Drupal6: $THEME_URL how to change themes based on full domain path - drupal

I have this function in my settings.php:
$THEME_URLS = array(
foreach ( $THEME_URLS as $info)
if ( strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],$info[0])===0)
$conf['theme_default'] = $info[1];
..but, I've now realized that all the pre-processing and drupal output happens before hitting the settings.php so in this case above, another site I have sharing content but on a different domain get's the above 'optotemp' theme applied since it also has a /optoelectronics section/page.
I tried using www.sitea.com/optoelectronics but it doesn't seem to work.
I need drupal to recognize the absolute path, the actual domain and not just the /optoelectronics part.
So, I have a custom page with the path url /optoelectronics and two variants. Which variant is served up has selection rules based on domains. Works perfectly. Now, since siteA has a new theme but needs to keep the old theme for the /optoelectronics section I thought the above function would work but I discovered it serves up that theme no matter what the actual domain is.
How can I serve up a different theme based on the actual domain? D6
NOTE: I am using the Domain Access module to serve up content based on the domain. But, I need to control the theme for two sections of one site, while leaving those sections as-is on the second site.

Have a look at this issue: http://drupal.org/node/622450
See the two modules mentioned on the top but also the hook_init() function in


Appending query parameter to Woocommerce category URL

I'm trying to force display the list view in my Woocommerce store but I can't seem to get it working.
The theme has support for list view and you can force it by appending "?product_view=list" so a category URL becomes:
Instead of the default one:
I added this Rewrite Rule to my htaccess but it doesnt:
RewriteRule ^product-category(.*)$ http://subliminalscience.com/product-category$1?product_view=list
It seems Wordpress ignores this Rewrite rule. Any ideas?
I'm surprised this answer stands as the only one.
Making changes in .htaccess to force this sort of behaviour seems really unnecessary and obviously isn't useful for others trying to solve this issue, especially those users on nginx servers or on shared hosting without .htaccess access.
You should try to fix this in PHP using an action.
Looking at your question, I can tell that theme you have is checking for GET data in the URL bar, which is the ?key1=value1&key2=value2 part of an URL. GET is an HTTP method that you can read about here if you want to learn more.
You can actually set GET data in PHP, and you can safely put this into your functions.php file.
You will want to create a function that simply checks the current page, and if it's a product category page sets the GET data.
At the bottom of your functions.php, you'd want to add something like this:
//Force all category pages to list view.
add_action('woocommerce_before_main_content','force_category_list_view', 5);
function force_category_list_view(){
$_GET['product_view'] = 'list';
I actually can't test this, but I think it'd work. Essentially, in the woocommerce template archive-product.php, the first action that runs is 'woocommerce_before_main_content'. What we're doing is calling our function, which checks the page is indeed a product category. If it is, it sets the GET variable as list, which is exactly what the URL is telling the page to do already.
Mainly this is just a better practise than altering your .htaccess, but someone determined could also override that GET data by changing the URL to read ?product_view=list&product_view=xyz I can't imagine this would be an issue in this instance, but in other instances it might be.

How can I successfully use browser-sync with wordpress locally?

I'm trying to get browser-sync to work with my multipress wordpress install, for simpler mobile / responsive development.
Currently I'm having problems in that, my normal development takes place at local.example.com, and browser-sync is proxying this (via 123.456.78.9:3202, as per browser sync).
So far browser-sync loads the site, but none of my scripts or CSS are loading (although images load fine). They jsut fail with no response in the network panel.
I'm using NGINX for hosting the site, as opposed to apache.
Does anyone have any wordpress browser-sync experience? Am I missing something with the browser-sync set up? And tips for this would be super welcome. I'd love to get this as a solid part of my work flow.
The problem is to do with how wordpress handles URLs, in that it normally uses full URLs for including content and links etc.
The proxy is trying to access these on another domain and that's why it's failing.
A much simple, cleaner and maintainable strategy, that also helps with development environments is to use the Root Relative URLs plugin. Adds hooks and configs similar to below, but also updates your content and editors to apply the same structure, so it's a bit more robust
Original Answer
You can add a simple hook (source: wordpress relative urls) to filter wordpress generated urls and remove the base domain so you get relative links to styles and posts etc:
$relative_url_filters = array(
'script_loader_src', //js
'style_loader_src', //css
'post_link', // Normal post link
'post_type_link', // Custom post type link
'page_link', // Page link
'attachment_link', // Attachment link
'get_shortlink', // Shortlink
'post_type_archive_link', // Post type archive link
'get_pagenum_link', // Paginated link
'get_comments_pagenum_link', // Paginated comment link
'term_link', // Term link, including category, tag
'search_link', // Search link
'day_link', // Date archive link
foreach ( $relative_url_filters as $relative_url_filters ) {
add_filter( $relative_url_filters, 'wp_make_link_relative' );
Which should clean up most of your issues and get browser-sync working nicely.
I'm still having some issues where I have more complex inclusions for images, but more or less it's working and we're already seeing how cool it is!

Duplicated permalinks on a wordpress page

First I have www.mywebsite.com/blog/ Which is another wordpress Blog under www.mywebsite.com.
Then I created a page inside www.mywebsite.com which has a url of www.mywebsite.com/blog/.
I want to change the first www.mywebsite.com/blog into www.mywebsite.com/blog2 so It won't confuse me anymore.
After changing the permalinks in the admin panel. I can't access www.mywebsite.com/blog anymore.
Is there any way to access the page of the original www.mywebsite.com/blog2/wp-admin? and view the duplicated page www.mywebsite.com/blog/?
Please comments if my question confuses you.
When moving your site, give the guide to moving wordpress or, in this case better, the guide of changing the wordpress url a glance.
Suppose you changed the URIs where you cannot move the files, but still can access the login page (through a redirection or something) you can recover your installation easily.
wp-login.php can be used to (re-)set the URIs. Find this line:
require( dirname(__FILE__) . '/wp-load.php' );
and insert the following lines below:
//FIXME: do comment/remove these hack lines. (once the database is updated)
update_option('siteurl', 'http://your.domain.name/the/path' );
update_option('home', 'http://your.domain.name/the/path' );
run it (once) and you are done. Test your site to make sure that it works right. If the change involves a new address for your blog, make sure you let people know the new address, and consider adding some redirection instructions in your .htaccess file to guide visitors to the new location. Delete those lines from your wp-login.php.

Custom Plugin for wordpress with hierarchy of SEF pages

Here's my issue. My company needs a vendor database added to our wordpress website. None of the existing plugins will even come close to what we need, and we already have a mysql database with all of our information, so we need to create a plugin or something to do what we need.
These urls need to be direct-accessible and have SEF urls. So, for example:
And, the custom content needs to appear inside the wordpress template.
There are really 2 options:
1) Find a way to write our application outside of wordpress, but find a way to bootstrap wordpress to show the header, footer, and sidebar.
2) Run the app from inside wordpress.
So I went for option #2. I created a new template file named "vendor.php", and began working. I added this code to my functions.php of my theme:
add_filter( 'template_include', 'xyz_template_check' );
function xyz_template_check() {
global $template;
$rqst = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
$ra = split("/", $rqst);
if ($ra[1] == "vendors") {
$template_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/vendors.php';
return $template_file;
return $template;
So what the above code does, if it sees the word "vendors" as the first part of the url after the site name, it sends you to vendor.php. This works PERFECTLY....
Wordpress believes that the page is not found. It returns a 404 header, and NOT FOUND into the page title and breadcrumb.
Adding a PAGE called "Vendor Database" with the permalink "/vendors/" fixes the main page. But there will be literally hundreds of vendors and different categories. I cant be creating a custom page for each one. This needs to be dynamic.
So, how do I make wordpress give a 200, and supply an acceptable page title, breadcrumb, etc.
Don't even get me started on the danged wp_title filter. This did NOT work as documented. Although, it just occurred to me that this might be an issue with Wordpress SEO (the wp_title filter issue).
Anyone got an idea on this?
Ok got this. The solution was to use the rewrite api, as mentioned above, to look for the pattern /vendors/, letting it know that it was a valid URL. Coupled with my existing template override, this is what I needed.

How to customize Wordpress Theme before going live

Yesterday I installed a new theme on Wordpress on my self-hosted website. I am aware of the feature that allows you to preview a theme and have used it to select a new Theme that I want to install.
I do not want to interrupt normal operations of my website, but this new theme requires a lot of customization before it is ready to go. How do I do this?
My Crappy Solution
Is the only way to go about it to run a virtual server on my desktop? This seems tedious, not to mention all the errors I usually get when switching to the "real" server when doing this.
A better way?
I've been searching on SO as well as the WordPress Forum for an answer as to how to do this, but have come up short. I would have thought this is a common question. Maybe I'm using the wrong search terms [themes, customization, before installing]???
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Ok, since your question is a pretty good one and probably not a few people are going through the same process when they decide to update their site, I decided to give a try to the get_stylesheet and get_template filter hooks. It turns out that with a very small plugin, you can easily enforce a specific theme(well in this case any logged-in visitor, but you can change this to use any logic you want) according to a specific rule/s.
Here's the code that you need to put in a file in your plugins directory:
Plugin Name: Switch Theme
Description: Switches the theme for logged-in visitors, while keeping the current theme for everyone else. !!!NOTE!!! Please back-up your database prior using this plugin - I can't guarantee that it will work with any theme, nor that it won't break your site's set-up - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK(I did a quick test and it seemed to be fine, but haven't done extensive testing).
You don't need to switch to the desired theme before that - you want to keep active the theme that you will display to your visitors - the one that you will see will be used programatically.
Before activating the plugin, change the line that says `private $admin_theme = '';` to `private $admin_theme = 'theme-directory-name';` where "theme-directory-name" is obviously the name of the directory in which the desired theme resides in.
class MyThemeSwitcher {
private $admin_theme = '';
function MyThemeSwitcher() {
add_filter( 'stylesheet', array( &$this, 'get_stylesheet' ) );
add_filter( 'template', array( &$this, 'get_template' ) );
function get_stylesheet($stylesheet = '') {
if ( is_user_logged_in() && $this->admin_theme ) {
return $this->admin_theme;
return $stylesheet;
function get_template( $template ) {
if ( is_user_logged_in() && $this->admin_theme ) {
return $this->admin_theme;
return $template;
$theme_switcher = new MyThemeSwitcher();
So - first of all BACKUP YOUR DATABASE! I tested locally with Twenty Eleven being the default theme and a basic framework theme as my custom theme - the theme options and navigation menus were saved properly.
Then all you need to do is to update the file(change the line that says private $admin_theme = ''; to private $admin_theme = 'theme-slug'; where theme-slug is the name of the directory in which the theme you want to use is).
Also - you won't be able to change the Front page and Posts page options, without this affecting the live site, nor will you be able to change the any shared components that both themes use(Site name, Front Page, Posts page, Posts Per Page, etc options, content and so on).
So if you have no clue whether this solution is for you - well, it depends.
If both themes are not relatively complex, then most-likely you should be able to use this hack. If they are though maybe you should do a second installation of your website as others suggested - I think that a second installation in either a sub-domain or a sub-directory would be the best option for you(simply because moving a multisite database is more complex than moving a normal WP database).
I'd setup local apache server with a wordpress installed to customize and test a new theme. When you finished customizing it then you can upload the theme to your live site and activate it. If there are settings that you need to set in the dashboard then you probably will have to adjust them again. That's one way to test/customize a theme before putting it live.
You could create a network (make WordPress multisite with define('WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE', true);, see : http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network) and then create one sub-site, then turn it "off" with a Maintenance plugin so it is not accessible to users not logged in as admin, export your posts & data from main blog, import them in sub-blog with WordPress default importer, then apply your new theme to this sub-blog and work on it. When everything satisfies you, apply the theme to the main site and deactivate subsite.
