ORA-14102: only one LOGGING or NOLOGGING clause may be specified - oracle11g

While importing an oracle schema from dump file, i am getting below error while creating tables.
ORA-14102: only one LOGGING or NOLOGGING clause may be specified.
I see the above error while creating tables from the dumpfile for several tables.
How to enable or disable LOGGING/NOLOGGING at schema level before i start import?

When performing an Oracle database export with the expdp of Oracle 11gR2 ( and then importing it into the database with impdp, the following error messages appear in the import log file:
ORA-39083: Object type INDEX failed to create with error:
ORA-14102: only one LOGGING or NOLOGGING clause may be specified
This is a known Oracle 11gR2 issue. The problem is that the DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL returns invalid syntax for an index created. So, during the index creation, both the NOLOGGING and LOGGING keywords are visible in the DDL. Download and apply Patch 8795792 from Oracle to resolve this issue.


Checkpoint table does not exist even after creating it

I have created checkpoint table ggate for replicat rep1 but still I am getting following error:
2014-09-04 23:38:21 ERROR OGG-00446 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for
Oracle, REP1.prm: Checkpoint table ggate.checkpoint does not exist.
Please create the table or recreate the REP1 group using the correct
2014-09-04 23:38:21 ERROR OGG-01668 Oracle GoldenGate Delivery for
Can anyone tell me how to resolve it?
In this kind of situations you should:
Have you actually run the ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE? if not run it
Check if the checkpoint table actually exists in the database - if it has been created - try to drop it (DROP CHECKPOINTTABLE) and recreate it (ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE)
Check if the checkpoint parameter is correctly set in the GLOBALS config file
Restart the MGR and Extract/Replicat processes
Verify if the user has access on the database to the checkpoint table (insert, update, delete rights)
If nothing works, run 10046 flag on the target database and check what the GoldenGate Replicat process is executing on the database and when it actually fails (what it wants to do on the database and try to do the same commands by yourself)
This is a simple troubleshooting initiative:
Are you using a traditional non-CDB database or a PDB?
Are you using Classic Architecture or Microservices Architecture? - Different approaches when adding a checkpoint table.
How are you running ADD CHECKPOINTTABLE? From GGSCI/AdminClient or from HTML5 page?
In Classic Architecture, do you have CHECKPOINTTABLE parameter set in GLOBALS? (CHECKPOINTTABLE [container.] owner.table)
Who are you logged into the database as when using DBLOGIN USERIDALIAS?
What replicat are you using? - Classic, Coordinated, Integrated, Parallel?
Check the schema where the table is suppose to be? If not there, you can query the DBA_TABLES view for the name of the checkpoint table and see who owns it.
A lot of times when the checkpint table cannot be created it is due to not updating the GLOBALS file and/or connecting as the correct user to the database.

How do I prevent flyway from creating the schema during init

I'm trying to start using flyway v2.3 on an existing Oracle 11g schema that does not contain the schema_history table
In my flyway.properties i've set the flyway.user to the schema owner and i've set the flyway.schemas property to the same value
When running init from the command line I expected flyway to only create the schema_history table but it fails with this message:
$ ./flyway.cmd init
Flyway (Command-line Tool) v.2.3
Creating schema "myschema" ...
ERROR: Unable to create schema "myschema"
ERROR: Caused by: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges
Why is flyway attempting to create the schema? I only want it to create the schema_history table in the schema I configured
The command is correct. Please note that flyway.schemas is case-sensitive and automatically filled with the default schema of the user if left empty.
I suspect the value you put in flyway.schemas is in the wrong case. Just leave it empty and you should be ok.
So you have to be sure you want to work on schema which belongs to user name with which you login. If you want to work in different schema you have to specify inside flyway.properties.
I've just had the same problem in Flyway Maven plugin 3.1.
I turned out that I have created my user with lowercase name
CREATE USER myuser ...
And I gave Flyway
But while connecting my user's name was cast to uppercase, so Flyway reported that user of name MYUSER did not exist.
Solution: Create and use Oracle DB user with uppercase name.

Not able to delete user in Oracle DB

I am getting the error while deleting user from oracle db. The error message is not very helpful to diagnose this issue. Please let me know if you are aware of this issue.
SQL> drop user sshil_lrg_2 cascade;
drop user sshil_lrg_2 cascade
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1
ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
ORA-06512: at line 36
The problem in most Oracle installations is a missing system table.
Oracle attempts to drop a non-existent system table during the CASCADE operation of dropping all of the user's objects.
Create the missing table in the Oracle instance.
See: https://community.oracle.com/thread/1048567?tstart=0
Then attempt the DROP USER {name} CASCADE command again.
Was able to successfully reproduce this error in a plain-vanilla Oracle install with no specific triggers created. This solution resolved the problem.
The error message ORA-00942: table or view does not exist indicates that some software tries to execute something like drop table I_DO_NOT_EXIST. However, you are not dropping a table but a user.
Looking better at the error message, you will also see ORA-00604 and line 36. This is indication that your original SQL statement caused other SQL (ORA-00604) and PL/SQL (line 36) to be triggered.
Probably you have a database trigger that executes on DDL statements. Check the contents of user_triggers of the user sys and disable/debug these trigger.
Writing a good trigger that fires on DDL is non-trivial, since you need to ensure that you don't lock yourself out ever.

Querying Titan ElasticSearch backend via Rexster

I have Titan 0.3.2 running in embedded mode, and have been able to create and query ElasticSearch indexes via the Gremlin shell (see previous question). I am using the default configuration, which calls the ES index "search".
These searches return the correct nodes without error via the Gremlin shell:
However, if I attempt to run these same Gremlin queries via RexPro, Rexster sends back this error for the first query above:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Index is unknown or not configured: search
and this for the second:
groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: CONTAINS for class: Script3
Similarly, if I try to query on the indexed key via the REST API (GET):
I receive the same error response:
{"message":"Index is unknown or not configured: search","error":"Index is unknown or not configured: search"}
Lastly, if I try to start with a clean database and run the index creation script through rexpro:
g.makeType().name("my_label").dataType(String.class).indexed("search", Vertex.class).unique(Direction.OUT).makePropertyKey();
I see the same unknown index error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Index is unknown or not configured: search
So it seems that Rexster needs some additional information about the indexing backend, possibly in its configuration file (I am using the default one included with the installation). Anyone familiar with this issue? Happy to provide more information.
You might have a mix of things going on, but the main thing is that as of Titan 0.3.2, Rexster does not automatically import Titan classes, so you can't query with CONTAINS. You need to specify the full package name when doing so:
I can't say for sure what else is wrong, but it looks like the elastic search index is not configured properly. That doesn't have much to do with the Rexster configuration file for Titan Server. It has more to do with the second argument you pass to titan.sh which contains Titan configuration information. Make sure that elastic search is properly configured as it is in this file shown here (default with the installation): https://github.com/thinkaurelius/titan/blob/master/config/titan-server-cassandra-es.properties

Querying a linked SQLite DB in SSMS

I'm trying to use a SQLite database a linked server in SSMS. I've managed to get the ODBC driver installed and a linked server created, but I can't seem to find a way to get queries to work. I think it's just a matter of not understanding the proper syntax for it. Here's what I've tried:
exec sp_tables_ex 'SQLITE'
This works as expected, showing all of the tables in the database.
select * from SQLITE.[default].dbo.TRANSLATION
Fails with this error message
Invalid use of schema or catalog for OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for
linked server "SQLITE". A four-part name was supplied, but the
provider does not expose the necessary interfaces to use a catalog or
Taking a clue from that, I tried removing the schema:
select * from SQLITE.[default].TRANSLATION
But this gives me another error message:
Invalid object name 'SQLITE.default.TRANSLATION'.
Likewise, the following give the same error (with slight changes for the object name):
select * from SQLITE.[default].TRANSLATION
select * from SQLITE.dbo.TRANSLATION
Any ideas? I'm not quite sure what to try from here.
