Local Install of Existing Wordpress Site with XAMPP Redirects to Install Page - wordpress

I've followed several guides on how to migrate my existing Wordpress website onto my local computer, running it offline with XAMPP.
Everything appears to be installed, all my own files from wp-content, the database, all things configured to point at [http://localhost/wordpress/], however when I go to any address such as "[http://localhost/wordpress]" it redirects me to "[http://localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php]". On a previous attempt, before reinstalling and trying again, I followed the install process, and it was a fresh website, without any of my content.
I've seen this problem appear before (read a comment), however the solution didn't apply to me (improper address in wp-config.php. I've followed all the instructions to the letter, but I'm getting this redirect suggesting something hasn't gone right. I suppose the fix is small, however I can't figure out what to do. Can anyone possibly provide some help?

You might need to go into phpMyAdmin and update the siteurl entry in the wp_options table. It should probably be something like http://localhost/yousite/ Have you done this?

For anyone else struggling with local WordPress development 5 years on, you could try using Docker instead of XAMPP.
I made a repository that will get you up and running quickly with it, it takes a pre-existing WordPress site and allows you to run it on localhost - https://github.com/lumonald/existing-wordpress-development-docker/


How to set up a WordPress site locally that was developed by someone else on Gitlab

I have a website that I designed and did all the frontend dev work. I then handed all my files over to my Wordpress developer. They built out the site and gave me access to the files on Gitlab. What I want to do is set up a local copy of the repo on my Mac (which I have done ), branch it and make some CSS changes to the site. Commit those changes and let the developer merge what I have done. I'm new to WP, so I haven't done much in the way of setting up a site. I've watched a couple of videos, but they all seem to be for someone who needs to download and install a fresh install of WP. I don't think this is what I want to do. I downloaded and installed MAMP, and set up localhost, tried to point it to my local repo on my Mac, but that's not working. I just can't find anything to point me in the right direction. Hoping someone here has some advice. Thanks in advance!
If I understand correctly, you've already cloned the site to your local and you've made a database in MAMP? And you've named them the same.
From there you should be able to pull up localhost:8888/databaseName and proceed with the WordPress install that you cloned. If this isn't working check to make sure that you cloned the project into the same directory that you specified when you set up MAMP. Still not working, check to see if you also cloned the wp-config.php file. Then go to the wp-config.php file and make sure the database specified is the correct database name and that username and password are "root". Still no? Make sure the table prefixes in the database are the same.
For background - usually when you install a fresh WordPress, the first screen you come to has you set up all this info. And, if you are cloning a project, usually the config file is in .gitignore since it is specific to where you are using it. 😀

WordPress development site on sub-domain going to wrong domain

I am trying to set up a development site on the sub-domain development.warriorsliveon.org of warriorsliveon.org.
This is a WordPress site and I copied the plug-ins, themes, and upload folders to the new WordPress installation on the sub-domain. I also copied the database from warriorsliveon.org, did a find and replace of warriorsliveon.org to development.warriorsliveon.org.
When I go to the site , http://development.warriorsliveon.org. it either switches automatically to the follow address, or other times, lets me log into WordPress, but then goes to this address.
Anyone have any ideas where I should look to resolve this issue?
I'm happy to post any code, just not sure at this point what would be useful. Any help is appreciated!
Changing the Domain Name that your Wordpress installation runs under is more complicated than just editing one or two files. The best approach is to use a tool like https://interconnectit.com/products/search-and-replace-for-wordpress-databases/
If you download this free tool and upload to your server then it does a batch find-and-replace across every single table in your Wordpress database.
So, for example, replace http://www.warriorsliveon.org with http://development.warriorsliveon.org
You can do a dry run and it will show you all the replaces that it will make. Once you're happy then click the "live run" button and all the changes are made.
I use this tool all the time when I am moving a site from my local machine to the live server. I also use the exact same approach when migrating a site from http to https

WordPress Multisite Redirect Loop After Botched Plugin Update

So I've seen a bunch of questions like this, but many of them have no answers or the setup seems to be slightly different, so I thought I'd venture a new one.
I also apologize if some of this is vague and rushed, I'm sort of pulling my hair out trying to figure things out, but want to give as much detail as possible.
So I have a multisite WordPress installation on a Google Compute Engine instance. It was launched from the Cloud Launcher (https://console.cloud.google.com/launcher/details/bitnami-launchpad/wordpress-multisite). I have three sites running, one at mydomain.com, one at dev.mydomain.com, and one at staging.mydomain.com. It's all been working great for the past several months, but this morning a colleague was updating a plugin (Beaver Builder in case that turns out to be significant), and perhaps simultaneously taking a backup with Updraft Plus. In the middle of the update/backup, the browser redirected to a long error saying the update failed, and from then on the site was showing a 500 Server Error.
I got in to work about half an hour later and noticed it was showing the "Apache2 Debian Default Page". I took a look at the httpd.conf, and noticed the DocumentRoot was pointing to the default Apache folder. I tried changing it to the WordPress install folder, and then was getting a different error related to permissions. I set the file permissions of the wordpress install to the recommended settings, and after that both subdomains worked. The root URL was kind of working -- it redirected from mydomain.com to http://IPADDRESS/wp-signup.php. I looked in the wp-config and saw that DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE was now set to the IP address, as well as the home and site url fields in the database. I changed them all to the domain name, and started getting a redirect loop error.
So for now I've left it as redirecting to the IP address, and added a NOBLOGREDIRECT setting to the wp-config to stop the wp-signup.php redirect. I am obviously not great at sys admin things, so I have no idea what to try next. I've ruled out the htaccess, plugins, and DNS settings (DNS hasn't changed).
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated!
If you got the Debian Apache page then it is highly likely that someone installed the Debian apache2 package, which conflicts with the apache bundled in the stack. I advise you to uninstall the Debian Apache:
sudo apt-get remove apache2
Then restart the server services:
sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh restart

How to manually back up wordpress website

I have never used wordpress before, My boss has given me access to a site which was created using wordpress. then He asked me how I am going to make sure I don't break the site accidentally, I told him I would create a backup on my local computer so that all my changes can be restored if I mess up.
I have the wordpress dashboard up. How do I back up EVERYTHING, I hear there are two separate things I need to back up? someone please help me.
PS: I don't think he would like me to do this with out the use of additional plugins.
There are two separate things:
Your website database. Simply export all the MySQL tables from the database, which is dedicated to your site.
The site files, everything you've got under WordPress folder, /wp-includes, /wp-content, /wp-admin directories and all files.
This should do it all. You can test on your localhost to make sure it's everything that's necessary.
You can backup your WordPress either from your hosting account (preferable) or from your WP dashboard.
You need to backup two things - all the files (the root of your Wordpress installation) and the database for your WP installation.
Since you only have access to the dashboard, you have to use plugin for this.
Two of my favorite free backup plugins are:
BackupWordpress - https://wordpress.org/plugins/backupwordpress/
BackWPup - https://wordpress.org/plugins/backwpup/
They are intuitive and easy to work with, so you shouldn't have issues.
If you go to the dashboard go to "tools" in the left toolbar. Select "export". On the export page you can report that you want to export "all content". This will get you the items that you need from the server.
Then you need to install wordpress to your machine. You can download that from: https://wordpress.org/download/
Once you have that on your machine you also need a local server to run it and test it. I like WAMP, but it partially depends on your operating system. I suggest the following video to get you up to speed on how to get the localhost set up and running: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snFzbPm_RUE
Hope this helps!

WordPress Local Install Error (XAMPP) - Page 2 is Blank

I'm trying to install WordPress for local use with XAMPP. I started off by installing and unzipping both the XAMPP and WordPress folders. I placed the XAMPP folder in my C:/ drive and my WordPress folder within the "htdocs" folder. After that, I made a new "config" file for my local server based on the "config-sample" file.
Here's where things get tricky: when I try to use the "install.php" file, I am brought to a screen that asks for credentials. I give it some generic credentials and then I submit it in order to install WordPress. However, when I submit the form, the loaded page is completely blank and the URL appears as "localhost/wordpress/wp-admin/install.php?step=2".
When I go into the database, it shows me that WordPress created all of the necessary tables, but didn't create any log-in credentials for me. I was doing some research and there were a couple pages that mentioned the need for increased PHP RAM, but I'm unsure of how to increase the RAM for local use or if it's even a problem. If anyone had an error like this happen to them, I would really appreciate some feedback as to what could be causing this problem.
I had the same exact problem, with an almost blank screen on step-2 passage.
Adding in wp-config.php these lines solved everything:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '128M');
I've installed Wordpress 4.0 from a zip file on XAMPP 1.8.3 on my Win7-32bit PC.
Setting up the DB and all, I got the same "blank screen" at the step 2.
So, I went in to phpMyAdmin, and edited the "wp_users" table on my entry. I modified the user_login and the user_password (using an MD5 converter). Saved the entry and got into the localhost url for wordpress. Got into the log in, and everything seems to be working without any issues.
As a note: I installed a fresh/clean install so there were no custom themes nor plugins.
Hope that helps.
