Is there any Evernote(Windows) like text editor control available for Qt. I made a comparison between the Qt's Rich textedit example program and Evernote .
The following image show the copy and paste of Simple Wiki home page in Qt's textedit example and in Evernote.
The above images clearly shows that Evernote handles Rich text much better that Qt.
It looks to me as if Evernote is using an embedded WebKit browser, together with content editable and an editing toolbar for choosing fonts, etc.
You could do the same.
Disabled users who cannot control a mouse use the keyboard to navigate the page. How do you allow them to select the various styles (like bold etc) in ckeditor5? These elements are NOT in the tabindex of the page by default.
Tabbing through a form, I expect to be able to interact with every interactable element on a page
I see that CKEditor 5 has a list of keyboard shortcuts in their documentation. Pressing Alt + F10 (may require Fn) when the editor input area has focus moves keyboard focus to the editor toolbar. Then, keyboard arrow keys can be used to navigate the toolbar.
I am not saying that CKEditor is accessible, but it is information you may consider.
WCAG 2.1.1 says that all functionality must be available from the keyboard. Sometimes people mistakenly interpret that to mean that all interactive elements on the page must be keybaord accessible.
Here's a screenshot of ckeditor5 from their website. I'm not a ckeditor5 user but I'm assuming you're talking about the editing bar at the top.
While it's strongly encouraged to allow a keyboard user to navigate to the editing bar of ckeditor5, it's not strictly required if all the functionality of the editing bar is available via the keyboard.
For example, if I can select text then press Ctrl+B to make it bold, then the functionality of bold is available even if I can't tab to the 'B' on the editor bar.
The editing bar has a lot of stuff on it so everything would need a keyboard shortcut in order to pass WCAG 2.1.1. It looks like you can configure ckedit5 pretty extensively,
The docs on CKEditor keyboard support will list the possible keyboard controls to format text.
Text can be selected with Shift + the arrow keys
and formatted bold with Ctrl + b
for more options the menubar can be focused with Shift + F10
For web applications, the idea is to follow the desktop application’s keyboard conventions, so that users of assistive technology don’t need to learn yet another interaction paradigm.
The example to look at for rich text editors on Windows would probably be Word or Wordpad. There are two ways to format text.
Shortcut to open the menubar
The Menu bar pattern on the ARIA Authoring Practices Guide (APG) specifically mentions rich text editors in a note:
For example, a rich text editor may have a menubar that receives focus when a shortcut key, e.g., alt + F10, is pressed while editing. In this case, pressing Escape or activating a command from the menu may return focus to the editor.
For any common pattern you should find recommendations for the keyboard interface on the APG. Since it’s platform-independent (not only for Windows), such shortcuts will only be found in notes.
Shortcuts for formatting directly
Selected text can often be formatted directly by pressing + a letter for the English abbreviation of the format, like i for Italic or b for Bold.
CKEditor supports these.
I've realized that when I try to copy/paste a text from an Angular Application to any text editor software (ie Microsoft Word), all the text loses the original format.
I'm using as example the angular material website:
When I copy the text and past in Microsoft Word:
Thats means, the pasted text lost the center alignment, the color and de font type.
Is there a way to keep the website format? I know that the font used by Angular Material is different from text editor, but there are another things that could be mantained (i.e. alignment, color, etc).
I've started a project using Angular 8 + Angular Material and I'm facing the same problem.
Well, you're not likely to get a straight copy/paste action to do what you're requesting.
Why it doesn't work as you expect:
Copy & Paste out of MS Word for example and you'll get Rich Text where all the formatting is part of the data payload. When you copy this to the clipboard all that extra styling metadata goes along with the text. If you paste that data INTO a rich text editor (not a straight text input) like Wordpress's Admin that editor package translates the text metadata that you can't see into equivalent HTML styling.
However, When you copy from HTML (in your browsers) all you're getting is the text without all the "rich" formatting. This happens because a browser uses outside context like DOM position, tag type, and CSS to style the HTML content into what is presented for you to see.
Rich text copy for just YOU
There are multiple browser plug-ins for Chrome and Firefox that will intercept your copy request, create formatting and then paste that to the clipboard. Just ask Google for recommendations.
Rich text copy for all users of a project
This, unfortunately, is more complicated. You will need to write code to do the following (this answer has a good example):
Figure out what the user is trying to copy (usually mapped to selected text).
Convert that content into rich text format. The example above simply copies the HTML but that won't get styling applied by external CSS. Packages like Quill MIGHT give you the option to get rich text back out.
Copy your converted text to the user's local clipboard. You shouldn't hijack browser commands to do this which is why you frequently see a "copy to clipboard" button to do this action. You can move content to the user's clipboard using the Clipboard API in most modern browsers.
Oh and you'll need the user's permission to do all this since proactively interacting with the user's clipboard presents a pretty massive security issue.
I want to write Book Reader Program in Qt C++, like a Book Read Mode in MS Word.
See the image
And I need to show text in pages, no any scrollbars,
So which way can I deal with text pages in Qt? The QTextEdit control has no page splitting as I know.
You can try to use QTextDocument. It supports pagination.
You can set the desired size of page and QTextDocument will process the text implicitly to calculate number of pages.
Rendering of text can be done by QTextDocument::drawContents where you limit rendering only to specific page of document by providing it's relative QRectF coordinates.
As I am putting more widgets on top of more layouts in my application, the space where I design the GUI is getting also bigger for the Qt-creator interface.
I have many buttons and frames which are out of reach. I cannot see them (or click them, of course). I don't know how they look until I run the whole application for debugging.
Is there is a way to zoom out/in the main frame (the whole playground) so that I can see my full GUI design on the UI of Qt IDE?
P.S.: I am working on macBook 13"
Zooming is not possible. You can use Tools -> Form Editor -> Preview.
If the viewport gets too small the QtCreator shows scrollbars which allow to move the part of interest into view.
Note, on some system configurations the scollbars may be very small and hard to handle.
You can use this steps
Tool-->options-> Text editor ->zoom
Text editor
I am developing a desktop RIA. I have a context menu which shows the suggested words. Now I getting boxes
Please have a look to the above url.
I am using sqlite as embedded database. I am getting the suggested words in an array, that array items are added in context menu items.
I have to display text in context menu for almost all different languages.
Please suggest me how can I get the actual text instead of the boxes?
Reply ASAP
Thanks in advance
Boxes mean (most likely) bad font.
But the menu is a system menu, is not rendered by Flash/Flex/AIR.
So it looks like your system is not configured to render Tamil (font fallback)
Since Tamil is supported since Windows 2000, it is (probably) not installed properly.
Check here:
(just a guess, I don't have enough info)
In the long run, you might also discover that you have some problems with the rendering of Tamil in Flash/Flex/AIR. This is because the old Flash text engine does not handle complex scripts.
There is a new engine in Flash 10.0, but to use it you will have to download and use a helper library (, or use Flex 4 (which uses the new text engine by default in the new Spark controls)