Compiling multiple .as files using Maven - apache-flex

I am having issues getting maven to do a simple clean install I am getting the following error:
Failed to execute goal org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:3.8:compile-swf (default-compile-swf) on project flex: Source file not expecified and no default found! -> [Help 1]
I was following the tutorial on this site: Adobe Developer Connection - Flex and Maven
I have all of my .as files located in: src/main/flex/ but the problem is that I don't have a Main class, these are all basically interfaces so I can't just choose one of them to be the source file.
I have Eclipse installed as well, and it is yelling at me for the plugin part of the POM, saying:
Multiple annotations found at this line:
- Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:
3.8:compile-swf (execution: default-compile-swf, phase: compile)
- Plugin execution not covered by lifecycle configuration: org.sonatype.flexmojos:flexmojos-maven-plugin:
3.8:test-compile (execution: default-test-compile, phase: test-compile)
So I am not sure if this is related or not, but I have tried to copy/paste the code from the link above verbatim but I still get that error and the guy never mentions anything about it, so perhaps it's just a bug in the maven plugin in Eclipse.
Here is my POM.xml file:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="">
I am open to ANY ideas on how to get this to compile these .as files. Thank you!
Edit: Okay I figured it out. I changed the packaging from swf to swc and it works. So very sad.

I converted the package from swf to swc and it worked like a champ. Hopefully this helps someone in the future.

you need the configuration tag so flexmojos knows where to start the build. (default application, or main class)


jlink showing error while comparing hashes

I am currently trying to bundle a javaFx test application via maven and jlink into a runtime image. I am using bellsoft liberica 18.0.1 as a jdk and I am running on a IntelliJ IDE. I have used the IDE to setup the project initially (via the wizzard). If I hit javafx:run, everything fires up correctly, the application is displayed and all is fine.
However, running javafx:jlink produces the following error:
Error: Hash of javafx.base
differs to expected hash
recorded in java.base java.lang.module.FindException: Hash of
differs to expected hash
recorded in java.base
This appears odd, as I am unsure which hashes are compared at that point. I have tried executing jlink with --fail-never as well as --lax-checksums and ignoreSigningInformation, but nothing appears to help. I have also tried to check the sha-checksums from within my m2-Repository, but I can't nail it down that way either.
Any help to sort this out is much appreciated.
EDIT: Including the current pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
xsi:schemaLocation=""> <modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion>
<!-- -->
<!-- Build an executable JAR -->
<!-- Default configuration for running with: mvn clean javafx:run -->
EDIT 2: I am providing the jlink-Tool in the pom.xml. My idea was that doing it this way, jlink would be able to create the runtime image based on the liberica-jdk. Is the problem that I am using openjfx-dependencies with the liberica-jlink-Tool?
What the problem is
The module hash mismatch when using jlink occurs because:
You use Liberica "Full JDK" which includes pre-built JavaFX modules in a jmod format AND
You also define JavaFX dependencies in your Maven project based on JavaFX modules in jar format.
This confuses the linker, resulting in the mismatched hash error.
The linker knows there are two copies of the same module with the same module version available on the module path, but they have different hashes, so it errors and exits.
It would be more useful if the error told you exactly where the two modules with differing hashes were found (you could create an enhancement request with the jlink tool in the JDK for that, referencing this post, if you wanted).
How to fix this
You can fix this by either:
Use a JDK distribution that does not include pre-built JavaFX modules (e.g. a standard OpenJDK download or a Liberica "Standard JDK" version) OR
Remove the JavaFX dependencies from your pom.xml file.
Getting some link debug info
To debug, in the pom.xml file configuration for the javafx-maven-plugin, add:
This will tell you where jlink sourced the modules from (when jlink works).
You can also run maven in debug mode (--debug command line switch for mvn). Maven will tell you a lot more information. For example, the actual full command line and option set used to invoke jlink.
Here is a debug line for linking using OpenJDK using maven jar dependencies for the JavaFX modules:
[DEBUG] Executing command line: [/Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-19.0.1/Contents/Home/bin/jlink, --module-path, /Users/myusername/dev/linktest/target/classes:/Users/myusername/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-base/19/javafx-base-19-mac.jar:/Users/myusername/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-controls/19/javafx-controls-19-mac.jar:/Users/myusername/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-fxml/19/javafx-fxml-19-mac.jar:/Users/myusername/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-graphics/19/javafx-graphics-19-mac.jar, --add-modules, com.example.linktest, --output, /Users/myusername/dev/linktest/target/app, --strip-debug, --compress, 0, --no-header-files, --no-man-pages, --verbose, --launcher, app=com.example.linktest/com.example.linktest.HelloApplication]
The command line text can be useful because you can copy it and link from the command line prompt rather than from within Maven (just for testing and verification purposes).
Linking using liberica "Full JDK" which includes JavaFX jmods
For your pom.xml with these changes:
jlinkExecutable in the javafx-maven-plugin configuration set to the jlink in my liberica location.
I don't think this is necessary if the JAVA_HOME environment variable is properly configured to match the liberica distribution and the mvn tool is invoked using the liberica distribution.
jlinkVerbose in the javafx-maven-plugin configuration set to true.
all JavaFX dependencies commented out.
project module and package name changed to com.example.linktest.
I just did that because that is what I used to create the project, as long as the name is consistent everywhere, it doesn't matter what it is.
And a minimal to generate a basic JavaFX FXML application added. The linker will output:
[INFO] --- javafx-maven-plugin:0.0.8:jlink (default-cli) # myapp ---
com.example.linktest file:///Users/myusername/dev/linktest/target/classes/
java.base file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/java.base.jmod
java.datatransfer file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/java.datatransfer.jmod
java.desktop file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/java.desktop.jmod
java.prefs file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/java.prefs.jmod
java.scripting file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/java.scripting.jmod
java.xml file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/java.xml.jmod
javafx.base file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/javafx.base.jmod
javafx.controls file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/javafx.controls.jmod
javafx.fxml file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/javafx.fxml.jmod file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/
jdk.unsupported file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/liberica-19.0.1/jmods/jdk.unsupported.jmod
All of the JavaFX dependencies are sourced from the liberica provided jmods, such as this:
Linking using OpenJDK and JavaFX maven jars
If instead you use a standard OpenJDK without pre-built JavaFX modules and JavaFX modules added as dependencies in the pom.xml, then the output is:
[INFO] --- javafx-maven-plugin:0.0.8:jlink (default-cli) # myapp ---
com.example.linktest file:///Users/myusername/dev/linktest/target/classes/
java.base file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-19.0.1/Contents/Home/jmods/java.base.jmod
java.datatransfer file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-19.0.1/Contents/Home/jmods/java.datatransfer.jmod
java.desktop file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-19.0.1/Contents/Home/jmods/java.desktop.jmod
java.prefs file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-19.0.1/Contents/Home/jmods/java.prefs.jmod
java.scripting file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-19.0.1/Contents/Home/jmods/java.scripting.jmod
java.xml file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-19.0.1/Contents/Home/jmods/java.xml.jmod
javafx.base file:///Users/myusername/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-base/19/javafx-base-19-mac.jar
javafx.controls file:///Users/myusername/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-controls/19/javafx-controls-19-mac.jar
javafx.fxml file:///Users/myusername/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-fxml/19/javafx-fxml-19-mac.jar file:///Users/myusername/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/javafx-graphics/19/javafx-graphics-19-mac.jar
jdk.unsupported file:///Users/myusername/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-19.0.1/Contents/Home/jmods/jdk.unsupported.jmod
The javafx modules are sourced as jars out of the .m2 repository rather than coming as mods from the JDK:
Either way, you end up with a packaged, linked, usable JavaFX application.

Could not find artifact javafx-packager:javafx-packager:

This is my pom.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
My Operating System: MacOs Big Sur 11.4
JDK: openjdk-16.0.1
I want to make a .dmg or .pkg file using command mvn clean jfx:native, however, it doesn't work.
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal com.zenjava:javafx-maven-plugin:8.8.3:jar (jar) on project csgo-cfg-helper-client: Execution jar of goal com.zenjava:javafx-maven-plugin:8.8.3:jar failed: Plugin com.zenjava:javafx-maven-plugin:8.8.3 or one of its dependencies could not be resolved: Could not find artifact javafx-packager:javafx-packager:jar:1.8.0_20 at specified path /Users/hll/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/openjdk-16.0.1/Contents/Home/../lib/ant-javafx.jar -> [Help 1]
Is it Java Version too high? jLink work well and generate module success.
How should i do? This is my first time to bulid a JavaFX project. I find the same question in stackoverflow, but no useful answer.Thanks for your help.
You seem to follow an ancient tutorial. Just start with the official docs and not some crap pulled from the internet. And for packaging you app have a look here:

issue in resolving dependencies in gradle custom plugin

I developed one utility in maven.That maven utility i want to use in gradle and maven custom plugins with maven custom plugin this utility is working fine but in case of gradle plugin it is throwing following issue.
Exception is:
org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: Execution failed for task ':hiveUnitTask'. at org.gradle.api.internal.tasks.execution.ExecuteActionsTaskExecuter.executeActions(
Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.LogDivertAppender.setWriter(Ljava/io/Writer;)V
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.LogDivertAppender.<init>(
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.OperationManager.initOperationLogCapture(
at org.apache.hive.service.cli.operation.OperationManager.init(
Gradle plugin is developed in java.
Pom file of my utility is as follows:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Remove log4j-over-slf4j from your class path.
I copied class from the package of hive service jar's source code in which this error is coming and placed it in my plugin project by making same package structure as it was in hive service jar,this solved my issue I know its know perfect solution but its workaround that solved my purpose

class file for javax.servlet.ServletException not found [duplicate]

I'm trying to include Spring Security to my web project, i'm following this tutorial
I've done everything in the tutorial with the given maven project and works fine. But when i'm trying to include it to my project a compilation error appear. Specifically when i extends from AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer appear the given error
Multiple markers at this line
The type javax.servlet.ServletContext cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
The type javax.servlet.ServletException cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class files
The POM.xml
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<!-- JSF 2.2 core and implementation -->
<!-- Prime Faces -->
<!-- Spring security -->
Thanks for the help!
Using mvn clean install -U
Just add the javax.servlet API to the compile time dependencies. You don't need to include it in the build, it's already provided by the target servlet container.
Your current pom suggests that you're deploying to a barebones servlet container (Tomcat, Jetty, etc) instead of a full fledged Java EE application server (WildFly, TomEE, GlassFish, Liberty, etc), otherwise you'd have run into classloading-related trouble by providing JSF along with the webapp instead of using the container-provided one.
In that case, adding the below dependency should do for a Servlet 3.1 container like Tomcat 8:
Or if you're actually targeting an older Servlet 3.0 container like Tomcat 7, change the <version> to 3.0.1 (note: there's no 3.0 due to a mistake on their side).
If you happen to actually deploy to a Java EE 7 application server like WildFly 8, use the below dependency instead. It covers the entire Java EE API, including javax.servlet (and javax.faces, so you'd then remove those individual JSF API/impl dependencies):
Also here, if you're targeting an older Java EE 6 application server like JBoss AS 7, change the <version> to 6.0.
See also:
How to properly configure Jakarta EE libraries in Maven pom.xml for Tomcat?
This worked for me: if above supplied solution doesnt work
Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries > Add library from library tab > Choose server runtime > Next > choose Apache Tomcat v 7.0> Finish > Ok
another way if you working on eclipse ide please open the project folder select Properties and click maven shows the view 'Active Maven Profiles(comma separated)'please input "dev"..after refresh problem solved
try setting the updated parent, like this:
this solved for me.
What helped for me was deleting the repository in directory .m2
and after deleting run maven: package

Flex 4 App Blank

I'm building a Flex 4 app (using flexmojos rather than FlexBuilder). If I create a test Applications as follows, using mx:Application, then I see a button as I would expect:
However, if I use s:Application then all I see is a blank (white) screen:
Incidentally I am not currently using an html wrapper, I'm just loading the swf directly in the browser.
Here is my pom...
Anybody know what I am doing wrong?
I now have all the RLSs as .swz files stored in the same location as the .swf file, and I have the RSL URLs set as follows:
Still, the app is just blank. Using FireBug there don't seem to be any requests for any RSLs that I can see, neither are there any error messages pertaining to this. It seems as though the RSL loading is not even attempted.
This is bizarre!
If you are on mojos < 4 add this to your configuration of your flexmojos-maven-plugin
<configFiles><!-- Fix for Mojos's < 4 -->
and then create this file
<?xml version="1.0"?>
if you are on 4+ you can add this to your configuration
I have the same problem randomly when building with IntelliJ using ANT. Changing the targeted flash player version to 10.2, rather than 10.3 fixed the problem.
I was facing the same issue with Flex Mojos 4.0 and Flex 4.5. The problem got resolved when i upgraded to Flex Mojos 4.1-BETA.
I suppose the problem is in RSLs which should be loaded by default but you haven't located them properly. Try to list all the required RSLs and change their scope to merged. I think this and this links will be useful.
Try setting the width to 100 and the height to 25 in both cases.
This is not exactly an answer, but more troubleshooting information that might help find the actual answer. I am having the same outcome building the swf with make in IntellijIdea 10. I am using the 4.5 SDK.
Somebody suggested that I needed flash player 11, which is in the incubator with Adobe. I get the same results in flash player 11 (white screen when using spark, fine when using mx).
I use FlexMojos on other projects, but for this I am just doing some proof-of-concept testing with Flex 4.5 and did not want to introduce another variable to the build equation until I had things stabilized.
Hopefully this additional information will help you get to the bottom of the problem.
First, for it to be used as rsl, u need to provide scope as caching
<scope>caching</scope>. the warnings u get is just fine, and its a problem with flex-mojos and maven and i remember seeing it in a post in flex-mojos-group. pls search for urself :)
check for the text layout version because it always comes with different number, than other
framework rsls. i.e for text layout u need to have a seperate entry. refer this
The number of entries in rslurls must match number of entries in policyurls tag.see here. so policyFileUrls array of policy file URLs. Each entry in the rslUrls array must have a corresponding entry in this array
Use firefox's firebug extension, and observe the net console to see whether it's downloading rsls. U can also use net-export plugin to save the netconsole logs and paste it.
modify your code to perform above checks and let know the results.
