Adding overlays to the Google Maps display itself - google-maps-api-3

I'm looking for a way to add images to the Google Map interface itself, not fixed on a point on the geographical map but on the Google Maps "window". Something to display Map Legends on the map itself.
I've been looking through the net but can't seem to find a way to do this. As you can tell I don't really know what this is called also, so that may be the reason why I ca

You have to open infowindow on map and put image in it.
Try with this answer : google maps api v3 - how to display image thumbnails inside bubble?


google maps I don't see all street name with zoom 15

I'm using google maps api v3 to add shapes and markers to a map
The I use google maps static map api to get the image of that map and print it
The problem is that with zoom 15 I see the whole area but I don't get all streets name of that area.,-107.375049591064&zoom=15&size=640x440&scale=2&format=png32&language=es&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:0xff0000|24.8165756517471,-107.376508712769&path=color:0xffffe1|weight:2|fillcolor:0xffffe1|enc:samvC~nlnS?{K}\s#aPqNyDkH}#aK|#aGzAcEdBiC`GeEeCuLlBwFpEr#hFuAl]ePjD~Bw#xJlAl_#pGlLeC`VmAh]{KX
With zoom 16 I get all streets name but the area doesn't fit in the image,-107.375049591064&zoom=16&size=640x440&scale=2&format=png32&language=es&maptype=roadmap&markers=color:0xff0000|24.8165756517471,-107.376508712769&path=color:0xffffe1|weight:2|fillcolor:0xffffe1|enc:samvC~nlnS?{K}\s#aPqNyDkH}#aK|#aGzAcEdBiC`GeEeCuLlBwFpEr#hFuAl]ePjD~Bw#xJlAl_#pGlLeC`VmAh]{KX
How can I resolve this?
Short answer: you can't.
As you have discovered, you can't use the staticmap api to get the image you want. So you have to do it another way. Request multiple images and stitch them together in whatever interface you are creating?

Custom Google StreetView with markers

I was wondering if you could put a custom StreetView with a marker. I am making a map that has city parks. I want it so if someone clicks on a specific marker, the custom StreetView pops up and shows the panorama. For the custom StreetViews I used Google Views. Is this possible?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, this is possible. Something close to it can be done in two ways.
The easiest option is to load Google maps from the main URL and wait. It will let you build a map or view your custom maps just below the search bar. Google Maps itself lets you create a custom map with markers. This doesn't sound like your desired option, but it is quick to implement. You can even add your own style.
The second is to create your own custom Street View tour, this sounds like your focus. You want the actual panographs to use your markers. This is fairly easy to do, but requires some programming. It is possible on both Google Earth and Google Maps. Check out the Google APIs such as Options include changing out panographs for your own images, defining arrows including labels, overlays, pop-up boxes, action boxes, and more. Check out some options here:

Is it possible to create a 'splash' screen using the Google Maps API?

I have built a custom Google Map and When the page loads I would like a 'splash screen' to appear over the map inside the map container (this would be an image with some instructions), which could then either be toggled off or would disappear after a set time.
I know that I can do this using CSS/JQuery to create a layer over the map container, but is it possible to do this using the map API?
You could use overlays or a custom infowindow (infobox).
I would suggest overlays. Their existence is for displaying components
over the map. Infowindow would suffice too, but their role is for displaying something
in relation to a specific spot on the map.
See this for more

Image Overlay using the Street View Image API

I am wondering if i am allowed to add an image overlay to a static Google Street View image.
The idea behind this question is adding a person/object to the street view image in an android application (and displaying it) without further processing of the outcome.
Would this violate "10.1.3 a)" of the Google Maps/Google Earth APIs Terms of Service?
I am not really sure about that, because "(i) creating server-side modification of map tiles" is listed as a forbidden example, but I only want to do add a client-based overlay without modifying the Street View Image as itself.
Thanks for your help!
Did you read this section?
It seems that the Street View API supports overlays.
If you read the link from Vitor, it says that:
"Currently, the types of overlays which are supported on Street View
panoramas are limited to Markers, InfoWindows and custom OverlayViews.
So unless you implement your own custom overlayview, image overlays (like a ground overlay) aren't supported

How to display area borders in embedded map

When i am searching for some country area in maps on standard web UI it shows me the area borders.
I would like to mark this areas dynamically in embedded map on my website, but i dont know how exactly i have to formulate search query to find if there is some way to achieve this.
I was not found anything about this in reference.
does google offer some API for this in last maps js API?
You need a Polygon-Overlay or a KML-Layer which defines the borders.
