Wordpress: How to pass additional Content to the blog-preview page? - wordpress

For each blog-post on my wordpress-blog I'd like to have Teaxtarea where i can pass additional content for that post.
In my case that would be an unordered list which contains a quick overview of the content.
That additional content should be displayed in the preview of the post on the blog-preview-page.
My problem:
I am actually not sure on how to best add this additional content and then pass it to the preview.
Do I use wordpress' custom fields for something like this?
I'm gratefull for a push in the right direction.
Thank you,

If I understand you right, I'd take a look at "custom meta boxes" functionality - it allows you to add any type of additional input into your blog post admin area, and than display its content on front-end however you like.
There's a nice tutorial series on that topic, with example code snippets:
And if you'd like to display the textarea content only in preview mode, you can use appropriate conditional tag in you template file:

The conditional tag is_preview returns true when a single post is viewed in Draft mode. The following will append post meta to the content when a post is being previewed:
function so16799607_preview( $content )
if ( ! is_preview() )
return $content;
return $content . get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'my_post_meta', true );
add_filter( 'the_content', 'so16799607_preview', 10, 1 );

You should check out Advanced Custom Fields. That's a really stable plugin that lets you create custom meta boxes in posts, pages and custom post types. That plugin does exactly what your question states. Need al little PHP to get stuff from your database, but that is as easy as:
<?php the_field(field_name);?>
And the documentation is pretty good. And if you don't like a plugin, it exports the PHP as well.
Anther tool that does the same is Pods Framework. Both powerfull extensions to any WP install in my opinion.
Hope this helps.


How to Add "itemReviewed" in WP-postratings plugin

I want to set up the markup of Reviews on the site that would be in the snippet search engine displayed stars and the author of the review.
CMS site: WordPress 5.3 - Astra theme
I use the plugin: WP-Postrating (https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-postratings/)
1.changed the type of markup in function.php using the filter as described in the plugin instructions:
add_filter( 'wp_postratings_schema_itemtype', 'wp_postratings_schema_itemtype' );
function wp_postratings_schema_itemtype( $itemtype ) {
return 'itemscope itemtype';
Markup is now defined as Review link
But because of the error: It is necessary to specify the value for the itemReviewed field.
Stars and the author are not displayed in the snippet of the search system.
Please give us a hint. What code should I add to function.php to add this field? And what would you like to see in this field, for example, the title of an article or manually fill in itemReviewed. Perhaps you need to add some special field to the article editor.
I would be very grateful. The employer wants to do this, I am a novice developer at https://improvecraft.com/
It's an old question and you probably figured out how to add this code. If someone still needs it, this code should work (and you can change also itemtype):
add_filter( 'wp_postratings_schema_itemtype','wp_postratings_schema_itemtype');
function wp_postratings_schema_itemtype($itemtype) {
global $post;
$title = get_the_title($post->ID);
return 'itemscope itemReviewed="' . $title . '" itemtype="http://schema.org/LocalBusiness"';

Dropdown of existing posts in a metabox

I want to have ability to choose for each page what post should appear in a sidebar, from multiple posts type. So I understand that I need a meta box with a dropdown list of all posts, but I don't know how to build this in functions.
I only found this solution which is quite similar to what I want, but this doesn't help me to much, because I can only choose from a single post type and display only in post pages.
There is a free plugin that will solve all of your woes. It's called ACF or Advanced Custom Fields. It has the ability to add a list of posts to a field and attach that field to pages. Here's how you'd do it:
First install the plugin and navigate to the custom fields screen. Setup your field exactly like this:
Then in the options below that section you need to select these options:
That will tell ACF to put the field only on pages. After you have set that up you will get a little sidebar block like this:
You can then select each post for the page and it will return that object on the frontend. You do need to use a little code to get the frontend to spit out the posts you need. Here is the code to get a frontend option from ACF. Inside of the sidebar.php file you need to add this code:
global $post; // Get the global post object
$sidebar_posts = get_field('posts', $post->ID); // Get the field using the post ID
foreach($sidebar_posts as $sidebar_post){ // Loop through posts
echo $sidebar_post->post_title; // Echo the post title
This will simply loop through the posts you select and echo out the title. You can do more with this by adding some other Wordpress post functions using setup_postdata(). This will allow you to do things like the_title() and the_content().
Hope this helps!

Create a blog post from content in another post type

The Wordpress site I'm working on has a section for "News" (which is the regular blog/posts) which will be used for any news the company has to write about. Then I have a custom post type for Promotions, which has it's own page.
I want the client to be able to add his promotion content through the custom post type, which is going on the Promotions page, however I'd like this content to also be "cross posted" into the blog/news without forcing the client to write it up twice.
Is there a way to do this? Thanks.
Just a note: The reason I have the promotions as a custom type on it's own instead of just having them do it all from the blog is because I needed custom fields that would be unnecessary for any other kind of blog post.
Two options:
1) Use the Shortcode API
And in your cross-post you'd add the shortcode [crosspost id="POST-ID"]. Where POST-ID corresponds to the numeric ID of the other post (post type). Instead of ID, the title could be used, see the function get_page_by_title.
Create your own plugin for this. Add a sample shortcode from the Codex and use the function get_post to get the contents of the cross-post.
2) Use Advanced Custom Fields plugin
With it, adding meta boxes with custom fields is a breeze. And it has a Post Object field that's basically a Cross Post functionality.
You could do it a lot more simply by adding a filter to wp_insert_data(). For example, in your theme's functions.php file add the following:
add_filter('wp_insert_post_data', 'post_to_other', 99, 2);
That filter will then run anytime you add a new post. In the function post_to_other(), you look to see what type of post is being submitted. If it's a promotion, then insert a second copy as a News item.
function post_to_other($post_id, $post){
/** check $post to see what type it is, if it's a promotion */
if($post->post_type == 'promotion'){
$second_post = array(
'post_type'=> 'post',
'post_title'=> $post->post_title,
'post_name' =>$post->post_name,
'post_content'=> $post->post_content,
'post_author'=> $post->post_author,
'post_status'=> 'publish',
'tax_input'=> array('taxonomy_name'=>array('news'))
I'm running out the door so I don't have time to double check the exact code but that's the basic structure of it. The tax_input bit is optional, lets you specify a category if you want. You'll probably need to tweak it a bit but that's the basics.

Wordpress adding thumbnails to category

How to take on a problem in WordPress admin editing.
I'd like to edit an edit-category admin panel to add a featured image to it (just like in posts), but I'm a bit indecisive since a lot of people use a custom field with static path to a photo, but I'm wondering is there a way to do it better(enable some wp hook and such).
Can someone point me in the right direction?
Thanks for the plugin it seems good, but i have one additional problem. It seems i have a lack of knowledge on how to query an object [category] so i can apply filters, hope im making some sense. This is done on my home.php. all dumps are null
<?php get_header();
$listcat = get_categories('hide_empty=0');
foreach($listcat as $x){
$img = apply_filters( 'taxonomy-images-queried-term-image', '');
get_footer(); ?>
The same code works with no problems if i stick it in category.php. Any ideas? :)
i've used several times the plugin "Taxonomy Images". it works with multi-language wp installs too.
link with instruction: http://wordpress.mfields.org/plugins/taxonomy-images/

Adding A Button Between post-content and Related Posts Thumbnail Plugin on WordPress

I am trying to add a button to my WordPress template. Basically, I have the post and then there is the Related Posts Thumbnails widget that appears. I want the button to go between the text of the post and the related posts thumbnail widget. The code in my 'Single Post' that contains all of this is as follows:
<div class="post-content">
<?php the_content(__('<em><strong>More:</strong> Read the rest of this entry...</em>', 'life-is-simple')); ?>
I know the Related Posts Thumbnails plugin falls within this code because it's at that place when I 'Inspect Element' on Google Chrome. I can't find how to edit the order of things within that div though. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Clarification: I am using the Life Is Simple WordPress theme although it has been custom editing quite a bit (mostly on the CSS side of things though).
That plugin is probably appending the output to the_content with a filter .
That means , that the output is being added to the_content automatically. it is a common behaviour.
You need to look at the pluginĀ“s admin interface to see if you can have an alternative way (I believe there is ) which is using a template tag. in that case, you should put the template tag after the div where the the_content() is .
After a small dig, - in fact there is - you need to put
<?php get_related_posts_thumbnails(); ?>
Then the plugin should know by itself not to append to the_content.
For parameter passing, or if something is not working, go read their APi or help files.
You'll probably need to edit single.php or archive.php in your theme. If nothing is occuring there that looks familiar, it's probably using a loop. In which case you might find what you are looking for either in loop.php, loop-single.php, or loop-archive.php depending on what type of page you are on and how the theme was constructed. Add your button near where you find Read the rest of this entry...
With more information (such as what theme you are using), one might be able to help more as well.
