Unable to read shared memory data using boost created by Qt - qt

I've created a Qt shared memory program to write a string into shared memory. Now After writing, I need to read it from Boost program. I tried using simple programs, but I couldn't read the string using Boost interprocess.
Here is the Qt code that is writing into the shared memory. And I'm double checking if the string is written by reading from the shared memory from the same program.
void CDialog::loadString()
lbl->setText("Unable to detach from Shared Memory");
lbl->setText("Click on Top Button");
char sString[] = "my string";
QBuffer buffer;
QDataStream out(&buffer);
out << sString;
int size = buffer.size();
qDebug() << size;
lbl->setText("Unable to create shared memory segment");
qDebug() << lbl->text();
char *to = (char *) sharedMemory.data();
const char *from = buffer.data();
memcpy(to, from, qMin(sharedMemory.size(), size));
char * str;
QDataStream in(&buffer);
buffer.setData((char *)sharedMemory.constData(), sharedMemory.size());
in >> str;
qDebug() << str;
And I'm reading it from boost using the same key which I've provided in the Qt program.
Below is the Boost program code -
int main()
boost::interprocess::shared_memory_object shdmem(boost::interprocess::open_only, "Highscore", boost::interprocess::read_only);
boost::interprocess::offset_t size;
if (shdmem.get_size(size))
std::cout << "Shared Mem Size: " << size << std::endl;
boost::interprocess::mapped_region region2(shdmem, boost::interprocess::read_only);
char *i2 = static_cast<char *>(region2.get_address());
std::cout << i2 << std::endl;
return 0;
Kindly help me in reading the shared memory data from Boost program.
Thank you.

From the Qt docs:
Warning: QSharedMemory changes the key in a Qt-specific way. It is therefore currently not possible to use the shared memory of non-Qt applications with QSharedMemory.
You will probably need to use Boost on both sides.


Make Peer-to-Peer communication on Qt Remote Objects

I want to make simple communication example on Qt Remote Objects. I want to make the communication peer-to-peer, therefore I'm trying to merge both Source and Replica of the same remote object functionality in one application (REPC_MERGED tool used to generate Source and Replica base classes).
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include "MyPeerHost.h"
#include "Client.h"
#include <QDebug>
static QString peer_node_name(int number)
QString ret = QString("peer_%1").arg(number);
return ret;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
MyPeerHost peerHost; // just inherits auto-generated MyPeerSimpleSource
QUrl thisAddress = "local:" + peer_node_name(0);
QRemoteObjectHost sourceNode(thisAddress);
qInfo() << "Source remoting enabled successfully" << thisAddress;
QUrl remoteAddress = "local:" + peer_node_name(1);
QSharedPointer<MyPeerReplica> replica;
QRemoteObjectNode replicaNode;
qInfo() << "Replica connected to the address" << remoteAddress << "successfully";
QString sourceClassName = peerHost.staticMetaObject.className();
qDebug() << "Replica wait for Source" << sourceClassName << "...";
qInfo() << "Replica object completely initialized";
Client client;
qCritical() << "Replica wait for Source" << sourceClassName << "FAILED" << replicaNode.lastError();
qCritical() << "Replica connect to the address" << remoteAddress << "FAILED" << replicaNode.lastError();
qCritical() << "Source remoting enable FAILED" << sourceNode.lastError();
return a.exec();
Application output:
Source remoting enabled successfully QUrl("local:peer_0")
Replica connected to the address QUrl("local:peer_1") successfully
Replica wait for Source "MyPeerHost" ...
Replica wait for Source "MyPeerHost" FAILED QRemoteObjectNode::NoError
As you see, replicaNode successfully connected to the non-existent node QUrl("local:peer_1").
What I am doing wrong?
You don't have valid Qt code.
Qt relies on an event loop to handle asynchronous behavior, which is started by the a.exec() at the end of your main() routine. Qt Remote Objects, in turn, relies on the event loop for all of its communication.
In your code, you create your objects on the stack, but in code blocks that go out of scope before you start the event loop. They will therefore be destructed before the event loop is kicked off.
I'd recommend starting with some of the examples, make sure they work, then grow what you are trying to do from there.

Reading from character device with Qt

I'm not very good at character devices, so I need your help. A have a char device(let's call it /dev/my_light) which is a light sensor. I have to read the data from this file and transform it to the brightness value and then pass it to the brightness manager that changes the brightness of my screen. The problem is that when I read the value for some period of time I get old values from the file.I assume there is a buffer(again not sure how character devices exactly work). Whereas when I use cat /dev/my_light I see new data! Is it possible to get rid off the buffer and read new values that were written to the file just right now. Here is my code in Qt:
void MySensor::updateMySensor()
Packet packet;
packet.startByte = 0;
packet.mantissa = 0;
packet.exp = 0;
d->device = ::open(d->path.toStdString().c_str(), O_RDONLY);
if (d->device == -1)
qDebug() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "can't open the sensor";
ssize_t size = ::read(d->device, &packet, sizeof(packet));
if (size == -1)
qDebug() << errno;
packet.exp &= 0x0F;
float illumination = pow(2, packet.exp) * packet.mantissa * 0.045;
if(d->singleShot) emit lightSensorIsRunning(true);
emit illuminationRead(illumination);
The mySensor function is called every second. I tried to call it each 200 msec but it didn't help. The value of illumination stays old for about 7 seconds(!) whereas the value that I get from cat is new just immediately.
Thank you in advance!
I can't test with your specific device, however, I'm using the keyboard as a read only device.
The program attempts to connect to keyboard and read all keys pressed inside and outside the window. It's a broad solution you'll have to adapt to meet your demands.
Note that I'm opening the file with O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK which means open in read only mode and no wait for the event be triggered(some notifier needed to know when data is ready!) respectively.
You'll need super user privilege to run this example!
#include <QtCore>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QCoreApplication a(argc, argv);
const char *device_name = "/dev/input/by-path/platform-i8042-serio-0-event-kbd";
int descriptor = open(device_name, O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK);
if (descriptor < 0)
qDebug() << "Error" << strerror(errno);
return a.exec();
QFile device;
if (!device.open(descriptor, QFile::ReadOnly))
qDebug() << "Error" << qPrintable(device.errorString());
return a.exec();
QSocketNotifier notifier(device.handle(), QSocketNotifier::Read);
QObject::connect(&notifier, &QSocketNotifier::activated, &notifier, [&](int socket){
struct input_event ev;
QByteArray data = device.readAll();
qDebug() << "Event caught:"
<< "\n\nDATA SIZE" << data.size()
<< "\nSTRUCT COUNT" << data.size() / int(sizeof(input_event))
<< "\nSTRUCT SIZE" << sizeof(input_event);
qDebug() << ""; //New line
while (data.size() >= int(sizeof(input_event)))
memcpy(&ev, data.data(), sizeof(input_event));
data.remove(0, int(sizeof(input_event)));
qDebug() << "TYPE" << ev.type << "CODE" << ev.code << "VALUE" << ev.value << "TIME" << ev.time.tv_sec;
qDebug() << ""; //New line
return a.exec();

Cannot open QFile for appending/readwrite

I am trying to use the following code to open the existing file to append data at it's end:
void AddPharmacyForm::addInsertToFile(QString insert)
QFile inserts(":/new/prefix1/insertstatements.txt");
qDebug() << "File does not exist";
qDebug() << "file is open";
if(inserts.open(QFile::ReadWrite | QFile::Text))
// Another workaround- could not open file with append flag
qDebug() << "im here!";
QString currentInserts;
QTextStream out(&inserts);
out >> currentInserts;
out << endl << insert;
QMessageBox::information(this, tr("Error"), tr("Cannot add new pharmacy! "
"Please contact program designer."
qDebug() << "error code: " + QString::number(inserts.error());
The output of this code is the QMessageBox with the error and in qDebug it produces following line:
"error code: 5"
It does not give notice about file not existing and file being open. I have also tried opening file with different flags: QFile::ReadWrite, QFile::append, QFile::WriteOnly and the same modes within QIODevice. The error code is still the same. When I am opening the file from another class, the file opens without errors (it is not an access error).
What might be causing this problem?
There's no support for writing into the resource system, whether implemented using Qt's resource system or native to the platform. Your application typically has no right to modify its own executable, or the application bundle, or its installation location - it'd be a security risk if it did since bugs in networking code could be easily exploited to infect your user's system. So what you're trying to do is just a bad idea.
Instead, store the modified resources in your application's data folder, and revert to reading from the resource if the file doesn't exist. It is also probably not very wise to append to a file if the file is small: such appends are not atomic and can partially fail, leaving the file corrupted. Using a QSaveFile is guaranteed to either completely succeed or to fail without modifying any data.
An example implementation follows. The src.close() is not necessary to close the file, as QFile will automatically close upon destruction, as it is a proper resource-managing C++ class. By closing it earlier we ensure minimal use of the file descriptor - a finite system resource.
// https://github.com/KubaO/stackoverflown/tree/master/questions/resource-bypass-43044268
#include <QtCore>
const char kInsertsFile[] = ":/insertstatements.txt";
QString toWritableName(const QString & qrcFileName) {
Q_ASSERT (qrcFileName.startsWith(":/"));
QFileInfo info(qrcFileName);
+ info.path().mid(1) + '/' + info.fileName();
QString toReadableName(const QString & qrcFileName) {
Q_ASSERT (qrcFileName.startsWith(":/"));
auto writable = toWritableName(qrcFileName);
return QFileInfo(writable).exists() ? writable : qrcFileName;
bool setupWritableFile(QSaveFile & dst, QIODevice::OpenMode mode = {}) {
Q_ASSERT (dst.fileName().startsWith(":/"));
Q_ASSERT (mode == QIODevice::OpenMode{} || mode == QIODevice::Text);
QFile src(toReadableName(dst.fileName()));
if (!src.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly | mode))
return false;
auto data = src.readAll();
src.close(); // Don't keep the file descriptor tied up any longer.
QFileInfo dstInfo(dst.fileName());
if (!dstInfo.dir().exists() && !QDir().mkpath(dstInfo.path()))
return false;
if (!dst.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | mode))
return false;
return dst.write(data) == data.size();
bool addInsertToFile(const QString & insert) {
QSaveFile file(kInsertsFile);
if (!setupWritableFile(file, QIODevice::Text))
return false;
if (true) {
// Alternative 1
QTextStream s(&file);
s << insert << '\n';
} else {
// Alternative 2
file.write((insert + '\n').toLocal8Bit());
return file.commit();
QStringList readInserts() {
QFile file(toReadableName(kInsertsFile));
if (!file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly))
return {};
return QString::fromLocal8Bit(file.readAll()).split('\n', QString::SkipEmptyParts);
int main(int argc, char ** argv) {
QCoreApplication app{argc, argv};
qDebug() << "Original Inserts:" << readInserts();
auto rc = addInsertToFile("NewInsert");
qDebug() << "Modification status:" << rc;
qDebug() << "Current Inserts:" << readInserts();
When you use the Qt Resource System (qrc files) to add files for your project, they are compiled directly into the binary of your application, so are therefore readonly. As the documentation states: -
Resource data can either be compiled into the binary and thus accessed immediately in application code, or a binary resource can be created and at a later point in application code registered with the resource system.
Currently, Qt always stores the data directly in the executable, even on Windows, macOS, and iOS, where the operating system provides native support for resources. This might change in a future Qt release.

QFile write a WAV header writes only 4 byte data

I'm writing a WAV recorder, using QFile as backbone. However, when I fill my Wav struct, and try to write it to my QFile it writes only "RIFF", I viewed it with unix's od -cb 1.wav. Here is the samle code:
Wav::Wav(const char *fname, QFile* parent)
: QFile(fname, parent),
bool res = this->open(QIODevice::ReadWrite);
if (res) {
std::cout << "File opened for RW\n";
void Wav::writeHeader(const WavHdr* hdr)
void Wav::appendData(const QByteArray &data)
QByteArray Wav::getWavData()
return m_data;
And the usage is as follows:
WavHdr hdr;
hdr.bits_per_sample = 8;
hdr.riff[0] = 'R';
hdr.riff[1] = 'I';
hdr.riff[2] = 'F';
hdr.riff[3] = 'F';
hdr.sample_rate = 8;
hdr.fmt[0] = 'f';
hdr.fmt[1] = 'm';
hdr.fmt[2] = 't';
The WavHdr has the following setup:
struct WavHdr
char riff[4];
qint32 file_size;
char wave[4];
char fmt[4];
char len[3];
qint16 type;
quint16 format;
qint32 sample_rate;
qint32 sr_bs_channs;
quint8 bits_per_sample;
char data[4];
qint32 fsize;
You can't dump WavHdr to disk directly.
The way you use the write method only makes sense for zero-terminated strings. It will stop writing at the first zero-valued byte. A WavHdr is not a null-terminated string.
You cannot assume that the struct has any particular representation in memory. The compiler is free to arrange that structure the way it sees fit. Not only it can pad and align the members arbitrarily, it can also rearrange them. So that's a non-portable anti-pattern: it may happen to work on some compilers, on others it will be thoroughly broken.
Your WavHdr is wrong.
See here for reference. I've included a correct header structure below.
You probably wish to use a QSaveFile.
When saving files, you usually intend the file writing to be atomic: either it succeeds and you get a complete, valid WAV file, or it fails and nothing changes on disk (e.g. an existing file is not overwritten and corrupted). That's what QSaveFile is designed for.
You probably want your wave class to use an I/O device, but not be one.
I/O can be done with just an instance of a QIODevice*: you'll then be able to easily write the data to in-memory buffers, files, network sockets, etc. The user of your class should be free to choose what particular device to use.
Instead, use QDataStream to write the header in a portable way:
struct WavHdr
constexpr static quint32 k_riff_id = 0x46464952;
constexpr static quint32 k_wave_format = 0x45564157;
constexpr static quint32 k_fmt_id = 0x20746d66;
constexpr static quint32 k_data_id = 0x61746164;
quint32 chunk_id = k_riff_id;
quint32 chunk_size;
quint32 chunk_format = k_wave_format;
// fmt
quint32 fmt_id = k_fmt_id;
quint32 fmt_size;
quint16 audio_format;
quint16 num_channels;
quint32 sample_rate;
quint32 byte_rate;
quint16 block_align;
quint16 bits_per_sample;
// data
quint32 data_id = k_data_id;
quint32 data_size;
bool write(QIODevice * dev, const WavHdr & h) {
QDataStream s{dev};
s.setByteOrder(QDataStream::LittleEndian); // for RIFF
s << h.chunk_id << h.chunk_size
<< h.chunk_format;
s << h.fmt_id << h.fmt_size
<< h.audio_format
<< h.num_channels
<< h.sample_rate
<< h.byte_rate
<< h.block_align
<< h.bits_per_sample;
s << h.data_id << h.data_size;
return s.status() == QDataStream::Ok;

Serializing QHash to QByteArray

I am trying to serialize a QHash object and store it in a QByteArray (to be sent using QUDPSocket or QTCPSocket).
My current attempt looks like this:
// main.cpp
#include <QtCore/QCoreApplication>
#include <QHash>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QDebug>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
QHash<QString,QVariant> hash;
QByteArray ba;
QDataStream ds(&ba, QIODevice::WriteOnly);
ds << hash;
qDebug() << ds;
When this runs I get this out of qDebug():
QIODevice::read: WriteOnly device
QIODevice::read: WriteOnly device
QIODevice::read: WriteOnly device
QVariant(, )
The documentation says that this should write to the byte array, but obviously that isn't happening here. What am I doing wrong?
Qt 4.7.1 on OS-X
The reason it is failing is because it is trying to read from a write-only stream. The sequence is:
qDebug() << ds;
--> QVariant::QVariant(QDataStream &s)
--> QDataStream& operator>>(QDataStream &s, QVariant &p)
--> void QVariant::load(QDataStream &s)
That last method (and some more downstream) try to read from the data stream to convert its contents into a QVariant for display in qDebug. In other words, your actual code is fine; the debugging check is causing the failure.
You could check the contents of the byte array with something like:
qDebug() << ba.length() << ba.toHex();
You can Implement you program like this code:
QHash<QString,QVariant> options;
options["string"] = "my string";
options["bool"] = true;
QByteArray ar;
QDataStream out(&ar,QIODevice::WriteOnly); // write the data
out << options;
//setting a new value
options["string"] = "new string";
// read the data serialized from the file
QDataStream in(&ar,QIODevice::ReadOnly);
in >> options;
qDebug() << "value: " << options.value("string");
