Unable to render the HTML output on a Page - asp.net

I am trying to build SPGridView on aspx.cs
Below is the code
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("<SharePoint:SPGridView runat=\"server\" ID=\"spgridview\" AutoGenerateColumns=\"false\" AllowPaging=\"true\" AllowSorting=\"true\" Visible=\"true\">\n");
sb.AppendFormat("<asp:Label ID=\"lblNo\" runat=\"server\" Text=\"First\"/>\n");
sb.AppendFormat("<asp:Label ID=\"lblName\" runat=\"server\" Text=\"Janaki\"/>\n");
I tried Response.Write(sb.ToString());, There is nothing on the page. How can I get this working. Maybe I am missing something..Please let me know.

You cannot dynamically render controls this way; this is not supported, and will render as plain HTML. You have to have them statically defined on the page, or load them by adding them to the controls collection or a parent control.

Everything in your string builder is a Server Side control. This means that if you try to write it out when rendering the page, you will get nothing at best or get an error at worst since the browser has no idea what a .NET control is.
If you want to add controls from the code behind you will need to use Page.Form.Controls.Add() or something similar to do it.
Based on your code it seems like you could just include the contents of your string builder in the aspx page and set Visible to false or true depending on your needs.


GWT FormPanel and submitting data to server

I've a GWT app that I need to put FormPanel to wrap a textbox (TextBox). (to solve some styling issue)
The style issue is that: we are using some pre-build style sheet which put styles by HTML tag names .. so we need to put a form tag to wrap some components in order to be able to read the styles!
the problem is, on the KeyPress event, I notice there is a loading in the page appears. although the result returns ajaxaly as if there's no client-server trip happened.
The question is, How to remove this trip to server?
NOTE: i am just wrapping the componenets into the formpanel, I've not set any properties of it:
FormPanel formPanel = new FormPanel();
CaptionPanel captionPanel = new CaptionPanel();
From your question, it isn't clear that what is causing the trip to the server. But if it is the FormPanel that's causing this, I would change the instantiation of the FormPanel to the following:
FormPanel formPanel = new FormPanel() {
public boolean onFormSubmit() { return false; }
This should be the equivalent of the following html, which will keep the form from submitting:
<form onsubmit="return false">
If this doesn't fix it, you'll need to do some more debugging to see where the server is being called. The Tamper Data plug-in for Firefox might be of help for this.
The whole point of FormPanel is to create a classis HTML-style form submission. It should be used to achieve interoperability with servers that require form submission.
Don't use FormPanel just to solve "some styling issues".
OTOH, if you need to retrieve some data from the server, AJAX-style, than read http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/tutorial/JSON.html#http

ajaxSubmit and Other Code. Can someone help me determine what this code is doing?

I've inherited some code that I need to debug. It isn't working at present. My task is to get it to work. No other requirements have been given to me. No, this isn't homework, this is a maintenance nightmare job.
ASP.Net (Framework 3.5), C#, jQuery 1.4.2. This project makes heavy use of jQuery and AJAX. There is a drop down on a page that, when an item is chosen, is supposed to add that item (it's a user) to an object in the database.
To accomplish this, the previous programmer first, on page load, dynamically loads the entire page through AJAX. To do this, he's got 5 div's, and each one is loaded from a jQuery call to a different full page in the website.
Somehow, the HTML and BODY and all the other stuff is stripped out and the contents of the div are loaded with the content of the aspx page. Which seems incredibly wrong to me since it relies on the browser to magically strip out html, head, body, form tags and merge with the existing html head body form tags.
Also, as the "content" page is returned as a string, the previous programmer has this code running on it before it is appended to the div:
function CleanupResponseText(responseText, uniqueName) {
responseText = responseText.replace("theForm.submit();", "SubmitSubForm(theForm, $(theForm).parent());");
responseText = responseText.replace(new RegExp("theForm", "g"), uniqueName);
responseText = responseText.replace(new RegExp("doPostBack", "g"), "doPostBack" + uniqueName);
return responseText;
When the dropdown itself fires it's onchange event, here is the code that gets fired:
function SubmitSubForm(form, container) {
$(form).ajaxSubmit( {
url: $(form).attr("action"),
success: function(responseText) {
$(container).html(CleanupResponseText(responseText, form.id));
$("form", container).css("margin-top", "0").css("padding-top", "0");
This blows up in IE, with the message that "Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support this property or method" -- which, I think, has to be that $(form).ajaxSubmit method doesn't exist.
What is this code really trying to do? I am so turned around right now that I think my only option is to scrap everything and start over. But I'd rather not do that unless necessary.
Is this code good? Is it working against .Net, and is that why we are having issues?
A google search for
jquery ajax submit
reveals the jQuery Form Plugin. Given that, is that file included on your page where the other code will have access to the method? Does this code work in Firefox and not IE?
Seems like there was too much jQuery fun going on. I completely reworked the entire code block since it was poorly designed in the first place.

creating help for asp.net website

My requirement is to have database based help system for asp.net website, as shown in the image below. i have searched web but could not find even remotely related solution.
DNN Help System http://img3.imageshack.us/img3/6720/dnnhelpimage20091125.jpg
You could assign each help item a unique ID (perhaps GUID to make it easier to generate by the developer enabling help for that item).
Clicking on the link opens a dialog, tooltip, new window, whatever. Just have the UI load the help text by ID from the database.
To make this easier to implement in the UI, there are a few ways. Perhaps you can create a jQuery client-side behavior.
your HTML would look something like:
<span class="help" id="#{unique-id-here}">Admin</admin>
and you could have jQuery on DOM load:
$(function() {
var help = $(".help");
help.prepend("<img src=\"path/to/images/help.png\" />");
help.click(function() {
//do something with this.id; open a popup, a title bar, whatever.
We did it on our site by doing the following:
We have a HelpTopics database with a HelpTopicId and HelpTopicText
We create an aspx page that displays the HelpTopicText based on the HelptopicId passed in the querystring.
We set up a css class for the A tag that displays the link to the help with the question mark image.
We created a UserControl named TitleandHelp that contained a link to the page mentioned in step 2 and the style for the link set to step 3 above: The usercontrol has a public rpoperty for the title and one for the topicID (We called it HelpContext).
We add the usercontrol to the aspx page where appropriate
<uc2:titleandhelp ID="titleandhelp1" runat="server" HelpContext="4" PageTitle="Forgot Password" />
it may sound like a lot of work, but really it only takes a half hour or so to do all of the setup. The rest of the work lies in populating the table and dragging the usercontrol onto the pages where appropriate.

Why can't I get value fckeditor. done after their code example [Javascript]

I wonder why I can't get value from FCKEditor with this javascript? I work with asp.net so I know the controls get different names, mine is in a placeholder and in a usercontrol. How should I approach it to find the FCKEditor?
function test()
var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance('FCKeditor1');
var pageValue = oEditor.GetHTML();
This should work, but the problem is that using this approach you can not have this function in external JavaScript file. It has to be inline in your asp.net page.
function test()
var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance(<%= FCKeditor1.ClientID%>);
var pageValue = oEditor.GetHTML();
ASP.NET generates different IDs to the ones you use based on their position within the DOM. You should use the ClientID from within the client code to get at the actual ID, but without seeing the mark-up I can't tell for sure.
i tried this code an it work
i tried
thing that last wont work cause i got page - usercontrol - fckeditor
so the intellesence wont show the fckeditor. i would like to make it work with the last one
so i dont have to put the "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl00_FCKeditor1"

How can you move ASP.Net controls to different places on the Web form at runtime?

Is there an accepted way to "move" a control.
My client wants to place a certain chunk of markup (representing some visual element) in one of several different places on the page. The locations are different to the point that I can't effect the change on CSS along (by floating it or something).
I considered just putting the control in multiple spots with Visible set to "false," then displaying the one in the place they wanted for that particular page.
However, the code for this control is not trivial -- there's a couple template sections, for instance. Having to dupe this in multiple places would get unwieldy. Also, I don't want to have to work with this control strictly from the code-behind for the same reason.
So, I'd like to put it in one place on the Web form, the move it around based on where I want it. Could I put Placeholders in different spots, have the control in one spot, then remove and add it to the right spot? I suspect this would work.
Does someone have a better idea? Is there a best practice for this?
I'd recommend using a placeholder control, moving your markup into a separate user control, then loading this at runtime and adding it to the relevant placeholder.
// Load a user control
MyControl userCtrl = (MyControl) LoadControl("~/Controls/MyControl.ascx");
// Or create an instance of your control
SubclassedControl subclassedCtrl = new SubclassedControl();
// Do stuff with controls here
subclassedCtrl.Text = "Hello World";
// Check which placeholder to add controls to
PlaceHolder placeHolder = (foo=="bar") ? placeHolder1 : placeHolder2;
// Add the controls
This will avoid cluttering up your page with unnecessary markup, and loading it at runtime will also avoid unnecessary confusion later, when another developer looks at the code and can't immediately see why a control is in one place in the markup, but renders on a completely different part of the page.
An alternative (and one I've seen done many times before) is through javascript and the DOM. Render your control inside a hidden div tag. So you would render your content here:
<div id='rendercontent' style='display:none'>
.. control here ..
Then, lets say you wanted to move it all here (the span tag is inside because that's what we're going to replace):
<div id='newlocation1'><span></span></div>
You would define the following javascript:
<script language="JavaScript">
function replaceNode(newElementID, targetElementID)
var targetElement=document.getElementById(targetElementID);
var newElement=document.getElementById(newElementID);
targetElement.replaceChild(newElement, targetElement.firstChild);
And when you want to move the content to the new location, call:
<script language="JavaScript">
Do Web Parts do what you want to do?
Or, you can change the parent programmatically of your controls to move them into a separate area.
You can override the Render method and place the controls wherever you want in the html.
You only need to add controls to the Controls collection that must interact on the server. The rest of your HTML can just be written to the response stream. If you override Render you can create the html anyway you see fit, placing the controls in any order.
Below is an example of how to write out your html.
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
You could always put panels in the pre-defined locations and add the control to the specific panel at runtime.. Here's an example adding a label (the label could be replaced with any control).
Dim lblDisplay As Label = New Label()
lblDisplay.ID = "myLabel"
lblDisplay.Text = "Some Text"
As far as...
"Also, I don't want to have to work
with this control strictly from the
code-behind for the same reason."
I think you're going to have to do most of your work in the code behind.
PS.. a good example of the whole usercontrol setup can be downloaded here..
