I tested "COM1" instead of "COM1:" (I used the latter because there is a post that says the colon is necessary (<= not medical advice, although that is doubtless true in that sense, too), but sans the ":" made no noticeable difference.
I then tried "string.Empty" in place of giving it a name, and got, "OpenNETCF.IO.Serial.CommPortException: CreateFileFailed 2 ..."
Onward...or is it Sideward...
FWIW, setting the Output property immediately sends the data on the wire. No additional call is necessary.

ASP.NET Entity Framework DataContext use issue

I 've built an ASP.NET website using EF. I created a DataContext class which implements the singleton pattern. My DAO classes (singletons too) instanciate this datacontext and store it in a property. They use it in order to query the SQLServer DataBase. This worked ok for 3 months but I suddenly got exception messages like :"Connection must be valid and open / connection already open". It seemed that datacontext was not disposed. The only change, according to me, was the data size and number of users increasing.
I then found multiple posts saying that singleton was a bad idea foe datacontext, so I tried to instanciate datacontext in a using statement in every request and that resolved the problem, except for update queries which had no effects in database. I had to attach the db object to the context and then set its EntityState to "modified" to have my SaveChanges work.
Like this :
public bool DoucheXpsu(as_headers session) {
using (MyDBEntities MyContext = new MyDBEntities()) {
try {
as_status status = GetStatus(session);
if (status != null) {
if (status.mainstatusvalue == 300) {
status.DateDoucheXpsu = DateTime.Now;
status.DoucheXpsu = 1;
MyContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(status, EntityState.Modified);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
} catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException) {
return false;
} catch (Exception) {
return false;
The problem is that it actually didn't work for ONE method (which has nothing different from the other update method) !
The exception occured as I tried to attach the object : "The object cannot be attached because it is already in the object context. An object can only be reattached when it is in an unchanged state. " So I had to comment the attach and ChangeObjectState methods to have it work as expected :
public bool SetSessionToDelete(string numSession) {
using (MyDBEntities MyContext = new MyDBEntities()) {
try {
view_headerStatus view = (from v in MyContext.view_headerStatus
where v.CodeSession == numSession
where v.lastinserted == 1
select v).First();
if (view != null) {
as_status status = (from s in MyContext.as_status
where s.jobclsid == view.jobclsid
where s.lastinserted == 1
select s).First();
if (status != null) {
status.DeleteSession = 1;
//MyContext.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(status, EntityState.Modified);
return true;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
} catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException) {
return false;
} catch (Exception) {
return false;
The question is WHY should this one behave differently ???
I've read many posts about EF and dataContext but I feel I'm missing something. I would be glad if anyone can help.
In your first example, this line here:
as_status status = GetStatus(session);
I would assume this populates using a DIFFERENT context, and when it leaves the GetStatus() method the context it used to load is disposed. That is why your subsequent Attach() works. However in your second example you do not need to attach because it was loaded using the current (connected) context.
To solve you may want to either pass the context to your methods like GetStatus() resulting in no need to reattach. I don't typically reattach unless I am resurrecting an object over the wire or from a file.

QtInputContextFactory returning NULL on embedded target

On my embedded system I don't have X11, Mac, Win, S60, etc. I keep getting a NULL ( 0 ) pointer returned from the create method of the QInputContextFactory class. I verified that QT_NO_LIBRARY is not defined.
On my Desktop Qt Build this works just fine.
I also verified that my custom key and parent are being passed to the method.
What could cause this to fail? -->
if (QInputContextFactoryInterface *factory =
qobject_cast<QInputContextFactoryInterface*>(loader()->instance(key))) {
result = factory->create(key);
Here is the entire method:
QInputContext *QInputContextFactory::create( const QString& key, QObject *parent )
QInputContext *result = 0;
#if defined(Q_WS_X11) && !defined(QT_NO_XIM)
if (key == QLatin1String("xim")) {
result = new QXIMInputContext;
#if defined(Q_WS_WIN)
if (key == QLatin1String("win")) {
result = new QWinInputContext;
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)
if (key == QLatin1String("mac")) {
result = new QMacInputContext;
#if defined(Q_WS_S60)
if (key == QLatin1String("coefep")) {
result = new QCoeFepInputContext;
qDebug() << "Here we are";
if (QInputContextFactoryInterface *factory =
qobject_cast<QInputContextFactoryInterface*>(loader()->instance(key))) {
result = factory->create(key);
if (result)
return result;
Within Qt, the QInputContextFactory class is front-end on loading input context plug-ins. It will fail to load an input context plug-in if it fails to exist, or hasn't been deployed properly. Input context plug-ins are typically stored under $QT_PLUGIN_PATH/inputmethods. As such, if there is no plug-in within that directory, the create method of the QInputContextFactory will return NULL.
Of note, Qt does provide a few mechanisms for customizing the location of plug-ins. Refer to the following for more detail on this:

X++ passing current selected records in a form for your report

I am trying to make this question sound as clear as possible.
Basically, I have created a report, and it now exists as a menuitem button so that the report can run off the form.
What I would like to do, is be able to multi-select records, then when I click on my button to run my report, the current selected records are passed into the dialog form (filter screen) that appears.
I have tried to do this using the same methods as with the SaleLinesEdit form, but had no success.
If anyone could point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
Take a look at Axaptapedia passing values between forms. This should help you. You will probably have to modify your report to use a form for the dialog rather than using the base dialog methods of the report Here is a good place to start with that!
Just wanted to add this
You can use the MuliSelectionHelper class to do this very simply:
MultiSelectionHelper selection = MultiSelectionHelper::createFromCaller(_args.caller());
MyTable myTable = selection.getFirst();
while (myTable)
//do something
myTable = selection.getNext();
Here is the resolution I used for this issue;
Two methods on the report so that when fields are multi-selected on forms, the values are passed to the filter dialog;
private void setQueryRange(Common _common)
FormDataSource fds;
LogisticsControlTable logisticsTable;
QueryBuildDataSource qbdsLogisticsTable;
QueryBuildRange qbrLogisticsId;
str rangeLogId;
set logIdSet = new Set(Types::String);
str addRange(str _range, str _value, QueryBuildDataSource _qbds, int _fieldNum, Set _set = null)
str ret = _range;
QueryBuildRange qbr;
if(_set &&
return ret;
if(strLen(ret) + strLen(_value) + 1 > 255)
qbr = _qbds.addRange(_fieldNum);
ret = '';
ret += ',';
ret += _value;
return ret;
case tableNum(LogisticsControlTable):
qbdsLogisticsTable = element.query().dataSourceTable(tableNum(LogisticsControlTable));
qbrLogisticsId = qbdsLogisticsTable.addRange(fieldNum(LogisticsControlTable, LogisticsId));
fds = _common.dataSource();
for(logisticsTable = fds.getFirst(true) ? fds.getFirst(true) : _common;
logisticsTable = fds.getNext())
rangeLogId = addrange(rangeLogId, logisticsTable.LogisticsId, qbdsLogisticsTable, fieldNum(LogisticsControlTable, LogisticsId),logIdSet);
// This set the query and gets the values passing them to the range i.e. "SO0001, SO0002, SO000£...
The second methods is as follows;
private void setQueryEnableDS()
Query queryLocal = element.query();
Also on the init method this is required;
public void init()
if(element.args() && element.args().dataset())
Hope this helps in the future for anyone else who has the issue I had.

Raven DB DocumentStore - throws out of memory exception

I have code like this:
public bool Set(IEnumerable<WhiteForest.Common.Entities.Projections.RequestProjection> requests)
var documentSession = _documentStore.OpenSession();
foreach (var request in requests)
//requests.AsParallel().ForAll(x => documentSession.Store(x));
return true;
catch (Exception e)
_log.LogDebug("Exception in RavenRequstRepository - Set. Exception is [{0}]", e.ToString());
return false;
This code gets called many times. After i get to around 50,000 documents that have passed through it i get an OutOfMemoryException.
Any idea why ? perhaps after a while i need to declare a new DocumentStore ?
thank you
I ended up using the Batch/Patch API to perform the update I needed.
You can see the discussion here:
Basically since i only needed to update 1 property on my objects, and after considering ayendes comments about re-serializing all the objects back to JSON, i did something like this:
internal void Patch()
List<string> docIds = new List<string>() { "596548a7-61ef-4465-95bc-b651079f4888", "cbbca8d5-be45-4e0d-91cf-f4129e13e65e" };
using (var session = _documentStore.OpenSession())
private List<ICommandData> GenerateCommands(List<string> docIds )
List<ICommandData> retList = new List<ICommandData>();
foreach (var item in docIds)
retList.Add(new PatchCommandData()
Key = item,
Patches = new[] { new Raven.Abstractions.Data.PatchRequest () {
Name = "Processed",
Type = Raven.Abstractions.Data.PatchCommandType.Set,
Value = new RavenJValue(true)
return retList;
Hope this helps ...
Thanks alot.
I just did this for my current project. I chunked the data into pieces and saved each chunk in a new session. This may work for you, too.
Note, this example shows chunking by 1024 documents at a time, but needing at least 2000 before we decide it's worth chunking. So far, my inserts got the best performance with a chunk size of 4096. I think that's because my documents are relatively small.
internal static void WriteObjectList<T>(List<T> objectList)
int numberOfObjectsThatWarrantChunking = 2000; // Don't bother chunking unless we have at least this many objects.
if (objectList.Count < numberOfObjectsThatWarrantChunking)
// Just write them all at once.
using (IDocumentSession ravenSession = GetRavenSession())
objectList.ForEach(x => ravenSession.Store(x));
int numberOfDocumentsPerSession = 1024; // Chunk size
List<List<T>> objectListInChunks = new List<List<T>>();
for (int i = 0; i < objectList.Count; i += numberOfDocumentsPerSession)
Parallel.ForEach(objectListInChunks, listOfObjects =>
using (IDocumentSession ravenSession = GetRavenSession())
listOfObjects.ForEach(x => ravenSession.Store(x));
private static IDocumentSession GetRavenSession()
return _ravenDatabase.OpenSession();
Are you trying to save it all in one call?
The DocumentSession need to turn all of the objects that you pass it into a single request to the server. That means that it may allocate a lot of memory for the write to the server.
Usually we recommend on batches of about 1,024 items in you are doing bulks saves.
DocumentStore is a disposable class, so I worked around this problem by disposing the instance after each chunk. I highly doubt this is the most efficient way to run operations, but it will prevent significant memory overhead from happening.
I was running a sort of "delete all" operation like so. You can see the using blocks disposing both the DocumentStore and the IDocumentSession objects after each chunk.
static DocumentStore GetDataStore()
DocumentStore ds = new DocumentStore
DefaultDatabase = "test",
Url = "http://localhost:8080"
return ds;
static IDocumentSession GetDbInstance(DocumentStore ds)
return ds.OpenSession();
static void Main(string[] args)
using (var ds = GetDataStore())
using (var db = GetDbInstance(ds))
//The `Take` operation will cap out at 1,024 by default, per Raven documentation
var list = db.Query<MyClass>().Skip(deleteSum).Take(5000).ToList();
deleteCount = list.Count;
deleteSum += deleteCount;
foreach (var item in list)
} while (deleteCount > 0);
