Separate CSS Templates for Phonegap Mobile Application - css

I am building a Phonegap application with two layouts: one for 'handhelds' and one for 'tablets.' I want devices larger than 6 inches to display the tablet layout and smaller devices to use the handheld layout.
I've looked into media queries. My concern is that if I target a device by pixel size, for example iPad1 768px, a high-density handheld will come along that also qualifies for this query, showing the wrong layout and making the text unreadable and the widgets too small. I've considered webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio > 2 for this query, but doesn't that leave 'gaps' where an unfortunate combination of resolution and pixel ratio triggers the tablet template on a handheld device?
So, what is a general strategy I could follow to reliably 'pick one' of these two layouts (and avoid overlaps between devices) when the device loads? I am only supporting portrait mode and I can change all CSS, JS, <meta name="viewport"> etc..
Essentially, I'd like to be able to come up with some rules to differentiate between columns 2 and 3 here, but without targeting specific device models.

I think pixel width in media queries are still standard width, all current iphones display a document width of 320px. This is as the UIwebview used in phonegap is just a standard browser environment.
My css needs depend on the amount of cross over between my iphone and Ipad versions of my app. If the css is almost the same I will just have extra css for Ipad devices in the one CSS file using a media query, otherwise I will have a different file for each.


Media Queries don't work when App is opened in phone browser

My media queries work for all sizes I have specified when I use the responsive design mode in my browser. These same media queries will not work when I open my web App on a different device. For example, the height I have set for one of my div is: 197px for screen max-height: 700px and 290px for screen max-width: 1382px. When I use responsive web design, the media queries for both sizes work fine. When I resize my browser or open the same web App in my mobile (max-height below 700px), the media query is still rendering for screen width of 1382px.
Similarly media queries do not work when I resize my browser (on my laptop) instead of using responsive design mode.
What I understand is that media queries work on browser window size instead of the device's viewport size. I have tried using both media all and ```media screen```` and neither is helping resolve this issue. So, how do I write media queries to support browser window sizes?
Any help?
Thanks in advance
Two ways to solve the issue:
The not so practical way of adding a large number of breakpoints (for both max/min heights and widths). The problem that may arise is the ordering of media queries will get messed up, breaking the layout.
Using flexbox/grid at every level of your code. Even a floating menu or any other floating component should be put under a flexbox structure. In which case, you will have to write just the bare minimum number of media queries and the flexbox properties will take care of keeping your layout clean.

seperate css ref for mobile, recommended max device width?

Figured out how to make separate css, to use in cases of mobile use, which is cool. works like this:
<link href="mobile.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="only screen
and (max-device-width: 480px)" />
Is this a safe number to set the pixels at for most general smart phones like the iphone and galaxy? I don't want to have multiple mobile ref, just one that will cover them all for the most part. Is the above code basically saying, anything below pixel width of 480, will go to that css ref?
Thanks much.
No, this not fully safe in terms of serving to all devices. Ideally, you want responsive design to also deal with tablets, not just smartphones, tablet users often do not have access to a mouse. The most common tablet resolution is 768x1024 (for me this is about 75% of tablet traffic, over 6% of my web traffic in total, and there are also some larger phones in there) and there are a few oddball smartphones (making up about 1-2% of total traffic) in the 500-600 resolution range.
In general, I recommend using max-width and not max-device-width, because it makes the site collapse to a mobile format when in a small window on desktop, which is ultimately more useful to the user.
In my opinion, best practice is not to use a separate mobile stylesheet but rather use CSS media queries to make the elements of your webdesign responsive, which you can do within a single stylesheet. You can then have some elements collapse into a single-column layout at certain widths, and others at other widths, again using max-width but using it on individual elements.
This allows you to make the best of the intermediate widths. Some two-column layouts or horizontal menus, will look fine on a tablet, others you will need to collapse to a single column or a hidden vertical mobile menu. Fidget with the widths for each element and you'll get a flexible design that works optimally on all devices.
This way you don't try to guess the device type, just redesign element by element based on the window width. You can do away with "only screen" too.

Target mobile devices with big screen dimensions using Foundation

I'm using the visibility-classes of Foundation ( in order to display my website differently on mobile devices.
However the more recent smartphones have insane scree-dimensions (e.g. Nexus 6 2560 × 1440 Pixel).
I don't have such a device and therefore can't test whether classes like hide-for-small-onlystill work there. Afaik small means less than 640 pixels.
So how can I deliver the same page across all smartphones? Even though these devices have huge screen-dimensions I'd still like to display a simplified homepage.
Foundation visibility classes are based on media queries that checks only screen width.
If you want to target mobile devices you can detect mobile device (not the best practice but useful many times). here is a good way to do it:
once you detect the mobile user (on the back-end or front-end) you can add a class to your body and target that separately on your css.
Unfortunately, I don't think there an easy workaround this.

Confused about media queries and resolution?

I am a beginner and have been working on my first responsive site with media queries.
A site I was reading told me some standard ones were
768-1024 for tablets
320-480 for smart phones.
I used these to begin, However, when I open it with my note 3 I get the tablet version and the menu is too small for it. This same result happens with an iphone 4.
Even when I changed the smart phone range to 320-767, both phones still are using the "tablet" layout. The note 3 has a width of 720 correct? so with this it should force it into the smart phone query right? Am I misunderstanding this? How can it tell the difference between something small but with a high resolution like the note 3 to a tablet so that I can have larger elements on the note3?
If someone could explain to me what is going wrong here I would gladly appreciate it.
The note 3 has a 1920x1080 resolution, not a width of 720 pixels.
Instead of selecting pre-defined values for targetting specific devices, it is recommended to use values suited to your content specifically. That way, all devices can expect an appropriate layout, usually with more simple media-query rules too. There are just too many devices out there today to pick specific values.
Yeah #rwzy 1920x1080 I should say. He must design first in mobile then going larger on desktop and tablet, He must choose Breakpoints based on the content not on defines screen sizes.
If you are creating your website based on the screen sizes only well use media queries also if you based it on resolutions also media queries best suite your problems. try

What will load first with responsive design?

I've just finished reading yiibu's slideshow on their responsive site development for nokia, and one of the larger points of it seems to be to focus on mobile first, then desktops and other larger and faster platforms. ( ) Not just in the planning phase, but literally develop your responsive design in the sense that the innitial styles, with no media queries applied, will be the design for your smallest platform, with the lowest capabilities. (older phones, depending on your audience) Which is backwards from what I've innitially thought to do (and from what I've seen, what others usually do as well).
The rationale was that this method would prevent people on mobile devices with lower bandwidth from downloading additional scripts and large images, by innitially downloading only the scripts and images needed for the minimum device, then loading more, and more, depending on the size and predicted capabilities of the device, eventually putting the most burden on the largest devices (laptops and desktop computers). --- This being contrary to what I've been doing, which is designing for the desktop, then adding media queries to optimize for mobile devices.
My question is, do I need to design for mobile first, then add media queries to optimize for larger devices with more capabilities in order to prevent the burden of downloading large images that wont be used on mobile devices?
.....Or can I just use sepparate stylesheets and call to a mobile stylesheet before calling to a stylesheet focused on larger browsers/devices?
The order of who you call first or not, shouldn't matter. The media queries by themselves are a bunch of if-else based on the criteria you place in them (device, orientation, width, etc). So by adding them first or last won't mean that a mobile phone will consider a style sheet for a desktop browser (example).
What you should do though, is to have the base stuff that is consistent across ALL devices (such as typography, font-sizes, background colors of elements, text color) on a base stylesheet that is readable to all devices.
This makes the actual reading of the file smaller as a specific stylesheet will be made for margins, paddings and widths depending on the actual size of the screen.
Last but not least, as to whether you should design the experience for mobile first or not, it's up to you, your way of working and what not. I know I don't. I design for desktop first and work my way down. I much prefer this.
