prevent json of my command object from comming down to client during post - spring-mvc

My controller has following calls
public UsersCommand getCommand(HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception {
return command;
#RequestMapping(value = {"addusers.json"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void handleGet() {
//empty method
#RequestMapping(value = {"addusers.json"}, method = RequestMethod.POST)
public void handlePost(#ModelAttribute("commandObject") UsersCommand command, HttpServletRequest req) throws Exception {
//do stuff
during the get i get the json of my UsersCommand object, however after I do a post, I am getting the json of my command object which i do not need as i want to do a fire and forget post.
How can I avoid the json object from coming down to browser during post?

It seems like you only want JSON returned with the GET method. To do this, remove the #ModelAttribute method all-together. This tells Spring to add the return object to your model on every handler in the controller, which you don't want. Then modify your GET handler to be like the following:
#RequestMapping(value = {"addusers.json"}, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public UserCommand handleGet() {
UserCommand cmd = getUserCommand();
return cmd;
The #ResponseBody annotation tells Spring to serialize the return type to JSON (or XML if you annotated your class with JAXB, and depending on the request accept headers). For this to work, you also need to add Jackson to your classpath and make sure you're using <mvc:annotation-driven /> or #EnableWebMvc in your XML or Java config, respectively.
This will sound like self-promotion, but I wrote a post about this if you want more detail:
Hope that's helpful! Let me know if I can add any more clarity for you.


get or pass values from jsp to spring mvc controller with #RequestParam("VIEW") annotation

Hi everyone I'm trying to get or pass the values from my JSP to my controller because I want to write a method whose main function will be to save a new user in the database but I got an error like this:
(((java.lang.IllegalStateException: Mode mappings conflict between method and type level: [/myPath] versus [VIEW])))
I guess this two annotations, first in the class declaration #RequestMapping("VIEW") and the second in the method declaration for save the new user
#RequestMapping(value="/saveUser", method = RequestMethod.POST)
are in conflict by the use of the same annotation in tow times at the same controller but I have to say that I´ve been tried to remove the #RequestMapping annotation in the class declaration and after that, I get a different error like this:
(((java.lang.IllegalStateException: No portlet mode mappings specified - neither at type nor at method level)))
I don't know if I can use as many necessary controllers for differents operations as I will need, if I can, I will be happy to know the correct way to implement with this technique
Here is my controller:
public class UsersController {
User currentUser = null;
public ModelAndView view(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)throws Exception {
ModelAndView modelView = new ModelAndView();
UserDTO usuarioAdd = new UserDTO();
//blah, blah, blah...
return modelView;
#RequestMapping(value="/saveUser", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public void saveUser(HttpServletRequest request) {"***SAVE USER***);
System.out.println("***SAVE USER***);

SpringWebMvcTest - Test Requestbody using #Valid and custom validation

I am trying to test my controller endpoint and my requestbody annotated with #Valid annotation. My Testclass looks like the follow:
#WebMvcTest(value = BalanceInquiryController.class, secure = false)
public class BalanceInquiryControllerTest {
private MockMvc mockMvc;
private BalanceInquiryController balanceInquiryController;
public void testGetBalanceInquiry() throws Exception {
RequestBuilder requestBuilder = MockMvcRequestBuilders
MvcResult mvcResult = mockMvc.perform(requestBuilder).andReturn();
MockHttpServletResponse response = mvcResult.getResponse();
assertEquals(HttpStatus.OK.value(), response.getStatus());
My Controller - #PostMapping looks like that:
#PostMapping(value = "/com/balanceInquiry")
public ResponseEntity<?> getBalanceInquiry(#Valid #RequestBody BalanceInquiryModel balanceInquiry, Errors errors) {
if (errors.hasErrors()) {
return new ResponseEntity<String>("Validation error", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST);
//do any stuff...
return new ResponseEntity<BalanceInquiryResponse>(balanceInquiryResponse, HttpStatus.OK);
My BalanceInquiryModel is annotated with #Valid and has some hibernate and custom validations behind. Those validations are all ok and already unit tested.
What I like to test is my endpoint where I send a valid json request body expecting a 200 response and also an invalid json request body expecting a 400 response validated by the set #Valid implementation.
For example an unvalid call is to send no pinNumber or length < 4.
I have read some threads and some uses MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup() to mock the full controller. But I wont do a full integration test.
Not quite sure how to go on with this situation and if I should go on.
P.S.: At the moment I get always a 200 response no matter if the validation should give an error or not.
Here a gist for more code and the validation classes/models.
Here's one of my example I work on my project
hope it help you out:
I have a global exception handler to handler my MethodArgumentNotValidException and throw it
#RequestMapping(value = "/add", method = RequestMethod.POST, produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public ResponseEntity<User> createUser(#Valid #RequestBody User user) {
User savedUser =;
return new ResponseEntity<User>(savedUser, HttpStatus.CREATED);
public void testAdduser() throws Exception{
final User request = new User();
request.setLastName("some description");
private String stringify(Object object) throws JsonProcessingException {
return new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(object);
I think your main problem is that you are using #WebMvcTest in stead of #SpringBootTest.
the different between 2 of them is that:
#SpringBootTest annotation will loads complete application and injects all the beans which is can be slow.
#WebMvcTest - for testing the controller layer. it doesn't inject other bean beside the #RestController
so if you are just testing just pure controller to see u can reach the endpont then you can just use #WebMvcTest which will make your test run faster.
but in your case, you want it to run the spring validation, you will need to use #SpringBootTest
for detailed:

How to target specific handlers with a #ControllerAdvice #ModelAttribute?

I'd like to display a warning message on specific pages 5 minutes prior to a system shutdown. Rather than add it manually to each these pages I created a #ControllerAdvice class with a #ModelAttribute method that adds the message to the Model parameter, but from what I understand reading the documentation and SO and some initial testing this model attribute will be added to every method with a #RequestMapping.
I realize I could refactor my code so that the targeted methods are all in one controller and limit the #ControllerAdvice to that one controller, but I would end up with a collection of otherwise non-related methods in that controller which muddies up the overall structure of my controllers.
So, is there a way to indicate which specific methods in multiple controllers the #ModelAttribute is applied to? Would a custom annotation be a solution (not sure how that would work)? I'd like to do this via annotations if possible.
The #ControllerAdvice code is pretty basic:
public class GlobalModelController {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());
private MaintenanceInterceptor maintInterceptor;
public void globalAttributes(Model model, Locale locale) {
if (maintInterceptor.isMaintenanceWindowSet() && !maintInterceptor.isMaintenanceInEffect()) {
String msg = maintInterceptor.getImminentMaint(locale);
model.addAttribute("warningMaint", msg);
logger.debug("maint msg= " + msg);
A controller advice can be limited to certain controllers (not methods) by using one of the values of the #ControllerAdvice annotation, e.g.
#ControllerAdvice(assignableTypes = {MyController1.class, MyController2.class})
If you need to do it on a method level I suggest to take a look at Interceptors.
Thanks to #zeroflagL for pointing me to the interceptor solution. I ditched the #ControllerAdvice approach and ended up with this:
Custom annotation:
#Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
public #interface MaintAware {
String name() default "MaintAware";
public void postHandle(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object handler, ModelAndView modelAndView) throws Exception {
HandlerMethod handlerMethod = (HandlerMethod)handler;
Method method = handlerMethod.getMethod();
MaintAware maintAware = method.getAnnotation(MaintAware.class);
if (maintAware != null) {
Locale locale = request.getLocale();
if (isMaintenanceWindowSet() && !isMaintenanceInEffect()) {
String msg = getImminentMaint(locale);
if (!msg.isEmpty())
modelAndView.addObject("warningMaint", msg);
super.postHandle(request, response, handler, modelAndView);
Now I can annotate the specific methods that require the maintenance notification. Easy peasy. :)

Spring RequestMapping: Get path with slashes

Is there a way to get the first part of the url path, before /c:
Thats it: /Category1/Subcategory1.1/Subcategory1.1.1/c/{categoryCode:.*}
#RequestMapping(value = "/**/c")
public class CategoryPageController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/{categoryCode:.*}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView viewCategory(#PathVariable String categoryCode,
final HttpServletRequest request) {
String categoryPath = ...
I tried to use AntPathMatcher (extractPathWithinPattern) but I'm not able to define the correct pattern.
inject the request object by simply adding the the HttpServletRequest to the method signature, and
then access the Request Url by calling getRequestURL().
(oh and auto converting answers to comments, stackoverflow jumps the shark)

Spring-MVC 3.1: Forwarding A Request From One Controller Function To Another

I'm using Spring 3.1. I have a controller function that takes in a command object ( a data holder ) submitted via a FORM and does some processing :
#RequestMapping(value = "/results", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String toResultsScreen(#ModelAttribute("ssdh") SearchScreenDataHolder ssdh,
BindingResult bindingResult,
ModelMap model,
HttpSession session) {
if (bindingResult.hasErrors()) {
logger.debug("Error returning to /search screen");
return "search";
netView = "results";
// do stuff
return nextView;
} // end function
Some user would like to programmatically make GET links to obtain information from our site and I would like to set up another handler that would handle that request. It would create a new installation of that the command object ( ssdh ) and populate it with the parameters sent via the GET request. Then it would pass it on to the handler above. Something like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/pubresult")
public String toPublicResultsScreen(ModelMap model,
HttpSession session,
#RequestParam (required=true) String LNAME,
#RequestParam (required=false)String FNAME){
Search search = new Search(usertype);
// Capture the search parameters sent by HTTP
// To Do: "forward this data holder, ssdh to the controller function quoted first
return nextView;
} // end function
My question is how can I forward my command/data holder object to the first controller function such that I don't have to alter the code to the first controller function in any way?
You can use RedirectAttributes object which was introduced in Spring MVC 3.1 and populate it with data you want to keep for redirection. It called PRG (POST/Redirect/GET) pattern.
#RequestMapping(value="/saveUserDetails.action", method=RequestMethod.POST)
public String greetingsAction(#Validated User user,RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes){
//setting attributes
redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("firstName", user.getFirstName());
redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute("lastName", user.getLastName())
return "redirect:success.html";
I wrote some technical article regarding how to use it. I believe it will give you more details:
You should be able to set the ssdh in a ModelAttribute and simply forward it back, this way, the RequestDispatcher should be able to map it back to the /results handler:
#RequestMapping(value = "/pubresult")
public String toPublicResultsScreen(ModelMap model,
HttpSession session,
#RequestParam (required=true) String LNAME,
#RequestParam (required=false)String FNAME, Model model){
Search search = new Search(usertype);
// Capture the search parameters sent by HTTP
model.addAttribute("ssdh", ssdh);
return "forward:/results";
class from spring package to redirect to different page in spring MVC controller. The Baeldung blog page has more details
Sample code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public RedirectView mainMethod() {
return new RedirectView("/login");
#RequestMapping(value = "/login", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView mainLogin() {
ModelAndView model = new ModelAndView("login");
return model;
