Ada actual for "S" must be a variable - ada

So here is a piece of my body file. I am getting the error "words.adb:75:42: actual for "S" must be a variable".
procedure Remove_Character(S : in out Ustring; C : in Character; Successful : out Boolean) is
for I in 1..length(S) loop
if Element(S, I) = C then
Delete(S, I, I);
Successful := true;
end if;
end loop;
Successful := false;
end Remove_Character;
function Is_Subset(Subset : Ustring; S : Ustring) return Boolean is
Could_Remove : Boolean;
for I in 1..length(Subset) loop
Remove_Character(S , Element(Subset, I), Could_Remove);
if Could_Remove = false then
return false;
end if;
end loop;
return True;
end Is_Subset;
I understand where my error is coming from. Remove_Character uses S : in out Ustring while function Is_Subset uses S : in Ustring.
My question is how do I change the variable from Remove_Character into only an in Ustring?
Sorry if this is a tad jumbled, I'm fairly new to both programming and the site.

You can't, at least not directly.
I don't know what a UString is, but I presume the Delete procedure modifies it. If you changed the declaration of S in Remove_Character to S: in Ustring, you'd presumably get an error on the call to Delete.
The simplest approach I can think of would be to make a copy of S in Is_Subset:
Copy_Of_S: UString := S;
and then pass the (modifiable) copy to Remove_Character.
By "simplest", I mean it makes the smallest change to your existing code. But you should probably consider reorganizing it. Determining whether one UString is a subset of another by modifying one of the strings doesn't seem like the best approach; I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do it.
A minor and irrelevant point: this:
if Could_Remove = false then
is better written as:
if not Could_Remove then


Ada error: invalid use of subtype mark in expression or call

I'm stuck here with an error in my Ada program. There is a lot of code and I don't want to copy all of it here, so I hope that the part that I'm sharing is the part from where the problem comes.
task type Producent is
entry Start(Jedzenie: in Typ_Jedzenia; Czas_Produkcji: in Integer);
end Producent;
task type Buffer is
entry Zamow(Jedzenie: in Typ_Jedzenia; Numer: in Integer; Czy_Zatwierdzono: out Boolean);
entry Dostarcz(Zamowienie: in Typ_Zestawu; Numer: out Integer);
end Buffer;
task body Producent is
package Losowa_Produkcja is new
Generator: Losowa_Produkcja.Generator;
Index_Jedzenia: Integer;
Nr_Produkcji_Jedzenia: Integer := 1;
Produkcja: Integer;
Zatwierdzono: Boolean := False;
accept Start (Jedzenie : in Typ_Jedzenia; Czas_Produkcji : in Integer) do
Index_Jedzenia := Jedzenie;
Produkcja := Czas_Produkcji;
end Start;
delay Duration(Losowa_Produkcja.Random(Generator));
Put_Line("Przygotowano " & Nazwa_Jedzenia(Index_Jedzenia) & " numer " & Integer'Image(Nr_Produkcji_Jedzenia));
Buffer.Zamow(Index_Jedzenia, Nr_Produkcji_Jedzenia, Zatwierdzono); <-------- ERROR
if Zatwierdzono = False then
Put_Line("Brak miejsca w kuchni dla " & Nazwa_Jedzenia(Index_Jedzenia) & ". Wstrzymanie");
delay Duration(3.0);
Nr_Produkcji_Jedzenia := Nr_Produkcji_Jedzenia + 1;
end if;
end loop;
end loop;
end Producent;
task body Buffer is
Put_Line("Jestesmy u Buffera");
accept Zamow(Jedzenie: in Typ_Jedzenia; Numer: in Integer; Czy_Zatwierdzono: out Boolean) do
Put_Line("Trwa zamawianie...");
end Zamow;
end select;
end loop;
end Buffer;
From my attempts I understand that when I want to call entry Buffer.Zamow(Index_Jedzenia, Nr_Produkcji_Jedzenia, Zatwierdzono); (which is in task Producent) there is an error with 'Zatwierdzono' argument. When I removed this argument from declarations and definitions Zamow() entry worked.
Full error: invalid use of subtype mark in expression or call
What should I change or where is the problem with this boolean Zatwierdzono variable?
Zatwierdzono means Accepted in this case.
Thanks for any ideas.
You have two problems:
Index_Jedzenia := Jedzenie;
In your Start entry is trying to implicitly convert Jedzenie from its type, Typ_Jedzenia, to Integer, the type of Index_Jedzenia. You need some way to convert this.
Additionally on the line you are seeing the error on, the first parameter of that entry is of type Typ_Jedzenia but you are passing in an Integer (Index_Jedzenia is an integer). Again, you can't implicitly convert types like that.
If Typ_Jedzenia is actually an integer, you can explicitly convert them. Otherwise you need to make a conversion function of some type and use that before passing in or assigning to different types.

in Delphi 5, is a TList parameter always passed by reference?

I am migrating some code from Delphi 5 to a modern platform. Currently I have the compiled code (which works in my environment) and the source code (which cannot be compiled in my environment). This means I can't really experiment with the code by changing it or inserting breakpoints or dumping values. In looking at one particular passage of code, I see that one Procedure (ProcedureA) is calling another (ProcedureB) and passing in parameters that must be by reference, since otherwise ProcedureB would have no effect. It's my understanding that a var prefix must be added to parameters in a Procedure's parameter list in order for them to be passed by reference, but this is not being done here. One of the parameters, though, is of type TList, which I know to be essentially an array of pointers. My question is: are parameters of type TList (as well as others having to do with pointers) implicitly passed by reference?
Here's the code:
Procedure ProcedureB(PartyHeaderInformationPtr : PartyHeaderInformationPointer;
PartyHeaderTable : TTable;
_PrisonCode : String;
_FineType : TFineTypes;
PartyHeaderInformationList : TList);
with PartyHeaderInformationPtr^, PartyHeaderTable do
AssessmentYear := FieldByName('TaxRollYr').Text;
PartyType := FieldByName('PartyType').Text;
PartyNumber := FieldByName('PartyNo').AsInteger;
PrisonCode := _PrisonCode;
FineType := _FineType;
end; {with PartyHeaderInformationPtr^ ...}
end; {AddPartyHeaderPointerInformation}
Procedure ProcedureA(PartyHeaderTable : TTable;
PartyDetailTable : TTable;
PartyHeaderInformationList : TList);
Done, FirstTimeThrough : Boolean;
PrisonPartyFound, JunglePartyFound : Boolean;
PrisonPartyYear, PrisonCode, PartyType : String;
PartyHeaderInformationPtr : PartyHeaderInformationPointer;
PrisonPartyYear := '';
PrisonPartyFound := False;
JunglePartyFound := False;
Done := False;
FirstTimeThrough := True;
If FirstTimeThrough
then FirstTimeThrough := False
else PartyHeaderTable.Prior;
If PartyHeaderTable.BOF
then Done := True;
If not Done
PartyType := PartyHeaderTable.FieldByName('PartyType').Text;
If ((not JunglePartyFound) and
((PartyType = 'MU') or
(PartyType = 'TO')))
JunglePartyFound := True;
'', ltPlace,
end; {If ((not JunglePartyFound) and ...}
end; {If not Done}
until Done;
end; {FillPartyHeaderInformationList}
In Delphi, classes are reference types.
Every variable of type TBitmap, TList, TButton, TStringList, TForm etc. is nothing but a pointer to the object, so an object is always passed "by reference". It is only this address, this native-sized integer, that is given to the called routine.
Consequently, even without var, the called routine can alter the object since it, like the caller, has the address to it. But the pointer itself is passed by value, so if the called routine alters the parameter pointer to point to a different object, the caller will not see that; only the called routine's copy of the address is changed. With var, the pointer itself is passed by reference, so the called routine can change that too: it can change the original object, and it can make the caller's variable point to a different object, if it wants to.
On the other hand, value types like integers, booleans, sets, static arrays, and records are passed by value, so -- without any parameter decoration such as var -- the called routine gets a copy, and any changes made are only made to that copy. The caller will not see its variable being modified. If you use a var parameter, however, the variable will be passed by reference.
So, in your case, it has nothing to do with TList being a "list" or being something that "contains pointers". It's about TList being a class.

Ada elaboration not occurring at all

I have an unusual situation in which elaboration code is simply not being executed at all. This is not an elaboration order issue, but rather an elaboration at all issue.
The problem is that I don't "with" the unit in question whatsoever, yet in theory it should still be accessible, as long as its elaboration occurs.
Of course I could just add a useless "with" for the unit in question, but in my real use case there are a large number of units that I would have to do that with.
My question is if there is any way either in the code, through pragmas, in the gpr project file, or through command-line switches that I could force the compiler to include a file even though it thinks the file isn't referenced?
Here is a minimal working example:
package As is
type A is tagged null record;
type Nothing is null record;
function Create (Ignored : not null access Nothing) return A;
function Image (From : A) return String;
end As;
package body As is
function Create (Ignored : not null access Nothing) return A is
(null record);
function Image (From : A) return String is ("A");
end As;
with Ada.Tags;
package Finder is
procedure Register (Name : String; Tag : Ada.Tags.Tag);
function Find (Name : String; Default : Ada.Tags.Tag) return Ada.Tags.Tag;
end Finder;
with Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors;
package body Finder is
type Name_Tag (Size : Natural) is
Name : String (1 .. Size);
To : Ada.Tags.Tag;
end record;
package Name_Tag_Vectors is new Ada.Containers.Indefinite_Vectors (Positive, Name_Tag);
Name_Tags : Name_Tag_Vectors.Vector := Name_Tag_Vectors.Empty_Vector;
procedure Register (Name : String; Tag : Ada.Tags.Tag) is begin
Name_Tags.Append ((Name'Length, Name, Tag));
end Register;
function Find (Name : String; Default : Ada.Tags.Tag) return Ada.Tags.Tag is begin
for Tag of Name_Tags loop
if Tag.Name = Name then
return Tag.To;
end if;
end loop;
return Default;
end Find;
end Finder;
with As;
package Bs is
type B is new As.A with null record;
function Create (Ignored : not null access As.Nothing) return B;
function Image (From : B) return String;
end Bs;
with Finder;
package body Bs is
function Create (Ignored : not null access As.Nothing) return B is
(As.Create (Ignored) with null record);
function Image (From : B) return String is ("B");
Finder.Register ("B", B'Tag);
end Bs;
with As; use As;
-- with Bs; -- (uncommenting this line solves my problem, but what if I had the rest of the alphabet?)
with Finder;
with Ada.Tags.Generic_Dispatching_Constructor;
with Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Test is
function Constructor is new Ada.Tags.Generic_Dispatching_Constructor (
T => A,
Parameters => Nothing,
Constructor => Create);
Nada : aliased Nothing := (null record);
What : A'Class := Constructor (Finder.Find ("B", A'Tag), Nada'Access);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (What.Image);
end Test;
The compiler thinks your package Bs isn't referenced because it isn't. You don't have a with clause for it, so it's not part of your program.
A simple example:
package A is
procedure Blah;
end A;
with Ada.Text_IO;
package body A is
procedure Blah is begin null; end Blah;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Elaborate A");
end A;
package B is
procedure Blah;
end B;
with Ada.Text_IO;
package body B is
procedure Blah is begin null; end Blah;
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line("Elaborate B");
end B;
with Ada.Text_IO;
with A;
procedure Main is
end Main;
When I run main, it prints
Elaborate A
It doesn't print Elaborate B because that package isn't part of the program; it's just a couple of source files in the same directory.
The obvious solution is to add the with clauses.
I don't know whether there's a less obvious solution. If there is, it's probably compiler-specific. But I'm not sure why a compiler would have a feature that lets you incorporate an otherwise unused package into a program.
What I’ve done (e.g. here ff) is to actually reference the units in the main program (with pragma Unreferenced to prevent warnings).
Alternatively, you could have a package e.g. Required_Units with all the necessary withs included, and then with that from the main program.
Even if there was some alternative process, you’d have to tell it what units you need to have included; might as well go with the flow and do it in Ada!
Since the package Bs is invisible to your program, so is the type B.
So the next question is: why do you need to register type B if it is not used anywhere?
If an Ada compiler did elaborate all units (packages or standalone subprograms) that are irrelevant to a main program, but are visible through source path, it would become really messy!...

Interfacing Ada to C - getting Wide Strings from wchar_t *

I'm interfacing to a USB device (on Debian Stretch) using hidraw, and I need to process some information supplied by the USB device in the form of wchar_t* which I need to convert into (Ada) Wide_String. This is giving some trouble and I'm not seeing a clean way forward using the facilities in Interfaces.C and Interfaces.C.Strings.
All files are edited down without destroying their consistency. They will build, but without one of these, they won't actually run.
The problem is that device information like Serial Number and Product Name are presented by the Linux device driver as an access stddef_h.wchar_t from which I want to return a Wide_String or even a normal String) and I'm not seeing any good way to get there.
Interfaces.C.Strings has function Value (Item : in chars_ptr) return String; but no equivalent exists for Wide_String that I can see. So I think I need an equivalent Value function for wide characters.
The approach below uses To_Ada (from Interfaces.C) to return a Wide_String given a wchar_array. It fails, of course, because an access wchar_t is not convertible to a wchar_array.
-- helper function to deal with wchar_t * to wide_string
function Value (P : access stddef_h.wchar_t) return Wide_String is
temp : Wide_String(1 .. 256);
count : natural := 0;
-- ugliness to convert pointer types
type sd_wchar_ptr is access all stddef_h.wchar_t;
type wchar_array_ptr is access wchar_array;
Function To_Wchar_Array_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(sd_wchar_ptr, wchar_array_ptr);
-- this does NOT create the required wchar_array pointer
WCP : wchar_array_ptr := To_Wchar_Array_Ptr(sd_wchar_ptr(P));
Put_Line("Wide string");
To_Ada(WCP.all, temp, count);
Put_Line("Wide string length " & natural'image(count));
return temp(1..count);
end Value;
and the inevitable result
Wide string
Execution terminated by unhandled exception raised STORAGE_ERROR :
stack overflow or erroneous memory access
A similar character by character approach would be possible ... if (and I can't believe I'm saying this!) you could increment access types...
Feels like there's something missing from Interfaces.C here... what am I missing? any ideas to get round this relatively trivial seeming stumbling block?
EDIT : I'm leaning towards some brazen theft from the Interfaces.C.Strings sources with appropriate changes, but I'd welcome alternative suggestions.
The rest of this below is the full story so far (including all code necessary to reproduce)
Step 1 : generate low level Ada bindings automatically using gcc.
gcc -c -fdump-ada-spec-slim /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h
producing the low level binding package hidapi_hidapi_h
pragma Ada_2005;
pragma Style_Checks (Off);
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with Interfaces.C.Strings;
with stddef_h;
with System;
package hidapi_hidapi_h is
-- see source file /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h
type hid_device_info is record
path : Interfaces.C.Strings.chars_ptr; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:51
vendor_id : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:53
product_id : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:55
serial_number : access stddef_h.wchar_t; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:57
release_number : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:60
manufacturer_string : access stddef_h.wchar_t; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:62
product_string : access stddef_h.wchar_t; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:64
usage_page : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:67
usage : aliased unsigned_short; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:70
interface_number : aliased int; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:75
next : access hid_device_info; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:78
end record;
pragma Convention (C_Pass_By_Copy, hid_device_info); -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:49
function hid_enumerate (arg1 : unsigned_short; arg2 : unsigned_short) return access hid_device_info; -- /usr/include/hidapi/hidapi.h:132
pragma Import (C, hid_enumerate, "hid_enumerate");
end hidapi_hidapi_h;
This is a low level binding, exposing C types (and the binding generator has decided that the wchar_t in Interfaces.C isn't good enough, it wants one from stddef.h too, so...
pragma Ada_2005;
pragma Style_Checks (Off);
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
package stddef_h is
-- unsupported macro: NULL ((void *)0)
subtype size_t is unsigned_long; -- /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include/stddef.h:216
subtype wchar_t is int; -- /usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/6/include/stddef.h:328
end stddef_h;
Because it is a low level binding; we want to hide it (and implement RAII etc) behind a simpler and more usable high level binding, so ... (below)
with Ada.Finalization; use Ada.Finalization;
private with hidapi_hidapi_h;
private with System;
package hidapi is
type id is new natural range 0 .. 2**16 - 1;
type hid_device is new Limited_Controlled with private;
-- find first matching devices by enumeration : the RA part of RAII.
function enumerate (vendor_id, product_id : id) return hid_device;
-- accessors for device characteristics on enumerated device
function Serial_No (D : hid_device) return Wide_String;
function Product_String (D : hid_device) return Wide_String;
type hid_device is new Limited_Controlled with record
member : access hidapi_hidapi_h.hid_device_info;
addr : System.Address;
end record;
end hidapi;
and its implementation, containing the problem function value to return a Wide_String.
with hidapi_hidapi_h;
with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Unchecked_Conversion;
with stddef_h;
package body hidapi is
function enumerate (vendor_id, product_id : id) return hid_device is
use hidapi_hidapi_h;
first : access hid_device_info;
first := hid_enumerate(unsigned_short(vendor_id), unsigned_short(product_id));
if first /= null then
return H : hid_device do
H.member := first;
H.addr := System.Null_Address;
end return;
else raise Program_Error;
end if;
end enumerate;
-- helper function to deal with wchar_t * to wide_string
function Value (P : access stddef_h.wchar_t) return Wide_String is
temp : Wide_String(1 .. 256);
count : natural := 0;
type sd_wchar_ptr is access all stddef_h.wchar_t;
type wchar_array_ptr is access wchar_array;
Function To_Wchar_Array_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion(sd_wchar_ptr, wchar_array_ptr);
WCP : wchar_array_ptr := To_Wchar_Array_Ptr(sd_wchar_ptr(P));
Put_Line("Wide string");
To_Ada(WCP.all, temp, count);
Put_Line("Wide string length " & natural'image(count));
return temp(1..count);
end Value;
function Serial_No (D : hid_device) return Wide_String is
use hidapi_hidapi_h;
return Value(D.member.serial_number);
end Serial_No;
function Product_String (D : hid_device) return Wide_String is
use hidapi_hidapi_h;
return Value(D.member.product_string);
end Product_String;
end hidapi;
And of course a test case to exercise it...
with Hidapi;
with Ada.Wide_Text_IO;
procedure Test_Hid is
usbrelay_vendor_id : constant := 16#16c0#;
usbrelay_product_id : constant := 16#05df#;
Device : Hidapi.hid_device := Hidapi.Enumerate(usbrelay_vendor_id, usbrelay_product_id);
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line("Serial : " & Device.Serial_No);
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Put_Line("Product : " & Device.Product_String);
end Test_Hid;
One answer, slavishly copying the approach in the package body for Tnterfaces.C.Strings with necessary changes.
The naughty stuff is in functions "+" and Peek which use Unchecked Conversions on pointers,
to permit address arithmetic. Not pointer increment, but pointer+offset. One change is that the offset has to be scaled for 4 byte characters. I haven't set that scaling in a portable manner, but note that "+" will overload for each different return type so that offsets will be scaled appropriately for different named access types.
to allow the stddef_h.wchar_t to be viewed as a Wide_Wide_Character in the absence of any type conversion function. Whether the representation is correct is another matter (here, it is) but this technique could also be used to fake the input type of a suitable conversion function like To_Ada in Interfaces.C.
The remainder is straightforward character by character handling. One other change (so far) is to return Wide_Wide_Character rather than Wide_Character (because as the stddef_h package above reveals, the stored characters are 32 bit, same size as I'm happy to change my interface, but Wide_String could be easily handled by Ada.Strings packages.
type sd_wchar_ptr is access all stddef_h.wchar_t;
type w_w_char_ptr is access all char32_t;
-- Two Unchecked_Conversions to allow pointer arithmetic
-- And a third to allow the resulting storage to be interpreted as Wide_Wide_Char
function To_Sd_wchar_ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (System.Address, sd_wchar_ptr);
function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (sd_wchar_ptr, System.Address);
function To_Wchar_Ptr is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (sd_wchar_ptr, w_w_char_ptr);
-- pointer + offset arithmetic, with offset scaled for size of stddef_h.wchar_t;
-- TODO: attempted better way of computing word size ran into type errors
function "+" (Left : sd_wchar_ptr; Right : size_t) return sd_wchar_ptr is
return To_Sd_wchar_ptr (To_Address (Left) + Storage_Offset (Right) * 4);
end "+";
function Peek (From : sd_wchar_ptr) return char32_t is
return To_Wchar_Ptr(From).all;
end Peek;
function Strlen (Item : sd_wchar_ptr) return size_t is
Item_Index : size_t := 0;
if Item = Null then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
if Peek (Item + Item_Index) = char32_nul then
return Item_Index;
end if;
Item_Index := Item_Index + 1;
end loop;
end Strlen;
function Value (Item : sd_wchar_ptr) return char32_array is
Result : char32_array (0 .. Strlen (Item));
if Item = Null then
raise Program_Error;
end if;
Put_Line("String length " & size_t'image(Strlen(Item)));
-- Note that the following loop will also copy the terminating Nul
for J in Result'Range loop
Result (J) := Peek (Item + J);
end loop;
return Result;
end Value;
-- helper function to deal with wchar_t * to wide_wide_string
function Value (Item : access stddef_h.wchar_t) return Wide_Wide_String is
return To_Ada (Value (sd_wchar_ptr(Item)));
end Value;

Ada String Concatenation

I have a function that returns a string for a particular item, and I need to call that function numerous times and combine those strings into one. The combined string is bounded. I've made sure to fill it when space characters when it initializes but I keep getting "length check failed" errors. Is there something basic I'm doing wrong here?
FOR I IN 1..Collection.Size LOOP
Combined_String := combined_string & Tostring(Collection.Book(I));
Unbounded_String is probably the easiest way to go:
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
use Ada.Strings.unbounded;
Temp_Unbounded_String : Unbounded_String; -- Is empty by default.
for I in 1 .. Collection.Size loop
Append(Temp_Unbounded_String, ToString(Collection.Book(I));
end loop;
If you then need to have the result placed in your fixed length standard string:
Temp_String : constant String := To_String(Temp_Unbounded_String);
-- Beware! If the length of the Temp_String is greater than that of the
-- fixed-length string, a Constraint_Error will be raised. Some verification
-- of source and target string lengths must be performed!
Combined_String(Temp_String'Range) := Temp_String;
Alternatively, you can use the Ada.Strings.Fixed Move() procedure to bring the Unbounded_String into the target fixed-length string:
Ada.Strings.Fixed.Move(To_String(Temp_Unbounded_String), Combined_String);
In this case, if the source string is "too long", by default a Length_Error exception is raised. There are other parameters to Move() that can modify the behavior in that situation, see the provided link on Move for more detail.
In order to assign Combined_String, you must assign the full correct length at once. You can't "build up" a string and assign it that way in Ada.
Without seeing the rest of your code, I think Ada.Strings.Unbounded is probably what you should be using.
I know this is an ancient question, but now that Ada 2012 is out I thought I'd share an idiom I've been finding myself using...
function Concatenate(i: Collection'index)
(tostring(Collection(i) &
if (i = Collection'last) then
s: string := Concatenate(Collection'first);
Typed off the top of my head, so it'll be full of typos; and if you want it to work on empty collections you'll need to tweak the logic (should be obvious).
Ada 2012's expression functions are awesome!
Ada works best when you can use perfectly-sized arrays and strings. This works wonderfully for 99% of string uses, but causes problems any time you need to progressively build a string from something else.
Given that, I'd really like to know why you need that combined string.
If you really need it like that, there are two good ways I know of to do it. The first is to use "unbounded" (dynamically-sized) strings from Ada.Strings.Unbounded, as Dave and Marc C suggested.
The other is to use a bit of functional programming (in this case, recursion) to create your fixed string. Eg:
function Combined_String (String_Collection : in String_Collection_Type) return String is
if String_Collection'length = 1 then
return String_Collection(String_Collection'first);
end if;
return String_Collection(String_Collection'first) &
Combined_String (String_Collection'first + 1 .. String_Collection'last);
end Combined_String;
I don't know what type you used for Collection, so I'm making some guesses. In particular, I'm assuming its an unconstrained array of fixed strings. If it's not, you will need to replace some of the above code with whatever your container uses to return its bounds, access elements, and perform slicing.
function Next_Line(File : in Ada.Text_IO.File_Type :=
Ada.Text_Io.Standard_Input) return String is
Answer : String(1..256);
Last : Natural;
Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line(File => File,
Item => Answer,
Last => Last);
if Last = Answer'Last then
return Answer & Next_Line(File);
return Answer(1..Last);
end if;
end Next_Line;
As you can see, this method builds a string (using Get_Line) of unlimited* length from the file it's reading from. So what you'll need to do, in order to keep what you have is something on the order of:
function Combined_String (String_Collection : in String_Collection_Type)
Return String is
if String_Collection'length = 1 then
Return String_Collection(String_Collection'First).All;
end if;
Data : String:= String_Collection(String_Collection'First).All;
SubType Constraint is Positive Range
Return Data & Combined_String( String_Collection(Constraint'Range) );
End Recursion;
end Combined_String;
Assuming that String_Collection is defined as:
Type String_Collection is Array (Positive Range <>) of Access String;
*Actually limited by Integer'Range, IIRC
