Symfony 2 Service Error on unit Testing - symfony

I make some functional test with Symfony 2 and phpunit.
But i've some trouble with a Service.
Let me explain.
During my run test, i want to use some service used by the application. So i juste set my setUp function for setting the kernel :
static::$kernel = static::createKernel();
$this->objectFactory = static::$kernel->getContainer()->get('some.application.objectfactory');
So i've this and in my function i need to used a service that return an object so i call my service like that
$var = $this->objectFactory->getObject($id);
and obviously in my tearDown function i just :
protected function tearDown()
unset($this->client, $this->objectFactory);
So my problem is when i run a test i've this message :
Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Exception\InactiveScopeException: You cannot create a service ("request") of an inactive scope ("request").
And i can't find a way to solve this.
Did someone have any idea ??
My version of Symfony is 2.2.1 and my version of phpunit is 3.7.19
If someone can help me, i could be very happy.
I'm sorry if my English isn't so good.
Maybe it could help someone, in the service i used that : :
$request = $this->container->get('request');
It seems to be the reason why it dosen't work, when i remove it, it doesn't say the error, but they still doesn't work.
According to you have change my code for what i want.
So i just add to my service, in the function that i want, the client (Client web test case), and then inside the function i just add this :
if (isset($client)) {
$request = $client->getRequest();
} else {
$request = $this->container->get('request');
So in my function where i call the service i've just this :
public function getObject($id)
//Get the service from the kernel
$service = static::$kernel->getContainer()->get('service');
$object = $service->getObject($id, $this->client);
and it works fine like this
Your idea doesn't work for me, but i think your idea wasn't wrong, they just not works in my case
However Thanks for your help, i'm happy i works now, and i expect that post could help someone else

Try get request from the client, not service container:
$request = $this->client->getRequest();
In that way you can also get kernel and/or container:
$kernel = $this->client->getKernel();
$container = $this->client->getContainer();
One more useful tip: kernel from the client is rebooted between each two requests. So, for example if you pass your mock to client's container and do some request, in next request (after the first one) the container will not contain your mock.

There is no request available in phpUnit as long as you don't construct one.
If you want to test a request. create it like this:
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
protected $request;
public function setUp()
// ...
$this->request = new Request();
// ... modify your request acccording to your needs
and add/call a setter in your Service using the request.
$service = $this->kernel->getContainer()->get('your_service')
or create a Functional Test with WebtestCase.


Reset Database before each Test has problems with authentication in functional tests

I am implementing functional tests for my REST-Api. The Api is protected by authorization. For this I chose the json_login provider. So far, so good. Authentication works when accessing in the normal environment via Insomnia.
Now I want functional tests. For that, I create an user via the configured User-class and persist it in the database. Works as expected.
But of course the test only works once as the user already exists in the following tests.
So I tried hautelook/alice-bundle with ResetDatabaseTrait or ReloadDatabaseTrait as well as dmaicher/doctrine-test-bundle.
Both show the same behaviour: The authenticator can not find the newly created user. (EntityUserProvider::loadUserByUsername finds no user)
Apparently the EntityUserProvider seems to use a different "connection" into the database that can not look into the transaction those libraries started.
The entity-manager in my test that is responsible for persisting my user is created either with
protected function setUp(): void {
$kernel = self::bootKernel();
$this->em = $kernel->getContainer()
or directly before creating the user with
$em = self::$container->get('doctrine')->getManager();
which seems correct for me. But in any case I get the same result -> "Invalid credentials" because the user can not be found.
Maybe someone out there can point me into the right direction?
After a refreshing break I remembered a detail when I was creating my tests. All the examples did not need a setUp-Method with self:bootKernel() in it. But without it the self::$container property was empty, so I added that to my test-class. Maybe there was the solution to the problem?
I was right!
I am using the Api-Platform package. Therefore my test-class is based in ApiPlatform\Core\Bridge\Symfony\Bundle\Test\ApiTestCase. That class does not have a setUp Method, but inspecting createClient() I noticed that there the kernel is created by calling bootKernel() which also stops any running kernel.
So my setUp() method created a kernel. With that kernel I created my user.
Then I called createClient() to create the test-client for the requests. This killed my initial kernel and creates a new one which then leads to the problems.
Rearranging the statements - first create the client, then get the EntityManager from the now created container and create the User after creating the client solved the problem.
After two days , hooh
when you want to call multiple request, for example if you want at first request you get token and the second you call with this token and check auth, in during this calls if you use use Hautelook\AliceBundle\PhpUnit\RefreshDatabaseTrait trait your data base rest after first call, you have token but database is empty, and second call fail.
So, read again this important part of documentation :
There is one caveat though: in some tests, it is necessary to perform multiple requests in one test, for example when creating a user via the API and checking that a subsequent login using the same password works. However, the client will by default reboot the kernel, which will reset the database. You can prevent this by adding $client->disableReboot(); to such tests. Writing Functional Tests
I, know we are lazy developer and first read code, not document :-)
$client = static::createClient();
$manager = self::getContainer()->get('doctrine')->getManager();
$user = new User();
self::getContainer()->get('security.user_password_hasher')->hashPassword($user, $password = 'pass1234')
$response = $client->request('POST', '/authentication-token', [
'headers' => ['Content-Type' => 'application/json'],
'json' => [
'email' => $user->getEmail(),
'password' => $password ,
$token = $response->toArray()['token'] ?? null;
$client->request('GET', '/profile', [
'auth_bearer' => $token

Is there a way to prevent multiple executions of controller method in Symfony 4?

I have a service which I use both from a custom command and an HTML page. I want to prevent multiple executions of the the service in parallel. For the command there is the Lock component that does that. But is it possible to achieve the same thing for a controller method ?
The lock component doesn't work if the service is called from a controller:
$store = new FlockStore(sys_get_temp_dir());
$factory = new Factory($store);
$lock = $factory->createLock('MY_SERVICE');
I wanted to avoid calling the command from the controller (that's why I created a service) mainly because the service doesn't have the same output for the HTML page and the CLI.
Inject the lock Factory into your service directly instead of creating the lock in the command AND in the controller.
First you have to install Lock Component:
composer require symfony/lock
Then, for example, you can declare your service like this:
use Symfony\Component\Lock\Factory as LockFactory;
class MyService {
private $lock;
public function __construct(LockFactory $lockFactory) {
$this->lock = $lockFactory->createLock('LOCK_KEY');
public function doWork() {
try {
} finally {
I said:
The lock component doesn't work if the service is called from a controller:
Actually the issue I had was the Symfony built-in dev server which is single-threaded, so requests can't be executed in parallel, while the CLI PHP is multi-threaded. I couldn't run the script in parallel through the dev server, request were queued, service script was never locked.
The lock component is working the same whether it's called from a command or a controller.
Using the lock like this in the service works fine:
use Symfony\Component\Lock\Factory;
use Symfony\Component\Lock\Store\FlockStore;
$store = new FlockStore(sys_get_temp_dir());
$factory = new Factory($store);
$lock = $factory->createLock('LOCK_KEY');
if ($lock->acquire()) {
//some locked code

How can I 'fix' ["request" service is deprecated] in Symfony2 version 2.8?

The profiler in phpStorm is reporting:
The "request" service is deprecated and will be removed in 3.0. Add a typehint for Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request to your controller parameters to retrieve the request instead.
I thought I was already doing this by following this suggestion by using the following code to get the request and session:
$this->request = $this->get( 'request_stack' )->getCurrentRequest();
$this->session = $this->request->getSession();
Is the warning correct or am I doing this correctly and the warning can be ignored?
This warning can be ignored unless you are going to upgrade to Symfony 3.0 in a future.
If you want to get rid of it I would suggest to follow this warning's message and inject Request object into your actions:
public function yourAwesomeAction(Request $request)
$session = $request->getSession();
Use like that;
You have to use this one :
$request = $this->get('request_stack')->getCurrentRequest();
You may want to read the route name via the request variable, so you can do it as follows :
$routeName = $request->get('_route');

Phpspec return bad value

I created register service and I want test that method. In the browser var_dump return true and phpspec return false.. Why ? Any Ideas?
Service :
Phpspec :
Please help.
You need to stub (or mock) all your dependencies:
function it_check_user_exist_in_system(
Registry $doctrine,
ObjectRepository $repository,
User $user
You're trying to get the result from a Mocked object.
You're best bet for testing this method is to test using a should be called assertion on the mocked object.
This is not a unit test its functional/acceptance test.

Symfony2 Templating without request

I'm trying to send an email from a ContainerAwareCommand in Symfony2. But I get this exception when the email template is render by:
$body = $this->templating->render($template, $data);
("You cannot create a service ("templating.helper.assets") of an inactive scope ("request").")
I found in github that this helper need the request object. Anybody knows how can I to instance the Request object?
You need to set the container into the right scope and give it a (fake) request. In most cases this will be enough:
//before you render template add bellow code
$this->getContainer()->set('request', new Request(), 'request');
The full story is here. If you want to know the details read this issue on github.
The problem arises because you use asset() function in your template.
By default, asset() relies on Request service to generate urls to your assets (it needs to know what is the base path to you web site or what is the domain name if you use absolute asset urls, for example).
But when you run your application from command line there is no Request.
One way to fix this it to explicitely define base urls to your assets in config.yml like this:
assets_base_urls: { http: [""], ssl: [""] }
It is important to define both http and ssl, because if you omit one of them asset() will still depend on Request service.
The (possible) downside is that all urls to assets will now be absolute.
Since you don't have a request, you need to call the templating service directly like this:
$this->container->get('templating')->render($template, $data);
Following BetaRide's answer put me on the right track but that wasn't sufficient. Then it was complaining: "Unable to generate a URL for the named route "" as such route does not exist."
To create a valid request I've modified it to request the root of the project like so:
$request = new Request();
$this->container->set('request', $request, 'request');
You might need to call a different route (secured root?), root worked for me just fine.
Symfony2 Docs
Bonus addition:
I had to do so much templating/routing in cli through Symfony2 commands that I've updated the initializeContainer() method in AppKernel. It creates a route to the root of the site, sets the router context and fakes a user login:
protected function initializeContainer()
if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') {
$container = $this->getContainer();
* Fake request to home page for cli router.
* Need to set router base url to request uri because when request object
* is created it perceives the "/portal" part as path info only, not base
* url and thus router will not include it in the generated url's.
$request = Request::create($container->getParameter('domain'));
$container->set('request', $request, 'request');
$context = new RequestContext();
* Fake admin user login for cli. Try database read,
* gracefully print error message if failed and continue.
* Continue mainly for doctrine:fixture:load when db still empty.
try {
$user = $container->get('fos_user.user_manager')->findUserByUsername('admin');
if ($user !== null) {
$token = $token = new UsernamePasswordToken($user, null, 'main', $user->getRoles());
} catch (\Exception $e) {
echo "Fake Admin user login failed.\n";
You might not need the last $container->get('router')->getContext()->setBaseUrl($request->getRequestUri()); part, but I had to do it because my site root was at and the router was stripping /siteroot/ away for url generation.
