Split large sqlite table by sessionid field - sqlite

I am relatively new to sql(ite), and I'm learning as I go while working on a new project.
We have got millions of transaction rows in one "data" table, one field being a "sessionid" field.
Since I want to concentrate on in-session activity for now, I primarily need to look only at transactions from the same sessions.
My intuition now is, that it would be a lot faster if I separate the database by sessions into many single session tables, than always querying for a single sessionid, and then proceeding. My question: is that correct? will that make a difference?
Even if not: Could you help me out and tell me, how I could split the one "data" table rows into many session-specific tables, the rows staying the same? Plus one table which relates sessionIds to their tables?
A friend just told me, the splitting-into-tables thing would be extremely unflexible, and I should try adding a distinct index instead for the different sessionId rows to access single sessions faster. Any thoughts on that and how to do it best?

First of all, are you having any specific performance bottleneck with it till now? If yes, please describe it.
Having one table per session will probably speed lookups/indexes (for INSERTs) things up.
SQLite doesn't impose a limit on the number of tables, so you should be okay.
One other solution that provides easier maintenance, is if you create one table per day/week.
Depending on how long your sessions last, this could be feasible or not.
Related: https://stackoverflow.com/a/811862/89771


Tables with data that will never be deleted or changed

This is a more in depth follow up to a question I asked yesterday about storing historical data ( Storing data in a side table that may change in its main table ) and I'm trying to narrow down my question.
If you have a table that represents a data object at the application level and need that table for historical purposes is it considered bad practice to set it up to where the information can't be deleted. Basically I have a table representing safety requirements for a worker and I want to make it so that these requirements can never be deleted or changed. So if a change needs to made a new record is created.
Is this not a good idea? What are the best practice to deal with data like this? I have a table with historical safety training data and it points to the table with requirement data (as well as some other key tables) so I can't let the requirements be changed or the historical table will be pointing to the wrong information.
Is this not a good idea?
Your scenario sounds perfectly valid to me. If you have historical data that you need to keep there are various ways to meeting that requirement.
Option 1:
Store all historical data and current data in one table (make sure you store a creation date so you know what's old and what's new). When you need to retrieve the most recent record for someone, just base it on the most recent date that exists in the table.
Option 2:
Store all historical data in a separate table and keep current data in another. This might be beneficial if you're working with millions of records so you don't degrade performance of any applications built on top of it. Either at the time of creating a new record or through some nightly job you can move old data into the other table to keep your current table lightweight.
Here is one alternative, that is not necessarily "better" but is something to keep in mind...
You could have separate "active" and "historical" tables, then create a trigger so whenever a row in the active table is modified or deleted, the old row values are copied to the historical table, together with the timestamp.
This way, the application can work with the active table in a natural way, while the accurate history of changes is automatically generated in the historical table. And since this works at the DBMS level, you'll be more resistant to application bugs.
Of course, things can get much messier if you need to maintain a history of the whole graph of objects (i.e. several tables linked via FOREIGN KEYs). Probably the simplest option is to simply forgo referential integrity for historical tables and just keep it for active tables.
If that's not enough for your project's needs, you'll have to somehow represent a "snapshot" of the whole graph at the moment of change. One way to do it is to treat the connections as versioned objects too. Alternatively, you could just copy all the connections with each version of the endpoint object. Either case will complicate your logic significantly.

Storing user profile data in the users table or separate profile table?

I'm developing a quick side project that needs a users table, and I want them to be able to store profile data. I was already reaching for the ASP.NET profile provider when I realized that users will only ever have one profile.
I realize that frequently changing data will impact performance on things like indexes and stuff but how frequent is too frequent?
If I have one profile change per month per user happening for say 1000 users, is that a lot?
Or are we talking more like users changing profile data on an hourly basis?
I realize this isn't an exact science but I'm trying to gauge at what point the threshold starts to peak, and since my users profile data will probably rarely change if I should bother the extra work or just wait a few decades for it to be a problem.
One thing to consider is how adding a large text column to a table will affect the layout of the rows. Some databases will store the large columns inlined with the other fixed size columns; this will make the rows variable sized and that means more work for the database when it needs to pull a row off the disk. Other databases (such as PostgreSQL) store large text columns away from the fixed size columns; this leads to fixed sized rows with quick access during table scans and the like but an extra bit of work is needed to pull out the text columns.
1000 users isn't that much in database terms so there's probably nothing to worry about one way or the other. OTOH, little one-off side projects have a nasty habit of turning into real mission critical projects when you're not looking so doing it right from the beginning is a good idea.
I think Justin Cave has covered the index issue well enough.
As long as you structure your data access properly (i.e. all access to your user table goes through one isolated pile of code) then changing your data schema for users won't be much work anyway.
Does the profile information actually need to be indexed? Or are you just going to be retrieving it based on the USER_ID of the table or some other indexed USER column? If the profile data isn't indexed, which seems likely to me, than there are no performance impacts to other indexes on the table.
The only reason I can think of to be concerned about putting profile information in the table is if there is a lot of data compared to the necessary information to define a user and if the USER table needs to be full scanned for some reason. In that case, increasing the size of the table would adversely affect the performance of a table scan. Assuming that you don't have a use case where it's regularly going to make sense to do a full scan on the USERS table, and given that the table will only have 1000 rows, that's probably not a big deal.

Strategy for handling variable time queries?

I have a typical scenario that I'm struggling with from a performance standpoint. The user selects a value from a dropdown and clicks a button. A stored procedure takes that value as an input parameter, executes, and returns the results to a grid. For just one of the values ('All'), the query runs for roughly 2.5 minutes. For the rest of the values the query runs less than 1ms.
Obviously, having the user wait for 2.5 minutes just isn't going to fly. So, what are some typical strategies to handle this?
Some of my own thoughts:
New table that stores the information for the 'All' value and is generated nightly
Cache the data on the caching server
Any help is appreciated.
A little bit more info:
sp returns two result sets. The first is a group by rollup summary and the second is the first result set, disaggregated (roughly 80,000 rows).
I would first look at if your have the proper indexes in place. Using the Query Analyzer and the Database Tuning Assistant is a simple and often effective way of seeing what indexes might help.
If you still have performance problems after creating the appropriate indexes you might then look at adding tables/views to speed things up. If your query does a lot of joins you might consider creating an indexed view that allows you to do a select with no joins on the denormalized data. Since indexed views are persisted you can see big gains from their use.
You can read up on indexed views here:
and read about the database tuning adviser here:
Also, how many records does "All" return? I have seen people get hung up on the "All" scenario before, but if it returns 1 million records or something then the data is not usable to a person anyways...
Caching data is a good thing, but.... if the SP is inherently flawed, then you might want to actually fix it instead of trying to bandage it with caching.
You might also want to (since you didn't mention here) look at the number of rows "All" returns compared to the other selections and think about your indexes.
Also in your SP does the "All" cause it to run a different sets of tsql as in maybe a case or an if... or is it running the same code just with a different "WHERE"?
It might simply be that "ALL" just returns A LOT of records. You may want to implement paging and partial dataset return using ajax... (kinda like return the first 1000 records early so that it can be displayed and also show a throbber on the screen while the rest of the dataset is returned)
These are all options... if the number of records really isnt that different between ALL and the others... then it probably has something to do with the query/index/program flow.

Partition Or Separate Table

I am designing database for fleet management system.
I will be getting n number of records every 3 seconds. Obviously, there will be millions of record in my table where I am going to store current Information of vehicle in the current_location table. Here performance is an BIG issue.
To solve this, I received the following suggestions:
Create a separate table for each vehicle.
Here a table will be created at a run time as as soon as I click on create new table.And all the data related to particular table will be inserted and retrieve from that particular table.
Go for partition.
Please answer the following questions about these solutions.
What is difference between the two?
Which is best and why?
At what point will the number of rows in the tables cause performance issues?
Are there any other solutions?
Now ---if I go for range partition in sql server 2008 what should i do to,
partition using varchar(20).
i am planning to do partition based on vehicle no. eg MH30 q 1234.
Here In vehicle no. lets say mh30 q 1234--only 30 & q going to change....so my question is HOW SHOULD I GO. means how should write the partition function.
***1st this question was asked for my sql..now for sql server
********sorry guys now I shifted from my sql to sql server*****With The same question
definitely use partitioning. why go to all of the hassle to figure out which table to use to answer a question when mysql will do it for you? and good luck find the current location of all of your trucks if you're not using partitioning!
partitioning gives you the performance benefits of multiple tables, but with automatic pruning (selection of just the tables needed to answer the query).
nothing is ever "best". the question is: what is best for your problem?
this is impossible to answer. you will just have to monitor your system for performance issues and adjust server settings or scale as necessary.
at least as far as mysql is concerned, none as good as partitioning!
Don't bother with partitioning for 28,800 rows per day.
We don't (yet) with over 5 million per day. (The "yet" means we have no business input on what data retention policy they want)
There should be very little performance difference between making a separate table for each vehicle, and making the vehicle ID the first field in the primary key. You get the same grouping on disk either way, and mysql should have no trouble with millions of rows in a table.
Partitions are only useful if you have multiple disks on your machine and want to spread the load across disks.
So I guess my answer is do neither. Designing this in a priori seems overkill.
One thing I want to point out is that having one table (which you can partition later when you need to) will be much easier to maintain both in the database and in terms of querying the data.

Database design question: How to handle a huge amount of data in Oracle?

I have over 1.500.000 data entries and it's going to increase gradually over time. This huge amount of data would come from 150 regions.
Now should I create 150 tables to manage this increasing huge data? Will this be efficient? I need fast operation. ASP.NET and Oracle will be used.
If all the data is the same, don't split it in to different tables. Take a look at Oracle's table partitions. One-hundred fifty partitions (or more) split out by region (or more) is probably more in line with what you're going to be looking for.
I would also recommend you look at the Oracle Database Performance Tuning Tips & Techniques book and browse Ask Tom on Oracle's website.
Only 1.5 M rows? Not a lot really...
Use one table; working out how to write a 150-way union across 150 tables will be murder.
1.5 million rows doesn't really seem like that much. How many people are accessing the table(s) at any given point? Do you have any indexes setup? If you expect it to grow much larger, you may want to look into partitioning in databases.
FWIW, I work with databases on a regular basis with 100M+ rows. It shouldn't be this bad unless you have thousands of people using it at a time.
1 table per region is way not normalized; you're probably going to lose a bunch of efficiency there. 1 table per data entry site is pretty unusual too. Normalization is huge, it will save you a ton of time down the road, so I'd make sure you're not storing any duplicate data.
If you're using oracle, you shouldn't need to have multiple tables. It'll support a lot more than 1.5 million rows. If you need to speed up data access, you can try a snowflake schema to pull in commonly accessed data.
If you mean 1,500,000 rows in a table then you do not have much to worry about. Oracle can handle much larger loads than that with ease.
If you need to identify the regions that the data came in, you can create a Region table and tie the ID from that to the big data table.
IMHO, you should post more details and we can help you better.
A database with 2,000 rows can be slow. It all depends on your database design, index, keys and most important is the hardware configuration your database server is running on. The way your application uses this data is also important. Is a read intensive database or transaction intensive? There is no right answer to what you are asking right now.
You first need to consider what operations are going to access the table. How will inserts be performed? Will the existing rows be updated, and if so how? By how much will the rows grow, and what percentage of them will grow? Will rows get deleted? By what criteria? How will you be selecting data? By what criteria and how many per query?
Data partition can be used for volume of data much larger than 1.5m rows. Look into optimizing
the SQL query ,batch processing and storage of data.
